Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 989: Zhang Yue's Escape

Zhang Yue never thought that one day he would be so embarrassed!

The army suffered a fiasco, and he could only escape as a wolf, hiding and trying to escape from this city that he once used as his base camp!

It's nothing to lose a battle. He has lost a lot of battles over the years, but he has never fought a defeat like this one!

The Huangzhou defense line, which he had high hopes for, could not stop the attack of the pseudo-Tang thief army.

When he learned that the Huangzhou defense line had been conquered, he could actually judge that it was impossible to hold the Hanyang Palace City, but he wanted to break through!

But soon he gave up!

Because he had already learned at that time that Jingzhou was also conquered by the pseudo-Tang thief army, which meant that the passage into Sichuan had been completely blocked, and it was possible to escape to the north, but the 20,000 people garrisoned outside Hanyang City The many pseudo-Tang thieves were set outside the city like iron nails, supervising the Chinese army to conduct a tentative breakthrough.

It turned out that there was no accident, and was driven back by the main force of the First Army of the Tang Dynasty outside the city!

Relying on the fortifications of the city, they can still hold on to one or two, but out of the city, the huge gap in combat power between the two sides has been completely reflected. The 30,000 people under his command will be unable to break through the defense line of the First Army!

In the process of trying to break out of the siege, Zhang Yue also discovered that there were still heavily armored cavalry in the pseudo-Tang bandit army outside the city!

At that time, his vanguard had just left the city and had not had time to start. It was first attacked by about a thousand light cavalry from the enemy army. The impact of the heavy armored cavalry!

The 5,000-strong vanguard force was restrained by the frontal infantry of the Pseudo-Tang Bandit Army, and the flank was attacked by this heavy cavalry.

In the end, Zhang Yue had to order to return to the city!

Failed to break through, Zhang Yue was forced to defend!

But I couldn't hold on to it. It was fine at first. The puppet Tang thieves were stationed outside the city to prevent them from breaking through. They didn't come to attack. When there are more than 100,000 people, he is completely desperate!

Perseverance in despair, without any will, the defense line of Hanyang Palace, after being severely shelled, did not hold it for a day, it was completely collapsed!

This is not only the huge gap in the combat effectiveness of the two sides, which led to the heavy casualties of the defenders. In fact, the exchange of fire between the two sides seemed to be tragic, but the casualties of each other were not large. When the assault battalion of the Datang Army entered the city, The defenders in the city basically collapsed completely.

The 30,000 defenders killed and wounded about 7,000 or 8,000 people. The rest either surrendered on the spot or collapsed and became deserters, and those deserters, in the end, were expected to become prisoners of war.

When the army collapsed, Zhang Yue also thought about committing suicide, but he was persuaded by his subordinates, saying that although they were defeated in this battle, they still had tens of thousands of troops to supervise. Yunnan is still there, as long as you escape, all hope is still there.

Zhang Yue himself doesn't care about life and death, but he is not reconciled!

He is really not reconciled. He has worked so hard for so many years to establish a supervising standard of more than 100,000 people, and has become the mainstay of resisting the pseudo-Tang bandit army. Still there, he still has a chance!

So he finally gave up the idea of ​​suicide, and started the road of escape with his subordinates!

But at this time, the entire Hanyang Mansion City was already under the control of the pseudo-Tang bandit army, how could it be so easy for him to escape.

In the afternoon, I was almost discovered several times by the patrolling forces of the Pseudo-Tang Bandit Army, but I hid all the way and finally managed to hide now.

And half an hour ago, the central guard commander under his command went out to look for food and never returned, and there were gunshots and grenades in the direction he left. He just knew that the more than 20 people who went out to find food. It was already bad luck. In order to avoid the pseudo-Tang thief army coming over from the vine, he left with someone at that time.

Today, the sky is completely dark, but there are firelights everywhere, and gunshots and explosions are also heard from time to time, adding a touch of noise to the dark night.

But Zhang Yue is very clear, whether this can escape or not depends on tonight.

In the dark, it is easier to hide.

But when it was dawn, the pseudo-Tang thief army completely blocked the nearby city, and searched inch by inch. It was too difficult for him to escape successfully.

So even though he was very tired, he didn't stay in this small house for long, and soon left with people.

But this time, instead of running with hundreds of people, he only brought three of the most direct linemen, and they were dressed up in disguise.

As for the others, they are also running away, but in the other direction. Another confidant of his will put on his clothes and run away. That confidant is his family son, and his body is similar to him. Although there are differences in appearance, But if you don't get close to it, it's hard to tell.

Zhang Yue did this because he felt that the goal of fleeing with more than a hundred people was too obvious, and now he did not feel that these more than one hundred personal soldiers could protect him.

There are tens of thousands of fake Tang thieves in the city now, what is the use of these hundred people!

It's not as good as three or two people with small goals, so that they can sneak out of the city while they are in chaos. As long as they leave the city, they will be much safer!

Zhang Yue had a good plan, and the soldiers of the 12th Infantry Division who were tracked down from behind succeeded in finding more than 100 'Zhang Yue' who escaped in the second half of the night, but after a fierce battle , When they were looking for the captured prisoners, well, there was no Zhang Yue at all, only a middle-aged man dressed in Zhang Yue's official residence.

The head of the thirty-fifth regiment who led the team was so angry that he played the dozens of people on the spot and shot Zhang Yue's personal soldiers who bought time for Zhang Yue.

What kind of preferential treatment for prisoners of war, at this moment, I can't care about it.

Then, they turned around and started searching for the real Zhang Yue.

But after such a delay, it is not easy to find Zhang Yue again!

After dawn, they also have no clue!

Because Zhang Yue now has only two direct linemen beside him, and there are only three people in total. If you want to hide, you can just find a place to hide.

Therefore, the Datang Army who entered the city could only use the most helpless method, directly blocking the entire city, only allowed to enter but not to go out, no one could do it!

Then continue to impose martial law in the city, start to search for the broken soldiers in the city, and also look for Zhang Yue!

But Zhang Yue is just like the disappearing water droplets, he can't be found anymore!

For three full days, Zhang Yue was not found out. The leader of the team and several senior generals were annoying, and at this time, the Son of Heaven didn't care about Zhang Yue's life or death. Anyway, the two main forces of the supervising target , both the left army and the central army are finished.

Moreover, part of the Zuobiao Army and the former army are still in Hubei, and when the time comes, they will also be killed.

Li Xuan's goal is not Zhang Yue alone, but the 100,000 Huguang Governor Biao. Killing this army is equivalent to breaking the back of the Governor Biao. It will be much easier to fight in Sichuan and Yunnan later.

So Li Xuan doesn't care about Zhang Yue's life or death!

In addition, it has been several months since the expedition this time, and it is impossible for Jinling City not to go back all the time. Taking advantage of the end of the Hanyang Battle, the occupation will be completely established. The subsequent Southwest Battle is estimated to be garbage time, and Li Xuan will not have it. The mood continues to stay in Huguang.

Therefore, four days after conquering Hanyang, the Son of Heaven returned to Beijing with a group of civil and military officials!

Before returning to Beijing, he personally made deployments. The follow-up battles in Huguang will be carried out by the First Army, Second Army, and Fifth Army together, but after capturing Anlu Prefecture, Xiangyang Mansion and other places, the Fifth Army will Leaving the two armies, then heading north to Xiangyang, and finally entering the area east of Jiayuguan in western Shaanxi, shouldering the important task of entering from southern Shaanxi, directly from north to south, and into Sichuan.

However, in the future, the Fifth Army will also become an important force of the Datang Army in the northwest region!

In the huge northwest, relying only on a fourth army is not enough anyway, and many of the local reserve divisions are actually the frontier troops of the former Ming Dynasty, and their combat effectiveness is worrying. Send more main troops. Now that the Huangzhou campaign and the Hanyang campaign are over, the Datang Army can already free up its hands and increase its troops to the northwest region.

The Son of Heaven took the civil and military officials back to Beijing, and the Fifth Army also left Hanyang and went directly north to De'an Mansion, and then to Xiangyang Mansion!

Even the troops of the First Army quickly left Hanyang, and they will move westward quickly. Their predetermined strategic goal is to capture Anlu Prefecture, then arrive at Jingzhou to join the Second Infantry Division, and then continue westward along the Yangtze River. Prepare to seize Padang, to seize the channel from east to west into Sichuan.

It had already been reported in Badong before that the 7th Mixed Regiment's operation plan to attack Badong failed, because when they finally reached Badong, they found that there were already tens of thousands of troops in the Badong area. The troops were stationed, and it didn't take long for the more than 6,000 troops of the Dubiao Right Army to bypass Jingzhou and rushed here.

In the face of the 16,000 troops guarding this place, the Seventh Mixed Regiment could not make a sneak could not make a strong attack, and finally had no choice but to ask for help from the rear.

As for the Second Army, in the previous battles of Susong and Huangzhou, the consumption was relatively large, and in the battle of Hanyang, it also suffered a certain loss!

At the same time, the Datang Army has a tradition that when both troops suffer losses, the guns, ammunition and troops of one of the troops will be drawn to supplement the other.

In this way, one of the units can be quickly restored to its peak combat effectiveness, while the other unit rests in place, waiting for the replenishment of recruits, guns, and ammunition.

This time, the Second Army assumed the role of supporting the First Army and the Fifth Army, and dispatched a large number of troops and guns and ammunition to the First Army and the Fifth Army. As a result, it was seriously short of personnel. Guns and ammunition are even more scarce.

Therefore, for the next period of time, at least half a month, the Second Army will stay in the area centered on Hanyang for rest and replenishment!

Seeing that many pseudo-Tang thieves have left one after another, there are only more than 10,000 pseudo-Tang thieves left in the city, and when the large-scale search for the defeated soldiers in the city has been stopped, Zhang Yue, who has been hiding, is also relieved!

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