Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1073: Xuanping April 8

April, the eighth year of Xuanping, was considered a relatively important month for the Tang Dynasty, because after the reformed meeting was held in the first half of the year, the palace examination was also held in April, although for the Tang Dynasty , the importance of the palace exam can only be said to be average, because as long as the candidates are not too outrageous, they will basically not lose the election.

In fact, the purpose of the palace exam is not to select talents, but to formulate a future career direction for the candidates based on the various strategies and theories they have made. Therefore, in the past two years, there have been more and more questions in the palace exam. There are often a dozen or 20 questions on policy theory, but candidates only need to choose one of the questions to answer.

This year's palace examination also included the interview process. Officials from the Ministry of Personnel, officials from the Imperial Examinations Department of the Ministry of Rites, and officials from other departments were combined to form a large number of examiner groups. interview.

This kind of interview is mainly to give those department heads who are preparing to recruit new officials a chance to inspect the new officials in person. Well, the recruits are their subordinates, and everyone wants their subordinates to be better.

Of course, the opinions of the heads of the departments can only be used for reference. After the interview and inspection, they can apply to send a new scholar to their department, but the Ministry of Personnel still has the decision-making power.

The Ministry of Personnel is the official who has the ability to evaluate officials and assign positions. Although they can directly decide the authority is limited to the local officials below the fourth rank, and the central officials below the fifth rank, but for officials higher than this level, they It is also possible to recommend multiple candidates to Li Xuan. As for whether Li Xuan will choose one of the people they recommended, no one knows.

The appointment of senior officials has always been arbitrary by Li Xuan, and the sources of candidates are also diverse, including the recommendations of high-level officials such as local governors, the giant ships of high-ranking officials of various ministries in Gyeonggi, and the recommendation of the Ministry of Rites. In addition, sometimes Li Xuan He will also ask the Organization Department of the Imperial Academy to assess and recommend the list. If it is an important position, sometimes he will simply have the cabinet hold a meeting to recommend it, or simply hold a meeting of the former imperial cabinet to discuss the candidate list, and finally Li Xuan decides the candidate.

Of course, this kind of appointment that requires a meeting to discuss is often a high-ranking officer above the second rank, mainly officials above the governor of each province and the minister of various ministries, and a position lower than this level is not qualified for Li Xuan to personally convene such an appointment. Cabinet discussion meeting.

Although the Ministry of Personnel cannot decide the appointment of high-level officials, it is useless to recommend them, but they still have the power to kill and kill the middle and low-level officials. No matter what the new jinshi's own wishes are, when the Ministry of Personnel decided at that time, it represented the will of the entire empire, and the new jinshi either took office or got out.

Therefore, in the palace examination stage in April, the new cadets paid great attention to the brief interviews held by the Ministry of Personnel, and wanted to leave a good impression on those who control their own destiny.

But there are exceptions, that is, first-class jinshi and doctoral students. They don't have to worry about these problems, because if there is no accident, they will all enter the Hanlin Academy.

The general examinations in February and the palace examinations in April have had a great impact on the imperial examinations in China for thousands of years, which can also leave a strong legacy in the entire history.

In the future, when we talk about the provincial and national examination systems of the imperial examinations, and the interview system, we will definitely not be able to bypass the general and palace examinations in Xuanping's eighth year.

And in April, it is more important for the entire Datang Empire, not only this incident, but also other matters. Major reforms have been carried out on the current tax system, and the reform is mainly focused on the subdivision of tax categories, especially the more definite subdivision of the collection of industrial and commercial taxes.

At the same time, a stepped taxation system was also introduced. This stepped system is only for agricultural tax for the time being. Individuals with less than 50 mu still use the previous tax quota, but for the part over 100 mu, they use A slightly higher agricultural tax, and a higher agricultural tax was adopted for the part of the agricultural tax over 300 mu.

The purpose of this move is undoubtedly to crack down on the big landowners who own a lot of land.

Of course, the promulgation of the new policy cannot kill everyone at once. It must leave an obvious loophole for them, so that their resistance will not be too motivating. Therefore, this step-by-step taxation system is carried out on an individual basis. Calculated, not calculated by households.

According to the calculation of the standard family of five, the land that owns 250 acres will not be affected by this policy!

In fact, almost all homesteaders will not pass this number.

Those who are really affected are those big landlords who own hundreds or even thousands of acres. Even if these big landlords are placed nationwide, the total number is not too many.

They are actually the main targets of the empire. These people have too much land. The empire has always wanted them to sell the land and collect funds to invest in the industrial and commercial industries.

The industrial and commercial industry is so profitable, why are you holding on to the land, and you have to live with the empire!

In addition to the agricultural tax, the external environment The 6th Imperial Army has almost completely occupied Liaodong, and the famous Liaodong Town was also conquered in April. Wang had already run with the main force before this. When he ran, he even ran with the local people. When the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty took Liaodong Town, there were only some old and young disabled people left in the local area. weak.

But in any case, Liaodong Town can be regarded as an iconic strategic location in the Liaodong area. The 6th Army of the Empire won this place, which also means that Liaodong was almost completely recovered. The follow-up battle is to escape along the false King Hui of Ming Dynasty. direction, all the way to the Goryeo Peninsula.

The situation in Liaodong is good, and the situation overseas is also good, and the almost iconic Datang Navy occupied the Dayu Islands.

In the future, if someone wants to talk about the history of Datang's conquest of Fusang, then April of the eighth year of Xuanping will definitely not go around, because this month, the 6th team of the Datang Navy Ryukyu Squadron landed on the land of Fusang for the first time. .

Although the scale of Deng 6 is still very small, the sailors of the entire Ryukyu Squadron plus the 6 team are only more than 2,000 people, and they only occupied two small islands, but this still brings huge strategic influence.

Feng Qirong, the commander of the Ryukyu Squadron, is planning to lead the fleet to stay in Tanegashima for a long time on this island that has just become the territory of the Tang Dynasty, and has dispatched a transport fleet to return. He needs more support!

Battleships, Squadron 6, guns, ammunition, and even the population are all in urgent need of him now. Of course, he did not forget to inform the civil servants represented by the Ryukyu Prefecture Prefect Yamen.

It is said that the navy has already expanded the territory of the empire to an archipelago, and let the cabinet quickly dispatch local officials to rule!

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