Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 853: Magic Emperor

"His sister, these demons are really difficult... ん."

With more and more demons, Xiang Lin Fei besieged and killed.

Even with the Slaughter Sword in hand, Lin Fei felt a little strenuous.

Moreover, with blood red sword qi one after another, he slashed out.

Lin Fei could feel that the blood-red rich killing intent that the Slaughter Sword scattered had begun to invade his body and the sea of ​​consciousness again.

Although Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness was protected by the soul tree, as more and more blood-red killing intents invaded, it still affected Lin Fei's fighting state.

Boom boom boom...

Lin Fei once again beheaded a few blood red sword auras.

Then, simply moved his body and moved down towards the teleport.

In an instant, he reached the tall Demon skeleton, his left hand fisted, and the force of 40,000 jin was released.

Bang bang bang bang...

The fist slammed into the wind, hitting the skeleton, and dozens of punches were already smashed within a short time of breathing.

Kaka Kaka...

The skeleton made more frequent noises, obviously, it had suffered a lot.

The sturdiness of the skeleton of this demons shocked Lin Fei.

I have already endured more than a dozen blood-red sword auras just now, and now I have endured dozens of boxings by Lin Fei, but it hasn't been destroyed!

Lin Fei couldn't imagine how there could be such a strong skeleton in this world.

"Protect the Demon Sovereign!"

The demons, at this time, have also jumped into the pool.

However, the Slaughter Sword in Lin Fei's right hand continuously slashed out huge blood red sword auras, temporarily blocking those demons, unable to get close.

I have to say that the magic weapon of the waste weapon level is indeed very powerful.

Lin Fei knew in his heart that if he hadn't had the Slaughter Sword, facing so many demons, he would have escaped.



Suddenly, that skeleton, after being bombarded by Lin Fei's fists for almost sixty to seventy times, unexpectedly rushed out with an astonishing long howl.

The extremely violent sound waves shook Lin Fei's eardrums.

The entire hall, amidst this screaming sound, rustled, and a series of small cracks spread quickly on the ground in the hall.

"The Demon Sovereign's demon sense finally awakened!"

"The Devil Emperor is mighty!"

After hearing this powerful and terrifying scream, the demons couldn't help but revel, and their faces showed fanaticism.



The overwhelming pitch black magic energy began to spit out fiercely from the bones and from each bone.

In an instant, the entire bottom of the pool was shrouded in pitch black magic.

call out!

A bright magic light suddenly appeared from the skeleton, and rushed towards Lin Fei's head.

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked, and cried out badly.

The degree of this magic light is too fast.

At this moment, Lin Fei was surrounded by hundreds of demons in all directions. It was too late to spread out and avoid.

This magic light broke directly into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

He wanted to hit Lin Fei's soul body.

"Soul Tree!"

Suddenly, the magic light burst out an extremely unbelievable scream.

"How is it possible that this weak human being has such a heaven-defying treasure like the Soul Tree!

Hahaha, that's great, I didn't expect that the emperor had just awakened and encountered a treasure like the soul tree. As long as there is a soul tree, the emperor's demon sense will grow with horror in the future.

Hmph, as long as you give the emperor a certain amount of time, even if it is a demon, the emperor doesn't need to be afraid. "

The magic light burst out with a laugh full of ecstasy.

Obviously, the soul tree is very attractive to it.


"Get out!"

With Lin Fei's thoughts moving, a demon with divine consciousness and twenty flying spears with divine consciousness suddenly appeared, and at the same time, they rushed toward the magic light.


Little bugs! "

The magic light came out with a cold snort, and then suddenly a powerful force came out, and it collided with the devil and twenty flying spears.

Evenly matched!

"Hmph, I can't think of it, you, an ant-like human, have such a powerful divine consciousness. The emperor has just regained consciousness, and suddenly he can't subdue you.

Alas, it may be the emperor's demon sense, who has been sleeping for too long. "

The magic light sighed, and an incomparably powerful force came out, attacking the devil and twenty flying spears released by Lin Fei.

Suddenly, there is no difference.

"Goblin, take me out of here."

Lin Fei knew that under such circumstances, his situation was very dangerous.

In the sea of ​​knowledge, there is this magic light, and hundreds of demons around the body are besieging themselves frantically.

If it were not for Slaughter Sword, Lin Fei knew that he would have been defeated long ago.

The goblin suddenly appeared from the magic orb, and then led Lin Fei directly through the space with the fastest speed, disappearing to the bottom of the pool.

Then, he appeared directly at the exit of the hall.

Lin Fei immediately launched a thunder step, teleported away, and rushed out of the hole.

"Hmph, count you going fast.

But I will find you sooner or later. "

The magic light in Lin Fei's Sea of ​​Consciousness also noticed that Lin Fei had left the hall and let out a cold snort, and then rushed out of Lin Fei's Sea of ​​Consciousness.


After Lin Fei rushed out of the cave, he left the valley directly, came out of the stone pillar formation, and flew away towards the distance.

After about a stick of incense.


Lin Fei stopped on a certain bare mountain.

"Devil Emperor, I didn't expect that the skeleton was actually the skeleton of a Demon Emperor."

Lin Fei muttered to himself.

The Demon Sovereign of the Demon Race is roughly equivalent to the powerhouse of the original realm of human beings.

Above the ying catastrophe is the original realm.

But, in this mass grave mountain, how could there be a skeleton of the Demon Emperor hidden?

Lin Fei couldn't understand.

Thinking of the difficulty of the Demon Emperor's skeleton just now, Lin Fei couldn't help but still have lingering fears.

It's just a skeleton, it's so difficult to deal with, if the Demon Emperor is restored to its strength, wouldn't it be even more terrifying.

I'm afraid that with my current strength, if I meet the Demon Emperor again, I will definitely run away.

After thinking for a while, Lin Fei couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and shook his head.

"Finally, leave it alone.

Let's finish this time first, the purpose of burying the mountain in mass. "

So Lin Fei continued to fly towards the depths of the Mass Burial Mountain.

At the same time, the power of divine consciousness was also released from a distance, sensing the surrounding terrain and ground patterns.

The map of black bones and flames was still in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

There are also those three sentences: Black bones Yin Huo, Mass Burial Mountain, Yin Tomb!

Lin Fei knew that the black bone Yin Huo should be in the dark grave.

However, this mass grave mountain range is so vast and boundless, to find this dark grave place, for a while, I really don't know how to start.

Only slowly search the past to see if you can rely on luck to encounter the place of the grave.

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