Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 983: "Send Shi Huo to Ryukyu"

But in the face of the wailing of the unlucky ones who were chosen, how can they change the decision of the officials!

Nima, His Majesty has been watching the Ryukyu Mansion matter personally. If His Majesty himself cannot choose suitable officials at all levels for several days, and we are not willing to go, what will His Majesty think?

If the Son of Heaven casually said that the personnel department was not doing well, the official hats of those in charge would fly off in minutes, so they used a quick knife to cut the mess and directly selected about twenty middle-level officials, including A magistrate, two magistrates, a magistrate's yamen, and the main subordinate officials in the two magistrates' yamen, such as the magistrates in the prefect's yamen, the heads of various bureaus, the county seat of the magistrates in Ryukyu County and Amami County, and the chiefs of various departments.

In addition, there are three independent yamens that have nothing to do with the local administrative yamen.

As mentioned above, these officials are still some of the main middle-level officials. As for those low-level officials and ordinary staff, they will be arranged separately. In addition, some localized natives will also be selected to serve as local officials.

Among the unfortunate group of more than 20 mid-level officials, there is a Jiangxi native who is a 5th grade jinshi from Xuanping, and the former governor of Songyang County, Zhejiang Chuzhou Prefecture Shihuo!

But when he received the appointment letter from the magistrate of Amami County, Ryukyu Prefecture, he almost fainted without excitement. Several servants and maids pinch people, pouring cold water, this is the way to get our poor Lord Shihuo. wake up!

After waking up, he was stunned there, and looked out the window like a fool!

No one knows, at this moment his heart is roaring: Master thief, do you want to be so ruthless!

It’s easy for Lao Tzu to study poetry and books for more than 20 years. It’s not been two years since the good days. This time, I returned to Beijing as a candidate. I thought I could be transferred back to various ministries in Gyeonggi. As an official, it is naturally excellent. After a few years, a county magistrate will basically get it.

In the Ming Dynasty, there were many corrupt officials, and there were many shady scenes in the imperial examination. He couldn't even pass the examination as a scholar. It was not easy to wait until the rise of the Tang Dynasty, and then he ushered in his life.

He passed the test all the way and participated in the imperial examination for the first time, that is, when Xuanping was three years old, he passed the exam. In five years, he participated in the examination held in Jinling and became a sergeant. Although he was only a third-class fellow jinshi, he was also a jinshi.

After being admitted to the Jinshi examination, he first practiced in the Ministry of Agriculture for three months, and passed the assessment three months later.

This position is also a relatively important section chief position in the county government within the current Datang system.

Most of the provinces, prefectures, prefectures, and counties in the Tang Dynasty followed the example of the cabinet.

In the provincial governor's yamen, there are various departments, including the police department, the agriculture and forestry department, the commerce department, the public works department and other departments directly under it, and there is also the taxation department, but the taxation department has nothing to do with the governor's yamen, because the taxation agency has always been a tax Under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry, there are also the Provincial Inspectorate and the Provincial Court. They are all provincial-level independent institutions. Although their chief officials are one level lower than the governor, they have no direct relationship with each other.

Then it can also be understood in this way: the provincial governor has no jurisdiction over the provincial inspectorate, the provincial court, and the provincial taxation department!

The prefecture and the county are similar, there are various departments in the prefecture and various departments in the county!

And because many powers have been dispersed, the power in the local yamen has also been adjusted. At present, for the internal organs of the local yamen, the most important powers are generally the three departments, commerce, agriculture and forestry, and patrol police.

The patrol police is naturally responsible for public security, and it is very important to be responsible for public security. However, in the Datang system, although the local chief has jurisdiction over the local patrol system, the patrol officer system is also Independent, promotions are internal promotions, so the position inside has nothing to do with ordinary civil servants.

Commerce is in charge of industrial, commercial, mining and other industrial and commercial economic development affairs. Well, the Ministry of Industry of Datang or the local Public Works Department, etc., are actually the infrastructure and water conservancy departments, and have nothing to do with industry.

Business institutions in charge of industrial and commercial economic development naturally have great power, and the more developed the industry and commerce, the more so.

And the agricultural and forestry institutions are not weak, because this institution is in charge of agriculture, fishery, animal husbandry and other affairs, and the people take food as their priority. At the same time, in fact, most areas are still dominated by agricultural economy, so this institution also has real power. great.

And which of the above two institutions has more power depends on the locality. In a county dominated by agriculture, the agriculture and forestry department is naturally the most powerful, but if it is Shanghai County, a trading port, it is a county with very developed industry and commerce. The agriculture and forestry department is basically decoration, and the business department is the core department.

In the local yamen, the civil servants in charge of these two institutions, generally speaking, belong to the civil servants who have been trained, and are also the starting point of the officialdom for most of the new scholars. If you have done well in this position of the seventh grade, the next step is to From the county magistrate of the sixth rank, if you work for a few more years, then you will be the county magistrate of the sixth rank.

If you don't do it well, then you basically don't expect to become a landlord in your life, and you can spend time in the subordinate institutions of the yamen at all levels!

Shi Huo's ability is not too good, but not too bad. After working as the chief of the agriculture and forestry department for half a year, he was naturally promoted to the county magistrate of Songyang County.

Last month, he was transferred back to Gyeonggi by an edict. Why, he didn't want to be the boss, but was organized to train and study!

In the past two years, the Ministry of Personnel has specially set up a training class for middle and low-level officials.

Shi Huo also knew that in the past two years, whenever the county magistrate was promoted to the county magistrate, or his rank remained unchanged, but was transferred back to Gyeonggi, he basically had to go through such a transition.

In other words, Shi Huo knew at that time that he was going to be promoted!

But there thought that after he received a month of training with great joy, he was promoted, but he was sent to Amami Prefecture!

Cao, Shi Huo knows what the **** is that place, not only does he know it, but he also knows very well, because there has been a lot of uproar about the establishment of a government in Ryukyu in the past few days, basically all the candidates for officials in Beijing know who the officials are looking for. A hapless man went to work in Ryukyu.

And now, he is one of these unlucky bastards!

Ma Dan, Shi Huo knows that, for the sake of fairness, the Ministry of Officials has made dozens of candidates for the Ryukyu magistrate, but he was so unlucky to be selected!

Can you not go?

Nonsense, you think the Ministry of Officials is run by your family, so if you don't want to go, don't go!

Shi Huo rationally didn't make trouble, but started to pack up with a desperate look, and then wrote a letter!

The letter said that he didn't tell his family that he was unlucky enough to be assigned to work on Amami Island. He didn't want to go, but he had no choice but to go!

In his letter to his father, he probably said this to him

Yes, what do you mean by the new expansion of the empire by the soldiers of the empire, when people with lofty ideals are guarding the frontier, he Shi Huo is deeply favored by the emperor, guarding the frontier is obliged, and contributes a small amount to the great achievements of the empire, even if he finally died in Amamina. The place is broken, but it is also an honor for your son. Dad, you are also a scholar, so naturally you understand this truth, but my mother is a woman, I am afraid that I can't understand the glory and greatness of this matter, and I need you to explain more.

Moreover, they were escorted by Imperial Navy officers. Although they were thousands of miles away, they had no worries about their safety. Well, they might be able to come back alive.

The letter written to his eldest son said that Lao Tzu was going to make a fortune. You should take good care of your grandparents and your mother, and don't let outsiders bully you. If anyone dares to bully you while Lao Tzu is not at home, give them to you. I deal with them ruthlessly, you are welcome, if you feel that you can't deal with it, go and ask my friends to help me. I and they are all iron buddies who have visited prostitutes together. You can come and help, as long as you don't It's a big thing, for my father's sake, they will help you.

There is also homework that should not be neglected. You are also 22 years old this year. It is an elegant thing to go to the small green building occasionally to socialize for a while, but don’t indulge in it, so you waste your homework, and don’t be satisfied with small talents Fame, Lao Tzu has asked someone to find a place for you in Jiangxi Preparatory School. Don’t waste your time on the township exam. Study hard for Lao Tzu in the preparatory school. After a few years of study, go directly to the Guozijian College of Literature. Go to Guozijian College of Literature, Lao Tzu came back and broke your leg!

The letter to the family, although it speaks of righteousness and righteousness, it has a deep sense of despair. It is said to be an ordinary family letter, but it is no different from a suicide note.

Not to mention Shi Huo really wrote it as a suicide note, Nima, that is Ryukyu, it is so far from the mainland of China, and it is a newly conquered territory, plus all kinds of water and soil acclimatization, etc. Factors, whether he went to Ryukyu to end his three-year term and came back alive, to be honest, he really had no idea in his heart.

Along with Shi Huo, there were more than 20 other mid-level officials who were assigned to work in Ryukyu, and there were also hundreds of low-level officials who were assigned to work in Ryukyu.

In order to prevent unnecessary accidents from happening, the personnel department was even more afraid that they would regret going back and forth, so they acted very quickly. After the arrangement was made, they immediately contacted the navy, directly contacting the navy ship, and then The more than 100 people caught up with the navy's transport ship like a duck.

When they boarded the boat at Jinling City Wharf, many family members and friends came to see them off!

And the scene of seeing each other weeping and crying, it is simply sad for those who saw it, and tears for those who heard it. It was so spectacular that those who didn't know saw it and thought it was going to be mourning.

On the Jinling Wharf that day, many talents and beauties were also flourishing in poetry, and many poems that had been secretly prepared in advance, or were written on the spot with extraordinary talent appeared!

Various poems with the titles of "Send Shihuo to Ryukyu" and "Gift Shihuo" were praised by many people on the same day, and many of them were well done, and then aroused the praise of the young ladies and sisters on the Qinhuai River in Jinling City. The genius of these poems has made a splash, and since then he has embarked on a beautiful life of free overnight accommodation on the Qinhuai River that the Son of Heaven is envious of!

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