Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1033: Grant officials and poison wine

After shouting "Long Live", Wang Shanxi heard a small but very peaceful voice: "Aiqing is flat!"

After hearing this, he stood up straight, and then turned his eyes to the front, but from his angle, the sun was dazzling, although he could see the Holy Son of Heaven sitting behind his work, but It's a little blurry, and it's not real.

I just felt that the body of the Son of Heaven seemed to be covered with a layer of light, which was enough to brighten the eyes of blind people.

But in order to avoid being rude in front of you, Wang Shanxi didn't dare to look more. Although he glanced at the moment he looked up, he quickly lowered his head again. At this time, to be honest, Wang Shanxi didn't look at it. Knowing what the Son of Heaven looks like, he can only see a vague young man in casual clothes sitting behind his desk.

Because Li Xuan's office uses large glass windows and faces east, people who meet the Son of Heaven in this office in the morning will be dazzled by the sun when they look in from the door, so it looks like Somewhat vague.

But what's interesting is that when Li Xuan looked at the door from the inside out, he could clearly see every move of the courtiers, and even their expressions could be clearly seen.

Of course, people who come in from outside the door will not always be able to see the scene in the house clearly. In fact, as long as they wait a few more seconds, they can basically see clearly after their eyes are adapted to the light.

Wang Shanxi is like this. After standing up straight, he stepped forward slowly, but he did not go all the way to Li Xuan. Instead, according to the previous teaching, he walked to the middle of this huge office. Li Xuan is still about four or five meters away. At this time, he can't continue to go forward, unless His Majesty asks him to go forward, otherwise, there will be personal guards on both sides rushing up at any time.

Although there was no one other than His Majesty in his sight at this time, he was very clear that there must be a large number of personal guards watching his every move secretly.

This matter is very secret to ordinary people, but it is not a secret to the upper echelons of the Tang Dynasty. compartment or something.

Anyway, he didn't believe that he could really be alone with the Son of Heaven. That's unrealistic!

Wang Shanxi went up and down, thinking that His Majesty would sit behind the desk and talk to him, but what he didn't expect was that the Son of Heaven stood up from behind the desk and walked towards the sand on one side.

At the same time, he said, "Wang Aiqing, come, don't be cautious, sit down!"

After listening to Wang Shanxi, he was slightly taken aback, but he did not expect that His Majesty would grant a seat. Although His Majesty was kind, he had already abolished the ceremony of kneeling on most occasions, but he wanted to sit down in front of the Holy Son of Heaven, but he It's not that easy either.

Generally speaking, only in the imperial meeting can those courtiers be seated regardless of grade, etc. There is no way, generally the duration of the imperial meeting is relatively long, and it is often a matter of time to open for a few hours, and often Need to write, read documents, etc., standing is really inconvenient.

But in ordinary summons, it is rarely given a seat. In most cases, it is behind the desk where the Son of Heaven is sitting, and the courtier answers below, and there is no chair in the direction where the courtier is standing.

Only in some special circumstances, or when His Majesty is in a good mood, will the place of conversation be shifted from the desk to the sand on one side, but there are not many people who can think of this treatment.

I never thought that I would be able to enjoy it myself!

Wang Shanxi immediately said, "Thank you Lord Long En!"

Afterwards, he took a small step forward and backward. After Li Xuan sat down, he sat down on the sand on one side. He only sat on the edge of the sand, and his body was still straight, maintaining the posture of a soldier. .

Maintaining etiquette in front of the emperor, this is what the staff member Chen of the Hanlin Academy has repeatedly emphasized to him, and he also emphasized another point, that is, do what your majesty says, and you must not pretend to be polite in front of the holy emperor, and your majesty will give you a seat. , If you give tea, just thank you and accept it.

Don't foolishly say that you don't dare to accept the merits, and refuse the reward of the Son of Heaven. This is a mistake, and it is still a very serious mistake. If you don't do it, you will be impeached to death by a vote of officials, and eventually you will lose your post or even lose your post. It is possible to be thrown into prison.


Because what the Son of Heaven bestows on you is the kindness of the king, whether you are willing to accept it or not, you have to follow it obediently, and you cannot refuse!

Why can't Jun En be postponed? Because 'thunder, rain and dew are all kindness', "Jun's kindness" is a word that covers many meanings such as 'reward', 'demotion', 'death' and so on!

The emperor bestows you high-ranking officials and honors, and bestows you a glass of poisonous wine, it is a concept, both are the kindness of the king!

Therefore, your rejection of a high-ranking official and noble title is no different from rejecting poisonous wine or even rejecting other wills of the emperor. It is called disobedience to the will, and you will be killed!

So many things, although they are only small things on the surface, are often things of principle. This is like whether the Spanish or the Portuguese want to send envoys to Jinling to see them, they have to bow down. They call themselves 'foreign ministers' and Li Xuan as 'Your Majesty'. Li Xuan must be called 'the Great Emperor of the Tang Empire' in the credentials. At the same time, their own monarchs can only call themselves the king of so-and-so.

And these details are not the bad taste of Li Xuan, nor are the old men of the Ministry of Rites fooling around, but to maintain the imperial power, to maintain the supreme authority of the emperor, and even to maintain the legitimacy and sanctity of the Tang Empire. .

The Datang Dynasty that came out of the mountain valleys paid more attention to status than many dynasties in history, and was always worried that others would say that they were not in the right position and that they were not an orthodox central dynasty, so in many aspects, the great The courtiers of the Tang Dynasty paid special attention to etiquette.

To put it bluntly in this situation, a diaosi became rich overnight, and then became a millionaire, but even if he became rich, many people flattered on the surface, but in their hearts, they scolded this diaosi for becoming rich. In order to truly integrate into the upper class, this diaosi began to Studying hard, trying to make himself a real high-society person, and at the same time, he especially hates people talking about his past diaosi experience.

Well, this is what the ministers like Liu Bagou think. Li Xuan himself has nothing to do. What if the Tang Dynasty was a diaosi from Shangougou? If I have too many guns, I will ask you if you will accept it, and if you do not accept it, I will shoot you a gun!

Li Xuan doesn't care about the status, but he also knows that Liu Bagou and the others are doing this for the purpose of safeguarding the imperial power and the authority of the empire, so Li Xuan also acquiesced that they did this.

Wang Shanxi sat down with thanks, and Li Xuan said, "Some time ago, from Yunnan, I brought some Nanzhao black tea to me. The taste is not bad. You can also try it to quench your thirst."

When Li Xuan was talking, a person walked in outside, a reading attendant of the secretariat. After entering, he started to make tea, and then poured a cup of tea before pushing it away!

Holding the small teacup, Wang Shanxi took a small sip, only to feel the fragrance lingering on his lips and teeth. This black tea is much better than the tea leaves he drank in the past. Such tea leaves are used to quench thirst.

But don't mention it, in Li Xuan's opinion, this thing is for quenching thirst.

Li Xuan has no hobby of tasting tea. Although he also drinks tea, he still treats tea as a drink, and quenching his thirst is the only purpose.

Therefore, the top-grade tea that traveled thousands of miles to pay tribute to him in these places is actually no different from drinking it in Li Xuan. He just thinks it is delicious, how is it delicious, and what is special, so he doesn't bother to care about it.

The two sat on the sand respectively, and they started drinking two sips of tea. Li Xuan also began to ask about the specific scriptures of Wang Shanxi's journey to Nanyang. When Wang Shanxi answered, he was still upright, and his body did not dare to be afraid of anything. Mobility, especially hands, is always on the bright side!

Because he knows that at this moment, there are not knowing how many hidden guards are staring at his every move, so every move cannot be misunderstood by those guards, otherwise the scene will be ugly.

And his judgment is not wrong. In fact, there are compartments in the front, back, left and right of this office, and the guards are watching from behind the compartments.

As the emperor of the empire, Li Xuan almost never leaves the sight of his personal guards, let alone working in this office, even when he is dancing and drinking in the harem and his concubines, there are female personal guards. Stay aside and prevent those concubines from having a good heart!

As for privacy, of course there is no privacy. As an emperor, what privacy is there to talk about? As soon as he takes off his pants, the female officer who has been quietly following him will directly pick up charcoal and record it in a small notebook : A certain day and a certain time, the emperor was fortunate to a certain concubine of a certain family.

However, the personal bodyguards and personal female officers who follow him are basically selected from thousands of thousands of people. There are a total of 38 male personal There are 24 female personal guards and ten personal female officials. eight.

Moreover, these people are not young military camps, and they were born in a lady's academy. Although those people are loyal enough, they have no scruples about orphans and orphans. Under certain circumstances, it is even more difficult to control.

Li Xuan's personal bodyguards and female officials are basically from a family, and they are basically selected from the big family, each of them has someone who can't let go!

Aside from basic loyalty and the like, each of them is a good son or daughter, a good husband or wife, a good brother or sister, and they all have a very big identification with their family, and a desire to protect.

They are willing to give up their lives for the sake of their families!

And only such people can make Li Xuan feel at ease to hand over his life to them!

Because when they protect Li Xuan disadvantageously, they will be punished by the clan!

Therefore, at the most critical moment, even if they don't protect Li Xuan for the sake of high officials and noble titles, even if they don't protect Li Xuan for loyalty, they will protect Li Xuan for the sake of protecting their own family!

Of course, family, this is just the last insurance, just in case.

Usually, Li Xuan treats these personal guards as preferentially as possible, not to mention themselves, even their family members can enjoy very good treatment.

Whether it is living, going to school, employment, etc., the royal family will arrange everything. Even if the family is an official, then the official career will be arranged for help, and there will never be any worries.

If they die to protect Li Xuan, their descendants will definitely get a noble title.

These are just for them to save Li Xuan's life at a critical moment!

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