Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1006: Hui Chen's wedding

In front of Li Xuan, Lan Zhangyan, who was about to become his brother-in-law, seemed very restrained and couldn't make a fart for a long time. To be honest, this made Li Xuan a little disappointed.

Although Li Xuan was also worried that the princess' concubine would interfere in politics and finally shake the imperial power, he didn't want the concubine to be just a second-hand thing, because if nothing else happened, this Lan Zhangyan would be arranged by him to serve in the ancestral government.

And if you work in the ancestral government, it seems that you are dealing with household chores, but the chores of the imperial family are not trivial, so ordinary people really can't do it.

Before this person was in Hantong's report, he said that he was very careful. Li Xuan judged that this person was probably the first time he saw him. It was about to send him away, and then let Hantong continue to observe this person.

As long as this person doesn't have bad intentions, such as conspiring to gain power or something, then Li Xuan doesn't mind assigning him a more important position in the ancestral government.

If it is really wrong, then give him a small warning and let him be a good concubine!

As for whether he will be worried about him being bad to Princess Huichen, don't worry at all!

Princess Huichen is also the first eldest princess of the empire, Li Xuan's only younger sister, she must be decent. If Lan Zhangyan makes a mess, Li Xuan doesn't mind giving him a 'death of illness' , and then let Princess Huichen remarry.

As for whether to love or not, this is a bit extravagant, let alone a member of the royal family. Even if Princess Huichen is a child of an ordinary family, there is no way to expect love or not in this big marriage, it is all a matchmaker for parents. In other words, freedom of love and freedom of marriage are not realistic for a while.

Although the marriage law in the Tang Law stipulates freedom of marriage, both parties to the marriage must voluntarily, and others cannot force it.

But the law is the law, the tradition is the tradition, the law, more often, is to avoid forcibly plundering women to marry!

As for the words of the parents' life matchmaker, even if both children are unwilling in their hearts, they will agree verbally due to family pressure.

The government can't control so much either. As long as the two parties to the marriage are voluntary, they can't control the internal affairs of so many people's families.

Not to mention ancient times, even in modern times, how many people marry or marry because of their parents' coercion, especially in some remote mountainous areas, 13 or 14-year-old brides and grooms grab a lot, even if they are legally married young. arrive.

Strictly speaking, those who are under the age of fourteen are still young girls, so what is that strong? Unfortunately, people hear these things as anecdotes, or make excuses under the name of national customs, and no one has been caught. processed.

Sometimes Li Xuante wonders, people in later generations are precocious, primary school students fall in love a lot, **** is normal, and then there is a conflict between the two sides, will the little bride take the little groom to court, saying that he is rape?

If it is true, then it can prove one point, that is, it is risky to fall in love with a female primary school student, it starts in three years, and the highest death penalty!

But then again, if it was the aunt who fell in love with the primary school boy and forced him one day, then it would be fine!

That's right, the laws of the later generations are so wonderful, everyone shouts that men and women are fair, and in this kind of thing, it is definitely a joke!

On the other hand, the laws of the Tang Dynasty are more formal and more reasonable, and they are applicable to men and women, and women to men.

Men and women are strictly prohibited.

After the mid-Ming Dynasty, the male style became more popular. It was not a few years before the Tang Dynasty unified China, and even the complete unification was not completed. Although many bad styles were strictly prohibited, there were still residues.

Before the Ming Dynasty, many gentlemen liked to keep a handsome little book boy by their side. Just like the secretaries of later generations, there were secretaries when they were busy, but when they were not.

This situation made Li Xuan feel how disgusting he was when he saw how disgusting it was!

Li Xuan has long had relevant regulations on this matter. At first, it only targeted officials. Anyone who holds public office and behaves like a chicken will be dismissed, sentenced to ten years in prison, exiled overseas, and will never be used. Three generations of descendants are not allowed to participate in the imperial examination. .

Later, after occupying Jiangnan, in order to kill the morale of the Jiangnan gentry who liked the masculine style, the law expressly stipulates that all chickens will be sentenced to three years in prison and exiled overseas!

Those whose circumstances are particularly serious, such as being strong, gathering a crowd, or failing to reform after repeated teachings, will all be executed, and all corpses will not be kept, so there is no shooting, but beheading for treason!

Otherwise, Li Xuan is worried that if this continues, the fertility rate will definitely be getting lower and lower. In time, the Tang Dynasty will be over, because those who are doing the basics will not be able to give birth to a child, and there is not enough population. What does Li Xuan rely on to conquer? Global ah?

The rise of the Tang Dynasty, the rise of the Chinese nation, depended on the Industrial Revolution, a powerful modern army, an advanced monarchy and the foundation of all of the above: sufficient population!

The population of more than 100 million is the foundation of the Li Xuan government's global strength!

In order to conquer the world, Li Xuan is determined to pay attention, this kind of thing must start in three years, the highest death penalty!

All those who support the foundation are the barbarians who will not die, trying to subvert the Tang Dynasty and exterminate our Chinese nation.

In the Tang Dynasty, dare to make a base? Start in three years, the highest death penalty!

This move was also opposed by many **** men at the beginning, but after a group was sentenced and killed, they were all honest. Nowadays, many gentlemen have no longer hired personal bookboys in order to avoid suspicion.

Let's go back to Princess Huichen's side. She doesn't quite know whether Empress Dowager Bai would like Li Xuan to choose this husband. Anyway, when she asked her, she agreed.

But whether it is true or false, I don't know.

However, Li Xuan guessed that she should really be willing. After all, she had seen Lan Zhangyan, and that person's family background was not bad. Although the bachelor degree did not reach the level of becoming a jinshi, it was not too bad, and it was more important. The thing is, there is a good skin. The aunts of later generations may not like the appearance of this tough guy, but the aesthetics of women in the Tang Dynasty are still very normal.

Five days later, Princess Huichen was officially married!

The Ministry of Rites has also formulated relevant etiquette procedures early on, and everything is approved by the ancient Chinese etiquette to ensure that no one will pick out a single fault.

In addition, Li Xuan has no grievances against this sister, and gave her a princess mansion. In addition, her title of princess is still retained, and she will be awarded a salary every year.

In addition, some of the royal family's industries were given to her, including a farmhouse, a textile factory, a glass factory, and 50,000 taels of silver. These assets are enough for her to live a better life after she gets married, at least every day. Pig's trotters can't spend this fortune.

And she also promised Huichen in private that after her child was born, the eldest son would be given the title of baron!

And on the Lan family side, although Lan Zhangyan is the second son, he is still a traditional scholar and wealthy. In order to keep his dignity, the Lan family directly divided a small half of the property to the second son, which adds up to the value. Assets of more than 100,000 taels of silver.

However, this is a compensation. After all, after becoming the concubine, Lan Zhangyan is equivalent to being completely cut off from his career. At the same time, using the identity of the concubine can also bring certain benefits to the Lan family.

These properties of the Lan family are used as compensation.

On the day of her wedding, the Queen Mother Bai became a normal mother, pulling Princess Huichen to cry for several minutes, but the tonnage of the mother and daughter is relatively heavy, so when they hugged together, they looked really hot. Eye!

But no matter what, Princess Huichen is married. Although Jinling City has been lively for a few days in the past two days, it will soon return to calm, and no one is talking about it.

After all, it's just the marriage of an eldest princess, which is not a big deal for the entire empire. Many ministers are too lazy to take care of it. They just congratulate on the surface. When they turn around, they are busy with their own affairs.

But if it was the prince getting married, the scene would be different.

Especially now that Li Xuan's two current sons, although they are not direct sons, are gradually increasing in age, and at the same time, Queen Dong has not been able to leave the prince, so it is inevitable that people will have some ideas.

In this regard, Li Xuan is too lazy to take care of it. How old are the two boys in his family, and he himself is only in his early twenties. It's too early to talk about the prince. If anyone dares to write a book to him at this time and set up a prince, etc., He would doubt whether the minister was ill-intentioned and wanted to play a conspiracy to kill himself, and then support the young master.

Li Xuan's Those ministers are not fools, so no one dares Li Xuan to mention anything about the establishment of the crown prince.

What's more, Li Xuan didn't even give the ministers any chance to get close to the two princes!

The two princes lived in a special prince's house. They have not yet entered school. After entering school, it is impossible for Li Xuan to let the important ministers in the court become the prince's teachers. He will choose another person. , even if he chooses a courtier to be the teacher, he will personally inspect it, and the teaching can only teach the most basic cultural knowledge. If anyone dares to instill some kind of benevolent king in his son, he will catch one and kill the other!

His son Li Xuan, the future prince and even the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, does not need any kindness. Li Xuan will personally demonstrate to the prince what an emperor should do!

At that time, Li Xuan's teaching will definitely not be benevolent!

The palace exam ended, and after Huichen got married, April of the seventh year of Xuanping finally passed!

After the arrival of May, Altan Khan's messenger finally came to Jinling City again, and brought Altan Khan's final reply to the peace talks!

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