Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1069: If you don't accept it, shoot it with one shot!

So before attacking the pier, he thought that he would simply defeat them, and if it didn't work, he would force them back hundreds of meters before attacking the pier.

After Zhang Linong made his decision, the infantry units of the 6th team immediately lined up, and the only three field guns also started shelling!

When the shelling started, the Fuso people on the opposite side also felt the pressure of the pirates on Yakushima. Their tight formation was almost a living target in the face of this kind of shelling!

Although there are not many field guns in the 6 team, there are only three field guns in total, and they are only five jin field guns. These three artillery shells are not very powerful to be honest.

It can't be compared with the large-scale shelling of dozens of field artillery at every turn when the 6th Army started a battle.

However, it should be noted that the scale of the battle between the two sides at this time is only hundreds of people each, and the battle of the 6th Army that concentrated dozens of artillery, at least thousands of people participated in the battle, and sometimes even tens of thousands of people. Woolen cloth.

Hundreds of people and three five-pound field guns, this firepower match is not too small.

In addition, the troops of both sides are on the plain at this time, and the Fusang people on the opposite side have learned the tactics passed down by the Westerners or the tactics of the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty. They are also playing with arquebuses. The tactics combined with spears, what are the characteristics of this tactic, the formation is very dense, and the depth is relatively thick.

In this way, the field artillery under Zhang Linong's command could basically plow out a **** ditch as long as it fell into their phalanx with every shell hit.

For the same solid shell, if it were to hit Zhang Linong's troops, the casualties would be in the single digits at most, because they were equipped with flintlock guns, and the lineup consisted of only three rows.

However, the formation of the Fusang people is six or seven rows!

This means that when subjected to shelling, the casualties will be greater!

What made the Fuso people vomit blood even more was that they were shelled at this distance, and they were completely unable to fight back, because their shotguns did not have enough range, and the range of a mere 100 meters was not enough to counterattack.

At first, they also counted on Zhang Linong's infantry troops to kill, and then the two sides fought at close range.

But Zhang Linong is not stupid. Since he has the advantage of long-range firepower, why would he stupidly let the infantry approach and shoot at them? It would be good to stay at a distance of 200 meters.

Although the power of the three artillery pieces is not enough to completely defeat the hundreds of Fusang people in one round of shelling, these Fusang people are living targets. .

When the Fusang people can't stand the shelling, whether they take the initiative to attack or retreat, that's his chance!

Sure enough, seeing that Zhang Linong's infantry did not take the initiative to attack, and stopped at a position of about 200 meters, those Fusang people finally couldn't bear the unilateral casualties.

They want to make changes, but they didn't dare to attack directly, but wanted to spread out the formation to avoid shelling!

Seeing that they took the initiative to divide the formation further apart, Zhang Linong also showed a smile. They thought that if the formation was diluted, it would be safe. At most, there were fewer casualties, but it was impossible to completely avoid shelling casualties.

Today, I have time, so I will spend it with you!

So, the bombardment continues!

Facing the occasional cannonballs falling into the phalanx, and then some casualties, the Fuso people on the opposite side finally couldn't help it!

Zhang Linong seemed to have heard someone shouting something in the Fusang people's formation, and he secretly thought to himself: Are you going to take the initiative to attack?

He immediately said loudly: "The whole army is ready to fight!"

Although the Fuso people are not good, they can't be taken lightly when they rush over, otherwise it will be troublesome if the boat capsizes in the gutter, so he makes the soldiers stand by, and give them a few rounds of shooting as long as they enter the range of the flintlock guns.

But what he didn't expect was that he was just about to let the soldiers prepare to fight, but he saw the Fusang man on the opposite side move, but instead of rushing over, he turned and ran!

Come on, don't fight, just run?

Zhang Linong was a little dumbfounded!

Then there was nothing but the decency of being a middle and senior officer, and he scolded on the spot: What a daring barbarian, how dare you play tricks on this official! "

Then after taking a deep breath, he gave the order again: "Send the order, the whole army turns around and captures the pier!"

The adjutant on the side did not understand: "Sir, aren't we chasing? When they retreated, the formation was scattered, just when we were chasing!"

Zhang Linong looked at a fool and asked back, "Tell me, what is our mission now?"

"Climb the 6 Tanegashima Islands and capture the pier!" When he said this, the adjutant also knew that he seemed to be asking a fool's question!

That's right, they originally wanted to capture the wharf, and that's why they decided to defeat or drive away those Fusang people first. Now that they have run away, they just took the opportunity to capture the wharf!

At this time, Zhang Linong said: "As for those barbarians who want to run, let them run. This kind of sub-island is so big, where can they run to!"

The adjutant added: "What if they run to the north of the island and cross the sea to the Osumi Peninsula?"

Zhang Linong said: "Do you think our fleet is just a decoration?"

"See for yourself, without our prompting, Master Feng has already started to act!"

The adjutant looked at the sea at this time, and sure enough, Feng Qirong was already leading the cruiser and the other two frigates to set and sailing towards the north, is there any need to ask? It must be going to the northern end of Tanegashima to blockade!

They not only want to organize the people of the Zidao clan to cross the sea and flee north, but also prepare to intercept reinforcements that may be sent from the Osumi Peninsula, and prevent the Ganfu clan, who rules the Osumi Peninsula, from sending people to the Osumi Islands.

There is a fleet on the sea, and Tanegashima is only a little bigger, and it is a slender terrain. The east-west width is only five or six kilometers, and the north-south length is more than ten or twenty kilometers. This kind of terrain is more favorable for the follow-up 6 team operations.

In the follow-up, they don't have to spend a lot of time, just go north and sweep. At that time, these Fusang people will not be waiting for themselves somewhere, they may prepare for a long time and gather more troops.

But then his power will be even stronger!

When he captured the pier, he would be able to get reinforcements from sailors. Before the war, the fleet considered that the ground combat task would be heavier after landing on the 6th Tanegashima, so they also prepared about 200 sailors to board the 6th battle. These sailors They are all sailors in transport ships.

And if you want them to go ashore to fight, at least you have to occupy the wharf first, and then let these transport ships dock, and then you can complete the transport task, otherwise, those sailors will not be able to come out!

In addition to direct reinforcements, more importantly, he can get more artillery after occupying the pier, not only the field artillery of the 6th team, but also the naval artillery directly, and he will get more than a dozen of them. With twenty artillery pieces, any defense of the Fuso people is doomed to be useless.

In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and tricks are useless!

If you don't accept it, shoot it with one shot!

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