Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1078: Datang men are stylish

After Kang Gaozhi received the imperial decree, although he was apprehensive, he quickly prepared the troops and sent a reconnaissance cavalry team to the Yalu River to find a suitable place to cross the river.

Although it was mentioned above that a squadron of the navy would come to **** when crossing the river, but the navy only cares about the escort, and they didn't care how the army crossed the river at that time.

The navy is also very busy now. The battleships and transport ships in the Bohai Sea are basically serving for landing operations and logistical supplies, and there are simply not many ships to help the army.

Of course, Kang Gaozhi didn't think so. He just decided that the navy's group of turtles must have deliberately made excuses and refused to arrange a large number of ships for him to cross the river.

But dissatisfaction returns dissatisfaction, this crossing the river still has to cross.

So he sent a scout to investigate the situation, but it didn't take a few days for the scout to report back. There were quite a few places to cross the river, but they searched several villages along the way, and they didn't find a boat. Only later did I learn that the ships on both sides of the Yalu River were basically taken to the other side by the false King Hui of Ming before crossing the river.

This also means that it is impossible to find a boat to cross the river on the spot.

It is not very reliable to dispatch ships from other places. When the ships arrive, it is estimated that they will have to go in July.

In the end, he had no choice. He could only use the old method. Without a large number of ships, he directly erected a pontoon bridge.

Anyway, there is a navy escort, he is not afraid of the pontoon being destroyed, and he doesn't have to worry about the navy's failure to work hard. If there is a mistake without escorting, it will be the navy's fault. Then he won't need to participate in the navy book, the army major above. Guys will come for him.

It is a bit troublesome to erect a pontoon bridge. Although his 15th Infantry Division is also the main infantry division, it has not been established for a long time. Although there is an engineer unit, it is still not very professional in erecting pontoon bridges.

But even if he was unprofessional, he could only bite the bullet. He personally went to the engineer battalion of the division and discussed with several chief officers of the engineer battalion how to build the pontoon bridge.

Fortunately, the military probably also knew that the engineer battalion of the 15th Infantry Division was a little weak. After a few days, they took the initiative to reinforce a boat bridge battalion.

This kind of boat bridge battalion is not an ordinary divisional engineer battalion. The ordinary division is an engineer battalion. It does various things, such as digging fortifications, building barracks, etc., but it is not good to say it, because everything is done. Do, so nothing is professional.

There is no way to do this. Who makes the division-affiliated engineer battalion have a heavy task, and it is impossible for the soldiers of the engineer battalion to master everything. Moreover, because of the shortage of military expenses, it is impossible for the Army to upgrade the division-affiliated engineer battalion to an engineer battalion. Corps, to reduce pressure on engineers, so that they can master more professional skills.

The army just adopted a compromise method. They set up these highly specialized technical units directly under the military headquarters. The Zhouqiao battalion directly under each army is a typical example.

The Sixth Army Headquarters sent the Zhouqiao Battalion. Although this Zhouqiao Battalion had just been formed for a few months, it was not full of members. There were only more than 300 people in total, most of whom were novices, but it was a great relief. pressure on the 15th Infantry Division.

With this boat and bridge camp, it turned out that the plan for erecting a pontoon bridge was made and the actual preparation stage was carried out.

With the plan for crossing the river, Kang Gaozhi is still busy. He is busy with a large number of officers visiting directly every day, supervising the troops to carry out adaptive training, including the exercise training for crossing the river and the follow-up combat training.

In addition, he and his chief of staff, deputy division commander, and several regiments and battalion commanders pondered every day how to formulate a detailed attack plan.

Although his 15th Infantry Division also participated in the Battle of Liaodong, it had previously fought large-scale battles with friendly forces. If he fought alone, he had not tried it since the formation of an army. For a new force, it is also a great challenge.

So it is reasonable for Kang Gaozhi and his team of officers to be cautious.

Compared with Kang Gaozhi's cautiousness, and he encountered a lot of troubles and difficulties in the preparation work, the preparation work on the navy's side was much smoother.

The Navy prepared two squadrons for the Korean Peninsula campaign, the Second Squadron and the Third Squadron, which belonged to the First Fleet.

At present, the Datang Empire has a total of four large fleets, namely the Yangtze River Fleet, the Pearl River Fleet, the First Fleet, and the Second Fleet. The first two fleets belong to the Inland Fleet. Not bad, but since the pacification of the southwest, even the Yangtze Fleet has been reduced to an auxiliary fleet, and a large number of formations have been cancelled.

Therefore, the Yangtze River Fleet and the Pearl River Fleet have a very low sense of presence in today's navy, and there are even calls for the establishment of these two inland fleets to be reduced from the large fleet to the size of the squadron.

At present, in the Datang Navy, the real big fleets are the First Fleet and the Second Fleet. Fleet, these four fleets are actually administrative establishments, not combat establishments.

The real combat organization is that these four large fleets have various squadrons, such as the first to sixth squadrons in the ocean fleet, the Ryukyu squadron, the Luzon squadron, the Yangtze River squadron and the Huaihe squadron in the Yangtze Fleet. Fleet, Dongting Lake Squadron, Poyang Lake Squadron, Xijiang Squadron and Dongjiang Squadron in the Pearl River Fleet.

Each sub-fleet has different types of ships and ships according to the deployment area and the task in charge. The home port is Wusong Port. The first sub-fleet, which is used to control the sea power of the East China Sea and guard the mouth of the Yangtze River, is the most powerful. Four cruisers, more than ten frigates. However, it also belongs to the Second Fleet. The Second Squadron, whose home port is in Weihaiwei, Shandong, does not have a single cruiser. There are only three frigates to support it. .

However, although the strength is divided into large and small, each squadron is the main body of naval operations. Except for the first squadron, whose commander is the vice admiral, the commanders of each other squadron are The rank of Rear Admiral has the power to actually command operations.

At the same time, it is not the headquarters of the four major fleets that has the power to issue combat orders to them, but the naval command!

The headquarters of the four major fleets is actually a military and political organization, not a military order organization, nor is it a staff organization!

Participating in the combat mission on the Korean Peninsula were the Second Squadron and the Third Squadron, which belonged to the First Fleet.

Among them, the third squadron is stronger and has a cruiser. The previous task was to block the coast of the Korean Peninsula. Now their main task is to cover the landing force of more than 3,000 people for landing operations, and to fight against Subsequent material supply transportation provides escort.

As for the Second Squadron, its strength is weaker. Their main task is to enter the Yalu River, cover the crossing of the 15th Infantry Division, and also undertake part of the **** task of material supply.

However, Kang Gaozhi was quite satisfied with the Second Squadron sent by the Navy, because he knew that there were not many large ships in the Second Squadron, and the main combat force was some small-tonnage offshore patrol ships.

However, Kang Gaozhi wanted to cross the river from the Yalu River, not from the coast. If the navy came to support and sent those large ships of several hundred tons, it was estimated that they would not be able to get out after entering the Yalu River.

The army of the fake King Hui of Ming Dynasty is not stupid. When they see your big ship running into the Yalu River stupidly, they can get dozens of fireboats to go down the river, and they can burn all these giants on the sea!

Therefore, Kang Gaozhi prefers that the navy dispatches only some offshore patrol ships and inland warships, so as to be flexible enough and able to provide sufficient cover for himself.

After discussing it with a colonel's staff sent by the Navy's Second Squadron, the two sides finally officially confirmed the scheduled date for crossing the river: June 18, which is similar to the time required by the imperial edict, neither too late nor too late. would be too early.

At the same time, it can also cooperate with the landing operations of the 3rd Navy Squadron, because the 3rd Navy Squadron has already decided to conduct the landing on June 23.

The landing site is at the estuary of the Han River. From this landing site, it can be seen that the soldiers of the landing force are pointing directly at Seoul!

Logically speaking, this Seoul is the capital of the Goryeo Lee Dynasty, and it should be heavily guarded, but in fact, according to the report of the Ministry of Military Intelligence, this is not the case!

Because the main opponent of the Tang Dynasty was not the Koryo natives, but the pseudo-Minghui King. In fact, the Koryo natives had been defeated by the pseudo-Minghui King's troops before. In the past two years, the pseudo-Minghui King's army has entered the peninsula three times. The first time was looting, the second time was directly killing most of the main force of the Koryo natives, and then forcing the Koryo Li Dynasty to be loyal to him, and sending troops to Liaodong to help the Ming army in Liaodong to fight, well, to be cannon fodder!

The third time, of course, was when the pseudo-Ming Hui King escaped a few months ago.

But for the Tang Dynasty, the pseudo-Ming Hui King escaped, but for the local indigenous people, it was not a good thing.

After entering the Goryeo Peninsula, the pseudo King Hye-hye killed almost no obstacles and reached Seoul. Then he captured all the royal family and ministers of the Lee family and headed north, returning to his base camp in the Goryeo Peninsula, Ryugyong, the capital of Ping An Province.

People are not stupid. They know that Seoul is easy to be killed by the enemy from the sea, and it was breached by the pseudo-Ming Hui King once in the past two years. The city walls were all dry and smashed.

Relatively speaking, Ryujing, Ping An Road, is much safer. When the pseudo-Ming Hye King’s department went south to the Goryeo Peninsula for the first time, although they also attacked the city, they did not cause much damage to the city. Thousands of troops stayed here to monitor the every move of the Goryeo Lee Dynasty, and at the same time did not forget to requisition the local indigenous people to build city defense facilities.

Therefore, in the past two years, Ryujing, Ping An Road, has become an important city under the control of the pseudo-Ming Hye King!

The pseudo-Ming Hye King regarded Ryujing as a base camp, and even directly forcibly brought the royal family and ministers of the Goryeo Lee Dynasty to Ryujing, which means that the current Seoul is actually abolished.

Landing here, although it may be intercepted by the local indigenous people, will not encounter too much difficulty, which is conducive to ensuring the safety of the initial landing.

The navy is preparing to land at the estuary of the Han River and is preparing to attack Seoul, while the army is preparing to cross the Yalu River all the way to Liujing!

As for other places, they are not very interested, at least in the early battle plan, they did not plan to attack other parts of the Goryeo Peninsula, they only have two targets, one is Seoul, the other is Liujing!

As for other places, it will not be too late to clean up after the fake King Myung Hye has been killed, and the royal family of the Goryeo Lee clan will wait for a whole bunch of people!

Anyway, it is said that the senior officials in the imperial cabinet with pus in their stomachs are already thinking about how to deal with the local aborigines, and with the military's consistent understanding of the hypocrites in the cabinet, the military has more than 80% certainty. It is certain that the hypocrites in the cabinet must have no peace of mind for the natives.

At that time, there will be countless riots, rebellions, and so on. The military has seen many such things!

And they also know that in this situation, the civil servants are just talking, but the military has to fight and kill, so now the army simply saves a little effort and waits until they come together later.

You can't just do it now and do it all over again in a few months. It's so troublesome, it's better to just do it together.

The military side really doesn't know that the big bosses in the cabinet really didn't plan to fight this time. They considered that the Sinicization of the Korean Peninsula is already very ideal, although there is a mess of indigenous scripts and languages. But the local indigenous people are useless. Whether they are scholars or ordinary people, they all use Chinese when they write, and most of the scholars can speak Chinese.

This level of sinicization is, to be honest, much better than the sinicization of today's southwestern provinces, those areas still controlled by the chieftains, and the northwest, Tibetan areas, and northern grasslands!

Therefore, they did not plan to pursue an extermination policy, but planned to use an integration policy. Anyway, there were not many people on the peninsula. Several times, in addition to killing tens of thousands of Goryeo troops, the pseudo-Ming Hye King also forcibly recruited nearly 100,000 young men to go to Liaodong, of which tens of thousands were cannon fodder and the rest were coolies. .

What's more important is that the subordinates of the false King Hui of Ming Dynasty entered the peninsula three times, each time they looted a large amount of food. There was not much food in this broken place, and so much food was looted by the subordinates of the false King Hui , the resulting famine is quite serious. In recent years, there are not one million people who have died of starvation, but it is estimated that there are two or three million people.

That's why the big bosses in the cabinet are thinking that there are only a million people left on this peninsula now, and there are not many young people among them, all of them are old and weak women and children.

That way, things will be fine!

The Tang soldiers who entered the dynasty married one or two or three, regardless of whether they were married as wives or concubines. Anyway, as long as they were married, it was enough. In this way, at least the number of local indigenous women of the right age can be directly calculated. By the way, you can also solve the problem that local women of school age are difficult to marry because of the large losses of young and strong.

And then encourage and encourage the people in the country, those who can't get a wife, go to the Korean Peninsula to marry, the official encourages intermarriage!

If this is not enough, in addition to organizing normal immigration, we can organize more than 200,000 to 200,000 bachelors to immigrate from China, and we can definitely marry all the local women of childbearing age. Anyway, there are many bachelors in China who can't get wives. Listen It is said that if you go to the Korean Peninsula, you will be able to marry a wife. It is estimated that people who sign up will line up from Jinling City to the Pacific Ocean!

The bigwigs used the abacus to do the math and came to a conclusion: As long as immigration and intermarriage are strong enough, it will only take twenty years, and the new generation on the Korean Peninsula will be all the people of the Tang Dynasty!

To completely conquer an area and marry all of their women is the kingly way. In comparison, other methods of cultural destruction and massacres are weak!

Of course, Tang Dynasty men also have a style, not all women are married, such as those women from the Nanyang barbarians, the Tang Dynasty men do not look down on them!

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