Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1014: Bastion on the South China Sea

The crew members on the Jinyuan were stunned by their own present!

They didn't expect that it was just a regular 6th boarding, and it turned out to be gold, and it was a lot of gold. The dozen or so crew members who boarded the 6th for the first time, not long after boarding the 6th, they brought back ten Multiple pieces of dog head gold, what does this mean? It means that there must be a big gold mine here!

Wang Shanxi was also very surprised!

Although they are all from the Ministry of Intelligence, they are serious intelligence officers, but many times, spying on intelligence is just their part-time job. The real occupation is ordinary sailors or soldiers. Strictly speaking, they are just ordinary people. .

When a person sees so much gold, and there is a very high possibility that there is a large gold mine above, he cannot calm down.

Wang Shanxi took a deep breath several times in a row, and then carefully inquired about their situation after they went ashore. After half an hour, he gave the order to organize the 6 operation again.

This time, there were more than fifty people on board 6!

There are not too many people on the Jinyuan. In addition to the more than 100 crew members, there are also about 50 members of the 6th team. This time, it is still mainly the 6th team members who have gone ashore, but Wang Shanxi himself also brought Several officials went ashore to check the situation, as for the crew members, they stayed on the ship.

In a foreign country, who knows when they will face danger. Even if there are countless gold and silver in front of them, they still need to maintain the most basic precautions. Those who board the 6th can die, but the crew on board cannot lose. , because they still need to return to Banten, and they also need to return to the Tang Dynasty to pass the news of Australia back.

Therefore, when Wang Shanxi made arrangements, he was very rational.

Of course, gold comes first. In order to avoid civil strife, Wang Shanxi also repeatedly emphasized that the gold they found this time will be dealt with as the spoils of war. Different, the distribution does not mean that whoever gets the gold on the 6th floor belongs to him.

Wang Shanxi and the others took four small boats and rowed all the way to the shore.

The place where the Jinyuan anchored was not too far from the shore, so it didn't take long for them to successfully reach the beach.

Like everyone else, Wang Shanxi carried a Suihuo gun, a Suihuo pistol and a waist knife on his waist, but even so, he looked different from the others because he was wearing Datang Western Co., Ltd. military uniform.

The armed employees of Datang Western Company also have military uniforms, but their uniforms are somewhat different in style from those of the 6th Army and the Navy.

Because Datang Western Company is only a commercial company, and it is currently sole proprietorship of royal assets, and has not sold shares to the public or official institutions, so there are not too many restrictions on all aspects of action, you can come as you like, or Li Xuan can come as he likes.

The uniforms of its military uniforms are based on blue. The tops of the officers' uniforms, like the 6 navy, are still the traditional right-back style. In terms of details, there are horizontal stripes on the cuffs to indicate the height of the military rank, and there are still epaulettes.

Soldiers' uniforms are also mainly dark blue, with vertical strips on their trousers, white for sailors, and red for Team 6.

After Wang Shanxi came ashore with a ticket of 6 teams, he directly led the team to start the search and remained vigilant!

Because Wang Shanxi knows that the land with which it seems to be uninhabited, but in fact there are also indigenous people, but the number is rare, and there are also relatively large indigenous animals here.

Before, they saw a huge animal with only two legs and ran very fast. They shot one of them with a musket. They found that the animal had a bag on the front of the chest, so they directly charged the animal. A very vivid name, called Kangaroo.

Even if this place is really empty, not even a small animal, it is still very important to maintain a high degree of vigilance in an unfamiliar land, so after they boarded 6, they maintained a high degree of vigilance and divided into three teams, left and right. , search forward in a fan shape, and the destination of the search is the place where the first batch of people who boarded the 6th found the gold.

It didn't take long for them to come to a small valley. According to the report of the first group of players who climbed to 6, it was here that they found these gold coins.

Wang Shanxi squatted down, then looked at the ground, what looked good on the ground, but since the previous dog head gold has been found here, then there must be gold mines here.

So they continued to search. After about half an hour, they found a river flowing by. The river was not big, only about ten meters wide. Looking closely, the river flowed directly into the sea.

At this time, several 6th team members suddenly said loudly: "Look at it? Look at the river sand here!"

Wang Shanxi also walked to the river at this time, and looked at the river sand carefully, and found that the river sand was different from ordinary sand, because the river sand here has a lot of yellow reflections!

Wang Shanxi didn't know much about minerals, but another official accompanying him did. He picked up a handful of sand, then picked out a few small yellow gravels in the sand, and took out again. A magnifying glass carefully observed, and finally revealed a face of ecstasy: "It's Jinsha, the river sand here contains a lot of Jinsha, and there must be a large gold mine nearby!"

Wang Shanxi also took these few grains of golden sand at this time. After looking at it carefully, he began to instruct: "Go and bring our boat that was moored on the beach, enter the sea from this estuary, and we will follow this golden boat. Shahe continues to search!"

"Inform the Jinyuan again, and let them search the nearby coastline and draw a chart of the nearby waters!"

Even if the location of the gold mine has not been found, there must be a gold mine nearby, and if there is a gold mine, this place cannot be missed.

What's more, this is a plain with sufficient vegetation, and the land is considered fertile!

I won't say how useful it is in the later stage, but it is enough as a colony opening point in the early stage.

Wang Shanxi has already decided to build a foothold here first, and then send the news back to the business hall in Wandan, so that more ships and personnel from China will be sent here.

Wang Shanxi's exploration lasted for three days in total, but due to the lack of sufficient tools, they could not find the real gold mine except for some golden sand and a few dog's head gold.

However, the impact was not great. I thought that Wang Shanxi was very sure that there must be a gold mine here. The only thing to be determined now is the size and the specific location.

After staying for three days, Wang Shanxi left with people. After all, his Jinyuan is an exploration ship, not a colony. As long as it is a good place, it is enough. As for these dog heads Except for a small part turned over, most of the gold and part of the golden sand were distributed as trophies.

Let every crew member and team 6 members who participated in the operation burst into laughter. The amount of gold and gold they found was not small, and even after they were divided, everyone could get a lot of gold.

Now that they have found Australia, and they have found a suitable place to stay, Wang Shanxi and the others are not in the mood to continue to circle the whole of Australia. They are ready to return. Otherwise, who knows what dangerous things will happen.

At the beginning of June, Wang Shanxi commanded the Jinyuan to start returning, but not along the way, but according to the drawn chart, and then directly using the southeast monsoon to sail in the northwest direction. If the calculation is good, they will It will traverse a large sea area, and then directly reach the western islands of the Java Islands, which should generally be the waters near Timor Island, and this is also the sea area they went out before.

After they arrive at Timor Island, they will continue to sail north, and are expected to pass through the straits of eastern Borneo and return to There, there is the first colony of the Tang Dynasty, Luzon. Mindanao trading post.

The reason why they didn't choose to go west and return to Banten was because Wang Shanxi felt that it was unsafe. Although they had already established a business hall in Banten before they went west, the Portuguese's control over the Indies was not weak. After a long time, it is estimated that the colonial fleet of the Tang Dynasty has already been to Wandan.

Although Wang Shanxi also knows that Datang Western Company will definitely send a number of fleets to the south, but considering the distance and the Portuguese problem, the first colony operated by the Datang Dynasty should be Luzon, not Wan Wan. Dan.

So to avoid any potential threat, he decided to go straight back to Mindanao instead of Banten.

Of course he didn't know, his worries were completely unnecessary!

At that time, after Ying Zihua led the exploration fleet to the south, the Datang Western Company had already sent five fleets to the south, and the routes they took were all directly crossing the South China Sea and then heading to Luzon.

In the first fleet, they sent 500 armed employees of the Datang Western Company with live ammunition to the trading post on Mindao Island, as well as artillery for the construction of the bastion and a large number of ammunition supplies.

After the replenishment, the Mindao Island trading post expanded rapidly. In just a few months, there were many battles, expelling all the surrounding natives or capturing them as coolies to build fortresses for them.

It only took a few months at the beginning, the bastion on Mindanao Island was initially formed, and it successfully resisted a pirate named, but in fact it is very likely to be the invasion of the Portuguese.

And now, the garrison on Miandao has reached more than 1,300 people. If you rely on the bastion, don't expect to be able to break through this fort if you don't have 10,000 people to attack.

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