Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1012: Datang people in India

Fusang is a good place these days. Many big names in chaos occupy a small village, a small town, and then go to war with each other. The entire Fusang does not have a government that actually unifies the entire Fusang. The shogunate is a puppet, and the emperor is one of the puppets. puppet.

Today, the whole Fusang situation is a few big names with bigger strength, with a group of small big names, and then they fight a large-scale fight in three days. The pirates who escaped from the coastal areas of Datang could gain a firm foothold in Fusang.

And such fusang is a good place for foreign businessmen!

The big names in the battle have a huge demand for all weapons, and the stainless steel waist knives, spears, plate armor and even arquebuses produced by Datang are very popular.

In particular, the plate armor produced by the Tang Dynasty was a weapon of war. Those warriors who went bankrupt had to buy a set of plate armor as much as possible.

Of course, the plate armor they bought was a special version of the Tang Dynasty's export to Fusang. It was not full-body armor, and the thickness was greatly reduced. This is not to say that the three major weapon companies in Datang were black-hearted businessmen, but the people of Fusang took the initiative. required.

For Mao, because their physical fitness is generally too poor, if it is heavy full-body armor, they can't even walk when they wear it, and they will fight Mao!

Not every army can be like Master Wang of the Tang Dynasty, who can eat white rice and steamed buns, and have meat every three days, so that the soldiers are kept strong and strong.

Of course, even the reduced thickness of the half body armor is quite amazing, at least much better than the traditional iron armor.

In addition to ordnance, the sales of other types of daily necessities in Fusang are also very good!

After buying these things, merchants like Slender not only brought back gold and silver directly, but also brought back some other Fusang specialties.

After all, in addition to gold and silver, there must be other special products in Fusang, such as some messy handicrafts.

Then, in the winter, the merchants from Slender will take advantage of the northeast monsoon to return south, pass through Shanghai and Guangzhou, sell goods, then buy goods, and finally return to Malacca, where they buy a large amount of porcelain, silk, etc. Tang, Fusang, and North Korean goods were sold in Malacca to merchants who ran the Indian Ocean route and even the European route.

In this way, it is a complete route once and for all.

In the maritime trade in the East Asian waters, many people run such a route like this, and it is nothing more than the difference between running more ports and running fewer ports.

Of course, if you want to run a complete round-trip, the time is relatively tight, and the requirements for navigation technology, the requirements for ships, and even the sale and acquisition of goods are relatively strict.

If you are not careful, you will lose time and then miss the monsoon, you will not lose him!

Slender has been in the sea for decades, and he has recruited a group of professional level, so there is no problem with navigation!

The Galen ship in his hand is not bad either. The speed of sailing along the monsoon is not as fast as that of the 680 merchant ship made by the Tang Dynasty, but it is not slow, and it has a lot of cargo.

As for the purchase and sale of goods, at the beginning, he tried to contact him directly, but found that it was too time-consuming, so he simply cooperated directly with the local second-hand dealers and sold the goods at a lower price than the market price. Then buy the goods at a slightly higher price than the market price.

Although this will dilute the profit, he can run a few more ports. In this case, the hard work will be more hard, but the profit will be more.

Today is the day he entered the port of Guangzhou Business District. In order to earn more profits, he has spent a lot of thought and purchased a large number of saltpeter and spices in Malacca. These two things are now in Datang On the Dynasty's side, that's all hard currency, especially saltpeter. Like sulfur, the price is very firm, so there is absolutely no need to worry about it.

Of course, the large amount of gold and silver used to press the bottom of the boat is also indispensable, and there are also a large stack of silver notes issued by the Royal Bank of Datang that he personally collected.

The cargo of this ship, plus the silver notes on him, are worth a hundred thousand taels of silver!

However, when the ship docked, arrived at the port, and found a firm that had a cooperative relationship with the previous two years, when it was ready to sell the goods in hand, it encountered a little trouble.

When negotiating the sale price of the goods, he found that the price was calculated directly in gold coins, not in silver coins in the past!

After he expressed his doubts, the Datang businessman directly gave him a stack of newspapers. Although he did not recognize most of the words on the newspaper, as a Portuguese businessman who traveled to and from Datang every year, he dared not claim to be a China expert. , but the simple words and numbers are still recognizable, even if he doesn't recognize it, it's fine, but the stack of paper in his hand is a little bit knowledgeable, and this is the Tang Dynasty newspaper!

At this time, the translator he hired was also beside him and translated the above content.

The content of the translation is naturally the latest news affirmed by the Tang Dynasty newspaper. The Son of Heaven promulgated an imperial decree, requiring that transactions in the business zone be priced in gold. At the same time, the collection of customs duties is also directly levied on gold.

Slender naturally does not know what the gold standard is!

After discovering that it is priced in gold, I didn't feel anything. I just felt that it was a little troublesome. Anyway, both gold and silver are exchanged in proportion, and it is just according to the proportion.

This is also the attitude of most businessmen to the overseas trade issued by the Tang Dynasty in gold, and the tariff collection is also in gold.

It's just a different unit of calculation, the money is still the same, and they won't lose a copper coin because of it.

After all, the exchange ratio of gold coins, silver coins and copper coins in the Tang Dynasty has always fluctuated with the market. The official price in silver coins or gold coins is actually the same.

The purpose of Li Xuan's move is not to increase or depreciate silver. He is just paving the way for the implementation of the gold standard. First, gold pricing is implemented in overseas trade, and then gold pricing is implemented in domestic bulk trade. At the same time, the Royal Bank begins to reserve Gold, and finally large-scale issuance of gold coins and gold tickets, and finally replacing silver tickets with gold tickets as large-scale circulating banknotes.

After Slender sold a batch of goods at Guangzhou Port, he planned to bring the remaining batch of saltpeter and spices to Shanghai for sale, because according to his experience, the purchase price there was higher, and it was also A batch of ordnance was purchased in Guangzhou, and these weapons were all intended to be shipped to Fusang. As for why they were purchased in Guangzhou instead of Shanghai, it was naturally because the price of ordnance in Guangzhou was cheaper. Today’s Guangdong, but currently large The largest arms production base in the Tang Dynasty.

Later, he will leave Guangzhou and go to Quanzhou. If the price is suitable, he will sell a batch of goods and buy another batch of goods. If the price is average, then he will stay in Shanghai.

However, these saltpeters must be emptied before leaving Shanghai, because this thing is also in great demand in the Tang Dynasty. If he takes saltpeter to Fusang, he will lose his life.

Slender continued to carry out his own trade in a foreign country, and some people in the Tang Dynasty were now struggling in a foreign country, even in a farther place!

The combined fleet of Datang Western Company and Gerdes is now moored in an unnamed small port on the southwestern coast of India. They have also become the first fleet in the Datang Dynasty to arrive on the western coast of India, or, in other words, the first fleet. One, or even the only Datang fleet that entered the Indian Ocean!

They were moored in a small uninhabited port. A few days ago, their fleet arrived here, and then moored here. According to the old rules, Ying Zihua directly sent people ashore, established a supply station, and also erected a stone tablet. On it are written the words of the territory of the Datang Empire and the territory of the Datang Western Company.

This small port is very and does not have much strategic value, but it can still be used as a supply port. Along the way, Ying Zihua has established more than a dozen similar supply ports. And they all chose to be in sparsely populated or even deserted small ports, in order to avoid being noticed by the Portuguese or others.

Today's Datang Western Company is still too weak to explore the Indian Ocean, and it can only be done sneakily, but it has no plans to conflict with the Portuguese in a short time.

Gerdes and Ying Zihua stood on the bow, behind a group of senior employees of Gerdes Trading Company and Datang Western Company!

Guedes said: "The wind direction is quite unfavorable for us now. If we continue to go to West Africa, the voyage will be very difficult. I suggest to rest here for half a year and wait for a new round of monsoons."

It is now May, and the northeast monsoon has ended, which is quite detrimental to the subsequent voyage of their small fleet!

Because without the northeast monsoon, they wouldn't be able to sail straight across the western Indian Ocean and reach the east coast of Africa!

In this era of sailing, especially long-distance sailing, the monsoon is very important, which is why Geddes and the others started to set off last autumn, because that time happened to be the season when the northeast monsoon started, and they took advantage of the northeast monsoon. I came to the southwestern region of India. Of course, I encountered a lot of trouble in the middle, but I didn't encounter pirates.

The Portuguese merchant ships encountered each other once, and as a result, Ying Zihua personally ordered them to be captured.

This is not to say that in order to avoid the traces being discovered, it is that at that time they were short of food and drinking water, and they wanted to rush through the difficulties and survive to the next destination.

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