Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 898: Siege

Lin Feixian, after absorbing those magic energy ropes, the number of magic elements that existed between the bones in his body has increased a lot. "Literature fans.ん.

Astonished by the Demon King, he immediately released a powerful demon sense and felt it into Lin Fei's body.

"What..., you..., how can there be a skeleton of a Demon Venerable in your body.

Silver Sky Demon Lord!

It turned out to be the breath of Silver Sky Demon Venerable!

what is the problem?

How could there be the aura of Silver Sky Demon Venerable above a human body. "

Suddenly, the Demon Sovereign showed an extremely surprised expression, staring at Lin Fei with incredible eyes, the expression on his face was uncertain.

"Could it be that the Silver Sky Demon Lord has taken away this human being in front of him?"

Immediately, this Demon Emperor thought of this.

Because it is very common for demons to seize humans.

"Are you Silver Sky Demon Lord?

Below is the Yinshan Demon Emperor, who used to follow Lord Yintian Demon to fight against the Jizong that day.

Later, he fell into the Heavenly Machine Sect, and was resurrected not long ago. "

The Demon Emperor stared at Lin Fei as he spoke.


Lin Fei was taken aback.

It turned out that the Demon Emperor in front of him was resurrected in the Mass Burial Mountain not long ago.

Moreover, he also regarded himself as that silver heaven demon.

It seemed that after his body was fused with the bones of the Silver Sky Demon Venerable, it already bears the extremely heavy mark of the Silver Sky Demon Venerable.

Moreover, his own divine soul body had also absorbed the demon sense of that silver sky demon lord, and was also tainted with the spirit of the silver sky demon lord.

"Ahem, it turned out to be the Demon Emperor of Yinshan Mountain."

Lin Fei said vaguely.

As it happened, in order to avoid a battle with the Demon Sovereign in front of him, he had to temporarily pretend to be that Silver Sky Demon Sovereign.

"Master Demon, is it really you!"

The Yinshan Demon Sovereign was shocked, but, obviously, he was still doubtful and didn't believe it all.

"Since you know, don't bother me casually."

Lin Fei didn't dare to talk to the Demon Emperor. After a long time, he would definitely see the flaws.

Quickly winked at the goblin, carefully understood it, and immediately approached Lin Fei, displayed his spatial talent, and led Lin Fei into the void.

Although the goblins continuously display their spatial talents, they are very detrimental to themselves.

But under this situation, only bite the bullet.

"Master Mozun, now our demon army in the Demon Abyss is back in the Yuanwu Realm, why didn't you lead us to fight the Yuanwu Realm again."

Although the Yinshan Demon Emperor was a little doubtful about Lin Fei's identity, under the silver sky demon lord's power, he finally did not do anything to Lin Fei, and shouted to Lin Fei before Lin Fei left.

"I have my own business to deal with.

After processing, I will come to you naturally. "

Lin Fei dropped a word mischievously.

Then, disappeared with the goblin.


"Is he the Silver Sky Demon Lord?"

Yinshan Devil Emperor looked at the direction of Lin Fei's disappearance and muttered to himself.

"This matter, the emperor will check it out sooner or later.

It's the odd luck city, it's time to take it.

Humph, some time ago, the emperor was busy recovering his strength.

Now, the strength of the emperor has been completely restored, and a city of odd luck is not worth mentioning. "

In the end, the Yinshan Demon Emperor moved and turned into a cloud of dark magic energy, and disappeared in an instant.

After a while, the Demon Emperor of Yinshan Mountain had already returned to his camp.

At this moment, in the camp, there are already dozens of demons at the Demon King level waiting.

These demon kings, who had just received the Yinshan Demon Emperor's demon sense transmission, immediately came to this camp.

"Master Yinshan Demon Sovereign, your strength seems to be completely restored!"

A sharp-eyed demon immediately realized this.

"Congratulations to the Yinshan Devil Emperor for his recovery!"

The rest of the Demon King said loudly.

"Well, now, preparing to attack the city, none of the humans in Qiyun City will stay!"

Yinshan Demon Emperor said coldly without expression.

"it is good!"

Suddenly, these demon kings all cheered, as if waiting for this moment for a long time.


After a while, the demons and the people from Zhongtian Palace flocked to Qiyun City like a tide.

On the walls of Qiyun City, the large number of human warriors were shocked when they saw it.

One by one immediately took out their weapons and entered a state of battle. They flew from the city wall and greeted the demons and the people of Zhongtian Palace.

As soon as the battle was looming, outside the walls of Qiyun City, the sound of killing was rushing towards Yunxiao.

Besides, Lin Fei and the goblin traveled through the void again, and appeared somewhere above a thousand miles away.

"That Demon Emperor, the strength is really terrifying."

The goblin was still a little afraid when he thought of what happened just now.

Lin Fei also smiled bitterly.

Then, Lin Fei took a halt.

"Oh, did you start fighting so quickly?"

Under Lin Fei's perception of God's consciousness, it has been discovered that a war has begun in Qiyun City.

Within Qiyun City.

"Hmph, is that person really dressed as a demon?

The people of the real demon door are really connected with the demon clan.

What exactly is going on? "

Elder Ke of the Tianyi School has a gloomy face.

"Elder Ke, will the True Demon Sect, like Zhongtian Palace, have colluded with the Demon Clan in the morning?"

Beside, a Tianyi faction's Ying-Jie Realm strong man said.

"True Demon Sect is our Heavenly Dragon Sacred Kingdom. Among the five major sects, the sect has the longest heritage. It stands to reason that they will not collude with the demons."

Elder Ke said, seemingly unable to believe it.

"Hmph, this is all of us, I have seen it with our own eyes, can it be true that the magic door wants to rely on it?"

Tianyi faction, another person said.

"Well, yes, next time, when I meet the top of the real magic door, I must ask this matter carefully.

They are so magical, they must have an explanation.

Otherwise, the accusation of fornicating the demons would not be so easy for them to get rid of. "

Elder Ke snorted coldly, already thinking about how to question the next time he meets the top of the real magic door.


"It's not good, Elder Ke, the Demon Race and the Zhongtian Palace people are suddenly attacking the city."

At this moment, someone suddenly hurried to report.

"Go out and take a look."

When Elder Ke moved his body, he disappeared in place.

The rest of the people secretly admire, the Yuan Zhen realm masters, it really is no small thing.

In a moment, Elder Ke came to the wall of Qiyun City.

Looking around, I saw the demon clan and Zhongtian Palace's men and horses, attacking all over the mountains and plains, aggressively.

Elder Ke couldn't help frowning.

Some time ago, after the demons and the people of Zhongtian Palace surrounded Qiyun City.

There has been no large-scale siege operation.

Why today, the city was suddenly attacked so fiercely.

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