Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 897: Difficult Demon King


It turned out that it was a monster beast that used space power! "

As soon as the Demon Emperor appeared, his eyes were fixed on the goblin, his face was full of disbelief. . .

"A monster with the strength of the transformation stage...

Could it be the legendary... Goblin! "

Soon, the Demon Emperor seemed to release his identity as a goblin.

"Yes, it is indeed a legendary goblin!

Moreover, the goblin whose strength is still at its weakest, if it can be tamed, in the future, once it grows up, its strength will be unlimited.

Haha, well, the emperor is missing a mount, you are the only one! "

After the demon emperor recognized the goblin, a pair of demon eyes flashed with greed.


The Demon Sovereign waved abruptly, and a few strong demonic energy suddenly appeared around the goblin's body, like a few ropes, and in an instant, the goblin's body was tightly tied up.

Then, these demon qi, dragging the goblin, will fly in the direction of that demon emperor.

The Demon Emperor is equivalent to the original realm cultivation base of a human warrior.

However, after this period of time, Lin Fei knew that the demons in the same realm had much more combat power than human warriors.

For example, Lin Fei can kill the human beings who are strong in the catastrophe realm without much effort.

However, Lin Fei had to spend a lot of energy to reluctantly kill him when he encountered a demon king of the same realm as a strong man in the Ying robbery realm.

Who is strong and who is weak is clear at a glance.



The goblin was caught off guard, and was tightly bound by a few demonic energy.

Under the anger, the original form suddenly appeared.

A ferocious monster with a hideous face the size of a small house, with a gleaming silver body, a chilly air, and copper bars and iron bones, making people palpitate.

After the goblin showed its original shape, a thick jagged tail covered with thick scales, constantly flapping, struggling, and tearing the air.

However, no matter how the goblins struggled, they couldn't break free from the shackles of those demonic energy.

After all, goblins are monsters in the transformation stage, and their strength is equivalent to the virtual realm of a human warrior.

The strength of that Demon Emperor is too far apart.

"Haha, you deserve to be a goblin. Although it's still in a weak period, its strength seems to be much stronger than that of the average transformation stage monster.

Well, it is indeed qualified to be the emperor's mount. "

The Demon Emperor seemed very satisfied.

Naturally, Lin Fei would not just stand by.

With a movement, he was already beside the goblin.

Originally, if the Slaughter Sword was taken out, Lin Fei knew that he would definitely be able to cut off the magic energy bound to the goblins.

However, in this way, it is bound to hurt the goblin's body.

Therefore, in desperation, Lin Fei could only use his strength to forcefully deal with these demons.

Lin Fei's arms shook, and the force of 4oo million catties was displayed.

He grabbed a wave of devilish energy with both hands and pulled his luck.


It was actually breaking a devilish energy directly.

"Humble humans, looking for death!"

Since this Demon Emperor appeared, he hadn't looked directly at Lin Fei.

It was also true that he felt that the fluctuations in the vitality of Lin Fei's body were only the intermediate level of the virtual realm.

For this Demon Emperor, a Void Realm Intermediate is simply insignificant, with an ant-like strength.

As long as he moved his fingers, he could kill many human Void Martial Artists.

All he cares about is the goblin.

Now, seeing that Lin Fei actually broke off the devilish energy he had bound to the goblin, he couldn't help but immediately moved into murder.


call out!

Lin Fei only felt a fierce black light, rushing towards his sea of ​​consciousness, and violently slammed into his soul body.

Obviously, this Demon Emperor had performed a spirit attack, and wanted to directly destroy Lin Fei's spirit, and his soul would be scattered.

However, he never expected that among Lin Fei's current strength, the divine consciousness was the most powerful.

Especially Lin Fei's current soul body has been integrated into the soul tree, and he is even more afraid of the soul attack.

As soon as that black light penetrated into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, Lin Fei immediately felt that this black light was formed by a very pure demon sense.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi...

Under the soul tree, a dozen leaves suddenly fell off, hovering, and cutting towards the demon sense.

In an instant, the demon sense was surrounded, and within a tenth of the breathing time, the demon sense was completely decomposed and absorbed.

"how is this possible!"

In the eyes of the Demon Emperor, there was a look of astonishment.

He felt that the part of the demon consciousness that he released had penetrated into the sea of ​​human consciousness, but it disappeared like a clay cow into the sea.

At this moment, Lin Fei had successively torn all the magic ropes on the goblin body.

"Hmph, I can't think of it, you humble human being is a bit weird."

The Demon Sovereign gave a cold snort, stretched out his hand, and suddenly, dozens of thick and dark magic ropes as thick as arms appeared around Lin Fei's body.

In an instant, they swarmed up and bound Lin Fei.

These dark magic ropes appeared so strange that Lin Fei had no time to dodge.

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel bad.

The magical powers of the demons cultivated by the demons are indeed extremely secretive and intractable.

I just dealt with Elder Ke of the Tianyi faction, although he couldn't win, but he could barely deal with one or two.

Now, facing this demon emperor, it feels a little helpless.



The Demon Sovereign gave a cold drink.

Suddenly, the magic ropes tied to Lin Fei's body contracted sharply, producing a kind of twisting force, which seemed to want to chop Lin Fei's body to pieces.

Lin Fei let out a loud roar, his strength burst out.

Stubbornly resisting the strangulation of those magic ropes.

"Huh, dying to struggle!"

Seeing that Lin Fei had temporarily blocked the strangulation of those magic energy ropes, the Demon Sovereign stretched out his hand again, and a large number of magic energy ropes continuously appeared beside Lin Fei.

Then, they surged up, wrapped in rice dumplings, inside and out, not knowing how many layers of Lin Fei's body were tied.

The goblin was on the sidelines, exhausted, but couldn't deal with those magic ropes at all, and could only do it in a hurry.

At this moment, Lin Fei's face was flushed with suffocation, and the bones all over his body made a crisp sound, and it seemed to break at any time.

His sister's!

Attack with divine power!

Lin Fei's brain flashed, and suddenly thought of this.

Oneself is controlled, and the only thing that can be used is divine consciousness attack.

Therefore, Lin Fei had a thought, and was about to use the Burning God Technique.

Lin Fei has never performed a divine consciousness attack on a demon, this is the first time.

Lin Fei didn't know whether the Demon Race was like a human warrior, with a sea of ​​consciousness.

This is only known after trying.

However, he hadn't waited for Lin Fei to display that Burning God technique.



Lin Fei suddenly felt a strong suction from his body.

call out!

The magic ropes tied to the surface of the body were all sucked into Lin Fei's body.

More precisely, it was sucked into Lin Fei's bones!

It is the skeleton of that demon lord!

Lin Fei immediately thought of this.

In this way, Lin Fei regained his freedom, and all the magic ropes on the surface of his body had disappeared.

"what happened!

You can absorb the emperor's magic element! "

The Demon Emperor couldn't help being stunned.

Generally speaking, demon qi contains elements of tyranny, evil, coldness, darkness, etc., for the demon race, it is a great tonic.

However, for human warriors, it is extremely harmful, and it is tantamount to a highly toxic thing.

The Demon Emperor couldn't figure out why the human being in front of him could absorb all the devil qi that he had gone out all at once.

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