Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 988: Zhang Yue runs away

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The Son of Heaven came to the front line in person and made a promise of promotion and fortune. This is undoubtedly a great encouragement to the 100,000 soldiers who participated in the Hanyang Battle!

The combination of spiritual incentives and material incentives has a huge lethality!

There are no people in this world who can firmly resist, but they are definitely a minority!

Especially behind these promises, the Datang Army still has an almost absolute advantage. The Ming army supervising the city was guarded, and there were only 30,000 people in total. After several days of shelling and exploratory operations, the Ming army At least thousands of people have been reduced, and most of these people are still very important artillery!

The artillery of these years is quite technical. The experienced gunners and the inexperienced gunners use the same artillery. The difference is huge. bombarded.

Under such circumstances, the artillery of the Datang Army has an absolute advantage, and this absolute advantage in artillery can quickly be transformed into an advantage for the infantry.

When the command of the general attack was issued, the horns of the charge of each unit were blown!

The tens of thousands of Tang soldiers who attacked in the first wave rushed towards the head of Hanyang Palace City like a flood that burst a levee!

Among them, many of the assault battalion soldiers were the vanguards in the flood. They all wore various types of plate armor, jumped out of the traffic trench, and then ran to the city head dozens of meters away!

Naturally, the inspector of the central army in the city will not sit still and watch the Datang Army rush forward. They are also fighting desperately!

Braving the artillery fire of the Tang Army, they bombarded the city with all kinds of remaining artillery, such as Wankou guns, Folang machine guns, field guns, and of course, the muskets of the musketeers!

It has to be said that the firepower of the supervising army is stronger than that of other Ming armies, and it is much stronger, but unfortunately, they are facing the Datang Army, and they are still the Datang Army who have completed the transformation. main force.

All the troops of the Datang Army participating in the Southwest Campaign this time have already completed the replacement of their rifles. The arquebuses have long been abandoned, and all the flintlock guns have been replaced.

At the turn of spring and summer last year, the Tang Army in the Northern Expedition had only one infantry division and one Guard armed with flintlock guns, but by the winter of last year, most of the main forces participating in the Southwest Campaign had been successfully replaced. The flintlock gun was installed, and by the end of the first month of the seventh year of Xuanping, all the troops participating in the Southwest Campaign had already completed their outfits!

The flintlock gun has become the most important infantry weapon of the Datang Army at present!

And this also means that the Datang Army's infantry firepower, even with the same force, is far more than the supervising standard that is still equipped with arquebuses.

Not to mention, in this battle, the strength of the Datang Army was almost four times that of the supervising army in the city.

When many infantrymen in the front row launched the charge, the flintlock pikemen who provided fire support in the back row shot at the front of the city. Their purpose was not to kill how many Ming troops, but to completely suppress the city. The Ming army's counterattack on the head.

Tens of thousands of muskets fired repressive fire, countless projectiles hit the battlements, splashing countless sand and gravel, and those Ming troops who dared to lean out to fight back, as long as they dared to come out, they would be easily beaten. Become a hornet's nest.

The rumbling sound of guns, the crisp and dense sound of gunfire, the sound of grenades exploding, and the shouting of soldiers on both sides, filled the entire battlefield at this moment!

Even in Jiangxia County, which is on the south bank of the Yangtze River, people can clearly hear the rumble of cannons, and through the rumble of they can feel the brutal war thousands of meters away.

Tens of thousands of people charged, and they were charging in dense formations. If this happened in the era when machine guns were invented and equipped on a large scale, then you would see soldiers cut into pieces by heavy machine guns like wheat.

But now there are no machine guns!

Although the Ming army had shotguns, Folang machine guns and field guns, they were not too powerful in terms of power. If one shot was hit, it could also cause a lot of casualties to the Tang Army, but these guns, However, there is a huge flaw, that is, the continuous ability of firepower is too poor.

After the artillery fires, if you want to fire again, it needs to be reloaded, and this kind of reloading takes time.

The loading time is calculated in minutes!

And even if the assault battalion sword and shield soldiers in heavy armor rushed to the city wall from 30 meters away, the whole process would never take a minute!

In other words, the Ming army on the top of the city actually has only one chance to fire and intercept it at most once!

Therefore, when the Ming army above the city opened fire, killing and injuring many Tang soldiers in the charge, the officers of the Tang army who commanded the battle outside the city all showed excitement, and then waved Commanded the knife and shouted loudly: "Come on!"

Even ordinary soldiers who have gone through several battles know that after the guns are fired, it takes a long time to reload. Otherwise, you would think that the Datang Army likes to play a wave of face-to-face salvos with bayonets during a decisive battle in the frontal field. flow.

That's not because the rapid fire of the musket is too slow, and the hit rate is too low at a long distance, so I simply approached within 30 meters before firing to ensure a relatively high hit rate, and then directly charged with the bayonet after the salvo!

That's why, big -->>

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