Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1051: test points

When the Datang Western Company dispatched the second fleet to India, three ships were sailing in the wind and waves at the far southernmost tip of Africa.

Here is the southernmost tip of Africa, the Cape of Good Hope!

The fleet led by Ying Zihua actually arrived at the Cape of Good Hope ten days ago, but they had long heard that the Cape of Good Hope was very windy and dangerous to navigate. They first found a small port nearby for rest and maintenance, and then waited again. For about ten days, I waited until the wind and waves were slightly smaller today before starting again.

But even though today's wind and waves are smaller than usual, they are still very big.

Rao is that they have experienced storms, but facing such storms, they still seem to be somewhat fearful from their hearts!

In the face of this kind of power of nature, Rao is that the performance of their ships is advanced enough, but it is still far from enough!

The boat was blown by the strong wind and was constantly tossing in the waves. Ying Zihua firmly grasped the railing with both hands and closed his eyes to look at the huge waves ahead!

In the face of the huge waves, his fleet cannot have any escape, otherwise the end will be even more tragic, they must bravely face the waves and rush up!

The huge waves hit wave after wave, causing the three ships to constantly rise high and then fall heavily. The huge force made the ships make a harsh squeak, as if the next moment would be completely exhausted. Like falling apart.

They continued this kind of voyage for half a day. After half a day, the wind and waves gradually subsided. However, Ying Zihua received a report that while resisting the wind and waves just now, a sailor was knocked over by the wind and waves and fell into the sea.

Hearing this news, Ying Zihua was expressionless, just nodded slightly!

This is the second year that his fleet has gone to sea, and his crew has lost dozens of sailors due to injuries, accidents, and wars along the way.

Now the crew on these three ships are basically dissatisfied.

But this still cannot stop his determination to go to Europe!

On this voyage, I will go to Europe anyway and open up a European route!

And after passing the Cape of Good Hope, the next road will be much easier. They only need to go north along the west coast of Africa, and they will be able to reach Europe all the way.

At that time, you can go to the Mediterranean coast or the Atlantic coast.

In addition, although most of the ports on the west coast of Africa are now under the control of the Portuguese, it does not mean that all the places are under the control of the Portuguese.

In fact, in this era, the Portuguese routed from Europe to East Asia, and their control was mainly concentrated in the fact that they had many supply ports, built a number of fortresses, and garrisoned the fleet at the same time, not that they really took a large area of African territories are included.

Especially the west coast of Africa, its living conditions are poor, most of the areas are not suitable for Europeans to survive, so for a long time, the Portuguese and other colonists, their scope of activities was limited to some coastal areas. stronghold.

The reason why the route is monopolized is because the Portuguese do not allow merchant ships from other countries to enter their ports for supplies, and allow warships to patrol and loot merchant ships from other countries.

If there is no supply port, it is very troublesome for the voyage fleet.

It can only be sneaky, or find some small ports for supplies.

This is also the reason why although the Spaniards will also send fleets to East Asia, but the scale has not been able to rise. The reason is very simple, that is, there is no supply port.

At the same time, it is also the reason why the Datang Western Company is so difficult to travel westward. If it was at the normal speed, they should have arrived in Europe long ago, but now they have just bypassed the Cape of Good Hope.

This is because the supplies along the way cost them a lot of time!

But in any case, they finally bypassed the Cape of Good Hope. If they continue to go north, although there is still a distance, it will be more difficult, but the further north, the easier it is, because at that time, they can find more neutral supply ports.

Ying Zihua led the fleet to continue towards Europe, and in the foreseeable few months, his fleet will appear in Europe. By that time, it basically means that Datang Western has opened up for the first time. flight to Europe.

Although this voyage is still very immature, there are not many supply ports along the way, and it is also facing the danger of attacks from many countries such as the Portuguese or pirates along the way, but no matter what, the route is open.

Behind them, a large number of merchant fleets of the Datang Western Company will go to India, Africa, and Europe to trade and earn huge profits. At the same time, they will continue to consolidate and expand supply ports and establish colonies.

Once the route is in normal operation, it will bring huge profits to Datang Western.

However, even if the European routes are operational, it will take time. For the time being, the main trade routes of the Western Company are still dominated by India. In the medium term, the trade in West Asia, Northeast Africa and the eastern coast of Africa can be expanded.

At the same time, in Jinling City, Xuanping's eighth-year meeting was about to begin!

In the first two months of the year, there were basically no major events in the entire Datang Empire, and the only thing that could be considered a major event was the ability to try.

The Liaodong side is still stable. Under the severe cold, the Datang Army has no plan to launch a large-scale offensive at all, and plans to wait until the spring to launch an offensive.

On the Nanyang side, although there is a colonial war, to be honest, this nonsense in Nanyang is nothing compared to the entire empire, and the distance is far away, and it is impossible to pass the news in time.

This is also the reason why the empire gives great power to local administrative officials in the rule of overseas direct territories.

Mei Jiachuan, the prefect of Luzon state, has the power to wage war against the local indigenous people. Of course, the specific battle is still carried out by the military, and Mei Jiachuan has no right to intervene in military operations.

At the same time, the power to wage war is limited to the indigenous people within the jurisdiction of Luzon State!

And not in the name of declaring war, but in the name of bombing!

After all, the current Tang Empire included the entire Luzon Islands into the Luzon State. Naturally, these natives in the state could be considered rebellions or something, and launching a war against them would be considered suppression or elimination of bandits and the like. Yes, it is not a declaration of war against a foreign country.

But even so, it can be seen that the administrative officials of the overseas territories have great power.

This is also something that can’t be done. The distance is long, the traffic is inconvenient, and the communication is outdated. It is impossible for Mei Jiachuan to start a war against the natives of Luzon after reporting it to Jinling City. How long has it been a year.

In this case, relatively speaking, although Jinling City is keeping an eye on the affairs of Nanyang, there is nothing to deal with. Just read the reports of Mei Jiachuan and the garrison generals.

The wars in various places were generally calm, and there were no large-scale natural and man-made disasters in the spring. On the whole, in the spring of the eighth year of Xuanping, the Datang Empire seemed relatively calm. Those who didn’t know it thought it was entering a period of self-cultivation and recuperation after reunification.

However, this is not the case!

However, the external expansion, on the whole, has little impact on the interior of the empire and on the political structure of Jinling City.

What officials are more concerned about is not the expansion of Nanyang, nor the war in Liaodong, but the eighth-year Xuanping meeting!

The imperial examinations of the Tang Dynasty were held once a year, from the county examinations in various places, then to the academy examinations, then to the general examinations, to the palace examinations, all once a year, which fully gave the students a chance!

And this year, the reason why officials pay more attention to the meeting than in previous years is because this year's meeting will be different from previous years' meeting.

At the beginning of the year, the Son of Heaven officially ordered the Ministry of Rites to redesign the exam questions to further increase the content of science.

It is not a big deal to further increase the content of science, but after further increasing the content of science, there is a reform that has changed a At the same time, more importantly, this time the meeting is not only held in Jinling City At the same time, there will also be a sub-examination site for the general examination in the four disciplines of Zhili. It is expected that 20 Jinshi and 20 Ph.D. will be admitted in each discipline. Jinshi and Ph.D. candidates in these four sub-test sites will have other positions.

At the same time, the grades of the jinshi and doctors are the same as those of the candidates in the Jinling City General Examination.

Obviously, this is a pilot!

The new round of reforms carried out by the Son of Heaven on the imperial examinations, but this reform, strictly speaking, did not harm the interests of the scholars. On the contrary, it also increased the number of admissions, which was also welcomed by the scholars of the Emperor.

Of course, they didn't know that Li Xuan was also planning to gradually lower the grades of Xinke Jinshi and Ph.D. in the next few years.

The situation of becoming the seventh grade in the first test will be completely history in the not too distant future.

Moreover, although this reform is in the name of a sub-test center for the general examination, in fact, Li Xuan carried out the reform based on the national and provincial examinations of later generations.

And the follow-up reforms will be towards the selection of grass-roots officials, even the lowest-level officials from the ninth grade, rather than the selection of middle-level officials as it is now.

In this way, the imperial examination reform in Li Xuan's mind has been completed!

In the past few years, Li Xuan's reform direction for the imperial examination was another way, that is, to maintain the rural examination and the general examination of the imperial examination unchanged, but to increase the scale of recruiting people to enter the office, trying to use the rural examination to become a provincial examination, as a recruiting province. The main way for senior officials.

But obviously, he underestimated the power of the imperial examination tradition, and underestimated the desire of scholars all over the world for jinshi fame!

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