Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1015: Not enough warships to rent from the navy

The fleet dispatched by Datang Western Company 6 also transported some reinforcements to Banten. Today, the company's armed forces in Banten are not as good as those in Mindanao, but they also have more than 500 garrison troops. A perfect bastion was also built, which made the local Banten people look helpless, and even the Portuguese were hesitant to see it!

Although there is no evidence from the Datang Dynasty, their family knows their own affairs. In January this year, Datang's colony in Mindanao Island was attacked by pirates. Although there were not many foreigners, there were many Nanyang natives, Japanese pirates, A gang composed of foreigners and pirates, but this pirate was secretly organized by them.

Even commanding the battle are their Portuguese!

However, they took advantage of the fact that when the fleet of Datang Western Company was not in the port, they adopted a raid method. Although they occupied the port, they suffered a shameful failure when they attacked the castle!

More than 3,000 people were besieged, and after half the casualties, they still failed to break through the fortress. After learning that another group of Datang Western Company's fleet was about to arrive, in order to avoid the conspiracy being exposed, they had to retreat.

In this battle, the casualties of Datang Western Company were only 26 people, while the pirates who besieged the castle suffered more than 400 casualties!

The business halls on Mindanao Island just can’t be beaten. Wandan is still this kind of fortress. What’s more, Wandan also has indigenous regimes. They don’t say that they want to beat them. Yue, they were watching the business hall of the Datang Western Company in Wandan, from a small warehouse to a bastion. In the end, they could not fight without a few thousand people and dozens or hundreds of artillery pieces. Relying on human life to fill in, rely on, when overseas colonization, no one has many troops, if the Portuguese can stop tens of thousands of troops from attacking, they would have done it long ago.

Anyway, today's Datang Western Company is only building a business hall, and it does not clearly show the intention of establishing a colony and taking over the local indigenous regime. In addition, the trade between the two countries is getting bigger and bigger, but the relationship is also getting more and more tense. , At this time, the Portuguese endured it in order to avoid accidents.

Of course, there is another very important reason for this, that is, the two commercial stations established by Datang Western Company, one in Mindanao and the other in Banten. Although the location is also important, it is not in Malacca or Malacca after all. around.

The most important thing for the Vine people is actually the Indian Ocean route. As long as Malacca is blocked, the Indian Ocean will be their world. As for the Southeast Asia, it is the traditional East Asian maritime trade circle. , The Tang Navy is not a decoration, what if dozens of warships came to bombard Malacca?

The tolerance of the Portuguese also stimulated the expansion of Datang Western to a certain extent!

Now Datang Western Company has set its sights on the main island of Luzon again, and is gathering strength to open a new trading post on the main island of Luzon.

Therefore, the colonial activities of the Tang Dynasty in Luzon and Wandan were not as pessimistic as Wang Shanxi expected, and even smoother.

Because Datang Western Company seems to be a company fighting, but it is actually just the vanguard of Datang's external expansion!

Standing in the rear is the entire Datang Dynasty. The Datang 6th Army, the Navy and the Cabinet have all given strong support to Datang Western Company. To what extent are they supported?

It is a trivial matter to allow Datang Western Company to set up a company's armed forces, buy all kinds of ordnance and even warships, and provide retired soldiers. Now, Datang Navy and even warships have begun to lease to Datang Western Company.

If they hadn't leased warships from the navy, how could they have had so many ships to maintain the existing routes and colonies.

After all, the current operation of the Datang Western Company is completely limited to going in and out. The hundreds of thousands of taels invested by the royal family's assets are all used for shipbuilding and hiring personnel. With several of their frigates and a dozen or so armed transport ships, they didn't even have enough ships.

When it was reported that the company's ships were not enough, Li Xuan directly instructed that the company's warships were not enough to hire the Navy!

In order to solve the problem of insufficient ships of the Datang Western Company, especially armed ships, Li Xuan personally decided to let them hire the navy to rent ships, and by the way, rent navy officers and soldiers.

The navy was against it at first, thinking it would be detrimental to the navy, but later Li Xuan said that the navy has the responsibility to maintain the security of the trade line. Rent, and rent is available.

So the navy finally recognized it by pinching its nose. In the past six months, it has already leased one cruiser, three frigates, and six patrol ships to the Datang Western Company.

Or to put it more simply, the Navy directly leased a squadron to the Datang Western Company!

The 6th Army also provided more than 1,000 retired soldiers to join the Datang Western Company.

At the same time, the Ministry of Agriculture has also reached an agreement with Datang Western Company, allowing Datang Western Company to help transport immigrants to Nanyang.

However, these things further aggravated the financial deficit of Datang Western Company!

In the sixth year of Xuanping, Datang Western Company lost a total of 360,000 taels of silver. In the first quarter of the seventh year of Xuanping, Datang Western Company lost 130,000 taels of silver, which caused quite a headache for the Royal Assets Department.

Losing hundreds of thousands of taels this year, this business can't be done!

But the official investment is unwilling to invest, the official finances are tight, and there is still a big business in the country, which has given you the monopoly of Western trade. Do you want financial subsidies? Just kidding.

As for the shares, this is a good way, but Li Xuan is pressing not to go so early. Now, it is not the time to buy shares.

Datang Western Company is the only company that has a Western trade license, and it can also have a company armed. This is destined to be not an ordinary company. Even if it is the last to sell stocks, it must be cautious. Li Xuan also expects to use this company. With a company as an introduction, a complete stock trading system has been established.

The government does not give financial subsidies, and the company itself operates at a loss. There is no choice but to **** blood from other subordinate companies of the Royal Assets Department. Fortunately, there are many companies in the Royal Assets Department, and most of them are new-type industries. Very strong.

Just glass and soap are making the royal family assets more valuable, not to mention the fact that the royal family assets department has invested in and established a brand new industry: matches.

This cheap kind of ignition product, once launched, has become a popular drink and has even become a major export commodity.

Not to mention the giant Royal Bank!

Although the stall is also large, it can still be squeezed out by crowding here and there.

However, it is the wealth and wealth of the Royal Assets Division that can support Datang Western's current investment of more than one million taels. If it were replaced by other ordinary private enterprises, it would not be able to support it.

I don’t have much money, and I have to explore the route and build a business hall. What should I do? Naturally, I can save money. I can’t afford to build a ship myself, so I rent a ship from the navy.

Anyway, the navy is very idle now, and its main combat tasks are in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the Bohai Sea, while maintaining coastal security and controlling trade routes to Japan.

With the current strength of the navy, to be honest, there is a bit of excess, but the navy is still in the process of large-scale expansion, so the navy is also happy to lease some ships to the Datang Western Company, so that they can help themselves raise the fleet.

Under all kinds of circumstances, it was the Datang Western Company that maintained a high degree of expansion even though it was in a mess of losses!

However, this kind of loss cannot be sustained for too long. At present, Datang Western has not opened up the Indian Ocean route, but it has indeed occupied Mindao Island in Luzon, and established a base in Banten, and started from this base. Although business activities do not make much money, they can be subsidized anyway.

Wang Shanxi took the Jinyuan number to explore in Australia Naturally, he did not know the situation of Datang Western Company in the past six months, and he did not even know the situation in China, so he still adopted the most conservative method. strategy, to prepare to return to Mindao Island from the eastern seas of Borneo.

When Wang Shanxi left Australia with the Jinyuan and began to return north, a new round of war broke out in China.

The First Army and Second Army, which had been preparing for a long time, officially launched the Battle of Sichuan with the support of the Navy's Yangtze River Fleet.

Part of the main force was attacking along the Yangtze River, while the other part was attacking across the mountains and mountains. At the same time, the Fifth Army also moved from north to south, and entered the hinterland of Sichuan from Guanzhong.

The outcome of this battle is not too suspenseful!

Because the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty has prepared a total of three armies for this battle, with a total strength of 120,000 people. According to the information, the main force of the Ming army in Sichuan is Dubiao, but the current and former Dubiao The standard is different. Now there is only one left army behind the chief inspector, and there are also some remnants of the right army and the former army, adding up to less than 60,000 people.

King Jing's army directly under his command was about 10,000 people.

As for the rest of the guardsmen and the like, no one took them seriously!

The offensive was launched in early June. In mid-June, the First Army captured the strategic location of Badong, and also captured important cities along the Yangtze River such as Wanxian and Zhongzhou, and then gathered the main force to attack Chongqing Fucheng.

In late June, the First Army captured Chongqing Fucheng, and Song Zhiwen, the puppet governor of Mingchuan East, led more than 20,000 remnants of the army to retreat to Luzhou.

At the same time, the Fifth Army also entered Baoning Mansion, and then turned to the southwest and went straight to Chengdu Mansion!

The whole month of June was the performance time of the Master of the Tang Dynasty. The three armies rushed into Sichuan from multiple directions, captured Chongqing, and landed in Chengdu.

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