Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1226: It's time to build the railway

On September 28, the 14th year of Xuanping, it was more than half a month after the Ninth Army entered the competition, but until today, Jinling City has gradually received the actual battle report from the northern grasslands.

Although the north and south sides have always maintained communication, after the Ninth Army received the order, it would send reports back to Jinling City almost every day.

In order to ensure the battle report of the Ninth Army, the order from Jinling City can be effectively transmitted, and to ensure that the 300-mile expedited delivery can run down the district, the postal department has taken special measures. They have selected some postal messengers from other routes. As well as horses, the passing of fast horses from Datong House to Jinling City was strengthened.

As for the information notification from Datong Mansion to the Ninth Army station on the grassland, it can only rely on the military's own messengers.

Although the postal service is awesome, it is the largest and only express delivery agency in the entire empire, but it has not been able to develop its business on the grasslands.

Jinling City also received battle reports from the Ninth Army before, but they were all battle reports when the troops were just dispatched, so I couldn't see anything.

But today, they received a battle report, saying that a few days ago, the transport troops under the Ninth Army had a fierce battle with a Tatar group of teachers and students. Although the transport troops suffered heavy losses in this battle, they also suffered heavy losses. For the Ministry, the only identifiable Tatar corpses and wounded are more than a thousand.

This battle was also the first large-scale battle between the Ninth Army and the Tatars. The previous ones were small-scale battles involving dozens or hundreds of people, mainly focusing on reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance.

This battle naturally attracted the attention of the senior management of the Ninth Army. After all, this was the first serious and medium-scale battle between the two sides, which allowed the military to effectively judge some specific situations of the enemy.

However, when the senior officials of the Ninth Army carefully read the battle report of the 13th Transport Regiment, there was a dispute.

Because they found a very obvious loophole in the battle report of the 13th Carriage Regiment!

This loophole is that the series of orders given by Liu Mengyang at that time obviously went against common sense.

For example, instead of taking a detour, he directly broke into the rock formation.

Another example is that after breaking into the rock formation, instead of gathering the main force to rush out immediately, they chose to send troops gradually.

These tactical choices are obviously counter-intuitive, at least in the opinion of many military staff officers, such obvious low-level mistakes should never occur.

Liu Mengyang is a graduate of the fifth phase of the martial arts school and an officer who graduated from the royal school. His quality is not bad in all aspects. How could he make such an obvious tactical mistake?

After the discussion was aroused, it was also known by the Ninth Army Commander Deng Xide, the 6th Army Lieutenant General, but after the 6th Army Lieutenant General Deng Xide turned over the battle report, he just let it go!

Then he said: "With the clumsy baggage troops, three thousand soldiers can fight against five thousand cavalry, but they can kill 1,200 enemies, and they are still the elite cavalry of the Tartars who come and go like the wind. Who can do it?"

It's just one sentence that makes everyone shut up!

Killing and wounding 1,200 Tatar cavalry is no easy task!

Even the 15,000-odd cavalrymen of the cavalry regiment have not achieved such results.

However, Liu Mengyang achieved such a huge victory with a single transport force. This alone is enough.

What's more, although Liu Mengyang didn't say anything about the war of attrition, he also said in the battle report why he made these tactical arrangements, in order to attract the Tartar cavalry to give up their mobility and fight directly with him.

And the results have also proved that he is correct in doing so.

He not only successfully escorted a batch of hundreds of tons of supplies to the ninth army station, but also annihilated 1,200 Tatar cavalry!

Although the second half of the journey was supported by the infantry and cavalry sent by the Ninth Army, almost the entire cavalry regiment started to move in order to dispel the idea of ​​attacking the main force of the Altan Khan when it approached the station of the Ninth Army. respond.

However, Liu Mengyang's credit for successfully escorting the supplies is still there!

More importantly, after the first material **** he performed was successful, he also gave valuable experience to the second and third batch of material **** troops.

Of course, although there is credit, many people still feel that Liu Mengyang's approach is quite inappropriate.

Because they felt that such a war of attrition could kill and injure a lot of Tartar cavalry, but their losses were not small, not to mention, this approach could easily chill the hearts of the soldiers.

Although it is said to fight to the death for the empire and for the Son of God, it should be, and in order to achieve strategic goals, it is acceptable to suffer a certain loss, but such a simple and rude exchange of life with the Tartars, this is not the case. To convince the soldiers.

If you directly tell the soldiers that we have a large number of soldiers in the Tang Dynasty, and directly replace the hundreds of thousands of troops of the Tatars with hundreds of thousands of soldiers and soldiers, then our Tang Dynasty will win.

Nobody wants to die!

Even if they have been brainwashed for a long time, they have formed the instinct of obeying orders. They are not willing to die, and they are even more unwilling that their bosses treat them as cannon fodder.

In the end, the result of the Ninth Army's handling of the Battle of the Lounded Stones was that the big things were reduced to the small ones, and the small things were reduced to small things.

Liu Mengyang's credit for killing the enemy was not rewarded, and he no longer pursued his responsibility for deliberately sacrificing soldiers.

However, this is only for Liu Mengyang's personal treatment, but for the entire 13th Transportation Regiment and the garrison battalion soldiers in Nanlinbao, as well as the civilians of the 43rd Transportation Regiment, they have won many rewards.

After all, they suffered huge casualties, which was why they killed many Tatars, and at the same time successfully escorted the supplies to their destination. They successfully completed their tasks, and they did.

The Tang Empire has always been very generous in awarding awards to meritorious soldiers. The officers who commanded them well recorded their merits, and a few who performed outstandingly were promoted after the war.

Ordinary soldiers also doubled their salaries by being promoted to military rank, and those who made great achievements were given the opportunity to study in the martial arts school.

At present, the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty still retains the training and training of the active soldiers, and has a training opportunity for the outstanding active soldiers. After the training, they become officers.

Although most of the officers who came out of this kind of active duty soldiers are unlikely to be in high positions, they usually stop at captains, and very few can become colonists. At most, a colonel rank is the end of it.

But even so, for them, it is a great opportunity to change their own lives, and even the fate of their families.

Because officers and officers, even the lowest-ranking warrant officers, are considered officials, and after retiring, they can change their jobs to civil servants.

The Datang Empire's unique system of retiring officers and turning into civilians also enabled the military generals of the Tang Dynasty to obtain equal status with the civilians in terms of social and political status.

Even after many years of the Unification War, there are still a large number of students applying for military officers because of this.

Because they don't have to worry about what kind of warriors or even military households they will become after abandoning literature and joining the military. They can join the army for decades, fight in the battlefield, and after making meritorious achievements, they can easily change their careers to civilian officials.

There is an almost perfect escape route to dispel the students' fear of joining the army.

The rewards for the soldiers also made the soldiers quite satisfied, and even those ordinary civilians received extra salaries.

And Liu Mengyang, who was directly ignored by others, was also very satisfied with the status quo, because he was still the head of the 13th Trucking Regiment after killing and wounding nearly 2,000 soldiers under his command.

And as an ambitious person, he doesn't believe that his superiors will turn a blind eye to him.

This time he didn't punish himself, but it was actually a reward. After the matter calmed down, his record of killing and wounding 1,200 Tatar cavalry was enough for him to defeat many of his colleagues and gain the advantage of priority promotion.

And this is enough!

The Ninth Army also wrote the handling method into the battle report, and then sent it to Jinling City. After all, the officers of the Ninth Army have no right to directly reward the soldiers. Institutions, only Quanxu Division.

The power to appoint officers rests with the Ministry of Military Affairs.

The power of combat command lies in the combat department.

Of course, the front-line troops can also promote and appoint lieutenants, non-commissioned officers and soldiers during the battle, but the promoted rank can only be regarded as a temporary rank. It is the real promotion, and in most cases, Quan Xusi generally will not dismiss the report of the promotion of the fire line.

The same is true for appointments. The positions appointed on the battlefield are all acting positions. After the event, they need to be confirmed by the Ministry of Military Affairs before they are officially appointed. Similarly, for the low-level positions temporarily appointed on the battlefield, such as captain and battalion commander, usually It will not be revoked, but will usually be confirmed.

Today, along with the battle report, there are a large number of promotion and appointment application reports.

Naturally, there will be follow-up people to do these things. Li Xuan does not pay much attention to this. He is concerned about the situation of both sides reflected in the battle of the rock formation. At least from the point of view of the battle of the rock formation, even if there is no cavalry for cover , if only relying on infantry, it can also complete the supply task to a certain extent.

And this is very important!

At the same time, seeing the effect of the vehicle array in transportation and defense operations, Li Xuan couldn't help but think of the train. If the empire can build a railway that extends to the grassland, then rely on the railway for fast maneuvering, even if the strength of his cavalry is average, It can also firmly control the grassland.

It is a pity that the current high-pressure steam engine is still unable to come out.

But Li Xuan really felt that even if the high-pressure steam engine has not been developed, the railway should be put on the agenda.

There is no high pressure steam engine, the big deal is to use horses directly!

Under the impetus of Li Xuan, Datang has already engaged in experimental railways in many places.

Long before the reunification, railways were built in the commercial and trade districts of Guangzhou, using draught horses as power for the transportation of bulk materials in the port, and later in many other port areas, mining areas and other areas. The original railways, these original railways, are more than ten kilometers long, and the short ones are only a few hundred meters.

Now Li Xuan feels that it is time to build a long-distance railway!


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