Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 854: Xuanyin Deficiency Candlegrass

Inside the hall, after Lin Fei left. 』』ΔLiterature fan. .

Those demons are all surrounded by the skeleton.

"Master Demon Emperor! Master Demon Emperor!"

A demon clan with the strength of a demon king kept calling out to that skeleton.

However, there was no response from the skeleton of the Demon Emperor.

"What's the matter, isn't the demon sense of Lord Demon Sovereign awakened just now?"

"Master Demon Sovereign, it should be okay, the hateful human being just now won't hurt Master Demon Sovereign?"

There is a demon who is a little worried.

"How could it be possible, Lord Demon Sovereign, with great strength, a small human being, how could it be possible to harm Lord Demon Sovereign so easily!"

Another Demon said.

Giggle giggle...

At this moment, the skeleton of the Demon Sovereign suddenly began to move slowly, and the dark and rich demon energy rolled around the skeleton.

Just now, after Lin Fei's violent and violent smash, although the bones of this Demon Emperor were not destroyed, many of the bones had cracked or even shattered.

The skeleton of this Demon Emperor moved for a while.

"Hmph, that human being actually made my demon body like this, I will never let him go."

Among the bones, a voice suddenly came out, and at the same time, there was a powerful and unmatched coercion that also spread out from the bones.

The whole skeleton shone with bursts of pure black luster.

"What are you waiting for? Don't hurry up and present the blood to this Demon Emperor!"

The skeleton came out with a shout.


The surrounding demons stepped forward again one by one, spraying their own purple blood on the bones of the demon emperor.

This is a resurrection ceremony unique to the demons.

As more and more purple blood was absorbed, the skeleton began to slowly grow blood.

Slowly, flesh and blood, meridians, tendons, skin, and even hair began to slowly form on each bone of this Demon Emperor's skeleton.

After a stick of incense, a demons with a height of about five meters and a terrifying aura formally took shape!


At this moment, those demons had all stopped giving their blood, but all stepped aside, respectfully and admiringly looking at the newly formed Demon Emperor.

The Demon Emperor moved his body a little, and his face showed satisfaction.

"Very well, this time you have made a great contribution to resurrecting the emperor.

When the time comes, the Hui will never treat you badly. "

Said the demon emperor who had just been resurrected.

"Thank you, Lord Demon Emperor!"

Those demons all bowed to the ground.

Among the demon clan, the division of levels is very strict. These demon kings and demon generals have a very low status in front of the powerhouses of the demon king level.

"That said, the powerhouse of the Demon Race of our Demon Abyss has once again opened up, and the space channel leading to this Yuanwu Realm is now open.

Hmph, hundreds of years ago, our demons in the Demon Abyss fought in the Yuanwu Realm and ended in a disastrous defeat.

The emperor was also suppressed in this desolate place for hundreds of years.

This time, we must bring the profit and ask for it back! "

In the scarlet eyes of the Demon Emperor, there was a light of extreme hatred.

"However, at present, the most important thing is to find the human being just now.

In this sea of ​​human consciousness, there is such a treasure as the soul tree.

The emperor must get the soul tree at all costs!

You must all assist the emperor to find that human being. "

When the Demon Emperor mentioned Lin Fei's Soul Tree in the Sea of ​​Knowledge, a strong light of greed burst into his eyes.

"Master Hui Demon Sovereign, this time, we have a total of ten small teams, more than a thousand demons, entering this mass grave mountain.

Because, in this mass grave mountain, besides Lord Demon Sovereign you, there are six other Lord Demon Sovereign and one Lord Demon Sovereign.

Our main task this time is to resurrect the Lord Demon Lord and the seven Lord Demon Emperors.

Thereby strengthening our demons and conquering the power of Yuanwu world. "

A demon king stepped forward and said.

"Hmph, don't worry about other things, just let me go, find the human being just now, this is the most important thing right now.

Understand? "

The Demon Sovereign looked cold, staring at the demons around him, revealing extremely cruel and dangerous gazes.


The demons around, all were shocked, all bowed their heads and replied respectfully.

The more powerful the demons are, the more temperamental, moody, and the slightest dissatisfaction will immediately kill them.

Therefore, these demons, how dare to say half a word.

"Well, that's right."

The Demon Emperor waved his hand and walked out with these demons.


Besides, Lin Fei, at this moment, slowly searched into the depths of the Mass Burial Mountain.

At this time, Lin Fei had already teleported Azi, the goblin, as well as Na Ying and Yan'er.

"This Xuanyinxu Candlegrass is just a legendary Eight-Rank Spirit Grass.

It is said that this kind of spiritual grass is only recorded in some ancient medicinal books.

Are you sure that there must be this kind of Xuan Yin Deficiency Candle Grass in this Mass Burial Mountain? "

Lin Fei said to Sister Ying.

It turned out that Sister Ying and Yan'er, who came to the Mass Burial Mountain this time, were looking for this Xuanyinxu Candelabra.

Lin Fei had also heard of the name of this Eight-Rank Spirit Grass.

However, according to Elder An, there are some very rare and unpopular elixir, which is very difficult to find.

This Xuanyin Deficiency Candle Grass is one of them.

Lin Fei only knew about the shape and characteristics of this kind of Xuanyin Deficiency Candlegrass, but he had never seen a real object.

"In the genealogy of our family, it is mentioned that we once had an ancestor who obtained the Xuanyinxu Candelabra in the Mass Burial Mountain.

That's why we came to look for it in this mass grave.

I hope that in this mass grave mountain, there is still Xuanyin Xuxucao. "

Sister Ying said, but in her tone, she was a little uncertain.

Lin Fei couldn't help but frowned. In this way, it was really like finding a needle in a haystack.

"Goblin, only rely on you."

Lin Fei said.

"Try your luck."

The goblin shook his head slightly.

Sister Ying and Yan'er are even more worried.

Along the way, under the leadership of the goblin, from time to time some rarer elixir was found.

It even found a real mineral spar buried underground.

There are forty to fifty million genuine yuan spars.

After digging out these genuine yuan spar.

Lin Fei divided half to Sister Ying and Yan'er.

The tens of millions of genuine crystal stones were nothing to Lin Fei.

However, for Sister Ying and Yan'er, it is an unimaginable astronomical treasure.

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