Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1081: Even if I die, I will die on the land of Daming

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The cavalry battle that took place in Liaohetao can be said to have completely lost the confidence of the Tatar tribes who came to help the pseudo-Ming Hui King. In addition, at that time, Altan Khan also took advantage of the fire and launched the Eastern Expedition Campaign to attack. Chahar Department and Duoyan Sanwei Department.

So they simply ran away and returned to the grassland to fight Alta Khan to death.

Even the cavalry of the Tartars could not do it, and the 3,000 cavalry under their hands now could not be counted on.

Do you think that the troop of the pseudo-Tang bandit army with the name of the infantry division has no cavalry, but they have a serious cavalry regiment, and if they add the reconnaissance cavalry, the total number of cavalry is thousands of cavalry.

If you take the initiative to kill and fight, you will definitely not be able to beat it, so what should you do now?

Stick to it?

But sticking to it is also a dead end. The Goryeo Peninsula is far too big, and the only city they can rely on is Ryugyong. Once they are surrounded, they will be starved to death.

So someone proposed to the pseudo-Ming Hye King, whether we should continue to turn in, we can bypass the mountains in the northeastern part of the Korean Peninsula, and then continue to go north. I heard that although the north is a barren land, it can also be used as a foundation for a comeback.

The person who made this suggestion was pulled out and chopped up on the spot by the fake King Ming Hui shouting to shake the heart of the army!

At that time, the pseudo-Ming Hui Wang looked around at his generals, and then said word by word: "Even if I die, I will die on the land of Daming!"

Since Emperor Zhengde committed suicide after being defeated in the Shandong battlefield, his three sons have all become emperors successively.

Later, the pseudo-Ming Jing King in Sichuan and the pseudo-Ming Hui King in Liaodong both proclaimed themselves emperors successively after receiving the death of Emperor Shaowu.

However, the Tang Dynasty did not recognize them at all. In today's official tone, the Tang Dynasty recognized Emperor Zhengde and Emperor Shaowu, and in the Ming History that had already begun to be compiled, they officially recognized their identities as emperors of the Zhu Ming Dynasty, but false King Mingjing and the pseudo-king of Minghui did not recognize their thrones.

Because in the official cognition of the Tang Dynasty, after Emperor Shaowu died by self-immolation, the Daming Dynasty was completely destroyed, and they directly gave Emperor Shaowu a posthumous title, calling it Emperor Ai.

From the posthumous title of Emperor Ming Ai, it can be seen that the emperor of the Tang Dynasty actually despised the unfortunate Emperor Shaowu. In order to show the benevolence and righteousness of the Tang Dynasty, he also brought a little bit of contempt. pity.

In fact, if Emperor Shaowu did not bravely set himself on fire and let outsiders look at him, it is estimated that when the Tang Dynasty gave him a posthumous title, he would have been given a posthumous title like Li or Shang.

In addition, in fact, the fake King Mingjing and the fake King Hui have successively given posthumous titles to Emperor Shaowu, which is naturally a good posthumous title, but the Tang Dynasty does not admit it!

And I have to say that although there are not many sons of Emperor Zhengde, the three people, Emperor Shaowu, King Jing, and King Hui, are basically hard bones. Emperor Shaowu was defeated and set himself on fire.

King Jing also committed suicide after his defeat!

Even the current King Hui never thought of escaping into the wild land, even if he died, he would die on the land of Daming!

Well, the Goryeo Peninsula is a vassal state of Daming, and naturally it belongs to Daming's land!

King Hui's attitude also frightened a lot of people!

But the tree fell and the hozen scattered, and now in this situation, it is not what King Hui said that if he wanted to fight to the death, he would fight to the end!

King Hui was determined to die, but the others were unsure, so after Kang Gaozhi's 15th Infantry Division, under the cover of the navy, successfully built a pontoon bridge to cross the Yalu River, the situation in Liujing became more and more chaotic day by day!

King Hui strictly ordered all the ministries to guard the city and were not allowed to evacuate!

But I can't hold back people's desire to escape. Many people started to run away, and many others were high-ranking officials in King Hui's regime. Some of them were interesting. Some of them were clamoring to leave blood for the royal family. Begging for a comeback, they secretly kidnapped King Hui's three-year-old eldest son, and then these people fled south with two thousand troops and King Hui's eldest son.

From the direction they fled, you can tell that they definitely want to go to the southernmost tip of the Goryeo Peninsula, and then cross the sea to Tsushima Island and even Fusang!

King Hui, who has always had a very tough attitude and a very ruthless approach, turned a blind eye to this matter, pretending that he didn't see it.

That day, Princess Hui pressed each other with death, saying that if you want to die, the concubine will die with you, and if you want to leave a way for the child to live, these words made King Hui put out his thoughts of sending troops to intercept him. It was a deep sigh: "Actually, it's useless. Fusang is a wild land, what's the use of it, and how can the pseudo-Tang navy let them easily go across the sea to Fusang?"

"The concubine told them that if something cannot be done, then it will be broken into pieces, as long as you can live safely!"

After hearing the words of this wife, who shared wealth and woe with him, and would die together if nothing else happened, King Hui didn't say anything, just sighed again!

In Liujing City, the remnants of King Hui's family and ministers of civil and military affairs naturally sighed and sighed. Those who wanted to survive each thought of a way. Those who could escape should escape, and those who could not escape were also ready to surrender. Of course, King Hui was also around. There is no shortage of civil and military ministers and soldiers who are also determined to die and are willing to fight with him until the last moment!

In the past few years, King Hui has been able to control Liaodong and pull up an army of more than 100,000 people. Although all kinds of military and political means are important, it is also related to his charisma. It is impossible to do such a thing without a bit of personality charm and means, and such a person is someone who is willing to fight to the death.

Therefore, although Ryugyong is turbulent, it is still at a controllable level as a whole.

However, in the city of Liujing, there was another group of people who were both surprised and delighted by the arrival of the King of the Tang Dynasty. They were the monarchs and ministers of the Li Dynasty of the Korean Peninsula.

King Hye took all the monarchs and ministers of the Li Dynasty of the Goryeo Peninsula and captured them all in Liujingcheng, and it is impossible to see them as local masters. Although they have not abolished their thrones, in reality They were all treated as prisoners.

These days, they have always been frightened, afraid that the King Hui soldiers outside the door will rush in and smash them all!

But wait and wait, they just heard that the pseudo-Tang bandit army is coming!

This could not help but surprise and delight them!

Naturally, they were afraid that the Master of the Tang Dynasty would, like King Hui, continue to take care of them like prisoners, or even kill them, but the happy thing was that they also thought that their Li Dynasty had always been part of the Huaxia Dynasty. The vassal state, and now the Central Dynasty of China has become the Tang Empire, but for them there is not much difference, just continue to be their vassal state.

Therefore, many people are also looking forward to the Great Tang Wang Shi to kill them quickly and save them!

But they naturally didn't know that in the strategy of the Tang Dynasty to dispose of the Goryeo Peninsula, they did not have any plans to leave them behind.

The Tang Dynasty did not need to leave a vassal state by its side, and other people could sleep soundly on the side of the couch!

The future Goryeo Peninsula will become a part of Liaodong Province, divided into four prefectures, and become an inseparable part of the Tang Empire!

As for the original Goryeo royal family, their fate will not be any better than that of King Hye's family!

In fact, without the need for the Tang Army to do it, King Hui did it himself!

Because he heard that Gaoli Junchen actually heard that the pseudo-Tang bandit army was about to call, many people laughed and laughed, and he was not lightly angry.

Lao Tzu is about to die in battle for the country, and you still expect to continue to enjoy glory and wealth after being rescued. How can such a good thing be!

As a result, with a single order, the soldiers under King Hui who were guarding the door rushed into the house where the rulers and ministers of Gaoli were imprisoned. After a quarter of an hour, when these soldiers came out, there was no sound behind them!

Even if I die, I will drag you to my funeral!

This is what King Hui is thinking at this moment!

People who are dying have a good heart. This sentence is only used to treat relatives and friends, but when dealing with enemies or people who are disgusted, more often, they will think, don't think about it if I die!

Because King Hye chose to stick to Ryugyong, and finally fought the final battle here!

Therefore, Kang Gaozhi and the others did not encounter much resistance after the Yalu River. Many of the troops under the pseudo-Ming Hui only approached for a little investigation, and then quickly retreated south.

As for the Koryo natives they encountered along the way, they had mixed reactions. Some Koryo local officials welcomed the Tang Army as the savior, while others regarded them as the second intruder, even if they did not take the initiative. Come out to attack, but will not easily open the city gate to let the Datang Army enter the city.

For heavy situations, Kang Gaozhi's solution is very simple. After a few shots and a wave, it's basically over. You don't even need to send too many main troops to fight. They are basically battalion-level units, but at most regiment-level units. can solve the battle.

Under such they went south all the way smoothly, and there were not too many accidents on the way, but the artillery and baggage units could not keep up, so Kang Gaozhi had to stop twice to wait for the artillery. And the baggage unit to follow.

This also delays the speed of going south!

But even if it was delayed, they successfully arrived outside Liujing City on July 3rd!

When Kang Gaozhi looked at Ryugyong City several miles away with his binoculars, he was a little puzzled. Didn't he say that Ryugyong is one of the two largest cities on the Korean Peninsula.

But no matter how you look at it, it doesn't want to be a big city.

The scale of this city is, at most, the scale of a government city, not even those of the upper-class government, but the scale of a middle-level city. He estimated that a city of this size would have a population of 1 at most. 20,000 people.

Well, those people who take care of big cities in China, when they come to China and see those so-called big cities, there are eight or nine out of ten people who feel this way, regardless of whether it is the 16th century or the 21st century.

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