Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 985: Seeking wealth and wealth, going to Ryukyu is a fart

But no matter whether it is intentional or incidental, there is no doubt that the Ryukyu Islands have become the Ryukyu Prefecture under the rule of the Tang Dynasty!

Now, more than 100 middle and low-level officials sent by the Tang Dynasty, 1,500 army soldiers and the Ryukyu Squadron of the Navy, plus other supply fleets, have formed a large-scale fleet of more than 30 ships. Mighty left the mouth of the Yangtze River, and then went straight to Ryukyu!

Not long after, the latest issue of the Tang Dynasty Daily reported on this matter. Although it was not the front page, it also occupied half of the third page. It was responsible for reporting the matter. The chief writer, used the words "overseas pioneers" to describe them!

Because they will be the first batch of officials and garrison troops dispatched by Datang to overseas territories, their every move will have a great impact on similar situations in the future of Datang!

If the Ryukyu House is properly disposed of, then similar overseas territories will also adopt this model, but if there is a problem with the Ryukyu disposal mode this time, the small problems will be repaired, if it is a big problem , then the cabinet will carefully consider the handling mode of similar overseas directly administered territories.

Is it the same as now, all officials of the eighth rank and above are dispatched directly from the mainland, or is it appropriate to introduce local Chinese native officials.

These choices all depend on the handling of the Ryukyu Prefecture!

Naturally, Shi Huo and the others wouldn't. Senior officials from the Ministry of Personnel and other ministries paid a lot of attention to the situation in Ryukyu Prefecture. They just thought they were unlucky and were sent to Ryukyu, thousands of miles away.

In fact, not all of them were unlucky people who were forced to go to Ryukyu. Among the more than 100 civil servants, there was someone who chose to go there on their own initiative.

This person is Fang Pinglu, the prefect of Ryukyu!

Why did he choose to take the initiative to go there, naturally, for the sake of his own future!

Unlike ordinary middle and lower-level officials in the Tang Dynasty, he has a distant cousin who is a military boss: Fang Xitong!

And going to Ryukyu was also suggested by Fang Xitong!

Before that, Fang Pinglu was a cognate of Jiangxi Guangxin Prefecture, and he could become a cognate of the same government. Although Fang Xitong was said to support him, in fact, Fang Xitong never took the initiative to arrange for him in order to avoid it. To any good place, he can get up and it is his own ability.

He was an ordinary person before, not even a scholar. He only knew a few words. He was a thief, no, it was a little late from the dragon. After the Tang Dynasty occupied the eastern part of Guizhou, he was ready to go south to Guangdong and Guangxi. Long, he was just a small river officer at the beginning, and then kept climbing up one step a year, but his education level was not too high, the higher he went, the more difficult he encountered. .

And at this time, it was a coincidence that when he was looking through the family tree, he happened to find that he and the military boss, Lieutenant General Fang Xitong, had the same ancestor more than a hundred years ago, and then he was cheeky. Ran up to confess.

Fang Xitong didn't have much rejection for this distant relative who came to him, because at this time, Fang Pinglu already knew the same from the fourth rank.

And Fang Xitong's own family, to be honest, except for himself, the talents are withering. He himself has no direct brothers, his own son, get rid of him. He himself is only in his twenties, and his oldest son is only four or five years old. .

Originally, there was a cousin with good ability. He finally pulled him up and made him a major in the army, but luck was tricky. This cousin of his was killed in the Northern Expedition.

Now, he is a dignified lieutenant general of the army, a marquis of the empire, and the most powerful Fang family in the empire. Apart from himself, there is actually no brother or uncle who has served in the military and government for two terms!

Standard polished commander!

In order to avoid any accident on his own one day, for example, like his cousin, he was killed on the battlefield by a cannonball without a long eye, thereby causing the decline of the family. Lu Gao glanced.

It's just that Fang Pinglu's cultural level is not very high, and he is still a civil official. It is not easy for Fang Xitong to pull him up. It is too difficult to take the normal path to promotion.

Although he Fang Xitong is a lieutenant general of the army, he has a huge influence in the military, but in the cabinet, especially in the personnel department, to be honest, his words are not easy to use.

The relationship between the military and the cabinet has always been relatively bad, and they are suspicious of each other. He would like to say a few words to the senior officials of the Ministry of Personnel, saying that I have a cousin, and you can take care of him. You believe me If you don't believe that the Ministry of Officials will ban his cousin to Shankara the next day, don't expect to return to the capital in this life.

Going on the right path is not good for promotion, and it is not very useful to have a relationship, so there is only one way left, that is to seek wealth and risk, don’t stay in the mainland, go to Ryukyu, go to make achievements, although that place is cheap, although dangerous, but Going to Ryukyu for promotion and making a fortune is a piece of shit!

Ordinary people don't know, but Fang Xitong, who is at the core of the empire, naturally knows the grand ideal of the Son of Heaven: conquer the world!

From this, it can be expected that the Tang Dynasty will annex more overseas territories in the future, so the current disposal of the Ryukyu House seems to have a huge reference effect.

What's more, Ryukyu is close to Dongying, and will be the forefront of the empire's dealings with Dongying in the future.

In this case, it is much easier to make achievements than other places, and it is easier to be noticed by the Son of Heaven. At that time, there is no need for much, just let the Son of Heaven see his name and feel that he is in the Ryukyu did not bad, then it is a huge victory!

There are so many yamen in the Tang prefectures, but how many prefectures can attract the attention of the Son of Heaven? There will never be more than ten fingers, and all of them are industrial and economic centers, such as Songjiang Prefecture.

And Ryukyu will become the place that attracts the attention of the Son of Heaven after these important economic towns!

Moreover, the army dispatched the head of the garrison of Ryukyu Prefecture, who was Fang Xitong's old subordinate. In this way, the coordination between the Ryukyu Prefecture Yamen and the military was smoother.

Fang Xitong even thought that in the future, if the Son of Heaven had a whim, he would start a war against Dongying, then the Ryukyu Islands would be the frontline fortresses and logistics bases. , always to his credit.

Under various circumstances, Fang Xitong suggested that he work in Ryukyu, so that not only can he take the opportunity to remove the subordinates from the fourth rank, but when his term of office expires and he returns to the homeland, he can be promoted to another level without incident.

Of course, he did a good job in Ryukyu in the early stage, and if he didn't do well, he didn't need to do it hot, and Fang Xitong could step on him directly, so that he would not be affected.

When Fang Pinglu, Shi Huo, and more than 100 other people went to Ryukyu on a naval vessel, their thoughts were different, but most of them were not in a good mood.

Even Fang Pinglu was worried about how to start his work after arriving in Ryukyu. It was best to get results in a short period of time.

Just as more than 100 officials and a total of more than 2,000 army and navy officers

When I left Shanghai and went overseas to Ryukyu, the other side of the Yangtze River in Hanyang Prefecture was Jiangxia County in Wuchang Prefecture.

Li Xuan was on the edge of the Yangtze River, holding a telescope and looking at the situation on the other side of the Yangtze River!

Lieutenant General Lei Wan, who was on the side, explained to Li Xuan: "The fort opposite Jiang is their Jiang Fang fort, but it has already been shelled by our large-scale fleet three times before and after, and their navy has already The entire army has been wiped out, and the puppet Ming thieves have now abandoned this Jiangfang Fortress, and all their troops have retreated to the surrounding areas of the city!"

"The pontoon on the left is the main channel for our army to supply river crossing operations. The puppet thieves have also tried to destroy them many times, but they were all intercepted by our naval forces. repair!"

Li Xuan watched and listened, but didn't give much response!

And Lieutenant General Lei Wan was obviously familiar with Li Xuan's attitude, and continued: "Currently, the River Crossing Force has the 1st Infantry Division, the 10th Mixed Regiment, the 1st Lancer Regiment, and two heavy artillery battalions. However, from Huangzhou The Fifth Army, which came from the front line, had already conquered Huangpo before. Currently, the vanguard of the Fifth Army is less than twenty miles away from Hanyang. It is expected that they will be able to contact them tomorrow. Three days at the latest, the Fifth Army The main force of the army will reach the east side of Hanyang as much as possible.

In addition to the Fifth Army, the Second Army has also finished resting and is currently coming! "

"On the northern front, an infantry regiment of the Fourth Army and a reserve division also passed through the three passes of Yiyang and headed south, but they have less troops. To be cautious, they will try to attack De'an House. Retreat to the three passes of Yiyang, and guard the north-south passage!"

"The news from Xiangyang shows that although it is difficult for the 4th Army's approximately 4,000 troops to attack Xiangyang, it is still possible to contain the enemy in that direction!"

After listening to Li Xuan, he nodded slightly: "The difficulty of the Fourth Army is understandable. In this battle, the Privy Council does not need to make too many demands on the Fourth Army!"

As the emperor of the empire, Li Xuan is naturally very clear that according to the current deployment of the Datang Army, it is not the first army that is under the greatest It is not the second army and the fifth army, but the third army. Army and Fourth Army.

Among them, the Fourth Army is the most important!

Because the three armies in front, as the main force for attacking Huguang, have sufficient troops and sufficient ammunition, it can be said that they are strong and strong, and they don't need to control too large an area, just rush to the past to fight.

But the Fourth Army can't do it!

At present, among the various armies in the Tang Dynasty, the Fourth Army has the largest defense area, but it is not the most powerful!

The Fourth Army only had two infantry divisions and one mixed regiment, but their defense area included the central and western regions of Henan, the entire Shanxi, and the entire Shaanxi. At the same time, there were enemies on all sides.

In the north, they want to garrison the border towns of the Great Wall to resist the Tartars. In the west, they want to garrison Jiayuguan to prevent the invasion of the northwestern region such as Turpan. In the south, they are still fighting against the Ming army at Xiangyang and Yiyang Sanguan!

This has also led to the fact that in many important directions, the Fourth Army can only dispatch a few thousand troops. Most of the time, the infantry regiment is the core, with a number of auxiliary troops, and a mixed regiment-like force is formed to assist alone. defense in a certain direction.

But just like this, the Fourth Army is far from being able to control such a large area, because not only externally, but also internally.

The current Fourth Army is too busy to take care of itself, and doesn't give much help to the friendly forces fighting in Huguang. In this battle, the First Army, Second Army, and Fifth Army have to fight by themselves!

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