Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1072: 1 sharp knife inserted into the belly of Fuso

As a result, Zidao Manjiu just realized that after the surrender, no one from the Tang Dynasty paid attention to him. At first, he shouted that he was the heir of the Zidao clan, the head of the Zidao clan, and asked for negotiations. But after a few whips, he shut up obediently, because he saw that the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were already pointing their bayonets at him, with a fierce look. He will stab his chest mercilessly.

He didn't want to surrender, and because he said a few words, he died under the bayonet. Even if he wanted to die, he should be like his father and brother, holding a samurai sword, wearing armor, and dying on the battlefield. , instead of dying under a bayonet after surrendering.

He still hasn't forgotten his most important mission: to survive, to preserve the bloodline of the Zidao family, the Zidao family must not cut off the bloodline in himself!

For this reason, no matter how much humiliation and torture he suffered, he had to struggle to survive!

Well, after thinking this way, he forgot for a while. In fact, although the Zidao clan is a small family, there are many children in the family, and there are more than a dozen direct descendants. Even if half of them die, at least half of them are left. , as for the collateral is even more.

Even if the members of the Zidao clan on Tanegashima Island are dead, they still have a few direct descendants on Kyushu Island!

But I can't blame him. At such a tense moment, it's normal for people to forget some things, and it makes sense!

With such determination, he endured the humiliation and bear the burden, even after a few big whips, he still didn't say a word, but anyone who saw it would have to shout, "Iron-blooded real man!"

After the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty dispersed, Zidao Manjiu had to think about how his future path should go, and the negotiation was estimated to be out of the question.

But in this case, they don't know if they will kill all of them. In this era, no matter where they are in any region, there is no psychological burden.

However, he soon stopped worrying that they would kill the prisoners, because they were escorted that day, and then they started to work in the small port where they tried to escape to the sea.

Why, of course, to build docks and port facilities, and at the same time build a fort and a bastion in the port.

After seeing the topography of Tanegashima, Feng Qirong felt that it would be better to build a port and a defensive fort here!

Because the whole Tanegashima Island honestly doesn't have any natural harbors or defensive fortresses with relatively good conditions, the choice there is almost the same, it is better to simply choose to build a fortress and a harbor in the northern part of the island!

Why, because across the strait is Kyushu Island!

If you build a military fortress here, and then station a fleet, it will be like putting a sharp knife on the soft belly of Fuso!

With this location, the Datang Navy can completely block the Dasumi Strait and even the entire southwestern waters of Fusang. If it is extended, it can generally declare control of the entire Fusang waters.

Feng Qirong didn't know what the top officials of the Navy thought, nor did he know the final policy of the top officials of the Empire towards Fusang, but it didn't matter. He only needed to think about it from a military point of view.

The purpose of occupying the Dayu Archipelago was to obtain a supply port base and thus control the entire Fusang sea area, and Tanegashima was only a small island in the Dayu Archipelago. Feng Qirong finally chose a specific destination.

Feng Qirong, who went ashore, watched the nearly 1,000 captives working hard, under the threat of bayonets and whips, and under the temptation of food, struggling to build ports and fortresses. He couldn't help but sigh: Although the captives are the most industrious nation !

He originally thought that his Chinese people were already diligent enough, but even if the professional engineering troops in the army came over, it was impossible to complete so many projects in just a few days, but these prisoners of war They did it.

If it was for Zidao Manjiu to hear it, it is estimated that he would yell and be paralyzed. It is not because you forced it with a bayonet and a leather whip. This action is a little slower, and the whip will come down immediately. Can this be unpleasant, this is coming soon A dozen people died of exhaustion.

Although Zidao Manjiu was a decent man before, he could afford it and let it go. This work is considered hard work, but even so, he was given a whip in the past two days, and the others were even more whipped. many.

As for those who are deliberately lazy, they will not be whipped, because those soldiers of the Tang Dynasty often come down with a bayonet.

As soon as the bayonet went in and out, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were too lazy to take another look. In the end, it was impossible for the prisoners of war to pull the corpse away and throw it into the sea, otherwise it would not be good for the corpse on this hot day to stink.

Nearly a thousand prisoners worked hard, and soon a simple wooden pier was temporarily built, and then the ships of the Ryukyu Squadron took turns to dock, and then a second temporary wooden pier.

However, after there were two temporary piers, the prisoners of war who built the piers changed jobs, and they began to build permanent piers made of civil, sand and gravel.

Compared with the rapid progress on the dock side, the construction of the bastion is a little slower, because the bastion is a special fort, and the design requirements are relatively high. Although the scale is not large, there are hundreds of people who have been allocated to build the bastion. Don't expect to build a bastion for a while.

Fortunately, it was originally a small village, and there were still some houses, but there were too few houses, and they were all the houses of local indigenous villagers. Five to six hundred officers and soldiers of the 6th Squadron of the Datang Navy and nearly a thousand prisoners, many of whom lived in tents.

Feng Qirong and the sailors in the fleet were naturally still on the boat!

Now his fleet, except for the warships that take turns cruising in the port, basically all other ships have entered this small port to moor.

However, although the ship has entered the port and berthed, it is in a foreign country after all. On the opposite side of the strait dozens of kilometers away, that is Kyushu Island. Even if the news of Ganfu and Shimadzu there is no longer available, but after so many days It's been a long time, and it is estimated that he has also received the news that the Datang Navy has occupied the Dayu Islands. No matter what their reaction will be, Feng Qirong feels that it is better to be careful.

Although these ships are parked in the port, the necessary sailors will still stay on the ship, and they can set sail and go out to sea at any time. As for the port, there is also a frigate of the Datang Navy and several small boats on duty day and night. Monitor to prevent any enemy from breaking into the Osumi Islands and attacking the port.

And Feng Qirong guessed right, the Fuso people on Kyushu Island did get the news, because the distance is too close, the northern part of Tanegashima Island is only tens of kilometers away from the Osumi Peninsula, and this sea area is still the Osumi Strait. , has always been an important sea route.

Now Tanegashima across the Dayu Strait has been occupied by the Datang Navy, and they are still building ports and fortresses with great fanfare. At the same time, it is said that the ruling family of Tanegashima, the Zidao clan, has been overwhelmed, causing many people, especially the liver to pay. Shigaru and some pirates were extremely afraid of the 600 Shigara guns, all of which were destroyed overnight.

This news naturally caught their attention!

Many people are wondering, although the Tang Navy occasionally comes to Fusang waters, but they have never heard of the famous people who will board 6 to attack Fusang, why did they board 6 this time.

This also puts a lot of big names on the coast at risk!

That is the Datang Navy. Its strength is so strong that they can't fight against it at all. Don't look at some coastal daimyo when they are fighting on their own. The navy is not a concept at all.

Even if it is some powerful daimyo, their maritime power still stays in the traditional category, which is not a concept with the modern navy. It is actually very difficult to confront the Datang Navy head-on, even if it is only against a Ryukyu squadron.

Although the Datang Navy captured Tanegashima and Yakushima and swept away the natives and pirates on the islands, there was also news that the Datang Navy attacked Tanegashima because the Zidao clan not only colluded with pirates , and he turned into a pirate and looted merchant ships, causing a lot of losses to the businessmen of the Tang Dynasty.

This time, the Datang Navy is specifically here to exterminate the pirates, and the Tanegashima and Zidao clans are just the first!

This news is true!

Feng Qirong couldn't hide such a big military operation, even if his fleet did not forget to say, but now the route from Ryukyu to the western coast of Fusang is very busy. After the news comes to Fusang and will naturally speak out.

Therefore, many people now know that this time the Datang Navy is going to really use a knife against the pirates. If you don't want to die, hurry up and run. Therefore, almost overnight, it was active in the Dasumi Islands and even the entire southwestern waters of Fusang. The pirates ran away in a hurry.

They knew that this place was not safe, and the North Korean waters were not safe, so they simply went directly to the deep waters of Fusang. The Bungo Channel, the Se Inland Sea and other waters were their targets.

Those pirates can run without any scruples, but the coastal daimyo who are also involved in sea looting or offering to sell stolen goods can't run away. They can run, but the territory cannot follow them with long feet. go!

After hearing that the Datang Navy was going to fight against pirates, many famous people involved in pirate affairs were relaxed and comfortable, for fear that they would become the next sub-island!

Among these worrying families, the Ganfu family is one, and the most worried one!

Because of their geographical advantages, the Gan Fu Clan had been involved in the great cause of piracy very early on. Not only did they sell stolen goods, but they themselves organized small fleets to loot merchant ships.

Today's Datang Navy is calling, what should they do?

run? I can't run, the family business is all here, run a fart!

If you don't run, then you are resisting, but how to resist?

Although their Ganfu clan is stronger than the Zidao clan, this kind of power is not worth mentioning when compared to the Tang Empire. When the Tang navy comes to the door, they will be damned if they can stop it.

They couldn't run, and they didn't have the confidence to resist on their own, so they quickly aimed their direction at Shimadzu!

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