Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1032: Meeting with Wang Shanxi

While drinking tea, he looked at the newspaper in his hand. After spending half an hour, Wang Shanxi was the carriage sent by the Hanlin Academy to greet him!

But this time, the deputy chief of the Immigration Department of the Hanlin Academy, Mr. Sun, did not come. He came to greet him yesterday, and that was already a high-level courtesy. Naturally, it was impossible to come to serve him every day, and he was busy.

The person who came to pick him up was a subordinate of Master Sun, Hanlin who also belonged to the Immigration Department, but since he was arranged to pick him up, it proved that his status in the Hanlin Academy was not high, and he was one of the lowest grades in the Hanlin Academy. Times, because of the limited staffing of the Hanlin Academy from the seventh grade, there are only more than 200 officials in more than 20 departments, and there are only seven or eight people in the general department.

But because the Hanlin Academy is very important, even the requirements of ordinary staff are high, so the most common staff in it starts from the seventh-grade editing.

Therefore, to say that this person's status is low is only relatively speaking. For the vast majority of ordinary officials, this person is a person with a bright future.

Following the staff member surnamed Chen into the carriage, they went all the way to the Royal Courtyard. On the way, staff member Chen carefully told Wang Shanxi some precautions after entering the palace.

Don't move around, don't talk, don't look!

When facing the saint, you must pay attention to the etiquette of monarchs and ministers. Although you don’t need to kneel when you are in uniform, your posture of bowing must also be standard. When talking to your majesty, your voice should not be too loud or too low, but you should not use messy words. Hometown dialect, otherwise, how would the Son of Heaven know what you said?

In addition, when talking to the Son of Heaven, unless His Majesty asks you to say something, you can't talk nonsense at will.

In short, you must not be rude in front of the Son of Heaven! If the emperor loses his honor, although the Holy Son of Heaven treats his subjects very kindly and won't say anything, the officials outside will not be polite to you, and they will impeach you in minutes. No, but it's not a good thing after all.

After being mentioned by this staff member on the road, when he was about to arrive at the Royal Courtyard, Wang Shanxi, who was already nervous, became even more nervous!

"We're almost there!" Staff member Chen said while pointing to the huge building complex ahead.

Wang Shanxi looked at the situation, and the first thing that caught his eye was not a huge building complex, but a large area of ​​grass.

They are now, just in front of the Royal Courtyard!

At the beginning, the main body of the Royal Courtyard was the Duke of Wei's mansion, and there were many other nobles' mansions around it, and there were also some private houses nearby, but after choosing this place as the Royal Courtyard, it was directly dominated by the Duke of Wei's mansion, and the many nearby mansions were And residential houses are included!

The adjacent mansion was included in the Royal Courtyard as the main activity place for the royal family. This measure directly more than doubled the size of the harem to meet the increasing demands of the women in the harem.

A part of the surrounding buildings is used as an office space, serving as the front hall in the traditional sense. Li Xuan usually works in the front hall, and the Hanlin Academy, as Li Xuan's private secretary institution, is also within the palace wall. .

Outside the front hall, most of the houses and streets have been demolished, leveled, and planted with flowers and plants!

This is not for aesthetics, but for safety!

After all, the Royal Courtyard is not a palace, and there is no tall and thick city wall. The courtyard wall is also a nearby street. This is a very serious adjustment for security work. Later, they simply requisitioned the surrounding residential houses and demolished them, leaving a large area of ​​​​open space. , a simple palace wall is built around the open space.

Although this palace wall looks very high, it is more than six meters, but its thickness is only a pitiful two meters, and it is not as thick as the city walls of those county towns, so the palace wall is at best to prevent ordinary people from entering, but if When there are enemy troops besieging the courtyard of the palace, it is basically useless.

However, the main protection of the Royal Courtyard was never the thin palace wall, but the nearly 5,000 guard troops stationed in the Royal Courtyard all year round.

According to relevant regulations, the Guards should send an infantry regiment, an artillery battalion, and a cavalry team to take turns to be stationed in the palace, with a total strength of about 5,000 people. These troops are rotated every six months.

Behind the seemingly thin palace wall is a large army of 5,000, as well as more than 20 field guns and more shotguns, and a huge basement has been dug out to store a large amount of ammunition and food.

In addition, there is a secret project in the courtyard of the palace, which is a secret tunnel. It is dug out from the courtyard of the palace and leads all the way to the outside of the city. There are top-secret people stationed in the hidden strongholds outside the city all the year round. It is possible to escape from Jinling City, or to go to the pier where there are secret and reserved special ships, this escape route, even the generals of the Guards do not know.

These are all Li Xuan's life-saving means.

He never planned to rely on the palace wall to save his life!

Although the army is his foundation, he is always on guard. The conflict between the navy and the 6th Army is certainly a conflict of interests, but Li Xuan's intentional arrangement is also indispensable.

Even within the 6th Army or the Navy, there are many factions.

Without the factions within the military to balance each other, Li Xuan would not sleep well at night.

Even so, he still used the Guards to guard against the 6th Army or the Navy, so that the Guards were independent of the 6th Army and the Navy for containment.

Even the guards, he did not fully believe, let Hantong's side almost guards to conduct incomparably strict monitoring, every officer in the guards, basically can enjoy the treatment of special monitoring.

Of course, the objects of Hantong's monitoring are not only the guards, but basically all officials are their monitoring objects, regardless of civil or military, and the generals are more concerned because they have the army in their hands.

Ordinary officers are fine. Those generals, especially those with real power, such as division commanders and corps commanders, are basically Han Tong’s focus. Around every general, there are Han Tong agents in ambush. .

In addition, in the past two years, Li Xuan has increased support for the Ministry of Military Intelligence, and made the agency independent from the Department of Warfare and directly under the Privy Council, directly under the jurisdiction of Li Xuan.

Although the Ministry of Military Intelligence is an external intelligence agency, there are many things in the intelligence agency that are secret and not known to outsiders. The Department of Military Intelligence has several more agencies to monitor some officials and generals. .

It is the two intelligence agencies themselves, and under the connivance of Li Xuan, there are many conflicts. Because the division of powers is not too clear, part of the two parties can only overlap. Therefore, the two intelligence agencies are actually monitoring each other. .

The subordinate army and civilian officials are hostile. There are factions within the army, and there are factions within the civilian officials. There is an intelligence system for monitoring, and there are conflicts within the intelligence system. There are many checks and balances, which together constitute the current political ecosystem of the Tang Dynasty.

The containment and balance between many institutions is also an important guarantee for Li Xuan to control the power!

Most of the people in the imperial court don't know about this, or they know it, but they can only pretend that they don't know, and no one will jump out of the stupidity and say that this is wrong and that is not good.

You jumped out, either stupid or treacherous, no matter which one it is, His Majesty will cut you down in minutes.

Therefore, Baiguan clearly knows that Hantong is monitoring them, and usually does not forget to impeach Hantong and make Li Daobing and others hate it. To abolish Hantong or something like that.


Because someone said this a few years ago, and then they were all arrested by Li Xuan personally, and charged with all kinds of messy charges, death penalty, indefinite indefinite period, exile in exile, without any exception!

Therefore, the current attitude towards Hantong in the Tang Dynasty is that you can impeach Hantong for being inauthentic and demand punishment of Li Daobing, etc., but you cannot say that Hantong will be abolished.

The former, Li Xuan doesn't care, and sometimes even deals with one or two black sheep of the Han lineage to calm the anger of Baiguan.

In the latter case, Li Xuan will kill.

After Wang Shanxi entered the Royal Courtyard, he followed Staff Member Chen directly to the office compound of the Hanlin Academy, waiting for an audience. At this time, the saber he was carrying was also taken away, and he was carefully checked to ensure that he did not carry any on his body. arms.

This wait was for more than two hours, during which time, he didn't even dare to drink too much tea, because Wang Shanxi was worried that it would be bad if he urinated urgently during the face-to-face sanctuary.

After waiting for two hours, he was taken to a waiting room by a secretary of the secretariat of the Hanlin Academy. When he arrived, there were already a few people waiting here, including civil servants and military generals.

Wang Shanxi glanced slightly, he didn't recognize everyone, but judging from their ranks and, everyone was a big man.

Three civil servants, from the official badge, one is of the third grade, and two are of the second grade. The third rank is placed in the local area, which is the governor, and if it is in the central government, it is a high-ranking official at the level of the director of various ministries, and from the second rank, it is basically the minister of each ministry or the governor of each province.

The remaining general was not a member of their 6th Army system, but a member of the navy, with the rank of major general on his shoulders. It is estimated that he might be the commander of a certain squadron or something.

In front of these people, he is a little major who really has no sense of existence.

For his arrival, the four people inside even showed a strange look. There was no other reason. This person's military rank was too low, and according to the rules, he was not qualified to see the Son of Heaven.

But Wang Shanxi appeared here, which naturally made them a little curious.

However, even if they are curious, everyone is old fritters, and it is clear that this waiting room is definitely not a place to chat. Why, the Son of Heaven is next door!

When they came to see the Son of Heaven, naturally, each of them had a lot of things to do, and they were all preparing for the upcoming audience. How could they be in the mood to chat with their colleagues!

After waiting for another half an hour, Wang Shanxi was finally called out, and followed a secretary to the door of a huge office not far away. When the secretary opened the door and let him in by himself. , he took a deep breath, and then stepped into the door. As soon as he entered, he saw a young and majestic figure sitting in front of a huge office work.

At this time, he took a deep breath again, then stood still and bowed: "My minister, the deputy head of the Nanyang Station of the Military Intelligence Department of the Privy Council, and the 6th Army Major Wang Shanxi greeted my emperor. Long live my emperor, long live, long live."

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