Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1007: Canonized King of Shunyi

When Altan Khan's messenger came to Jinling City again, even those who visited Jinling City last time were still immersed in the prosperity of Jinling City, not to mention that it was the first time that the embassy came to Jinling City. people.

When they were still on the boat and had not yet landed on the land, they were shocked by the dense number of boats on the dock of Jinling City. After landing on the land, seeing the prosperity of the city, all of them were drooling and could not be wiped clean. .

If it is only prosperous, they can still accept it. After all, the prosperity of Jiangnan is already well known. Even people who have never been to Jiangnan know the prosperity of Jiangnan. within their range.

But everything in Jinling City was in good order, but it really blinded their eyes!

They simply could not imagine that at the intersection of a bustling street, pedestrians would be in peace with numerous carriages. The carriages would pass pedestrians, and the carriages would pass after pedestrians.

No one will pass by indiscriminately!

When they saw this, they were immediately shocked by the high quality of the Chinese people, and then they felt a sense of shame. Nima, seeing the high quality of the people of the Tang Dynasty, and thinking about their own people, I wish I could The face is buried, the gap is really too big, just thinking about it makes me feel ashamed.

They didn't know that the reason why there was such an order in Jinling City was purely because of the power of the patrol yamen!

In the early days of the police yamen, the fines were not soft at all. Those who obeyed the traffic rules in a strict manner were not of high quality, but were simply afraid of being fined.

I didn't see that at every intersection with a lot of traffic, there will be patrol officers in black uniforms. These patrol officers use their eyes to keep an eye on everyone. When anyone tries to violate the traffic rules or throw away garbage, they will immediately Just glanced at the wolf who found the sheep, and immediately jumped up, and then directly took out a fine sheet that had been prepared early.

All kinds of fines are an important supplement to local finance, and basically every locality attaches great importance to them, because although part of all kinds of fines still have to be turned over to the national treasury, the proportion of the fines retained in the local government is much larger than the tax revenue. .

And as the patrol police yamen that mainly enforces fines, it is also quite valued.

Basically, in every local police yamen, no matter how tight the budget is, they would rather reduce the police force used to investigate criminal cases, but they will never reduce the number of police officers used to patrol the streets.

Because the former is purely fiscal expenditure, while the latter can be used to generate income.

In the past two years, with the development of industry and commerce, there have been more and more police forces targeting economic crimes, and they have been widely valued by the chiefs of patrol police in various places. Whenever they find any patent infringement cases, cost or fraud, etc. For commercial crimes, they all swooped on like a drooling dog. Don't bite hard. No, in a civilized way, you don't have to pay a severe fine, and you will never let it go.

Because such cases often involve a relatively large amount of money, relatively speaking, if a fine is required, the amount of the fine is also very large, and it is common to have hundreds of thousands of taels of silver.

If you catch a big fish, then it is not impossible to catch tens of thousands of taels of silver at once!

And these days, the tax revenue of a county that is dominated by ordinary agriculture is often only 100,000 taels, and the amount allocated to the local finance is only tens of thousands of taels.

Suddenly, a huge fine came, and if 10,000 taels left a few thousand taels of silver, then the subsidy to the local finance would be enormous.

If you catch a big fish, you may be able to solve many problems, such as opening an additional government-run primary school, building a bridge, paving a road, etc.

Fines were very important to the local finances of the Tang Dynasty.

However, there are more fines and fines, and now business people are learning to be smart!

The patent license is only a few hundred taels. They simply do a patent license. They don't have to be caught by the patrol police's patent office, and then they will be fined several thousand taels. If the fine is not counted, they have to compensate the patent owner for a large amount of money. pen money.

However, there are not many really smart people in this world, and more of them are fools who call themselves smart people, thinking that they can hide from the sky, but they don't know that the people in the patent office of the patrol police are watching patent infringement cases all day long. Waiting for a big vote, then the local finance will be able to instantly increase the funds.

The bosses at the top are satisfied, and the patrol officers in charge of the case at the grassroots level are promoted to make a fortune.

There are a lot of fines and regulations, this is not good, that is not good, it is also the reason why there are more and more laws and regulations in the Tang Dynasty. It has only been a few years. Issue new laws.

Some people say that the various laws and regulations of the Tang Dynasty can already be half a room, but after a few years, the whole room can no longer contain various laws and regulations.

This has also led to the rapid development of the lawyer industry in the Tang Dynasty in just a few years. In order to avoid crimes, many companies do not care whether they want to bypass laws and regulations or really avoid accidental crimes, but most of them A lawyer who is proficient in the law will be hired.

This also led to the emergence of a new subject, law, in the schools above middle school in Datang.

Those who are proficient in law are now in demand!

At Jinling University, students who are proficient in law have not yet graduated. Some companies ask them to be consultants. The asking price basically starts at a few hundred taels a year. If they graduate, the salary basically starts at a thousand taels. .

But that's it, most of the students are not willing to do it, because they are more willing to participate in the general examination, enter the inspectorate or the court.

After all, the idea of ​​official status is still too strong. When a lawyer serves those wealthy businessmen, how can it be refreshing to be a censor, with great power and high wages.

This kind of social environment has also caused many gentlemen to say that tyranny is stronger than tigers, but Li Xuan has never been sympathetic to the voices of these gentlemen. Maybe he can't make the entire Tang Dynasty govern the country according to law. , this kind of thing is not realistic for a feudal dynasty with a high degree of imperial power, but he can perfect the law as much as possible, so that most civil and criminal cases can be legally abided by.

High-pressure legal rule is a major feature of the Tang Dynasty, especially in the urban environment, which can surprise the Tatars who come from afar.

In fact, not only the Tatars, but also the foreigners from other countries, such as the foreigners from Europe, the Arabs from West Asia, the Indians from South Asia, and even the aborigines from the Southeast Asia, they came to the Tang Dynasty to trade by sea ships. After the port, you will be amazed at the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty and the high quality of the people.

Many people even thought that they would simply stay in Huaxia and settle down, and then become a glorious citizen of the Tang Dynasty.

Nowadays, in several commercial ports, there are such a group of foreigners who stayed in the commercial ports of the Tang Dynasty for a long time.

Since Geddes, the Tang Dynasty has also opened up a not-so-crack for the naturalization of the barbarians, and issued new regulations. If the barbarians want to be naturalized in China, there are two ways to go. One is to make great contributions. It is mainly aimed at technical talents and political immigrants, etc. A long-term tax payment according to the law, the annual tax amount reaches the legal standard, and now it is 10,000 taels per year. After 20 years of continuous tax payment, you can apply for naturalization, but if you fail to pass the tax, you can apply for naturalization. matter.

Anyway, so far, although there are these two methods, in fact, no one has successfully naturalized the Tang Dynasty through these methods.

Guedes is still the only foreigner who has been naturalized in the Tang Dynasty.

The Tatars are on a mission, and it is estimated that there will be people who want to stay in Jinling City. After all, people go to high places and water flows to low places. These barbarians came to the prosperous Jiangnan. After seeing the prosperous Jiangnan, they wanted to leave. People, to be honest, very few have returned to their savage tribes.

Li Xuan soon received a report from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, saying that it was a Tatar mission, and sent a reply from Altan Khan!

Altan Khan was more straightforward and decisive than Li Xuan imagined. He did not raise any questions about the preliminary agreement reached by the two parties, and even took the initiative to lower some requirements. For example, in terms of horse supply, Altan Khan took the initiative to propose. , 5,000 war horses can be raised to 6,000 per year.

This is a war horse, not an ordinary horse. According to the agreement between the two parties, the Tatars provide no less than 5,000 war horses to the Tang Dynasty every year. The weight and shoulder height of these war horses must meet certain standards. That's one meter thirty five.

There are also ordinary horses, and there are no special requirements for ordinary horses.

However, in the case of stallions, they refused to provide them on a large scale, and only promised to give dozens of them a year.

The other stallions, regardless of whether they are war horses or ordinary horses, are all castrated horses.

The Tatars are also worried that after they have acquired a large number of mares and stallions, they will start to breed horses on their own on a large scale, thus posing a huge threat to them.

But they didn't know that the Tang Dynasty had already reached a relevant agreement with the Oara people and the people of the Western Regions, and obtained many stallions and mares. Although the price was a bit high, it was all worth it.

Now the military has organized manpower and funds to carry out large-scale breeding of Central Asian horses, and tried to use Central Asian horses and Mongolian horses to crossbreed, trying to breed better horse breeds.

Altan Khan took the initiative to raise the Li Xuan can also guess what it is for, but he just wants to buy more time.

But this is also the same for Li Xuan. The Tang Dynasty also needs time to buffer, and then establish a large-scale cavalry. If there is not enough time, a large-scale cavalry cannot be established, and the two sides will not be able to fight.

Therefore, in response to Alta Khan's above table claiming to be a minister and paying tribute, Li Xuan was not pretentious.

The Tatars went back with the treaty signed by both parties, and with them went back with a scholar from the Hanlin Academy, who was an imperial envoy, who went to the grasslands to issue the canonization decree to Altan Khan and preside over the canonization ceremony. of.

After the Tatars and the Tang Dynasty officially signed this contract, it also means that the thousands of kilometers of the northern border will usher in peace, and the large-scale border towns and exchanges between the two sides will begin.

But how long can this peace last?

The answer given by the Datang Privy Council is that at least three years, no more than five years!

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