Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1009: What do you want so much money for?

When Li Xuan received the report from the 4th Infantry Division, after a little consideration, he issued an order to let the 4th Infantry Division continue to pursue, but he should pay attention to the rhythm, so as to avoid the premise of causing fierce resistance from the chieftains in Myanmar. Next, clear out the remaining soldiers of King Mu, um, and take some more territory.

What this means is that the 4th Infantry Division can take advantage of it if it can, but it does not require it if it can't take it.

The war in Yunnan and even further south in Burma, after all, is not the main strategic direction of the current Datang Dynasty. Take your time, don't rush, and thoroughly digest Yunnan first.

Although it has been ruled by the Ming Dynasty for more than 100 years, there are still many Tusi in Yunnan, and the degree of sinicization is still not too high. Reforming the policy of returning to the homeland, bringing this area into the central government, a large number of immigrants, and Sinicization.

Things in the direction of Yunnan are not the key point, but the focus is on the Sichuan side!

Li Xuan held several meetings with both the army and the navy regarding the matter of entering Sichuan, and listened to the reports of the generals. As Li Xuan himself expected, the generals were more confident in the matter of entering Sichuan.

After all, there are three armies preparing to enter Sichuan, with a total force of more than 100,000 troops, and there are many artillery pieces to help out. Live the pace of the Datang Army entering Sichuan.

The war in the southwest went smoothly. The north and the Tatars signed an agreement on a truce and mutual market. The two sides in Liaodong were only confronting each other. It was impossible for the Ming army of King Hui of Liaodong to enter Shanhaiguan. As long as the Tang Dynasty was freed, it would be the same to clean up Liaodong. A matter of minutes.

All of these represent that the Tang Dynasty is on a healthy and rapid expansion road!

Therefore, Li Xuan did not worry too much about external expansion, and still focused on internal affairs.

In mid-May, Li Xuan convened a meeting of the imperial cabinet. More than a dozen ministers and more than 20 ministers from various ministries attended all of them. At this meeting, the issue to be discussed was the unresolved issue of government-land reform.

At the meeting, there was a fierce conflict between those who supported Guantian reform and those who opposed the reform!

And Li Xuan is still the same, sitting on his dragon chair, watching these courtiers debate, and when neither of the two sides agrees with the other, Li Xuan finally makes a ruling.

The Guantian reform is temporarily put on hold!

The land rent for official farmland is still the same as before, with a fixed amount, instead of changing it with the increase or decrease of grain output.

However, in order to prevent the reduction of production, the farmers who rented official farmland went bankrupt. Li Xuan also emphasized once again that if a natural disaster occurs in some areas, the official farmland rent in that area can be appropriately exempted.

At the same time, he also made another decision, that is to increase the promotion of rent-to-buy, because the number of official land held by the Tang Dynasty is too much, although some of them have already implemented rent-to-buy, But the overall proportion is less than 20%, mainly in the southern provinces where the rule is relatively stable.

Li Xuan doesn't care whether these lands are in the hands of the government or private individuals, as long as he collects enough tax from the land here, that's fine.

Today, these official fields do not pay taxes strictly speaking, but they just treat the land rent of the official fields as agricultural taxes and pay them directly.

However, although the method of fixed land rent is still implemented, Li Xuan asked the tax department to prepare a rent reduction policy.

Nowadays, the rent of official fields is relatively high, and the burden on farmers is too great. At the same time, although the fiscal revenue of the Tang Dynasty is tight, it is actually not too small. At the same time, the main growth driver of fiscal revenue in the future is industry and commerce. Li Xuan believes that it can be appropriate. The reduction of the land rent of part of the official land, and the reduction of the land rent of the private land.

After all, the number of official fields is huge. After the land rent of the official fields has been reduced, the landless farmers will definitely be more inclined to rent the official fields. If the big landlords want to recruit tenants to farm the fields, they also need to reduce some of them accordingly. Land rent.

Although the overall proportion cannot be too large, even a reduction of a few percentage points is a good thing.

For Li Xuan's decision, although many people who support the reform of the official field are disappointed, it can be considered that they have won some of the things they want, and it is always a good thing to reduce the land rent.

It is also a good thing for those who oppose the reform, because in this way, large-scale turmoil and all kinds of uncontrollable troubles are avoided.

If we really want to change to collecting land rent according to the actual harvest, the power of the government has no way to ensure that this policy is really implemented. After all, the government cannot really send people to guard the fields of each piece of land to monitor the actual output and be on the spot. Charge land rent.

After stumbling over the reform of official land and land rent, Li Xuan dealt with several major events in a row in the next few days.

For example, the Department of Customs was separated from the Ministry of Taxation, and the General Administration of Customs was established, which is solely responsible for the collection of customs duties and anti-smuggling affairs in various places.

To separate customs affairs from the tax department is also an important measure for Li Xuan to control the tax department. At present, the tax department has too much power. In the past, there was a lack of talents, and for the convenience of doing things, Li Xuan almost All matters related to money are placed in the tax department. Tax collection, customs, salary payment, financial budgeting, financial monitoring and other matters are directly under the tax department.

And such a tax department is obviously abnormal. Li Xuan intends to gradually split the tax department.

Splitting up the customs is just the first step. Later, Li Xuan will split up financial supervision, financial budgeting, and salary distribution, so that the tax department will return to a pure taxation department.

However, even if many powers are split out, the authority of the tax department will still be the largest among the agencies under the Tang Dynasty cabinet, for nothing else, because it collects taxes.

After all, Li Xuan has no plans to abolish the tax inspection team, but also intends to formalize the tax inspection team and make the tax inspection team a kind of tax police.

When the General Administration of Customs was established, Li Xuan also made some small changes to the current maritime trade policy, but the changes were not big, mainly to adjust the tariffs on some imported and exported materials.

Significantly reduced import tariffs on various raw materials.

However, high tariffs have been imposed on imported industrial products, such as knives and folding fans imported from Fusang, guns and guns imported from foreigners, etc. Some businessmen even ordered from the shipyard in Malacca controlled by Nanyang Folang Robot. Ships, these, all have been increased tariffs.

In terms of exports, there are two extremes. One is China's special and almost exclusive export products. For example, silk and raw silk and other related products have slightly increased export tariffs.

Because these things are exclusive products, raising export tariffs is also quite raising the price. If the price is raised, you should buy it or you have to buy it. What's more, after these things are transported to Europe by sea, the price has doubled.

For the silk business from China to Europe, the focus is not on the purchase price, but on whether it can be shipped back safely!

For the northern grasslands, export tariffs on tea, salt, iron and other products have also been increased.

However, for some other products, export tariffs have been greatly reduced, that is, light industrial products such as cloth and soap!

Especially for cloth, in order to quickly open up markets in other regions and compete with the local indigenous people's own hand-woven cloth, low prices are necessary.

Nowadays, all kinds of cheap machine-made cloths from Huaxia have begun to widely enter all parts of Southeast Asia, Fusang, and even North Korea. of this additional source, thereby causing local economic turmoil.

Mechanism cloth, in Li Xuan's view, this is not only a strategic product used by the Tang Dynasty to make money, but also a strategic weapon used to destroy the economy and political situation of external indigenous countries!

When the machine-made cloth in the Tang Dynasty first appeared, many textile workshops in the Jiangnan area also closed down, and there were many riots among the weavers. That is to say, after the Tang Dynasty occupied the Jiangnan area, many textile factories were built there. , rehired the local weavers, otherwise it is unknown how much unrest it would have caused.

However, cloth needs a lot of cotton as raw material, and although the cotton planting volume in the Tang Dynasty has grown rapidly at an explosive rate, it is still difficult to meet the huge demand, and it is purchased in large quantities by sea.

Nowadays, when many Arabs, Indians and even Flanges come to trade, they come with a large boat of cotton and a small boat of silver or gold!

Why not bring all cotton? Because they have to set aside cabins for silver or gold.

No way, although Datang needs a lot of cotton, cotton is not an expensive material, and a whole ship is not worth much, and the goods they need to buy are silk, porcelain, tea, etc. But they are not cheap, especially silk, which is a serious luxury.

Without bringing so much cash, why would they buy silk?

And some smart businessmen are transporting some commodities with high prices and high demand from the Tang Dynasty, such as saltpeter and sulfur, these two things, the official long-term purchase of the Tang Dynasty, as much as they are shipped. , and the price is not low.

At the same time, spices are also an important commodity used to balance the trade deficit, but now the merchants in Datang are all going to the South Ocean to find spices and bring them back to the country, but they will not give merchants from other countries too many opportunities.

So now, in the trade between the Tang Dynasty and other countries, regardless of whether it is trade with Fusang, Nanyang natives, or trade with Folangjiren and Spaniards, there is a surplus, and it is a very large surplus~www. Every time there is a trade, a pile of white silver enters the silver vault. The silver in the silver vault is more and more day by day. The silver vaults of the Royal Bank are built one after another, and one is bigger than the other!

But a few years later, in late May of the seventh year of Xuanping year, Mr. Wang Haomen, director of the Finance Department of the Ministry of Taxation, gave Li Xuan a book, and the book raised a very interesting question: we need so much money to do it Well?

Mr. Wang Haomen said in the book that silver cannot be eaten or used. Except for jewelry and a small amount of industrial applications, it has almost no practical use value.

Those barbarians kept digging silver mines, and then came to us with silver to buy all kinds of genuine products, but we only got piles of silver that could not be eaten or used, and we couldn't spend it if we wanted to, because we are trade surplus!

In this case, the question arises: why do we need so much money?


(A new round of outbreaks starts today, and three chapters of 400 characters are updated every day. Please give me some support, so that I can write more vigorously in rainy days!)

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