Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1080: Insidious Tang cavalry

If it weren't for the coincidence that he happened to be the deputy commander of the 15th Infantry Division, and it happened that the 15th Infantry Division was preparing to enter the Korean Peninsula to fight, he would definitely not have the opportunity to become the commander of a main infantry division.

Kang Gaozhi, who only got up after taking a shortcut, was naturally unwilling to be the commander of the main infantry division for a few months, and then he was thrown into the cold palace!

To avoid this, he had to play well in the first battle on the peninsula. It was not enough to play well in the battle. He also had to do some other options that could add points to himself, such as the follow-up to clear the remaining resistance forces.

Otherwise, even if he led the troops to win the remnants of the pseudo-Ming Hui King, but to be honest, this is actually not a credit, because in terms of the strength of the Datang Army, if a main infantry division is on the field, if it still can't do the fake King Ming Hui's 20,000 remnants, then his teacher can commit suicide.

If he wins, that's his duty, it's not a bonus item, and the superiors will never give him a high look because of this. Because of this kind of battle, any general who came from the Imperial Academy will come and go. can win!

If you want to win, you have to win beautifully and get bonus points!

To this end, in recent days, Kang Gaozhi has been busy rectifying the troops and discussing the follow-up battle plan, while also preparing the follow-up plan for suppression.

The expected battles of crossing the river and Liujing are prepared by the division staff team and other middle and senior officers. As long as Kang Gaozhi is not stupid, there will be basically no problems, so he also put more energy on how to To solve the encirclement and suppression of local resistance forces up.

After several days of hard thinking, he finally came up with a plan and submitted it to the military.

Strictly speaking, the plan he formulated is not a purely military plan, because it also corresponds to the policy of the cabinet!

In the plan, he put forward several points of view. The first is the issue of the treatment of prisoners. He suggested that after the battle, if the prisoners are the remnants of the false King Hui, then after rectification and treatment, ordinary prisoners can be organized on the spot. , as an important component of future immigration.

However, if the captives are local indigenous captives, then he recommends that all these captives be escorted to the northeast border for reclamation to avoid local release.

In addition, it is necessary to allow domestic organizations to immigrate, and the early immigrants should be mainly young and strong men. In this way, these early immigrants can serve as an important component of the local militia, and the militia organizations in the four provinces of the Korean Peninsula can be quickly completed.

Subsequently, in order to ease the relationship with the local aborigines, and also to strengthen the indigenous people's sense of identity with the Tang Empire, and at the same time to further reduce the number of local indigenous young men, he established a follow-up call for a large number of indigenous young men to join the army. Zhuang, together with the soldiers from the reserve divisions recruited from the mainland, formed two or three reserve divisions, and then sent these reserve divisions to the deep defense lines in Hebei and Shanxi, and exchanged defenses with the local reserve divisions, trying to change the two reserve divisions from the mainland. Entered the Korean Peninsula.

The reason why the reserve divisions were stationed on the Korean Peninsula was because there were only 16 main infantry divisions of the Datang Army, and it was impossible for them to be stationed on the Korean Peninsula all the time for local bombardment tasks.

Each of the main infantry divisions of the Datang Army is a strategic mobile force, and it is not their task to bombard the place, that is the task of the reserve division.

There are two reserve divisions plus the militia formed by immigrants from the mainland, and then the reclamation regiment formed by the prisoners of the remnants of the pseudo-Ming Hye King. It is expected that in the next three years, the army will be able to maintain a considerable number of local bombing forces on the Korean Peninsula. .

At the same time, in response to the policy of the cabinet, soldiers should be encouraged as much as possible to marry local wives, and strive to let them settle down directly on the Korean Peninsula after they retire.

These are actually follow-up military disposal plans. As for the early encirclement and suppression work, he did not mention much, but unified opinions with the military department. After winning the two important cities of Liujing and Seoul, the follow-up is to divide the troops. Capture all the cities and then garrison them in place, making sure that every major city has troops stationed there.

When attacking cities in various places, you should annihilate or capture the local indigenous garrison as much as possible, so as not to ignore them after they are defeated.

At the same time waiting for the arrival of the domestic reserve division troops!

After the arrival of the reserve division troops, they began to go to the countryside to clear and suppress them. At the same time, they cooperated with the cabinet to establish town and village-level local yamen, organize immigrants, and prepare for the establishment of local militias, so as to ensure that the Tang Empire’s hitting the rocks extended to every corner of the Korean Peninsula.

Kang Gaozhi's report was very detailed. Although he didn't say much about purely military issues and more about political issues, this report quickly attracted the attention of the Sixth Army Headquarters. It didn't take long for the report to start heading straight to Jinling on the communication ship.

This report will be sent back to the Privy Council as a reference for the military bosses!

However, Kang Gaozhi didn't know that the last person to read this report would be Li Xuan, the Son of Heaven!

It's just that when Li Xuan saw this report, it was already half a month later, let's not mention it for the time being!

Besides, after Kang Gaozhi wrote the report, his troops were also ready.

Seeing that the preparations were completed, and the time was almost up, he finally ordered the troops to move out and go straight to the Yalu River!

Along the way, in addition to many military supplies such as ordnance, weapons, food, etc., the boat bridge battalion and the engineer battalion also carried a large number of tools needed to build the pontoon bridge.

Behind his 15,000-odd people, there is also a civilian army of 20,000 people!

These civilians were recruited directly from the local area, but although they were called, these civilians were very happy, because after the Tang Dynasty occupied Jiangnan, the financial situation had greatly improved, and they were about to unify the world. , some of the bad habits in the past must be changed, changed, for example, recruiting civilians. In the past, they didn't care so much, they directly pulled people with bayonets without paying wages. If they had enough food, they would give them a little food. If it's not enough, then the people have to bring their own dry food, anyway, it's free work without money or food!

The resulting complaints are naturally not a few!

And now, when the sage is in the dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty ruled the country with the principle of benevolence, righteousness, loyalty and filial piety, it is natural to show the side of benevolence. If you have enough money, or during busy farming seasons, you will be given a certain amount of wages.

Now these more than 20,000 people behind the 15th Infantry Division are all food and drink, and they can also receive additional rice grains as wages.

These days, it is not easy for ordinary people to have enough to eat. Every year, just so that they can have enough food every day, countless poor children break their heads and want to join the army.

These villagers have heard that they have food and drink, and they will also distribute rice grains every month so that they can take them home. There is a reason for their unwillingness!

More than 20,000 people will be responsible for the main material transportation task of the 15th Infantry Division entering the peninsula in the future. However, after entering the peninsula, Kang Gaozhi will consider letting more than 20,000 people go home, and he will go directly to the place. Recruit local natives to transport supplies.

The reason is very simple. It costs money to recruit people in the country, and it is much cheaper to recruit the natives to transport them. At most, they will be given a ton of food a day.

Although the army's military expenditure is more than 20 million, it is quite tight to maintain a huge regular army and reserve divisions.

More than 15,000 troops and 20,000 civilians have set off. If this is written in the traditional Spring and Autumn style, it is 30,000 troops. Rounding up, 50,000 troops are appropriate!

Therefore, when Kang Gaozhi's army set off, they were always worried about the attack from the Tang army, and dispatched the pseudo-Ming Hui King who was on the other side of the Yalu River to guard. Come here, a full 50,000 army!

After hearing this news, this young man, the fake King Hui of Ming, was not too surprised!

When he came from Liaodong to the Korean Peninsula, he expected that the pseudo-Tang bandit army would kill him, and the remaining suspense was when to come and how many people would come.

The 50,000-strong army seems to be much less than when they attacked Liaodong at the beginning. In the first battle of Liaodong, the puppet-Tang bandit army alone was tens of thousands of regular troops, and the number of civilians who added logistical supplies was more than 100,000.

However, although it was 50,000 people, it also made the generals of the remnants of the pseudo-Ming Hui king tremble. Although the number of the pseudo-Tang thieves who came this time was 50,000, much less than the ones who attacked Liaodong at the beginning, but they themselves are now also There are not many people, they are only 20,000 when they are fully counted. The only thing that can comfort them is that when they escaped, they took a lot of cavalry with them. It is impossible to resist the attack of the pseudo-Tang bandit army. This has been confirmed in the Liaodong campaign.

At that time, when the pseudo-Tang thieves attacked Liaodong, in addition to his own troops possessing 5,000 cavalry, under his command, there were also 15,000 cavalry from the Mongols such as Duoyan Sanwei and Chahar Ministry!

As a result, the puppet thieves from the Tang Dynasty fought steadily and steadily, all the way to Liaodong Town, that is, they fought a cavalry battle in the Liaohetao area. The cavalry fell to the ground, and after the battle, those Tartar cavalry ran away when they saw the pseudo-Tang bandit army!

And the most irritating thing is that in the original cavalry confrontation, the cavalry on both sides had never conducted the kind of hedging battle in the past. Those pseudo-Tang cavalry were particularly insidious. When engaged in a regular, valiant saber hedging battle!

The cavalry of the pseudo-Tang bandit army actually dismounted directly to fight, then pulled out the artillery, and used the cavalry field cannon, flintlock pistols and pistols to put the five thousand Tatar cavalry charging on the ground directly, and then turned on their horses and pursued them. , killed 5,000 Tatar cavalry more than a third of the casualties!

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