Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 984: annexation, that's just incidental

On this day, among the various farewell poems that appeared on Jinling Wharf, one word appeared in many poems at the same time, and that was 'Wanli'.

This term also fully reflects the pessimistic attitude of many talented and beautiful people who came to bid farewell to many talented and beautiful people. They believed that these officials who went to Ryukyu once traveled thousands of miles, and probably would never return in this life, how pitiful!

It's as sad as it can be!

Without the word Wanli, it is simply impossible to fully express their regret.

In the crowd, Shi Huo boarded the Navy's transport ship with his two followers as usual. Although he was desperate, on the surface, he maintained that as a scholar, as a Tang official, he should Some decent.

With a smile on his face, he held onto the railing, waved his hand gently, and greeted his friends who were seeing him off.

In private, he fainted and fainted, and he was scolded for yelling. In the past few days, the thief has been scolded by him at least dozens of times, and the **** officials of the Ministry of Civil Affairs have already been scolded by him. He'd cursed hundreds of times, but it's fine to do these things in private, but not in public.

Even if he thinks that the trip to Ryukyu is full of waves, and whether he can come back alive depends on whether God will give him face, but he still needs to maintain decency.

As a scholar, this demeanor must not be lost.

However, although there are still people like Shi Huo who look as usual, and there are many, but not all of them have such a good psychological quality. When many people get on the boat, they are helped by others. Those legs are so soft that they can't walk!

Of course, the officials who were able to appear here today, although they were desperate and full of fear, didn't want to get on the boat in their hearts, but in the end they all got on the boat obediently.

As for those who are unwilling to go, of course there are, but the Ministry of Personnel has already dealt with them. If they don't go, it doesn't matter. Leave the official hat and you can get out.

These days, there is no shortage of people to be officials. If you don't want to go, there are a lot of people waiting in line!

Therefore, those who can appear on this pier today have been carefully considered and carefully considered. Among those who lost their official hats and went to Ryukyu to become an official, they chose to continue to go to Ryukyu to become an official.

After all, although going to Ryukyu is very risky, it doesn't mean that you will die if you go there. Even if you go to the ghost place of Dayuanfu to become an official, the casualty rate of officials is still very, very low. At most, the conditions are more difficult and difficult.

What's more, in order to appease these officials who went to Ryukyu, the Ministry of Personnel has already made a package for these officials who went to Ryukyu to serve in Ryukyu, and they will serve for three years. After the three-year period, they will be transferred back to you, and you will be promoted after you come back!

Otherwise, although it is possible to force them to serve in Ryukyu, it is not good if the opposition is too loud, and it is always necessary to give them a little hope.

After Shi Huo and the others got on the ship, they followed the Yangtze River all the way to the east, and then arrived at Shanghai Port. After a few days of rest in Shanghai Port, this line of civil servants was transferred to a merchant ship belonging to the Datang Dongyang Trading Company, a subsidiary of the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises. , and the two frigates of the Navy, four patrol ships, three supply ships, and 1,500 soldiers of the Army who took many transport ships went to Ryukyu together.

The establishment of a prefecture in Ryukyu is not only a major event for cabinet agencies such as the Ministry of Personnel, but also a major event for the navy and army!

The establishment of a government in Ryukyu will set up complete administrative agencies at all levels. At the same time, the army has decided to send two infantry battalions, an artillery battalion, a baggage battalion and other troops to the Ryukyu Islands, with a total force of about 1,500. People, at that time will be stationed on the main islands such as Ryukyu Island and Amami Island, and the focus of the garrison is naturally the two larger islands of Ryukyu Island and Amami Island!

The 1,500-man army garrison was all drawn from the Sixth Army, but now it has an independent establishment, which is called the Ryukyu garrison. Although the size of the army is 1,500, it is still Dispersing the garrison, calling it a regiment is a bit exaggerated, but Ryukyu is special, so it is also treated specially.

The commander of the regiment will be an army officer with the rank of colonel!

In addition to the army, there is also the navy. The navy will not station the main fleet in the Ryukyu Islands for a long time. The main fleet of the navy has many heavy tasks, so although there will be a main fleet patrolling in the past, it is not It belongs to the jurisdiction of Ryukyu.

The navy will set up a Ryukyu Squadron in the Ryukyu Islands. The main task of this squadron is to patrol and protect the safety of the Ryukyu Islands, as well as the safety of this section of the sea route.

It is estimated that there will be one new 450-ton frigate under its jurisdiction, and four new 180-ton patrol ships will be used as the flagship of the squadron, as the main force of patrol and escort, and several other small ships.

However, in order to ensure the strategic security of Ryukyu Prefecture and avoid any turmoil, the navy will station a marine battalion with about 500 troops here in the short term, or in the next few years. During the year, it will maintain a main fleet of at least one cruiser and a number of frigates in the Ryukyu Islands for a long time to conduct cruises and strategic deterrence.

A year later, the main fleet will be arranged for irregular garrison and patrol according to the situation!

The one who shoulders this task is naturally mainly responsible for the security of the East China Sea, especially the Fourth Squadron, which is mainly responsible for the safety of the sea from Ryukyu to Dongying. At present, the Datang Navy has many main squadrons, mainly deployed in two directions, one is the South China Sea, which Used to deal with threats from foreigners such as Portugal and Spain.

The other one is deployed in the East China Sea, mainly to control and defend the coast of the south of the Yangtze River.

However, there are also several squadrons that have been out for a long time. For example, the Fourth Squadron has been centered on the Ryukyu Islands for a long time, and patrols, escorts, and fights pirates in this sea area.

There is also the Fifth Squadron with the same task. This squadron is mainly stationed in Lianzhou, and the patrol scope goes deep into the waters off the coast of Annan, and it is their patrol scope all the way to Malacca.

These two squadrons are actually the main squadrons of the Datang Navy for patrolling, deterring and escorting the outer seas. Although the other squadrons are not weak, they still patrol the coastline of the Tang Dynasty. , The point guard's own coastline is safe, and he doesn't take the initiative to attack on weekdays.

Only when the main force is in a decisive battle will the Datang Navy dispatch various squadrons to fight together. On weekdays, each squadron is the core for daily patrols.

The army dispatched 1,500 people, and the navy directly stationed a Ryukyu squadron and a marine battalion. This shows that the military attaches great importance to Ryukyu!

In other words, this is not the military's emphasis on Ryukyu, but the emphasis on Ryukyu by the entire Tang Dynasty. Why? Because this broken place is currently an important transit point for Datang's maritime trade with Japan.

Otherwise, you thought that the Tang Navy had eaten too much a while ago before landing on the Ryukyu Islands and then arresting all the Ryukyu kings, not for profit!

In recent years, Datang Merchant Shipping began to travel frequently on the sea route from Huaxia to Dongying.

Ships from Dongying, many ships, especially merchant ships departing from the ports of the southern provinces, basically pass through the Ryukyu Kingdom. When passing through, they have to pay taxes at the port of berth, and sometimes they do business directly with merchants in Ryukyu.

This back-and-forth took a long time, and then these sea merchants settled the accounts, hemp, I actually paid so much money to the Ryukyu Kingdom every year, and the business was not very neat, after all, I was in a foreign country, doing things Of course it's not very convenient!

However, the attitude of the sea merchants is not the key. It was the pirates who really prompted the Tang Dynasty to send troops to the Ryukyu Kingdom!

After the severe crackdown by the Datang Navy in recent years, the coastal areas of Datang have been gradually cleaned up. At present, there are very few large-scale pirate gangs in the coastal waters of Datang, although there are still some small-scale pirate gangs hiding. It is active in some coastal waters, but it is basically unable to pose too much threat to the coast of Datang and the past merchant ships.

But there were more than 10 million pirates in the coastal areas before. They didn't mean that they were all killed by the Datang Navy. The pirates annihilated by the Datang Navy were actually only a very small number.

So where did so many pirates go?

Most of them have switched careers to become maritime merchants!

At present, the sea merchants who are engaged in maritime trade in major ports are actually pirates who have changed their careers. Port trade, but after leaving the coast of Datang, they basically recovered their true colors.

And you still can't tell whether they are sea merchants or pirates!

The sea merchants or pirates these days are basically of the same virtue. The ships are all armed merchant ships, and all of them go out to sea with guns and guns. When the merchant ships are fighting each other, the ghosts know whether they are personal grudges or want. Robbery.

Even if the Datang Navy severely cracks down on this situation, the Datang Navy is not omnipotent.

Those pirates or sea merchants, UU reading www.uukanshu. In the waters patrolled by the Datang Navy, naturally, they will not be foolish to fight, but when they reach the far sea, they will let themselves go one by one, because the Datang Navy can't control it in the far sea.

This also leads to the fact that all merchant ships that go to the ocean will carry guns and guns. Even if you are not going to rob others, you must prevent others from robbing you! .

Even the three maritime trading companies under the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises of Datang, such as the Datang Dongyang Trading Company, which specializes in the Japanese route, and the Datang Nanyang Trading Company, which specializes in the Nanyang route, are all armed merchant ships. In the early years, the young crew were still pirates.

Not to mention the Datang Western Company, which has a monopoly on trade in Europe and can legally organize company armies. They even have cruisers.

In the past, many pirates along the coast of the Tang Dynasty were transformed into legal seamen or sailors of the Tang Dynasty.

However, there are still some pirates who have gone to other sea areas and continue to do their old jobs. It is quicker to grab them directly when doing business!

A large number of pirates who ran off the coast of the Tang Dynasty are now basically active in the South China Sea, the Ryukyu waters, and the coast of the East China Sea. Even the Portuguese are a headache for this.

Against this background, in order to maintain the Japanese route and to fight against pirates in the Ryukyu waters, that was the direct reason for the Tang Dynasty to send troops to the Ryukyu Kingdom. As for the accidental annexation of the Ryukyu Kingdom, seriously, not Didn't think about it, but actually that was just incidental.

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