Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1077: Cross the Yalu River

When Feng Qirong led the fleet to encircle the pirates and capture the prisoners, the Jinling City in the mainland of the empire had not yet received the news that Feng Qirong had taken Tanegashima.

The distance from Tanegashima to the mainland is really too far. Even if the empire has developed a clipper ship and uses this fast ship as a communication ship, the time it takes to go back and forth is still very long.

The communication is seriously behind. There is no way to do it. At most, the news from Fusang is delayed for half a month and a month, but if it is farther away, such as India, or even Africa and Europe, this It's normal to have no news for half a year.

Li Xuan also had no choice but to look forward to the telegraph from the Royal Institute of Technology as soon as possible, regardless of whether it was a wired telegraph or a wireless telegraph, whichever one could be used.

But now, there is no way, long-distance communication can only rely on ships or horses.

Li Xuan didn't know how things were going on Fusang's side, but he still knew that the navy was ready to start operations on Fusang's side, because this was reported a few months ago.

In addition, Li Xuan didn't care much about Fusang's affairs. There was only the Osumi Islands to his left and right, and the sea power on Fusang's side was so weak that it could be ignored, so it was impossible for any accident to happen to the Ryukyu Squadron.

Now Li Xuan is more concerned about the problem of the north. To solve the problem on the Korean Peninsula, the army has already prepared a full infantry division in Liaodong, ready to cross the Yalu River from north to south at any time.

The navy has also prepared **** fleets and transport fleets, which can be directly landed for operations at any time and provide supplies for troops entering the peninsula.

According to the battle plan finalized at the Imperial Military Strategy Conference, the peninsula battle plan will be fully launched in June. The troops participating in the battle are the 15th Infantry Division of the Sixth Army. This Infantry Division is mainly responsible for crossing the Yalu River from the ground. Initiate an attack, advancing all the way from north to south.

The navy has prepared two squadrons to completely control the coast of the Goryeo Peninsula, and provide **** and fire support for the landing fleet and the supply fleet.

The main body of the landing force is a temporary marine regiment formed by the navy, with a total strength of about 2,000 people. In addition, the Guards also dispatched an infantry battalion, an artillery team and other auxiliary units to form a mixed battalion of the Guards. Participated in the war, with a total strength of about 1,500 people.

In other words, the total number of land troops of the landing force is around 3,500!

The landing force, together with the 15th Infantry Division of the Sixth Army, would bring the total number of ground combat troops to 19,000.

When necessary, the navy will directly dispatch marines and sailors from the two squadrons to fight ashore, and this aspect is also expected to provide about a thousand people.

Therefore, when necessary, the total number of troops participating in ground operations will reach 20,000!

20,000 people to deal with a small indigenous regime on the Goryeo Peninsula, whether it is the army or the navy thinks it is enough!

In fact, if you just deal with the natives of the Goryeo Peninsula, you don’t need 20,000 people. It is estimated that a few thousand people can be swept across the peninsula. The key point is that the current Goryeo Peninsula is not only the local natives. In fact, today The real owners of the Goryeo Peninsula are not the local indigenous people, but the pseudo-Ming Hye King.

After the Puppet King Hye was defeated in Liaodong, he fled into the Goryeo Peninsula early with the remaining soldiers. He brought a lot of troops, at least 20,000 to 30,000 people. These two or 30,000 people are actually the Tang Empire this time. real enemy.

As for the natives, to be honest, neither the empire nor the pseudo-Ming Hui Wang took them seriously.

The entire battle plan will be launched in June, but in fact, in Jinling City, the specific battle plan has been finalized in late April, and the rest is the time for specific implementation and delivery of orders!

After the Jinling City side has made a decision, it will take at least half a month to convey the order to Liaodong, and then there will be time for the troops to prepare for the battle, and the subsequent supply and transportation will also take time to prepare.

Therefore, the official combat time is expected to be in mid-June, but there is no specific day. The specific time of crossing the Yalu River will be freely determined by the front-line generals.

That is to say, Major General Kang Gaozhi, the commander of the 15th Infantry Division, will directly decide the time of the war and the specific tactics. In terms of the military headquarters of the Sixth Army, it is also impossible for the military headquarters to remotely command the 15th Infantry Division because of the distance.

In this peninsula battle, Army Major General Kang Gaozhi will have almost all power!

As the saying goes, the greater the power, the greater the responsibility. When the imperial decree was passed to Kang Gaozhi, he instantly felt the pressure!

Looking at this imperial decree in his hand, Kang Gaozhi's first reaction was not the excitement of being able to lead the battle alone and make a career, but worry!

The reason why he was worried was that he had never led an army to fight on a single front. He was a little worried that in the peninsula campaign, the gutter would capsize and it would not play well, which would lead to serious political influence.

Kang Gaozhi, like most of the middle and high-ranking generals in the army, was born in the Imperial Academy. He joined the army relatively early. In the second year of Xuanping, he had already abandoned literature and started martial arts and entered the Tang Army directly. At first he was just an ordinary civilian officer, then a staff officer, and later, he went to the martial arts school to study.

After entering the martial arts school, he held many grassroots positions, and then soon entered the Royal Academy to study. When Xuanping was five years old, he graduated from the Royal Academy and became a battalion commander of an infantry battalion. At this time, He was actually on the path of a true field force commander.

From the battalion commander of the major to the head of the lieutenant colonel, and then to the staff of the colonel of the war department, at the end of last year, he finally crossed the obstacles that were insurmountable by countless colonels and became an army brigadier general, serving as the deputy of the 15th Infantry Division Division commander, became a member of the army's senior generals.

Then he participated in the Liaodong campaign, and later, his immediate superior, the former commander of the 15th Infantry Division, was recuperating for a long time because of his illness. At the same time, it was also because he did not get along with his colleagues. This disharmony Of course, Kang Gaozhi stabbed a knife in the back. In this army, it was also an officialdom, and open and secret struggles were naturally inevitable.

Therefore, his predecessor was transferred back to the Jinling City Privy Council in February to serve as a western idler.

For the former commander of the 15th Infantry Division, this was naturally more tragic, but for Kang Gaozhi, it was an opportunity. He relied on the natural advantage of being a deputy commander and became an agent. Division commander, in the Liaodong campaign after coming back, he also played well with the 15th Infantry Division, and the top simply straightened him.

It took him a total of four months to go from the deputy commander of the brigadier general to the commander of the major general!

If this speed of promotion is under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to happen, and only the 15th Infantry Division was fighting in Liaodong at that time, especially Li Xuan, who gave Kang Gaozhi this opportunity for the stability of the war. .

However, he had just become the commander of the 15th Infantry Division, and he had not yet gotten used to it. He received an imperial decree that he should lead the 10th Infantry Division to kill the Yalu River in mid-June.

You must know that before he served as the division commander, although he also acted as the deputy division commander to command operations, it only took two months before and after, and more importantly, the battle of the 15th Infantry Division was always under the command of the military department. Kang Gaozhi is at most a commander in front of the battle, but if you let him coordinate the overall situation and be in charge of the battle on one front alone, he feels a lot of pressure. Could it be that the superior really thinks that I am a peerless general, and I can be in charge of a single battle after just a few months as a division commander. Battle line?

He didn't know that the superiors chose to trust him so much, not because of his talent, but because the 15th Infantry Division was the closest to the Yalu River. If they wanted to fight, they would definitely use the 15th Infantry Division.

Moreover, the 15th Infantry Division has just been replaced, and it has been replaced within two months. It is easy for the military to be turbulent and cause a bad negative political impact.

In addition, although this Kang Gaozhi is not very good, he is also a general from a professional class. He has gone through the martial arts school, the imperial school, and served as the battalion commander of the infantry battalion, the commander of the infantry regiment, the senior staff officer of the combat department, the deputy division commander, etc. A series of positions, the necessary combat command experience must be there.

The bosses of the Privy Council are not very demanding. As long as you stay healthy and intelligent, and you can push it steadily and steadily, you don't expect him to come up with any hype tactics.

If it is said that the bosses believe in Kang Gaozhi's strategic and tactical abilities, it does not mean that they did not take the 20,000 to 30,000 remnants of the false King Hui to heart.

The same is the division commander of the infantry division, but you look at the division commanders of several main infantry divisions of the Third Army against the Tatars, and then look at the fourth army on the Northwest Front and those main infantry divisions of the Fifth Army. Teachers, all of them are people with outstanding military exploits.

Don't say anything else, just talk about their titles. These teachers, all of them are above the viscount titles, and there are a few people who are counts.

The reason why the main generals on the northern front are all those with outstanding military exploits is that both the Privy Council and Li Xuan believe that the northern Tartars, Oaras, and Tubos are the confidants. If the generals are mediocre they will worry and sleep well.

But in addition to the northern front, other fronts, including today's Liaodong, Korea Peninsula, Southwest and Jiangnan, Central Plains and other troops deployed, the generals of these troops are ordinary.

The level of emphasis is quite different.

Today, the most outstanding generals in the army are mainly concentrated in two places, one is the field troops stationed on the northern Great Wall defense line, and the other is the Privy Council Operations Department.

As for Kang Gaozhi, he doesn't count!

It was naturally impossible for Kang Gaozhi to think of him. Since the imperial decree came down, he had to follow it. He didn't want the throne of teacher and commander that he had tossed around for a few months to be fired.

He also wants to be like the other famous generals of the army, to win the peninsula, make a big contribution, and win the title of a noble, even if it is just a baron!

However, the world is impermanent, Kang Gaozhi wanted to make a contribution, but within a few days he found out that this contribution is not good!

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