Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1052: Private visit to Qinhuai River

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From the traditional point of view, after recruiting a person into an official position, it is definitely not as promising as a jinshi, especially after having experienced the improvement of the imperial examination system. There is no way for Hanlin to become a high-ranking official in the ministry.

Although the imperial examination system of the Tang Dynasty was different from that of the former Ming Dynasty, and it was in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, there was a huge shortage of officials. Even if you were appointed as an official, you could get an official position and get promoted, but in the end, the scholars were still worried, thinking that If you choose to go to work, your future exhibitions will definitely be hindered.

Therefore, anyone who is a little bit angry wants to directly participate in the examination, and is unwilling to enter the office with a reputation.

If you really can't pass the exam, or there are other compelling reasons, you will directly enter the official position with the name of the person.

This kind of traditional concept also made Li Xuan's attempt to replace the provincial examination with the rural examination and ended in failure, but he was not reconciled. Since the rural examination cannot replace the provincial examination, then he will go another way!

Therefore, now Li Xuan has simply cut off the idea of ​​​​going to the township exam and judging people. Since the scholars are not willing to enter the office with the name of the rank, then simply don't enter the office with the name of the rank.

This is simple. We directly expand the scale of the general examination and set up sub-test sites for the provincial general examination as provincial examinations, which will also have the same effect.

The so-called Jinshi, Ph.D., and Juren are called the National Examination and the Township Exam, but they are different in name.

Li Xuan's ultimate goal has nothing to do with Jinshi, Juren, etc., and it has nothing to do with the general examination, the township examination, etc. His real goal is to establish a perfect official examination system.

This examination system is not only used to recruit middle-level officials, but also to recruit the majority of grass-roots officials.

In terms of product level, that is the difference between the seventh grade and the nine grades.

However, will the plan of sub-testing sites be feasible? What will be the effect in the later stage?

It also depends on how the imperial examinations in Xuanping's eighth year were conducted, especially whether the examinations at the Zhili Sidaohui Examination Center were successful.

After the news came out at the beginning of the year, it was natural for the scholars of Zhili Sidao to be extremely happy, because the examination center of Zhili Sidaohui only allows applicants with local household registration to apply for the exam, and foreigners are not allowed to apply for the exam. Yes, and after being admitted, although they are not arranged to serve in this dao, they will be assigned to the other three dao dao in Zhili.

Zhili Sidao, this is a prosperous place, and its taxes account for nearly half of the entire empire’s taxes. Working in such a good place is naturally regarded as a poor man by officials. This extra money can be earned more than in the backcountry. many.

Therefore, Zhili Sidao directly opened a sub-examination center, which is naturally a lot of benefits for their local scholars. They don't have to go to the meeting exam and the palace exam. They can take the exam directly in their hometown, with more places and less competition.

But scholars from other provinces have their opinions.

Why is there a sub-test center in Zhili Si Dao, but we don't have it there?

The opinions of the scholars still need to be respected, so soon there was news from the Ministry of Rites that the Zhili Si Dao will be tested at the sub-test site, which is just a trial. If the trial is effective, it will be continued. in the provinces.

This news satisfied the scholars, but it also attracted more discussion.

What discussion?

Many people are worried that the admission of scholars on such a large scale will put great pressure on the finances.

You must know that the Imperial Examination was held once a year in the Tang Dynasty. In addition to the Jinshi department, there were also doctoral departments. It was not easy to arrange more than 1,000 people every year. That's a few hundred combined.

In this case, more than 2,000 jinshi and doctors in the Tang Dynasty need to be arranged and paid for them.

This pressure is very great.

The worries of many officials are normal in their traditional eyes, but in Li Xuan's view, they are superfluous.

Who the **** stipulated that a jinshi must be a seventh-rank official, and even a ninth-rank official.

According to Li Xuan's vision, the so-called jinshi and doctoral honors only allow them to obtain the qualification certificate for entering the office, not to let them rise to the sky in one step, and it is normal for them to start from the grassroots level.

In the later period, all officials of the Tang Dynasty, even the most basic staff members, need to be selected from the meeting.

This time, lowering the rank of Jinshi from the seventh grade to the seventh grade is a test. If everything goes well, next year, Li Xuan decides to lower the rank of the Xinke Jinshi to the eighth grade. In a few years, it will be lowered to the eighth grade. Then to the genuine ninth grade, from the ninth grade.

At that time, the ideal situation is that the first-class jinshi and the first are the ninth grade, and the second-class and third-class jinshi are from the ninth grade.

Don't expect to become a county magistrate after passing the jinshi examination.

Not to mention the future, even now, the magistrate of the Tang Dynasty is not the seventh grade of the traditional dynasty, but the sixth grade, the core middle-level officials of the eight classics, let alone county magistrates Cheng that is also from the sixth grade.

Xinke Jinshi is only a rank of 7th grade and cannot be a county magistrate. Last year's Xinke Jinshi were delegated to the localities, and they were all assigned to various departments of the local yamen at all levels.

In fact, many new scholars are not satisfied with this point, but there is nothing to do if they are not satisfied. Today's Datang Empire is just like this bird. If you want to be an official, just follow this, don't want to get out!

There are more scholars in the world, and there are more people who want to be officials. You are not inferior to you.

What's more, being an official is very attractive to scholars, and even to all Chinese people.

The official-based environment formed for thousands of years is not so easy to change, and Li Xuan has no plans to change it.

After a new round of reforms, the Xuanping eight-year conference was held under the attention of many people. However, relatively speaking, not many people paid attention to the conference in Jinling City. Dao sub-test.

The sub-examination of Jiangnan Road is even more interesting, and it is also the sub-examination site with the largest number of applicants. There are more than 500 applicants who apply for the examination, and they compete for 20 Jinshi subjects and 20 doctoral subjects, a total of 40 candidates. The quota of Gongshi.

The admission rate is even lower than that of the Jinling City meeting.

In Jinling City's general examination, the number of candidates is expected to be more than 5,000, and the number of applicants is expected to be 1,000. The ratio is about five to one, but the acceptance rate of Jiangnan Road is ten to one.


This is because there are too many scholars in Jiangnan Road. As a region with the strongest reading culture, there are too many scholars here. Moreover, in order to take care of scholars from other provinces, the Tang Dynasty began in the sixth year of Xuanping. Following the example of the previous Ming Dynasty, each province strictly limited the number of admissions for Jinshi.

This quota is a lot for a Dao, more than other provinces. But for an area with a strong literary style like Gangnam-do, there are still few.

The competition between them is quite fierce every year. Now that there is such a way for the sub-exam, many students from Jiangnan Province go to the sub-exam site to apply for the test.

Not to mention, the candidates in the test center will be assigned to Zhili Sidao, which is a great attraction for many candidates.

Of course, there are both gains and losses. If you go to the sub-test center for the exam, don't expect to be able to directly enter the Gyeonggi institutions to work in the exam. You can only expect to be transferred and promoted to enter Gyeonggi in the future.

If you take part in the examination in Jinling City, those who rank well may be directly assigned to various departments in Gyeonggi.

There is a big difference between serving in Gyeonggi and serving locally.

In late February, the meeting will be officially held!

Li Xuan, like in previous years, personally sat in the examination room in Jinling City, but as in previous years, he only showed his face, and then went back to deal with other affairs.

Candidates, there is basically no hope of seeing Li Xuan up close. If you really want to see it, you have to wait until after the palace exam, when Li Xuan will personally preside over the exam and even mark the papers on the spot. There is a chance to see the Son of Heaven up close.

After all, after the temple trial, they will go to work in various Most of them are difficult to rise to the top, and then meet Li Xuan again, only a few lucky ones can get up all the way, and then there is another A chance to meet Li Xuan.

The difficulty of the exam this time is obviously a bit more difficult than in previous years, especially the content of science.

There is no way, with the 6th continuation of Datang to carry out modern education, and also added science content to the imperial examination, so regardless of whether they want it or not, students who want to enter the official career must study science.

After studying for a long time and more people, the comprehensive science level of the students has gradually increased. If the entity is still produced with the difficulty of a few years earlier, it is estimated that many people can get full marks in the exam, but this way It also loses the role of selecting talents.

Therefore, it is necessary to increase the difficulty.

But this has also made many students frowning, especially last year who failed to pass the exam. This year, they finally studied well, and when they take the exam again, it is now more difficult, and the desperation in it is difficult for outsiders to understand.

How to say, there are people who can't pass the test, but there are still people who pass the test.

Among the more than 5,000 people, there are always 1,000 people to be selected, so you don’t need to be good, you just need to be better than others.

While the students outside were pondering over the papers, Li Xuan simply dealt with today's trivial matters, and then returned directly to the harem.

There are not many things today, it is mainly about the imperial examinations, and Li Xuan also ordered the imperial examinations, and naturally there were people watching, so he quickly returned to the harem, but not long after, he secretly took the guards and The secretary slipped out of the palace.

Taking advantage of the rare free day, he will come to a long-planned private interview in micro-service!

The destination of the private visit in the micro-service is naturally the Qinhuai River that Li Xuan has longed for for a long time!

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