Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1082: In fact, Ming Jun is also very arrogant.

Ryugyong is one of the two largest cities on the Goryeo Peninsula, but it is actually a city equivalent to a medium-sized government city in the country. Before the outbreak of the war, there were about 10,000 or 20,000 people living here.

But since King Hui led the remnants to this place, the population of this place has doubled directly to nearly 40,000 people, and of these 40,000 people, more than half of them are the remnants of King Hui.

In addition, the young men in the city and nearby villages were also recruited by King Hui without exception to build city defense facilities. It was necessary to act as cannon fodder to consume the cannonballs and bullets of the Tang Army.

The use of forcibly recruited young cannon fodder to consume the artillery shells and bullets of the pseudo-Tang thief army is the valuable experience the Ming army has gained from fighting against the Tang army for many years.

For the Ming army generals defending the city, these conscripted cannon fodder are worthless. When defending the city, they will waste food and use them to consume the cannonballs and bullets of the pseudo-Tang bandit army. This is definitely a multi-pronged measure.

Of course, this kind of measure can at most play a certain role in specific occasions, and the actual combat effect is often not very obvious in key battles!

Because the Datang Army is an army that pays more attention to logistical supplies than the armies of other eras, unless some secondary fronts cannot get enough supplies, otherwise, in some key battles, they will always Hoarding a large amount of ammunition, the ammunition is shot out as if it does not need money, even the Ming army general who is the enemy can't help but feel heartache when he sees this kind of play: Nima, that is all money!

But even if the effect is not obvious, there is still a little effect. It is better than nothing!

Therefore, the Ming army, as always, recruited a large number of young and strong people to participate in the war. Before the war, they were used as labor to build city defense facilities. It can save a lot of food, so that the limited rations can support the defenders for more time.

Although most of the time, they can't keep the day when they run out of ammunition and food!

The generals under King Hye's command naturally did the same after they came to the Goryeo Peninsula, so in addition to the 20,000 or so remnants of King Hye's remnant, there are also about 10,000 young men of Goryeo in the city.

If it is said that the total strength is 30,000, it can be barely said, but neither side of the battle has counted these 10,000 Korean youths!

Kang Gaozhi observed Liujing City in front of him with binoculars, and judged the strength of the city's defenses from the defense facilities outside the city and on the top of the city. At the same time, other middle and senior officers and senior staff of the 15th Infantry Division, All of them are also holding telescopes to observe, and record the key points found while observing.

"There is no obvious artillery position in the front gate tower. They should also know that the inner city tower is a dangerous area, so no artillery is deployed. However, there are obvious artillery positions about 100 meters to the left of the gate tower. ."

"The ditch outside the city two hundred meters away on the left side of the city gate tower has obvious ups and downs. It should be built with defense facilities. It is expected that there may be shotgun ambush in it!"

"In front of the city gate tower, about 100 meters away from the city wall, there is a newly dug trench, which is not large in scale. It is estimated that there will be a squad of dead soldiers in ambush!"

"There are a large number of sandbags on the battlements on the left and right sides of the city gate tower. This place should be the center of the enemy's defense. It is estimated that 500 musketeers can be deployed. At the same time, there are obvious shotgun positions on this section of the city wall. , at least three shotguns!"

Many officers were observing with binoculars while recording, and after a while, everyone would integrate their respective observation records, and then draw out the Ming army city defense facilities on the city wall and outside the city wall, and this aggregated observation report, It will become an important reference for subsequent troops to launch an attack.

Before launching an attack, the artillery unit will clean up the above-mentioned defense facilities one by one, especially the enemy's artillery positions, which will become the focus of the artillery attack, and strive to completely suppress the enemy's artillery force.

When the officers of the 15th Infantry Division were observing Liujing City, at the head of Liujing City, King Hui also took a vote of Ming army generals to the head of the city. At this time, King Hui also held a monocular in his hand. Observing the 15th Infantry Division outside the city.

The telescope in his hand can also be seen with obvious engravings: "Guangzhou Optical Manufacturing Factory, Xuanping Five Years"

There is no doubt that this is a telescope produced by the Datang Empire, and it is also a standard army field telescope, because the Guangzhou Optical Manufacturing Factory is currently the only factory in the entire China that can mass-produce telescopes. Telescopes have become standard equipment for the army and navy. At the same time, because of the use of glass lenses, the price has become acceptable, instead of the telescopes that can only be made with extremely expensive crystal lenses as in previous years.

At the same time, this company belongs to the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises and is also one of the dozens of key defense enterprises in Guangzhou. In addition to producing military telescopes, it also produces microscopes for scientific research and teaching, and high-power space telescopes.

Although the total production volume of the latter two high-precision microscopes and telescopes is not large, they are expensive, and there are no other places to buy them except here, so even such an awesome scientific research and educational institution as the Royal Institute of Technology. , but also had to buy these optical equipment at a high price honestly for research.

Of course, their most profitable business is not these high-precision microscopes, space telescopes, or military telescopes with huge orders, but civilian telescopes.

In the voyages of these years, there is a serious lack of observation methods. Those captains floating on the sea naturally cannot do without the telescope. At first, the military was worried that the telescope technology would be leaked, which would cause the enemy to use it.

But then I figured it out!

Why did you figure it out?

Because the principle of the telescope is too simple, the most difficult part is not the principle, nor the casing, but the manufacture of the lens.

However, the manufacture of such lenses is naturally more difficult if it is to be mass-produced industrially, but the most precise lenses these days are actually not produced by machines, but hand-polished.

And who can polish lenses? It is an eyeglasses craftsman!

In other words, as long as you find a skilled eyeglass craftsman, he can polish you high-precision optical lenses.

A few years ago, the Datang Army discovered that a few generals of the Puppet Army also used binoculars, and only those private captains directly found spectacles craftsmen in the private sector to polish the binoculars.

The technology of this telescope could not be blocked at all, so the empire simply approved the civilian policy of the telescope directly, allowing domestic optical companies to produce and sell civilian telescopes, and the Import and Export Committee also approved the export license order for the telescope.

As a result, a large number of captains quickly used telescopes, but these civilian telescopes are generally limited to marine telescopes. As for the miniaturized high-precision telescopes used by the army, civilian use is still not allowed.

The telescope in King Hui's hand is a standard field telescope used by middle and senior officers of the Datang Army. It's not big, you can take it with you.

Naturally, it was impossible for King Hui to obtain this telescope through any normal means, but the people under his hand did not know what method they had used, so they found this telescope and offered it up.

Through the binoculars, King Hui could clearly see the 15th Infantry Division outside the city. He was a veteran of the battlefield, but he only glanced at it a little, and didn't even read it all. With the neatly lined artillery, he could tell that the pseudo-Tang thief army here should be the main infantry division, and the 15th infantry division of his old rival.

After fighting with the pseudo-Tang bandit army for so many years, the Ming army has long been familiar with some of the fixed formations of the Tang army. It knows what an infantry division is, and also knows what a reserve division is.

But the more clearly the organization and strength of the Datang Army, the darker the face of King Hui!

The 15th Infantry Division, this is not easy to deal with!

He knew very well that there were only about ten main infantry divisions on the side of the Puppet Tang Bandit Army, and the 15th Infantry Division was one of them. During the Liaodong Campaign last year, this Infantry Division was the same as the other Puppet Tang Bandit Army. Together they launched the Battle of Shanhaiguan, then the Battle of Quang Ninh, and then the Battle of Phoenix.

These three major battles are the records of the Liaodong Eastern Army and the 15th Infantry Division.

Otherwise, the 15th Infantry Division would not have appeared outside Ryujing City today, and King Hye wouldn't have to flee to this poor place on the Goryeo Peninsula.

Today, they are here again!

And it's a bad visitor!

The 15th Infantry Division of the pseudo-Tang Dynasty had more than 50 field guns alone, and more than 10 howitzers, as well as dozens of shotguns.

Light is the power of artillery, almost five times more than the defenders in the city!

However, when he entered the Goryeo Peninsula before, King Hye was proud of his artillery units, because it was with these artillery pieces that they smashed the resistance of the local indigenous people almost In fact, recently The Ming army of a few years was completely different from the Ming army of a few years ago. At least, apart from the Great Tang Wang Shi, there is really no army that can compete with the Ming army in terms of quantity and quality of artillery.

It's a pity that their enemy is the Datang Wangshi, and the Datang Wangshi's artillery is more numerous and of better quality.

The remnants of King Hui in the city currently have a total of more than ten field guns. The only thing worth mentioning is that they also have howitzers, no more or no less, just two.

These two howitzers are also self-made by them. The technology of this short-barreled howitzer is actually very simple, as long as the barrel is made thicker, as for the howitzer, it is even less technical if the fuse is directly used.

The reason why the Ming army did not use it on a large scale before is not that it cannot be built, but that it cannot be used.

Although this thing is powerful, it has very high requirements on the quality of the gunner. It is very important to grasp the time of the fuze. If it is not good, the chamber will explode, or the shell will just fly out, and then it will not fly to the enemy's head. Exploded immediately.

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