Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 987: The Son of Heaven is on the front lines, cheers!

It is not surprising that the army and navy chose the opposite choice of cast iron and bronze artillery during this period, the opposite is normal.

Because the two have completely different requirements for artillery!

On the Army side, after so many years of combat, the number of artillery pieces used has increased, and they have their own understanding. Professional artillery generals such as the Army’s artillery director believe that the Army’s future artillery development should be divided into three parts. Types, the first category is field artillery, the second category is infantry support artillery, and the third category is siege artillery.

Field artillery, that is, a cannon with a long barrel, can accompany the troops to maneuver. In order to balance power and maneuverability, the artillery director believes that the caliber of field artillery should be greater than five jin, but not more than nine jin, while the current five jin artillery The combination with the nine-jin artillery is already more suitable.

The infantry support artillery is all kinds of shotguns. At present, there are mainly two-jin shotguns and three-jin shotguns. The artillery director believes that the performance of these two types of artillery is not good, and they should continue to be developed.

Heavy siege artillery, including long-barreled cannons of more than 14 pounds and howitzers with larger calibers and more than 24 pounds, are equipped with a small number of equipment and are only used in specific tough battles. There is no requirement for mobility, but they must be Powerful.

According to the development direction of these artillery pieces of the Army, the Army believes that the performance of field artillery is the most important, hit accuracy, and the ability to withstand rapid fire are very important, and only the quality of the barrel is average, and it is easy to explode during rapid fire. At the same time, the cast iron five-jin artillery with only more than 400 barrels lifespan is undoubtedly not in line with the needs of the army.

Every time a large-scale battle is carried out, in addition to carrying a large number of artillery shells, the army's logistics force also has to carry a considerable number of spare artillery pieces.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the Army wanted to change the cast iron 5-jin artillery to bronze 5-jin artillery during the battle of Hanyang.

But on the navy side, their demand for artillery is that the more powerful the better, the weight is not a problem, and the life of the barrel is not a problem. Anyway, in a decisive naval battle, it is impossible for one artillery to destroy more than 500 rounds or even Thousands of shells, even if they can hit, there are not so many ammunition on warships.

And another very important point is that the army's field artillery is light, relatively speaking, the demand for raw materials is relatively small, but the naval artillery, the nine-jin artillery is only a medium-caliber artillery, and the fourteen-jin artillery is the main Guns, not to mention the battleships being built by the army, the main guns are scheduled to be 32 pounds of naval guns.

These are big things with long tubes, and they weigh several tons casually.

A few tons of cast iron and a few tons of copper, the cost difference is huge!

What's more, the number of these large-caliber artillery pieces of the navy is still quite large, not a few dozens of them, but hundreds of thousands of them.

Although the navy is the younger brother of the Tang military, they are equipped with more artillery than the army.

A cruiser and a frigate have dozens of artillery pieces, and currently there are dozens of cruisers and frigates in the Navy. If you add patrol ships and inland warships, there are hundreds.

Therefore, the Navy is now in a very urgent need to use iron to cast large-caliber naval guns, so as to effectively reduce the pressure on military spending.

As for the cast iron artillery that is too heavy for the Army, the barrel has a poor lifespan, and its ability to withstand chamber pressure is not good, this is not a problem for the Navy at all!

To withstand the pressure difference between the chambers, the barrel should be thicker and the caliber should be larger, and at most it will weigh a few tons more!

As long as the cost comes down, everything else is acceptable!

The army and navy, the demand and development of artillery, have now embarked on a fork in the road, and in the future, it may be difficult to see the situation where the army and the navy are equipped with the same type of artillery.

Not to mention the artillery development of the navy and army, nor to mention the happiness and troubles of the army in the battle of Hanyang because of enough cannonballs!

The people in the logistics department and even the state-owned enterprise department don't care about the thoughts of those in the artillery unit. They transport so many artillery shells, not to please the army artillery general, they are for their own future.

The logistics department is also a part of the Privy Council's report. Those logistics generals are very clear that in the strategic planning of the Privy Council, the Southwest Campaign is the last large-scale battle in the near future.

After the Southwest Campaign is over, although the Datang Army will still fight in various places, it is basically unlikely that such a large-scale campaign will occur.

That is to say, on the side of the logistics department, don't worry too much about the consumption of too much ammunition in the Southwest Campaign, and other aspects can't be taken into account. Anyway, it is impossible for the arsenal to stop production, and the shells will be continuously produced every day. , don't worry too much.

Furthermore, everyone knows the importance of the Southwest Campaign, and the Logistics Department also hopes to give full play to its role in the Southwest Campaign, so that the Son of Heaven can see that the victory of the Southwest Campaign is inseparable from the efforts of their Logistics Department, even It was because their logistics department had sufficient ammunition to be able to win.

After the end of the Southwest Campaign, the domestic unification campaign will come to an end. When the horses are released to the Nanshan Mountains, it is impossible for the soldiers to disarm and return to their fields, but it is certain that the military expenditure will drop sharply.

If nothing else, in the eighth year of Xuanping, military spending will definitely drop sharply, and when military spending drops, the military will definitely have to tighten its belt to live.

Dismantle the main force? This is impossible. The main force of the Datang Army now consists of fourteen infantry divisions and ten mixed regiments, with a total strength of less than 200,000.

Abolition is impossible!

But to cut military spending, in addition to the reduction of war funding, it is estimated that other non-essential expenditures will be greatly cut, such as logistics troops.

Today, the logistics force in the Datang Army is quite large. Although they are all expropriated civilians, they must be managed by officers of the Logistics Department. Under the Logistics Department, they are responsible for the logistics of logistics throughout the country. The total number of troops exceeds 30,000, which is not a lot at all.

After the Southwest Campaign, some of them will definitely be abolished. Now the logistics department is striving to preserve the backbone of the logistics department as much as possible. Don't be too ruthless.

Naturally, Li Xuan doesn't care too much about the thoughts of his generals. He only needs to see the result he wants to see: surround and annihilate the Governor General's army, and capture or kill Zhang Yue!

Others, he is too lazy to care.

After the artillery unit fired countless shells towards Hanyang Palace City, the infantrymen in the Datang Army finally launched an attack on the fourth day!

It was not a large-scale general attack, but a small-scale exploratory attack, mainly to test the remaining strength of the Ming army in the city, and whether the effect of the artillery bombardment was as expected.

The effect of this tentative attack was surprisingly good. The tenth mixed regiment, which was tasked with the tentative attack, only used an assault to capture a section of the city wall!

If not this is just a try

If the follow-up troops did not keep up with the attack, it is estimated that the tenth mixed regiment would be able to directly tear open the defense line of the Ming army supervising the central army.

Although they were forced to retreat in the end, the success of the tenth mixed regiment also gave the Privy Council the confidence to launch the final offensive!

They think the time is ripe!

So Shu, the night after the tenth mixed regiment launched the test, Lieutenant General Lei Wan officially requested to launch the Hanyang general attack!

After Li Xuan glanced at the battle plan submitted by the War Department, he just approved a big accurate word.

This announces the official launch of the Hanyang Battle General Offensive!

At dawn the next day, the artillery units of the Great Tang Emperor's Division launched a rapid rapid-fire artillery bombardment before the sun had risen and the sky was still white!

The artillery units did not care about the lifespan of their barrels and whether they would explode, so they just fired rapid fire!

When the artillery units launched rapid fire on the main assault directions such as Chengtou, the assault battalions that had been prepared for a long time jumped out of the traffic trenches and rushed towards their respective assault directions!

And the troops in the rear quickly followed!

In fact, the Tang Army's general attack was not sudden, although it was dawn, the sky was just bright!

But how could a general attack of tens of thousands of people be able to hide from the commander-in-chief army in the city!

You have tens of thousands of people lined up outside the city to prepare to charge, even a fool knows that you are ready to attack!

But even if they knew, the Ming army in the city had made considerable preparations, but the 20,000-odd Ming army remaining in the city faced the first round of charge, which was the total attack of the Tang army of more than 40,000 people.

It is impossible to have much power to fight back!

You have to know that this time the general offensive was just the assault battalion, and the Datang Army invested as many as eight at one time!

Almost every weak point in the defense of the central army has an assault management to charge!

Li Xuan was also at dawn, when the general offensive was launched, he took his ministers across the pontoon bridge and came to the front line in person!

Not for command, but also to boost morale!

When he was wearing his unique dragon-patterned military uniform, wearing a sword of the Son of Heaven on his waist, wearing black leather gloves, walking on long leather boots, and riding a brown Central Asian horse with a shoulder height of 1.55 meters, he appeared in the Frontline time!

The soldiers of the 1st Infantry Division responsible for the main attack on the west side are boiling!

Of not only Li Xuan personally went to the front line, but also because the glorious and great Son of Heaven, greater than the sun, announced to the soldiers: "As long as those who participate in this battle, Ben Every month will be paid double, but all those who have made meritorious deeds will be credited twice as much, and those with outstanding military merits will be awarded a title!"

Who is Li Xuan? He is the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty!

The words spoken are the imperial edict!

Ordinary soldiers fought hard to kill the enemy for double pay and double credit, and those ordinary officers wanted to rush to fight in person for double military credit.

And those middle and senior officers are all drooling at the title!

Even the senior generals like Li Chunjing and the others have red eyes!

Because knighthood is not just about people who don't have knighthood getting knighthood, it is also an important opportunity to upgrade their knighthood to the senior generals who have knighthood!

In the previous battles of Huangzhou and other battles, Li Xuan did not have a major conferred hero, no one would think that Li Xuan had forgotten, everyone knew that Li Xuan was waiting!

And now it seems that after the Battle of Hanyang, it's time for the Son of Heaven to confer a great hero!

Therefore, today's battle, even for a person like Li Chunjing, who has already become a marquis, is a rare opportunity!

Whether this can successfully obtain a duke at the end of the unification war, or even a hereditary replacement, depends on today's!

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