Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1293: Three major plans for the management of the Yellow River

Valley Emperor

A flood in the fifteenth year of Xuanping scared Li Xuan and the high-ranking officials of the empire to death.

This kind of fright is not only because of the flood itself, but because although this rainstorm is heavy, according to the report of the Royal Institute of Technology and the experience of local old farmers, such a rainstorm is not said to be once every ten years, but 20 to 30 years. It is normal for it to happen once a year.

This also means that the current flood control system in the Yellow River and Huaihe River basins can at most support floods that occur once in ten years. Exceeding this limit will cause large-scale floods.

Even if it is a once-in-a-decade or even ordinary rainfall every year, it will cause small and medium-scale floods.

And this situation is unbearable for the Empire!

It is urgent to build water conservancy facilities, especially the two hardest hit areas, the Yellow River and the Huai River, which need to be rectified immediately.

After the summer floods this year, the empire has already started to build water conservancy facilities in the above-mentioned areas, but more of it is combined with disaster relief, through the model of cash for work. Generally speaking, its focus is not on the construction of water conservancy facilities, but It's disaster relief.

But starting this winter, Li Xuan has already instructed the relevant yamen, especially the Ministry of Industry, which is responsible for large-scale infrastructure projects, to make a series of relevant plans to carry out overall flood control projects for the Yellow River and Huai River basins.

In particular, the major weak spots have stepped up construction when the water level drops in autumn and winter to prepare for the floods in the spring and summer of the coming year.

For this reason, the empire has already prepared a special fund of about 3 million yuan in advance for the governance of the Yellow River and the Huai River in the autumn and winter of this year.

And this part of the funds is not actually included in Xuanping's 15-year fiscal expenditure budget, because Xuanping's 15-year fiscal expenditure budget has already been spent, and a flood will have a very serious financial blow on the empire. of.

In order to fight the flood and disaster relief, the empire has spent about 15 million yuan, of which 5 million yuan is the emergency fund of the empire's central finance, and about 3 million yuan is squeezed out from various departments, and about 5 million yuan It was squeezed out of the local finances, and the other two million came from donations from all walks of life.

Such a huge expenditure can also prove how harmful the flood is!

In order to avoid another flood in the next year, even if the treasury was empty enough to starve the rats, Li Xuan still forcibly pulled out 3 million yuan for the treatment of the Yellow River and the Huai River.

This sum of money was used in advance from a loan from the Imperial Bank, and it was repaid from the water conservancy budget in the sixteenth year of Xuanping.

Therefore, although Xuanping's 16-year water conservancy budget was finalized in December, in fact, the related projects were already underway in September.

With the arrival of the Spring Festival, the empire has officially entered the sixteenth year of Xuanping.

Just after the Spring Festival, the staff of the cabinet reported to Li Xuan the management of the Yellow River and the Huai River.

"Based on past experience, we have formulated a series of governance plans for the Yellow River and Huaihe River basins, and the premise focuses on building dams and expanding the capacity of reservoirs to ensure that large-scale floods do not occur. "

"The construction of key dams, including the dams in Kaifeng area and the Hongze Lake levee, etc., for the dams in the above-mentioned key areas, we are going to adopt a new construction model and use a large amount of cement in the project. Especially the Hongze Lake levee, which will Large-scale use of stone strips, cement and other materials, and strive to build a super dam that will never break!"

"By building the Hongze Lake levee, relocating towns and villages in the surrounding area of ​​the original Hongze Lake, as well as the entire Hongze Lake, the area will be expanded to more than three times the existing one, and many existing lakes will be connected. The water storage capacity can be increased by more than five times than the original!"

"And the expansion project of Hongze Lake can not only resist floods, but also effectively improve the river transportation capacity of the area, and then increase the transportation capacity of the entire canal!"

The reports of cabinet officials are more focused on the expansion project of Hongze Lake, and this project is also a key project formulated by Imperial Datang after various discussions.

According to the relevant research report of the Royal Institute of Technology, it is very difficult to completely control the Yellow River and achieve the effect once and for all, because this is simply not something that can be achieved by building embankments. Rather, it lies in soil erosion in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River.

The soil erosion in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River has resulted in the addition of a large amount of sediment to the water of the Yellow River.

Therefore, the root cause of controlling the Yellow River is to solve the problem of soil and water loss in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River. To solve this problem, it is not possible at present.

Even if they are all under the control of the Tang Dynasty, the empire has enough strength to plant trees and avoid problems such as over-development.

It is too difficult to solve the problem once and for all, and it is impossible to do it in a while.

Therefore, the Royal Institute of Technology proposed the second plan, and claimed that this plan can ensure that the Yellow River will be under control in the next hundred years.

The second plan is to take the initiative to divert the Yellow River, blasting the embankment in a certain area, artificially bursting the embankment, and then letting the Yellow River flow to the pre-set river channel, allowing the Yellow River to seize the Huai River from the existing south and enter the sea, becoming a flow direction Shandong into the sea.

This is to change the shared estuary of the Yellow River and the Huai River, causing the situation of floods in northern Anhui and Jiangbei every year when the flood season arrives.

In addition, this has another advantage, which is to solve the problem of water resources in the north.

It should be known that the distribution of water resources in the north and south of China is very unbalanced. Since the Yellow River seized the Huaihe River and entered the sea, the shortage of water in Hebei, Shandong and other places has led to frequent droughts, while the two places in northern Anhui and Jiangbei are due to the influx of water from the Yellow River. , facing a flood crisis every year.

If the Yellow River can be artificially diverted, then many problems can be solved at the same time.

This kind of initiative diversion plan, in fact, to put it bluntly, since the existing river bed of the Yellow River is high, then it will be replaced with a new river channel. Although it is still a temporary solution, but through prior planning, it can be ensured that dozens of future year of security.

In this process, it will assist in the management of soil and water problems in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River, and it is expected that the Yellow River problem will be initially solved in fifty years.

Fifty years later, Li Xuan estimates that the scientific and technological level of the empire will be greatly improved, and then targeted governance will be carried out, such as building a super hydropower station.

Simply and rudely, the Yellow River is divided into two or three or four, and the water level of the Yellow River is adjusted through the super dam. At that time, it can not only solve the problem of floods, but also solve the problem that the water level of the Yellow River is too low in autumn and winter, which affects navigation. The problem, by the way, can also generate electricity.

More importantly, it can be used as a water conservancy project for irrigation.

However, there is also a huge problem with this proposal at present. That is to realize the planning of the Yellow River's channel, relocate it in advance, and build the embankment at the same time. It can't be said that there is no preparation, and then the Yellow River is directly diverted. It's called governance, but it's called flood...

It's just that this kind of super-large project that affects several provinces and millions of people is actually very difficult to solve in a short time.

This plan is approved by many people. Even Li Xuan is very inclined to this plan, but the implementation of this plan is too difficult. Just planning the river course and relocating people is a huge and time-consuming project. unless Li Xuan disregards the life and death of the people and directly diverts the Yellow River.

Therefore, although this plan has also been confirmed by the high-level, it is currently in the early planning and preparation stage, and the possibility of implementation of the plan cannot be seen for at least ten years.

To this end, the Royal Institute of Technology has proposed a third plan. This plan can also be regarded as a treatment plan that does not cure the root cause, and it is also a super project that is also simple to eliminate violence.

That is the Hongze Lake expansion plan!

The core of the plan is very simple, that is, to use Hongze Lake directly as a reservoir!

In fact, this plan is also an extension of the current Yellow River and Huaihe control plans. Hongze Lake was used as a reservoir in the Ming Dynasty to reduce the harm of floods.

It's just that the technical level of the former Ming Dynasty was limited, and the construction capacity of UU Kanshu was too poor, so the water storage capacity of Hongze Lake was limited, and the levee of Hongze Lake was still a dam made of earth. break the embankment.

However, the current Datang Empire's technical level and more important construction capabilities are far more than the Ming Dynasty, or even any traditional feudal dynasty. The Datang Empire has enough strength to build a super Hongze Lake Embankment. The water of Hongze Lake is bound.

At the same time, its government organization ability far surpasses that of traditional dynasties, and it can also allow the Tang Dynasty to move the people in the surrounding areas in a centralized manner, so as to expand the area of ​​Hongze Lake, so as to increase the existing water storage capacity of Hongze Lake to a sufficient level. more than five times as much.

After detailed consideration, Li Xuan officially approved the simultaneous implementation of the three major plans, but the priority was given first, and the Hongze Lake expansion plan was the optimal plan to be implemented immediately. A large amount of funds and personnel were allocated, and the construction was required to start immediately. stage.

The second plan, that is, the Yellow River diversion plan, is to enter the preparatory stage, conduct research and preparations, and carry out drawing operations.

As for the first plan, that is, to solve the problem of sediment in the Yellow River, it is in the research stage, and a detailed feasible plan is developed.

The focus of these plans is naturally the Hongze Lake expansion plan. This plan is directly related to the safety of the Huaihe River in the next 20 years or even longer. Even if the Yellow River is diverted in the future, Hongze Lake can still play a huge role in flood resistance. , irrigation, navigation and other functions, because in addition to the Yellow River, there is also the Huai River.

Sixteen years after entering Xuanping, and taking advantage of the fact that there are still a few months before the summer flood season, the Hongze Lake project has also entered a tense period of tackling critical challenges!

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