Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1227: Dare to invest in railways? The **** have to be lost

Speaking of railways and steam engines, Li Xuan began to pay attention to it very early. The Royal Institute of Technology had not yet been established, and when it was just a young army camp, Li Xuan had already instructed several senior students in the Zhaoqing General Camp of the young army camp to start hosting steam engines. research. &1t;/

At the same time, the design and research of the railway began! &1t;/

There is no big problem in the design and research of the railway. It will be tried out in the Guangzhou business district soon, and finally it will be gradually rolled out to major ports, industrial areas and mining areas. Although they are all short-distance railways, the length is generally a few kilometers. The shortest is There are only a few hundred meters, and the longest is the mining area railway in the Dangtu Industrial Zone. In order to pull the iron ore from the mine back to the steel factory, the Jiangnan Iron and Steel Factory specially built a mining area railway about 12 kilometers long. &1t;/

In terms of the design and construction of railways, there are actually no technical problems, that is, railway tracks require a lot of steel, and the output of steel is still relatively low these days, and the price of steel is generally expensive, so the price of railway tracks for building railways is also It is relatively high, thereby driving the construction cost of the railway to be relatively high. &1t;/

At the same time, the vehicles running on these railways are all horse-drawn carriages, not trains in the usual sense of later generations. Most of these horse-drawn carriages are pulled by horses, and there is generally only one carriage. It does not mean that multiple or larger carriages cannot be built. In fact, it is just a shelf with iron wheels. The shock absorption problem that existed in the past also disappeared because of the appearance of springs. Therefore, there are no technical obstacles in the construction of the carriage. &1t;/

There is only one carriage, and there is only one reason why the carriages are generally relatively short, that is, there are too many carriages and too much cargo, and the horses can't pull them! &1t;/

The obstacle to the emergence of trains and the large-scale application of rail vehicles is not the technology of rails, nor the technology of carriages, but the problem of power. &1t;/

The Royal Institute of Technology has been tossing around for so many years, and they have done one experiment after another. So far, the high-pressure steam engine has not been produced. Without the high-pressure steam engine, there is no way to use the steam engine as a train power. &1t;/

Today's low-pressure steam engines for industrial applications, although the technology is relatively mature, have begun to be used in large and medium-sized factories on a large scale, and have completely replaced the driving force of water power, but these low-pressure steam engines are still relatively large in size and weight. &1t;/

In the early years, the navy did not give up and tried to install this low-pressure steam engine on some ships, and actually installed them for a period of time, but less than a year later, these low-pressure steam engines were all dismantled. &1t;/

No way, the power of these low-pressure steam engines is too small, and the weight and volume are too large. It is useless to install them on ships, and the sea is very bumpy. These large and heavy low-pressure steam engines frequently fail. Finally, the Navy As soon as he gritted his teeth, he dismantled them all. &1t;/

In order to use a steam engine as a power source for ships and rail vehicles, its power must be greatly increased, and the volume and weight must also be greatly reduced. There is only one way to do this, that is, to increase the steam pressure and create High pressure steam engine. &1t;/

However, the high-pressure steam engine's demand for materials and processing is too high. With the current industrial heritage of the Datang Empire, it is still impossible to build it, even in the laboratory. &1t;/

Therefore, there is no other way but to continuously invest in research and development of various new materials and processing techniques. &1t;/

When the materials and processing technology are passed, the high-pressure steam engine can be produced. As for now, it is still not possible. &1t;/

However, Li Xuan felt that even if the high-pressure steam engine could not be built yet, it was necessary to build some long railways in certain specific areas. &1t;/

As for railways, it is also possible to use horses as power, but the big deal is that the transportation volume is less. &1t;/

This kind of long-distance railway, because the transportation volume is relatively small and the operation cost is relatively high, so if it is purely used for commercial applications, if it is not built in a prosperous area of ​​commerce and trade, it may be at a loss. &1t;/

A more suitable place is estimated to be in the Zhili area, because this area has a large demand for freight and passenger flow. Even if there is a Yangtze River and many water networks, there is still a huge demand for road transportation. Before All use various types of horse-drawn carriages as a means of transportation on the road. &1t;/

If there is a long-distance railway, it should not lose money, even if it is dragged by horses. &1t;/

But if it is in the northern region, and it is still in the borders and grasslands, it is estimated that it will be too much to vomit blood. &1t;/

But there is a need for railways on the northern grasslands, but more military needs. &1t;/

As for military needs, it is not simply a matter of cost, but whether there is a problem. &1t;/

So when he saw the battle report from the Ninth Army, Li Xuan was planning to build a military railway in the northern grasslands. Only by relying on the railway can we quickly realize the transportation of troops and materials and help the empire completely control the northern grasslands. &1t;/

However, before building the railway in the north, Li Xuan still intends to test it in the Zhili area. &1t;/

Therefore, he summoned the responsible officials of the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Commerce and other relevant departments, and began to formally discuss the large railway plan proposed by the Ministry of Industry every year and rejected every year. &1t;/

Over the past few years, the Ministry of Industry has proposed to build long-distance railways in certain areas every year. There are various plans, including the railway from Shanghai to Jinling City, the railway from Dangtu to Jinling City, and the Jinling City. The railway to Fengyang and even to Xuzhou. &1t;/

There are also railway plans from Hangzhou to Shanghai. &1t;/

In short, there are various railway plans, but without exception, they are all rejected, because these railway plans, casually need several million taels or more, and the imperial finances simply cannot afford it. &1t;/

But what the officials of the Ministry of Industry did not expect was that this time, it was the Son of Heaven who took the initiative to summon the important ministers to discuss the plan for the large railway. &1t;/

This made the officials of the Ministry of Industry ecstatic. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the large railway plan, the officials of the Ministry of Industry were also well prepared, and they eliminated some flashy plans by themselves. &1t;/

Finally, a railway construction plan was presented to the Son of Heaven! &1t;/

The plan is called the Jiangnan Railway. This Jiangnan does not mean Jiangnan Road, but the south of the Yangtze River. The overall plan is to start construction from Jiujiang Prefecture, passing through Chizhou Prefecture, Taiping Prefecture, Chengtian Prefecture, Zhenjiang Prefecture, Changzhou Prefecture and Suzhou Prefecture. , Songjiang House, Jiaxing House, Hangzhou House. &1t;/

This will be a large-scale railway with a length of thousands of kilometers, and some branch lines will be built to connect. &1t;/

However, the people in the Ministry of Industry also know that such a large railway plan cannot be successfully built in a short time, so what they propose is a long-term plan, and the specific construction started in the near future is one of the sections, that is From Jinling City to Zhenjiang, the design route of this section is about 70 kilometers long, and the mid-term plan is the Beijing-Shanghai Railway, which is about 300 kilometers long from Jinling City to Shanghai. &1t;/

But even at the earliest stage, the Jingzhen Railway, which is about 70 kilometers long, was not so easy to build. &1t;/

This kind of railway is different from the short-distance port railway and mining area railway. The above railways are relatively short. Even if the unit cost is high, the total cost is limited. At the same time, most of them are areas with very strong freight demand. Worry about profits. &1t;/

But this kind of long-distance railway is very troublesome to build. &1t;/

The Ministry of Industry estimates that the total investment in building the Beijing-Shanghai Railway will cost at least 8 million taels! &1t;/

Such a large investment cannot be supported by the empire's finances at all, so he must be thought of otherwise. &1t;/

At the cabinet meeting, Li Xuan simply proposed the establishment of the Datang Railway Company as the main body of railway construction and operation. &1t;/

The company must be controlled by the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, and it can transfer part of the equity through listing in the future, but the controlling rights must be controlled by the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises. &1t;/

The early construction funds can be collected by the company through corporate bonds and bank loans, and the central government will give certain financial subsidies. &1t;/

In this way, the railway is basically turned into a commercial model. Although it is said that the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises will control the enterprise, the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises has more companies, and each of them basically engages in commercial activities in accordance with commercial rules. will not intervene. &1t;/

The Son of Heaven's personal decision, other people naturally dare not have any nonsense, and soon the relevant articles of association were finalized. In order to raise funds and expand influence, the Datang Chaobao also officially published the news of the establishment of the Datang Railway Company. . &1t;/

It's a pity that people these days still don't know about the new things like railways, and few people will invest rashly. Although the railways in the Tang Dynasty have been around for many years, people's impression is that such railways should be It is a short-distance means of transportation that exists in ports and mining areas, but how can it be profitable to directly build a railway with a field of hundreds of kilometers? &1t;/

The operating cost of railways is very high. Compared with river transportation and sea transportation, there is no advantage at all, at least not currently. In this case, how can railways compete with river transportation? &1t;/

The Yangtze River shipping is so advanced, can this railway compete with shipping across the Yangtze River? &1t;/

Many people are skeptical! &1t;/

Many medium and large shipping companies operating the Yangtze River Shipping are running out to demean the railway for their own and they are making rhetoric, what kind of railway is this, and it will definitely die in the competition of the Yangtze River Shipping. under. &1t;/

Even if the railway company advertises that steam engine trains can be used for a few years, they will still get them down! &1t;/

Why? Your train will be powered by a steam engine, is it possible that our ships will not be able to use it? &1t;/

If everyone uses it, how can you share the freight cost with me? &1t;/

At that time, we will definitely have to hoist railway transportation. &1t;/

Any idiot who dares to invest in railways will definitely have no internal library left! &1t;/


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