Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 986: happy and troubled artillery

In order to reduce the pressure of the Fourth Army, Li Xuan has always been increasing the number of troops in the northwest, but the increase is not the main force, but the reserve division!

In this area, the Datang Army has already deployed ten reserve divisions, accounting for more than half of all reserve divisions north of the Yangtze River, and Li Xuan's consideration will increase the number of reserve divisions in this area in the near future. To two, so that the Fourth Army, the main field force, can be completely freed up for mobile operations!

It is worth noting that quite a few of these reserve divisions are directly adapted from the original Ming army frontier army!

There are many reasons for this. On the one hand, these Ming troops stationed in the north and northwest regions for a long time. Although they are all old troops, their overall quality is not bad. On the other hand, when the Fourth Army marched into the northwest, in order to avoid A large number of control areas were seized by foreign enemies, so the preferential treatment policy of local reorganization and local garrison was adopted for the Ming frontier troops stationed in border towns at that time and still defending against other places.

In an emergency, many Ming troops in border towns changed their names directly, that is, they became the Great Tang King Division, but this kind of reorganization was limited to reserve divisions.

This also led to the fact that the reserve divisions in the northwest region were relatively complex, some were drawn from the Central Plains, some were recruited and formed on the spot, and some were reorganized by the Ming army frontier army.

This also led to the complex composition and weak combat effectiveness!

However, there is no way out. Who makes the current Datang Army insufficient!

The Fourth Army has only more than 30,000 people in total, and they are exhausted to control such a large area!

And although the reserve division's combat effectiveness is not very good, it is still good to suppress the local area and suppress civil unrest.

After all, those border towns where the Ming army was garrisoned by foreign enemies before, are unlikely to be attacked now. Those foreign enemies are not as complete with guns and artillery as the Tang Army!

To put it simply, the Fourth Army and the reserve divisions in the current Northwest Region can protect themselves, but the attack is insufficient!

The Fourth Army is under great pressure. Naturally, don't expect them to send too many troops to the south to fight. It is already very good to send an infantry regiment in Xiangyang and Yiyang three passes. More combat tasks are actually still cooperative operations. Two prep teachers did.

On the northern front, you basically don't need to expect them to take De'an Mansion or Xiangyang Mansion, and in fact, there is no need for the Fourth Army to go south to break the situation. Now, the main force of the King of the Tang Dynasty has gathered in Hanyang, and it is enough to fight a decisive battle directly. The adventure draws the troops of the Fourth Army.

After observing the defense on the other side of the Yangtze River by the river, Li Xuan took his ministers back. He didn't know that when he took a large group of military and political dignitaries to inspect the other side of the river, on the other side of the Yangtze River, Zhang Yue also used the binoculars to look at Li Xuan and his party!

Although the distance is very far, even with the monocular telescope produced by the pseudo-Tang Thief Army, Zhang Yue can only see a large group of blurred silhouettes, but looking at this posture, Zhang Yue can easily judge that he has spent the past few years. The opponent, the pseudo-Tang emperor Li Xuan is among them.

Just now, he even had the urge to directly call the only two nine-jin artillery pieces for shelling. If he was lucky, he might be able to kill Li Xuan directly, even if he couldn't kill Li Xuan, But it is also good to kill several other important officials of the pseudo-Tang.

It's just that he just thinks so. Reason tells him that even a nine-jin artillery can't hit it at such a long distance, let alone hit it accurately.

The nine-jin artillery of the superintendent is actually an imitation of the nine-jin artillery of the Datang Army. The effective range is only more than 500 meters. Even if the accuracy of the hit is not considered, the maximum range is only more than 3,600 meters.

And now Li Xuan is at least five kilometers away from their artillery positions, and the range of artillery is not that far!

Even if it is within the maximum range of a nine-jin artillery, for example, three thousand meters, you basically don't expect to be able to hit it.

The shelling at this distance is basically only a sound, and the hit rate will be so bad that you will doubt your life!

After all, Li Xuan is not stupid. Since he dares to go to the riverside to inspect the situation on the other side of the Yangtze River, he naturally considers his own safety. If there is not enough distance, how can he go to inspect.

Even if he wanted to come, a group of important officials would still cry and shout to stop him!

Li Xuan came to Jiangxia, and the command organization of the Privy Council could also command the battle nearby. However, for Li Xuan himself, the days did not change much.

The Tang Dynasty has developed to this level, and many things do not need him to do it himself. Even this decisive battle is presided over by a large number of generals and officers. Although Li Xuan is reluctant to admit it, but now that he has come to the front line, the biggest The only thing left is to boost morale.

After waiting for three days in Jiangxia, the main force of the Fifth Army finally arrived in Hanyang!

After the Fifth Army arrived in Hanyang, it was stationed on the north side of Hanyang!

In this way, the Datang Army has actually constituted a comprehensive encirclement of Hanyang!

The west side is the main force of the First Army, and the north side is the main force of the Fifth Army. On the east side, it is empty now, but the Second Army is coming, and it is expected to arrive in five days.

As for the south side, that is the Yangtze River, and on the river are hundreds of warships of the Yangtze River Fleet!

Now, the 30,000 governors in Hanyang City are in the middle of the army, and it is already impossible to fly!

Before, Zhang Yue didn't want to run, but now, he can't escape even if he wants to run!

On the 20th day of the first month of the seventh year of Xuanping, the Second Army successfully arrived at the east side of Hanyang, thus completely surrounding the Dubiao Central Army!

After the arrival of the Second Army, the Datang Army did not launch a general attack immediately, but waited for three days!

These three days are for the Second Army to rest and replenish supplies!

But three days later, the more than 600 artillery pieces in the Great Tang King's Division started a large-scale artillery bombardment!

And this scale of artillery bombardment has never happened since the Tang Army formed its army, and it is even larger than the naval guns used in the previous naval decisive battle at sea!

In this shelling, the army artillery units participating in the shelling included five field artillery regiments, four independent field artillery battalions, and seven heavy short-barreled howitzer battalions.

In terms of the navy, according to the previous combat management, more than 100 artillery pieces were awarded from inland warships, and two naval artillery regiments were formed.

Among the many artillery pieces involved in the shelling, there were more than 150 9-jin artillery pieces, 100 24-jin howitzers, 50 48-jin howitzers, and six 14-jin heavy artillery pieces.

With so many artillery pieces, the scene was earth-shattering!

Almost every moment, artillery shells fell on the fortifications of the Dubiao Central Army, and the city defense artillery positions of the Dubiao Central Army were the key targets.

More than half of the howitzers were aimed at the artillery positions of the Inspector Mark Central Army!

The huge disparity in the number of artillery pieces on both sides means that the Inspector's Army was at an absolute disadvantage in the early artillery battles!


When the artillery battle lasted for two days, the entire Hanyang City was already devastated. The gate tower on its city wall was almost completely destroyed, and several sections of the city wall were destroyed!

At this time, the Datang Army had not even completed the preparations before the total. They had not even dug the tunnels for blasting the city walls, nor did they dug the traffic trenches used by the assault troops to charge.

However, the city of Hanyang Mansion on the opposite side was beyond recognition. Even under the fierce shelling, those officers who were using binoculars to observe the effects of the shelling had a hard time finding the superintendent.

The entire city seems to have become a dead city!

Seeing this scene, Li Xuan couldn't help but nodded, and then said to a group of courtiers: "It seems that the 50,000 shells fired in the past two days are not in vain!"

"I have sent an order to the artillery units. I am very satisfied with their work. I hope they will continue to work hard and complete the artillery preparations before the general attack to the greatest extent possible, so as to create a passage for the assault troops!"

Li Xuan personally decreed that he was very satisfied with the artillery unit. Although it was only a simple sentence, it was quite a boost to morale.

Because this made the hard work of the artillerymen who worked hard to carry and load the shells recognized, and it was also recognized by the Son of Heaven!

In the next few days, Master Wang of the Tang Dynasty did not care that the artillery counterattack of the Chinese army in the city was getting smaller and smaller. In the end, they simply did not fight back, not to mention that several sections of the city wall had already collapsed. They were still stubborn. According to the established battle plan, they are shelling!

After attacking the artillery positions of the Superintendent Central Army, attack the city head, and then launch artillery fire in the depths behind the city wall!

The logistics force has prepared more than 80,000 artillery shells for this decisive battle, and more artillery shells are continuously being transported here along the Yangtze River waterway.

The people from the logistics department were very generous. They told the generals in the field army, "Let go of your fighting. This time, the cannonballs are enough!"

Actually it is!

There are so many artillery shells prepared by the logistics department. If they really want to shoot them all, quite a few of the artillery pieces in the field troops will be shot and scrapped!

Especially the artillery in the Second Army and the Fifth Army have experienced many battles before, and the barrel life of many artillery is not much left. Once again, a high-intensity large-scale artillery bombardment is carried out~www.wuxiaspot .com ~ hit scrap that is for sure.

This situation makes those artillery generals happy and miserable!

In most cases in the past, when fighting a war, you had to count artillery shells. In this battle, each artillery can only fire ten or twenty rounds of artillery shells. Now this is the case, the shells are enough, let go as much as possible to shoot.

There are too many artillery shells, which is to make them worry that the barrel life of the artillery is not enough!

Then I started to complain about the poor barrel life of the cast iron artillery!

The general offensive of the Battle of Hanyangfucheng has not yet begun, but several leaders of the army have discussed together for many times whether it is time to replace the five-pound cast iron artillery, preferably bronze.

The barrel life of these five-pound cast iron artillery is really poor!

During this war, the military's logistics units not only have to carry artillery shells, but also often need to carry spare artillery pieces. It is shameful to say such a thing.

But they also didn't think about it. They also replaced the bronze cannons with cast iron cannons back then!

Not for anything else, but for the cheapness of cast iron artillery!

But now, they are starting to miss the good performance of bronze artillery, especially the life of the barrel!

However, unlike the army, which wanted to replace the cast iron cannons with bronze cannons, the navy took great pains to replace all the large-caliber artillery with cast iron.

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