Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1000: gold denomination

When Li Xuan saw this book, he also realized the seriousness of the problem!

What Wang Haomen said was just the question of what to use so much money for, but Li Xuan discovered another problem from it, and that was inflation!

In today's Datang Dynasty, although agriculture is still the mainstay, the economic development of industry and commerce is very fast. This can be seen from the increase in taxation of industry and commerce. The Ministry of Taxation predicts that this year's fiscal revenue will reach 6,000. Five million taels of silver, and next year, it may increase to 70 million taels of silver.

However, some newly occupied areas have not been included in this fiscal revenue budget for the time being. The northern regions of Hubei and Guangxi, the Sichuan region, and some Shaanxi regions have not been included.

But why was it possible to add five million taels of silver?

The agricultural tax is levied on the basis of the number of acres, and the number of acres is impossible to suddenly increase on a large scale, so the main driving force for the increase is the development of industry and commerce.

With the rapid development of industry and commerce, the turnover of money will be more rapid, and the circulation of currency will be more extensive, so the depreciation or appreciation of currency will have a greater impact.

Through sea trade, the annual net inflow of silver is as large as millions of silver. Even if the scale of this trade remains unchanged, it will be tens of millions in ten years, and hundreds of millions in one hundred years.

The inflow of so much silver is bound to cause the devaluation of silver!

Li Xuan turned out several exchange rates of silver to gold and copper coins submitted by the tax department, and found that from the second year of Xuanping to the seventh year of Xuanping this year, the ratio of silver to copper coins had already changed from one or two silver coins. One thousand Xuanping Tongbao, depreciated to one tael of silver for 980 Xuanping Tongbao.

This is still the official exchange rate of Royal Bank. If it is private, it is estimated that the fluctuation will be greater.

What does this mean? It means that the value of silver has depreciated by 2% in just five years!

Although the devaluation of silver was not simply caused by the large-scale inflow of silver caused by maritime trade, there were also a large number of gentry landlords who took a lot of silver hidden in their homes in order to invest in industry and commerce, or some other investment behaviors. It came out and deposited it into the Royal Bank, thus allowing this silver circulation to enter the market.

There are many reasons for the depreciation of silver.

And this kind of depreciation, other people may not be aware of the danger, but Li Xuan is aware of the danger!

Putting down many reports, Li Xuan stood up, walked to the window, and began to think about the devaluation of silver. As a latecomer, he knew very well that the silver standard had no future.

One of the biggest hidden dangers is that the silver production of the Tang Dynasty itself is not too large. The largest silver producing area in the world is in the Americas, more precisely North America, the Spanish and Portuguese, in the Americas and their cheap silver In this way, ship after ship of silver was obtained, and then shipped into Europe, some of which inevitably flowed into the Tang Dynasty through maritime trade.

In this transaction process, it seems that the Tang Dynasty earned a lot of silver, but it also caused the devaluation of domestic silver, and caused an equally serious problem, that is, what Wang Haomen put forward: we want to do this So much silver for what?

Is it good to store it in a silver vault?

Silver, its greatest value is to be used as currency. It has value when it is spent. If it is not spent, it is just a pile of useless metals. At the same time, those Europeans can continuously obtain a large amount of cheap silver from the Americas, and then from large The Tang Dynasty exchanged various genuine products here.

The more Li Xuan thought about it, the more he felt a loss!

It's like the Americans in later generations printed some dollar bills themselves as currency, and then other countries can also print a lot of dollars to buy things from the United States.

Li Xuan's ideal overseas trade system is that other countries use agricultural and mineral products in exchange for the industrial products of the Tang Dynasty.

The Tang Dynasty regarded overseas markets as a source of raw materials and a dumping ground for industrial products.

Instead of turning the Tang Dynasty into a silver dumping ground for other countries.

It seems that it is time to start preparing for the gold standard!

This thing of silver, Tang Dynasty cannot control it in a short time, and the overall output of silver is relatively large, and it is difficult to completely control it.

However, the global production of gold is lower. As a precious metal, it is not easy to depreciate, and its value is stronger. It is impossible for foreign countries to buy a lot of cheap gold.

The later stage slowly transitioned to the indirect gold standard, and finally to the credit standard.

In short, the silver thing, if you can get rid of it as soon as possible, get rid of it as soon as possible!

However, it is not easy to implement the gold standard. First of all, it needs enough gold reserves. Today, the main financial institution of Datang, the Royal Bank, most of its precious metal reserves are silver, and the amount of gold is still relatively small.

And the matter of stockpiling gold can't be rushed for a while.

But it doesn't matter. Since Li Xuan is aware of this problem, he will let the people below do it. It's a big deal to spend more than ten years to reserve gold.

At the same time, he accurately used administrative means to intervene in the sea trade market. In the future, the collection of various commodities and tariffs will no longer be denominated in silver, but in gold. Of course, silver, as a precious metal, is currently in the Tang Dynasty. The common currency can still be used as the payment currency for transactions.

Li Xuan made a decision, and directly issued an imperial decree. In the future, all import and export commodities and tariffs will be denominated in gold!

Many people actually don't understand this executive order, and they don't even understand why such a seemingly meaningless imperial decree was issued. Is there a difference between denomination in gold and denomination in silver?

It doesn't matter if outsiders don't understand, anyway, they just need to do as Li Xuan said.

At the same time, Li Xuan also began to instruct the Royal Bank to reserve gold as much as possible, reduce the outflow of gold coins, and give them to the three official trading companies, Datang Nanyang Trading Company, Datang Dongyang Trading Company, and Datang Western Trading Company , so that when they conduct overseas trade, they can collect gold instead of silver as much as possible.

Among them, the Datang Dongyang Trading Company is the focus of Li Xuan's attention, because the current Fusang is a very important gold source, and the price of gold is relatively low. Relatively speaking, the price of silver and copper coins is relatively high.

Many merchants transport copper coins in a ship by ship, and then bring back a ship by ship of gold.

At the same time, encourage more imports, especially the import of various raw materials, and strive to re-spend the silver earned through trade in exchange for various agricultural products or industrial raw materials.

In short, Li Xuan hopes that in the next few years, in the foreign trade of the Tang Dynasty, instead of foolishly moving a boatload of silver back to the silver warehouse, he will buy a large amount of raw materials and agricultural products.

Trade surplus, sometimes for economic development, is not a good thing!

Because you earn so much silver and you don't spend it, it's actually useless!

This is the different idea of ​​Li Xuan and other courtiers!

And through this incident, Li Xuan also noticed Wang Haomen. After reading his resume, he found that this person is quite interesting. He was born in a gentry family in Guangdong, and his parents died since he was a child. It's just a house brother, so he is nominally the young master of a big family, but his life is no different from an ordinary well-off family.

This man was brought up by servants!

Therefore, this person did not have all kinds of bad habits like many powerful children. He studied very hard. He was admitted as a scholar at the age of 26, and he was admitted to the former Ming Xiucai at the age of twenty-six.

After taking the former Minghui examination for the first time, the name fell in Zhongshan, and when preparing for the second examination, the Tang Dynasty conquered Guangdong, and then a year later, this person participated in the second imperial examination of the Tang Dynasty, and finally Ranked second.

A few years later, this person has successfully climbed to the key position of director of the financial department of the tax department.

Although the Finance Department of the Ministry of Taxation is not as powerful as the Grain Collection Department, its actual power is not small.

At the same time, the power of currency issuance is also vested in the division, which directly manages the mints in various places.

In fact, it is not just the finance department. In fact, every department of the tax department is quite important. The person who can hold the position of the director of the first department of the tax department is not a simple role.

Although this Wang Haomen came from a gentry, strictly speaking, he is considered a poor family. At least in his studies and career, his family has not given him much help. On the contrary, now he has become the leader of the Wang family. .

When the introduction of import and export goods and the use of gold for tariffs, Li Xuan also summoned him several times to ask some financial questions, and found that this person's understanding of finance is not bad, although limited by the times and knowledge, understanding is all about Relatively primitive, but also quite rare.

After being summoned by Li Xuan several times in a row, Wang Haomen himself knew that he might have entered the attention of the Son of Heaven.

And this makes Li Xuan's impression of him even better. Although such a person is a traditional scholar, he has worked in the Finance Department of the Ministry of Taxation for so long, and his understanding of finance is not bad.

Maybe it will be reused in a few years.

Speaking of which, there are really many talents emerging from the tax department in recent Wang Haomen is only one of them. Because of the special nature of the tax department, the ability requirements for officials are very high. At the same time, the promotion within the tax department also pays more attention to real materials, and people who have no ability, just rely on background or mouth, they will not be able to get along.

Chen Lifu is a typical example. If it wasn't for his ruthless means, how could he be promoted so quickly and become the acting director of the inspection department.

Wang Haomen is another typical example.

But it is funny to say that, as the most important organization in Datang, most of the officials in the Ministry of Taxation are not new-style officials, but officials from traditional scholars, such as Chen Lifu and Wang Haomen.

However, these officials who came from traditional scholars were the most ruthless officials in the Tang Dynasty who attacked the gentry and landlords.

On the contrary, officials from the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, the Ministry of Industry and other departments with the most doctorates, more often maintained a friendly attitude towards the gentry and landlord class, advocating win-win and differentiation.

However, the officials of the tax department could not wait to loot the homes of the landlords and gentry all over the world and turn them into their own achievements in promotion and making a fortune!

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