Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1013: Australian dog head gold

The combined fleet of Datang Western Company and Guedes Trading Company, led by two cruisers and a vote of armed merchant ships, easily smashed the resistance of the Portuguese merchant ship and captured them, gaining a fleet of more than 500 tons in vain. The Galen ship and the many goods on it, as well as the more important food and fresh water supplies for them at that time.

Pirates, the troubles such as the interception of the Portuguese did not come across. The real troubles they encountered actually came from nature!

Along the way, they encountered many crises, and encountered violent storms countless times. They encountered eighty times without encountering one hundred times along the way.

And because of violent storms, they often deviate from the route and finally fail to reach their intended destination on time, resulting in various problems such as food and drinking water shortages.

Sometimes they are even blown into the depths of the ocean, where they cannot see 6 places for ten days and a half months, unable to land on the shore to obtain food and fresh water supplies.

Fortunately, the old pirate Geddes has quite a lot of sailing experience, so he brought the combined fleet here all the way, and only lost more than 200 people on the way!

Well, for an exploratory fleet that had no supply ports available and had to hide to avoid the Portuguese appearing and intercepting it, it was not bad that only more than 200 people died after traveling such a long distance.

Ying Zihua looked down at the nautical chart in his hand at this time. It was a nautical chart hand-painted by the students at the Royal Institute of Technology, or more precisely, a world map.

Finally, he said to Gerdes: "If we continue to go to West Africa, can we go?"

After listening to Guedes, he frowned slightly, but still said: "It is definitely possible to go, but sailing against the wind will be very slow, and it will be easier to deviate from the course, so we need to bring more food and fresh water supplies.

But in this case, we can't bring the goods. If you choose to move forward, then unfortunately, you can only move forward by yourself. I need to bring the goods to Europe safely! "

Ying Zihua took a deep breath and said, "If that's the case, then you stay, and our Western Company will continue to move forward. Besides, we also ask you to help take care of our company's trading post!"

They are Datang Western Company and Gedes Trading Company, although they have traveled all the way, but they are only partners. Now people do not want to continue sailing against the wind, but wait for the monsoon. It is to make money. If they do not successfully bring the goods to Europe , why did he Guedes take such a big risk.

Even if he was an old pirate, he ran all the way from Datang to Europe, and he couldn't get supplies from the Portuguese ports along the way, and he had to avoid being intercepted by the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean.

This is also quite dangerous, and it is not an exaggeration to say that you can make this money by pinning your head on the belt of your trousers.

Guedes is reluctant to appear now, but wants to wait a few months, until the northeast monsoon in October, he can understand, but his understanding does not mean that he is willing to do so.

So he turned his head and instructed his subordinates: "Go ahead and send the order, the Pine Forest will stay here, and the warehouses of other ships only keep a small amount of samples of goods, and the other cabins will be filled with supplies. We must continue westward!"

Immediately, he said to the captain of the Pine Forest Hao: "You can sell the goods left here as much as possible, and after processing the goods, go to the Persian Gulf to see the situation, and then you will return here, but don't wait deliberately. We, if the wind direction and time are suitable, you can go back first!"

For half a year, he couldn't wait. He had already left the Central Plains for half a year, and then waited in place for another half a year, then another half a year, and came here for a few more half a year. Could it be that he wanted him to return home in a few years!

According to the original plan, they should have gone all the way to Europe, but the difficulty of this voyage was more than he expected. According to the plan, they should have arrived on the west coast of Africa before the end of the monsoon, but it backfired. The monsoons are over and they are still on the southwest coast of India.

The itinerary and plan were seriously out of touch.

However, Guedes went to Europe for business, but Ying Zihua was not. His fleet was originally an expedition fleet. Some of the goods on board were used for trade, but it was better to test the market. of.

His purpose of Ying Zihua was not to do trade, but to explore routes and open up a number of supply stations to prepare for the later large-scale trade fleet.

So in the absence of mass casualties and other irresistible factors, he needs to move on!

The next goal is that he will directly enter the middle of the Indian Ocean, head to the northeast corner of Africa, and then continue south along the African coastline. As for how far he can go in the end, it depends on the situation!

Ying Zihua's expedition fleet is continuing to advance, and at the same time, another expedition ship, or another expedition ship, is also navigating with difficulty in a sea!

This ship belongs to the Datang Western Company, but it is already the Jinyuan, which has been fully taken over by the Ministry of Military Intelligence. This is a standard 680 merchant ship. A little less than the full tonnage Galen, but not by much.

After the Jinyuan was separated from the fleet last year, it sailed all the way to the west, and then arrived in Bali in the future, and then turned to sail south here, but unfortunately, because of the wind direction and ocean currents, they almost died in the vast On the sea, it was finally due to a sudden storm that was able to sail to the northeast.

Later, they managed to find a small island alive, which is the Timor Island of later generations, which saved a small life, but it was not smooth after arriving here. territory.

Then he tried to trade with the local indigenous people, trying to obtain food and other supplies, but was "warmly welcomed" by the local indigenous people, forcing them to respond enthusiastically to the enthusiasm of the indigenous people with naval guns and muskets.

The sudden warm welcome of the natives caused them to lose four comrades in arms. In order to pay homage to their comrades, they built a small landscape with the population of hundreds of natives!

After the first attempt to sail to the south failed, they continued to the west, and they found a few small islands, but it was of little significance. They continued all the way to the east. New Guinea in later generations, but the people from the Ministry of Information on the Jinyuan do not think so.

They thought this was Australia at first, but after a close look, they found that this broken island is not Australia, because it is different from the Australia described by the Son of Heaven.

The Australia described by the Son of Heaven is an incomparably vast area, and the north is desolate and full of deserts. Only the southeastern region is suitable for living and living.

And in this place, there are jungles and savages everywhere, and it has nothing to do with the desert.

So they randomly chose the name of Little Australia, and in accordance with the old rules, they set up a stone tablet after reaching 6: Little Australia, the territory of the Tang Empire, on February 26, the seventh year of Xuanping.

Then they continued to make a simple observation around the little Australia, this is the sailing south again!

This time, they were fully prepared, all food and fresh water were prepared, and even in order to avoid seas without wind and ocean currents, they specially modified the Jinyuan and prepared some oars.

If you accidentally fall into the sea with no wind and no ocean currents, you can also paddle slowly by yourself.

When everything was ready, they began to go south with the determination to die!

Then, they just started sailing for a few days, and now there are several islands in a row in the south, and with these islands, their sailing south has become easier.

However, it didn't take long for them to realize that they had found a big island!

In a few days, the island still has no end, and after sailing close to the coastline, and sending a small boat to board 6, it is now a wasteland, and there are relatively fierce savages.

It got them a little excited!

Although they are not completely sure, they took out the nautical chart, and then took out the top-secret full version of the world map for comparison, and finally determined that this should be the legendary Australia!

However, although they are confused, they must confirm that this is Australia.

If this is Australia, then they also need to continue to explore, at least, they need to find a place suitable for colonization, and the desert they see now is obviously not acceptable.

On the Jinyuan, Wang Shanxi, an agent of the Ministry of Military Intelligence, who was tasked with finding Australia, squinted at the coastline in the distance. Now he is very sure that this is the legendary Australia.

In order to find it, they spent half a year and experienced life and death several times, and more than 20 people were killed or injured due to injuries, indigenous attacks, etc.

Now, they finally found it!

However, the Australia they see now is a desert, so desolate that they are not even in the mood to go ashore to check!

That broken place can't be used as a colony at all!

They must continue to sail along the coast of Australia, but not to the southeast, although it is already marked on the map in his hand, the southeast of Australia has a large fertile But it is too far away , if there is no suitable supply station along the way, the risk is too great.

Therefore, he is preparing to find a place suitable for colonization and establish a stronghold on the coastline of northern Australia to lay the foundation for subsequent Australian exploration.

They sailed along the coastline all the way, and by late May today, they had already made a big circle along the coastline of northern Australia.

First, they sailed in the southwest direction, and then turned to the northwest direction, which is equivalent to walking a big V shape, and then they sailed to the north, and this sea area is actually the later Carpentaria. b.

After leaving this bay, they continued westward and finally came to a bay!

On this day, as usual, Wang Shanxi continued to observe Australia 6 in the south with the telescope in his hand, trying to find a place suitable for colonization.

Then he realized that the terrain here is relatively flat, with more vegetation, and there is also a bay that can be used as a port. That is, according to the usual practice, send someone to board 6 to see the specific situation.

But not long after the dozen or so crew members he sent paddled the boat to board 6, they saw those crew members running back to the boat and quickly rowing towards the Jinyuan.

Wang Shanxi thought that they were in a hurry to escape from an aboriginal attack, but did not expect that when they returned to the boat, they gave Wang Shanxi a big surprise: more than a dozen pieces of gold of various sizes.

The largest of them weighs at least ten kilograms.

When he saw these dog-headed gold, his mouth couldn't close!

Omg, so much gold!

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