Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1050: Capture Luzon and destroy Banten

The Fourth Squadron and Luzon Squadron of the Second Fleet of the Navy together have two cruisers, five frigates, and four patrol ships, in addition to three armed transport ships.

However, it is impossible to say that these ships will all be invested in the Luzon operation. The control of Mindao Island requires warships, and the maintenance of the safety of routes in the waters around Luzon requires warships. Therefore, the number of warships finally invested in Luzon operations will not be too large. Only One cruiser, three frigates, and three armed transports.

But don't look at the number of ships, but there are a lot of troops on it.

The Luzon garrison dispatched 800 people, and these 800 people were all heavily armed ground combat personnel.

In addition, all the warships in the navy are basically equipped with marines, and the sailors of each ship can also organize landing operations when necessary. Therefore, the navy alone can dispatch at least more than 500 landing troops.

Eight hundred plus five hundred, there will be at least 1,300 ground troops capable of performing landing operations.

1,300 ground troops armed with flintlock guns and artillery can at least defeat tens of thousands of local natives in Luzon according to the estimates of Rear Admiral Chen Pengming, who was commanding the Fourth Squadron in command of this landing operation!

If it is only defensive, then the number of natives that can be fought will be more!

According to this estimate, Rear Admiral Chen Pengming did not choose a too cautious combat plan, and he was going to attack Huanglong.

According to the plan, the fleet will land in a bay in central Luzon, and this bay is the town where Mani landed and rushed to the local indigenous towns, decisively and quickly defeated them, and then established a colonial port and bastion there.

As for complete control of Luzon Island, it is estimated that it will not be possible at this time and a half.

No way, there are too few troops, and there are too many natives, it is difficult to control them completely.

Just like Mindao Island, the Tang Dynasty has occupied this island for more than a year. Although there are no large-scale enemy troops and administrative statistics centers on the island, there are many scattered indigenous armed forces. The area actually controlled by the dynasty is only the landing port and the nearby area of ​​more than ten kilometers. If it is far away, there is no guarantee of safety.

When the fleet went to Luzon Island, the fleet of Datang Western Company also arrived in Banten!

In fact, they would have arrived in Banten earlier if they were scheduled to form, but they encountered a massive storm along the way, and in order to avoid losses, they had to find one near the coast of the island near the route. A safe haven from the storm, and this shelter is shelter for days.

When they set sail again and arrived in Banten, it was already several days later than the scheduled time.

However, a few days are nothing in the age of sailing!

When this huge fleet of Datang Western Ocean Company with more than 20 ships arrived in Wandan, it directly caused a sensation, or more simply caused the panic of the local indigenous people.

Can we not panic? Although most of the twenty or so ships are merchant ships, the merchant ships these days are all armed merchant ships!

And there are also two frigates dedicated to escort!

These two frigates are the latest battleships of Datang Western Company in the last year, and they are specially used for escort.

In fact, the panic of these natives is completely justified, because the first day this huge fleet arrived, they launched the landing campaign!

Put down your arms and go to Hong Kong to do business with peace?

Just kidding, it's just a helpless choice when the strength is insufficient. When there is a strong armed force, why should I do business with you? It's more straightforward to grab it directly!

What's more, Datang Western Company also made a deal with the official. The official entrusted them to completely take Wandan and control the surrounding area. For this, the official will pay 200,000 taels of silver.

Two hundred thousand taels of silver? For ordinary people, it is indeed a lot, but for the official, is there a lot for Datang Western Company? Certainly not much.

But for Datang Western Company, this is a business that is easy to do. On the way to India, if you do this vote, you can add 200,000 taels of net profit. Why not do it.

Therefore, the first day the fleet of Datang Western Company arrived in Wandan, it launched the landing operation!

The huge fleet aimed at the port for a shelling attack, which blasted the armed ships of the Wandan indigenous people to pieces, followed by a very nutritious landing operation.

A total of 3,000 armed personnel from the company landed and fought, and then it took half a day to defeat the indigenous defense forces of the port, and it took another day to defeat the local king or the prince of the indigenous ruler who was in a mess.

There is no need to elaborate on the battle process. After all, these natives are almost vulnerable in the face of the guns and guns of the modern army. The only thing worth mentioning is that after completely occupying the port city of Wandan and taking the palace, Datang Western Company A lot of seizures!

The gold and silver among them were piled up like a mountain, which shocked the executives of the wealthy Datang Western Company a little.

How rich are these poor places?

After simple statistics, excluding other messy goods and the like, gold and silver alone are worth at least one million taels of silver!

This made the top executives of Datang Western Company laugh for a whole day. This vote has made a lot of money!

What kind of business is this? It would be great to directly destroy the country and seize its wealth. It's simple and straightforward, and it makes more money.

Even the officials of the Imperial Taxation Department who came with the fleet were jealous of this money, shouting that these are imperial property, and your Datang Western Company cannot take it alone, so you have to keep a part of it.

It is a pity that the Datang Western Company seriously took out the power of attorney signed with the empire. The power of attorney clearly stated that after the Datang Western Company conquered Wandan, all the spoils it obtained belonged to the Datang Western Company. all.

Strictly speaking, the entire Banten is now the property of Datang Western Company!

Ports, cities, and land are all trophies belonging to the Datang Western Company.

Of course, according to the agreement between Datang Western Company and the Empire, as well as the relevant regulations in the Western Trade License, although Datang Western Company owns these properties, the financial, administrative and military powers must be handed over to the imperial officials.

After Datang Western Company seized the port of Banten in a more clean way, they didn't care much about the next thing, anyway, the officials will send officials and garrison troops to come here. Raiders

They themselves are preparing for India, which is the territory that truly belongs to their Datang Western Company, where they will enjoy exclusive trade rights, and have administrative and military assistance powers.

West of the Malacca Strait, that is the territory of their Datang Western Company!

Therefore, after the huge fleet of Datang Western Company won Wandan, it soon sent a huge fleet to India!

The first fleet to India has a total of eight ships, including one frigate and seven armed merchant ships. In addition to going to India for trade, they also have a major strategic task, which is to take over and consolidate Ying Zihua's trip to India When the supply port was established, as for expanding the colony, this is not the most important goal now.

Last winter, a merchant ship in Ying Zihua's fleet had returned to Banten from India, bringing back many special goods from India and news of Ying Zihua's fleet.

After these special products from India were shipped back to Guangzhou, they were sold out directly, and the profit directly increased by more than ten times!

This has made Datang Western Company firmer that it must quickly carry out trade with India, and then obtain huge profits. Only after obtaining huge profits can it be able to expand its scale and occupy more supply ports and colonies. .

This is why, after Ying Zihua's fleet, the fleet to India for the first time was full of cargo in addition to a large number of armed personnel.

Those armed personnel are still used to consolidate the supply port to prevent pirates, Portuguese or local indigenous attacks. At present, Datang Western has no plans to start a large-scale war with the local indigenous or Portuguese.

Now they are still very peaceful, and they are going to do business with the indigenous people in India. War or something, the impact is too bad, and they want crabs!

As for saying that they just destroyed Wandan with their front feet, hey, that's part of the business, but the way of doing business is a little tougher. Besides, they also paid the price, wasted shells and There are a lot of bullets, and in this battle, they have more than 20 casualties, and they need a lot of pensions.

After the second fleet sent to India by Datang Western Company set sail, they did not stop, but quickly organized the third fleet!

However, they did not stop their expansion in the Indonesian archipelago at the same time. They were preparing to establish a new colony in the western part of Java Island, and at the same time travel to Australia.

This year's Datang Western Company is destined to be very busy, busy waging wars everywhere, conducting trade, establishing colonies, and supplying ports!

If they are not busy, they will not have enough income, not enough income, let alone expansion, it will be difficult to maintain.

Today's Datang Western Company is spending a huge amount of money every day, and it is just a few hundred thousand taels of silver.

Moreover, the Royal Assets Section has no longer injected funds into the company, and now all expenses have to be maintained by their own operating income, so it is not surprising why they want to help the army and navy to fight Wandan, and also Not for money.

This is also the reason why they do not plan to start a large-scale war in India, because war costs money!

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