Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1068: The technical blockade of the Tang Dynasty

When Zhang Linong and the others marched along the beach, the speed was not fast, it could even be said to be slow, because they needed to march with three five-jin field guns and several other shotguns, and maintain a formation ready to fight at any time. , so the degree of travel is naturally that the block does not go there.

This also means that the small army of the Zidao clan can also be mobilized accordingly.

When they saw Zhang Linong's troops heading to the pier, maybe some of them realized what Zhang Linong's troops wanted to do. Soon, there were fusang people at the pier, and dozens of people hurriedly ran and prepared. Armed.

6 The more than 600 or 700 Fuso people on the ground also speeded up and arrived near the pier first.

However, although they went near the pier, they did not enter the pier directly.

Because the dock is under the shroud of naval gunfire of the Ryukyu Squadron of the Datang Navy.

Although they haven't opened fire yet, the distance is only more than 300 meters, which is enough to turn the pier into ruins. The reason why they didn't open fire is not because the pier is just in the dead end of the shooting field, but because Feng Qirong feels that now Everything in this port, regardless of whether it is ships, cargo, or dock facilities, are the spoils of the Tang Navy. Feng Qirong is not willing to destroy his spoils unless it is necessary.

But if the Fusang people enter the dock in large numbers to defend, then Feng Qirong doesn't mind damaging the dock facilities and a huge bombardment.

The people of the Zidao clan obviously knew the enormous power of the naval guns, so they did not enter the dock to set up defenses, but set up defenses behind the docks, so that they could avoid the firepower of the naval artillery, and also be able to attack Zhang Linong's troops attacking the docks. Fire interception.

Yes, that's right, it's fire interception!

This small army of the Zidao family is also equipped with guns and has long-range firepower, and the guns in their hands are all produced by the Datang Empire, with reliable quality and superior performance!

No way, the Tang Empire's ordnance business has been more unrestrained in recent years. The military believes that it is equipped with flintlock guns, field guns and grenades, arquebuses, and small and medium-caliber shotguns. These weapons are no longer suitable for the imperial masters. What actual threat does it cause? Besides, the empire doesn't sell it, the Portuguese also sell it, and the Fusang people will build it themselves.

Arquebuses and shotguns have been exported on a large scale, not to mention the cold weapons such as swords, spears and plate armor, which are basically open for export. .

Therefore, not only the Fusang people have been equipped with a lot of imperial ordnance in recent years, in fact, even the Koreans, and even the army under the pseudo-Ming Hui King in Liaodong, are equipped with a lot of the Tang Empire's ordnance.

These things can also be manufactured by other countries anyway, but the cost is too high and the output is too small. Since they cannot be completely eliminated, it is better to produce and export them in large quantities to seize profits. At the same time, it can also squeeze the new weapons of the surrounding indigenous people. research and production capacity.

It is much better to sell the matchlock guns directly to them than to force them to develop and mass-produce them by not selling them!

Of course, flintlocks and cannons with long barrels, regardless of whether they are naval guns or field guns, but also grenades, these weapons are strictly prohibited from exporting, let alone finished products, even the springs used in flintlocks are all Export is strictly prohibited.

In addition, the empire also strictly prohibits the export of steel products, especially the export of raw materials, and the export of finished products is limited to daily utensils. For military footwear products, every export order needs to be reviewed and approved. .

As for mechanical products, not to mention the fact that the Datang Empire expressly prohibits the export of all types of machinery that can be used in industrial production, including but not limited to steam engines and various machine tools.

It is very interesting that even the four-wheeled carriages with springs are in the ranks of prohibited exports!

And this export ban is not only for foreign countries, but also includes overseas direct jurisdictions or colonies of the empire and so on.

In other words, it is not allowed anywhere except the native land!

At the same time, the Ministry of Rites has also made certain regulations for all kinds of students. All government-run or private schools in the empire are prohibited from recruiting foreign students. At the same time, it is stipulated that preparatory students and university students are prohibited from doing technical work for foreigners or foreign capital-invested enterprises. , and at the same time prohibit the citizens of the empire from establishing technological enterprises outside the mainland to research various industrial products or technologies.

These prohibitions of the empire are basically carried out around a core, that is, the prohibition of technology export!

Any product that can help other regions to enhance their industrial power is prohibited from exporting technology.

The foundation of the Tang Empire's future conquest and **** of the world is technology and population. Needless to say, the population is large enough. In terms of technology, in order to maintain the empire's leadership in various technologies and prevent later people from catching up, it is common sense to impose various restrictions. middle.

Although this made many businessmen dissatisfied, thinking that this would increase the cost of the product and dilute the profit, but a little profit was nothing compared to the empire's global hegemony.

These bans are only aimed at the empire. In the future, Li Xuan still wants to be a **** stick and pay close attention to the technological progress on a global scale. If the technology of that country has improved, he will send people to kill their scientists and send Troops go to war and destroy their factories and research institutes! ..

Li Xuan can't control what happens hundreds of years later, but Li Xuan feels that within a hundred years, at least when he is alive, he does not want to see other countries also carry out industrial revolution, and then build factories one after another and Datang. Empires compete.

If there is such a sign, there can be no hesitation in the slightest, and the war will be launched directly to bring them down!

In the next hundred years, Li Xuan's positioning for the global trade system is: the Datang Empire is an industrial manufacturing base and a consumer market for various agricultural products, while other colonies outside the mainland and areas that have not been conquered by other countries are all agricultural origins, Industrial raw material supply place, industrial product dumping place!

At that time, merchant ships all over the world's seas will bring back a shipment of agricultural products and industrial raw materials from various regions, and then these agricultural products will be provided to the people of the empire for consumption, and industrial raw materials will enter the major factories. After all kinds of industrial products are produced, they are transported to every corner of the world through a huge fleet of transport ships, and then sold to local people in exchange for more food and industrial raw materials.

Any force or individual that tries to challenge this system is an enemy of the Tang Empire, and an enemy who needs to fight against it!

Although it takes time to establish such a trade system, it is the beginning now, and Li Xuan is not in a hurry. Take it slow, it can be done after all.

Three to five years is definitely not enough, and ten or twenty years is not enough, but Li Xuan is counting on that he must complete this great cause before he dies, because this is an important part of the process of conquering the world.

Li Xuan not only wanted to conquer those indigenous people militarily, but also to control them in terms of culture, economy and even living materials.

Otherwise, how can we maintain the global **** of the Tang Empire in the future? It will cost countless money to maintain such a huge domination. The military expenditure alone is estimated to be an astronomical figure.

As for saying that you don’t need so many troops to fight, are you kidding me? People who are not my race will have different hearts. Even some races are bastards. They don’t hang a sharp knife on their heads. Can be a rebel.

Li Xuan had never thought of establishing a country of benevolence and righteousness, and then let a group of foreign races sincerely shout how good the Tang Dynasty was, and willingly be exploited by the Tang Dynasty. He had never had the idea of ​​250.

Even if you are stupid, you can't expect the enemy to be stupid too!

The Great Tang Empire he expected was the one that aliens hated, but it was the Empire where the sun never set!

Hate and are indispensable, because the former represents exploitation and the latter represents strength!

The first step for Li Xuan to build an empire on which the sun never sets is to expand in the direction of East Asia. The Northeast region, the Korean Peninsula, Fusang, and all parts of Southeast Asia are all the goals of the Tang Empire at this stage.

This time the pirate campaign was just a small prelude to the Fusang strategy in this series of operations.

Capture the Osumi Islands, obtain a foothold and advance base, so that it can effectively cooperate with the future Goryeo Peninsula and Tsushima Island while gradually encroaching on Fusang from both the north and south directions.

The situation on Fusang's side is rather special, so Li Xuan didn't plan to swallow it all at once, but planned to take it step by step, otherwise, it would be easy to indigestion.

Li Xuan wouldn't call out stupidly about annexing Fusang for three months.

In the strategy of helping the Tang Empire, the Zidao clan was very difficult and became the first sharpening stone!

When Feng Qirong's fleet arrived at Tanegashima, it was actually possible to declare the destruction of the Zidao clan. The only question was, how long could they resist before they were destroyed, one day? two days?

After Zhang Linong led the Six Hundred and Sixth team to the vicinity of the pier, he did not attack recklessly, and then carefully observed the pier and the surrounding situation with the binoculars.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhang Linong suddenly gave an order: Don't go to the pier, and directly attack the army of the six hundred Fusang people.

Because he found that if he foolishly went to attack the pier, the fusang man hundreds of meters away could just sit back and intercept his troops from the flank, and the situation would not be very good.

Although the arquebus and shotgun of the Fuso people are backward in performance, they can still kill people!

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