Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1074: Dayu County Preparatory Special Envoy

Fang Ping 6, the prefect of Ryukyu Prefecture, is not surprised at all about the achievements of the navy in the western waters of Fusang!

It has been so long since he came to Ryukyu Mansion, a place so far away from the mainland. Fang Ping 6 also gradually changed his previous thoughts. In the past, he came here only as a helpless choice, in order to choose to earn money here. Take some credit and go back home.

Before he came, he thought that this place must be a place where birds don't shit, and he didn't want anything, but after he came to this place, he realized that although this place is a little smaller, there will be no inconvenience in life. Place, of course, it is impossible to see the prosperity of Jiangnan.

Because Ryukyu has always been an important transit point for the maritime trade between Huaxia and Fusang. It used to be like this, it is like this now, and it is even more important. A large number of merchant ships passed through Ryukyu Prefecture, which not only brought various kinds of goods to this place. Goods, but also brought huge financial revenue to this small Ryukyu Prefecture.

Those sailors who have been drifting at sea for a long time, after arriving at Naha Port in Ryukyu, the first thing is to get drunk and seek pleasure, and these sailors are a real high-income group, and it is also a typical example of drinking today and getting drunk today. , it is very generous to spend money.

This is because being a sailor is very dangerous. No one knows that he lost his life in a storm or was attacked by pirates that day, so he usually indulges himself outside.

When there is demand, there is naturally supply, and as a result, consumption is generated, and when there is consumption, taxes can naturally be collected from it.

In addition to the consumer market, as an important transit point for the trade between Datang and Fusang, many merchants directly choose to complete the transaction here. The merchants from Fusang transport the goods to Ryukyu, and then purchase the goods from Huaxia here for transportation. Back to Fusang, the merchants from China are similar. They transport a large amount of Chinese goods from China, sell them here to merchants who specialize in Fusang routes, and then buy goods from Japan and return to China.

In this way, the bulk goods transactions born in Ryukyu Prefecture are very large, and more taxes can naturally be collected from them.

Relying on the prosperity brought by maritime trade, the Ryukyu Prefecture gained a financial income of up to 150,000 taels of silver in the seven years of Xuanping. This financial income is extremely backward for an agricultural development, and the fishing industry is not very good. It is not easy for a region that relies on sea trade.

After all, Ryukyu Prefecture, strictly speaking, can only be regarded as a transit station, and other businesses are relatively backward.

However, even so, Fang Ping6 was very satisfied.

In addition to the good tax revenue, Fang Ping 6, the ruler of Ryukyu Prefecture, has always maintained a high-pressure situation, and did not cause any trouble for the old and young people of the Ryukyu Kingdom.

For this reason, in the eighth year of Xuanping, he received a letter of commendation from the Ministry of Personnel, saying that he was loyal to the monarch in Ryukyu Prefecture and led the work of Ryukyu Prefecture with excellence and effectiveness. It was given a relatively high rating during the evaluation.

Not to mention there are four words in front of it: Loyal to the king!

The Tang Dynasty was a monarchical empire, the emperor was everything, and loyalty to the monarch was the highest evaluation of a minister.

Therefore, his working experience in Ryukyu Prefecture can be regarded as the best choice. When the three-year term expires, he is very likely to be sent back to China. After returning to China, he will definitely be promoted, and he should also be arranged to more important positions.

But even so, Fang Ping6 was still not satisfied!

Governing Ryukyu House, even if it is to manage Ryukyu House in an orderly manner, but this can only be regarded as ordinary work. At that time, he came to Ryukyu House with ambition. He was not satisfied with ordinary credit, and he wanted more. !

Otherwise, he would not have been pushing the Ryukyu Squadron of the Navy to Fuso to suppress bandits in the past few months, and even occupying the Osumi Islands was his suggestion.

Before the Ryukyu Squadron departed, in the name of the prefect of Ryukyu Prefecture, he had a very correct negotiation with Feng Qirong of the navy. During the talks, Fang Ping 6, on behalf of the Ryukyu Prefecture Yamen, proposed that the pirates attacked seriously and hoped that the navy would be seriously invaded. Destroying the pirates also suggested that the Osumi Islands should also be included in the jurisdiction of the Ryukyu Prefecture. While expanding the territory of the empire, it would also be able to better conduct maritime trade with Fusang.

Therefore, when Fang Ping 6 received the communication clipper and returned to Ryukyu Prefecture, he informed that the Ryukyu Squadron had already captured Tanegashima and Yakushima in the Osumi Islands, and asked the Ryukyu Prefecture to send relevant officials to Tanegashima to establish a preliminary administration. after the institution.

Fang Ping6 was not surprised at all, and he called over a dozen officials who had been prepared for a long time, and asked them to follow the communication boat to Tanegashima immediately to establish the yamen of Dayu County, Ryukyu Prefecture, an overseas territory of the Datang Empire. mechanism.

Of course, Fang Ping 6 did not have the authority to directly bring the Osumi Islands under the jurisdiction of his Ryukyu Prefecture, nor did he have the authority to send his subordinate officials to establish Dasumi County institutions. This power was in the hands of the local cabinet bosses.

But this did not prevent him from doing so in advance, because as an overseas prefect, he had more privileges than the local prefects. Among the many privileges, there was a very special power, that is, 'pre-determination' , after the fact'.

Basically, except for the two major powers of military administration and finance, he basically has other powers.

Therefore, when he sent people to the Dayu Islands, he also began to write a memorial. The main content was to report on the Dayu Islands, saying that the islands had been occupied by pirates for many years. He resolutely defeated the pirates and occupied the place, saying that in order to make the sea trade more smooth in the future, he specially requested that Dasumi County be established under the Ryukyu Prefecture, and the county government of Tanegashima was set up.

At the same time, he also reported that because of the urgency of the matter, he had already dispatched more than a dozen officials to Dayu County to inspect and prepare for the establishment of the county.

Therefore, strictly speaking, the more than a dozen officials sent by Fang Ping6 to the Dayu Islands were not talking about officials at all levels such as the magistrates and county magistrates of the Dayu Islands, but to prepare for the establishment of Dayu County in the name of special envoys, deputy envoys, etc. matter officials.

Xia Wuyan, who was sent to the Dayu Islands by Fang Ping 6 as the 'special envoy for the preparations of Dayu County', is somewhat interesting. This person is not a traditional civil servant, but a soldier. Well, he was born in the 6th Army!

Xia Wuyan, who previously served in the 6th Infantry Division of the 6th Army, served as the officer of the infantry team, the battalion commander of the infantry battalion, and the rank of major. After being injured, he is often awakened by nightmares of fighting. Well, in terms of modern psychology, he is suffering from war syndrome.

In this case, he simply took the initiative to apply for a retirement major, and then was arranged to come to the Ryukyu Mansion and serve as a director of the sixth grade.

The 6th Army and the Navy have always been enemies. In order to prevent the Navy from messing around in the Dasumi Islands, he chose Xia Wuyan, an official from the 6th Army, to serve as the special envoy.

Even though Xia Wuyan had already retired from active duty, Fang Ping 6 knew that these veterans had a very strong sense of belonging to the army. When they were on active duty, these 6 army officers didn't like the navy. Even if they retired, they hated the same. People from the Navy!

With Xia Wuyan there, he wouldn't have to worry about the navy turning Dayu County into a private plot.

The principle of the separation of military and government in the empire must be maintained, and the military should not be allowed to interfere in even the slightest local affairs. This is the common understanding of almost all civil servants.

As the army gets bigger and bigger, those generals are also getting more and more arrogant. In fact, many officials in the cabinet are worried, worried that these generals will eventually intervene in the court, or even in the political situation of the empire. If this causes any turmoil, It was a huge disaster for the entire empire.

Under this general policy, the cabinet side is also closely following the pace of the military. If the army takes down a place, they will send officials to take over immediately, and they will never give the military time and opportunity to govern.

The same is true for Osumi County, Ryukyu Prefecture.

But considering that Dasumi County is far from the mainland, even if it is far from the Ryukyu Islands, in order to avoid trouble, he simply hired a retired officer from the 6th Army to serve as a special envoy to avoid local officials and the navy. Stir together.

Fang Ping6 thinks this way, it is natural that he has some persecution fantasy. Feng Qirong has no intention of setting up a private plot for the Navy. Feng Qirong is a Rear Admiral, and he is not very old. If he wants to go further, it is best to get one. What about the title?

For this reason, people are determined to conquer the entire Fusang coast, and even kill the island of Kyushu, how can they care about such a broken place in Dayu County.

Making merit and establishing a career is the most lofty goal of the local imperial soldiers! It sounds good to say that it is for His Majesty, for the empire, and for the people of Limin, but to be practical, they just want to go a step further, and then get a title and become one of the top group of people in the empire. .

Merit, promotion, and nobility are the dreams of all soldiers. Once successful, it means that a new powerful family will emerge in the top elite class of the empire.

In contrast, they are the ones who are too lazy to fight with the civil servants in the cabinet!

But what do the military generals think? The civil servants in the cabinet don't know. They are just taking precautions as always. If they don't take precautions now, do they have to wait for the military to really intervene in government affairs in the future?

Then it will be too late!

Xia Wuyan's boat is not big, but it is extremely fast, because this is a communication ship specially built by the Navy to communicate and pick up important people!

These communication ships, the small ones may be only a dozen tons, and the big ones are less than a hundred tons, but they all have the same feature, that is, they use clippers, and the hull is slender and the draft is very deep. , the area is huge!

All of this is designed for navigation!

In the case of a tailwind, this communication ship can easily run to a voyage of twelve knots, and in extreme cases, it can even run a voyage of fourteen knots!

This is an absolute explosion in an era when most ships still stay at five knots or less!

It's just that this communication ship is fast, but other performances are basically not good, the cargo capacity is very small, and it is absolutely uncomfortable to ride.

Therefore, when Xia Wuyan stepped off the communication ship and set foot on the pier of Tanegashima, his face was pale without a trace of blood.

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