Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1294: Huge Hongze Lake Project

Valley Emperor

On the tenth day of the first lunar month in the sixteenth year of Xuanping, this time is in the period when spring and Lantern Festival connect with each other, and many places are still immersed in the festive atmosphere.

The Spring Festival atmosphere in Jinling City is not over yet. Whether it is the government or the merchants, they are all starting to build momentum for the Lantern Festival.

Several places in the urban area started to build the Lantern Festival temple fair. A large number of lanterns with different shapes were prepared and hung up one by one to enhance the atmosphere of the Lantern Festival in advance.

Merchants took the opportunity to launch various promotional activities with the intention of getting a good start.

But on the embankment of Hongze Lake, there is no Lantern Festival atmosphere at all!

In order to rush work and complete some key projects before the flood season, what are the holidays on the Hongze Lake Embankment?

Many officials in charge of the project, whether for performance or genuine concern for people's livelihood, all stayed on the construction site for food and lodging, and a large number of recruited civilians were also busy every day.

The Hongze Lake expansion project, of which the most critical project is naturally the Hongze Lake Embankment.

According to the Royal Institute of Technology's scheme, to achieve the ideal standard, a 70-kilometre long embankment would have to be built.

The height of this levee varies from three meters to ten meters depending on the terrain, and the width of the bottom of the dam is at least fifty meters or more, while the widest can reach more than two hundred meters, and the top is ten meters wide. meters to thirty meters.

And in order to improve the flood resistance, this levee cannot be the previous civil levee, but must be a structure combining stone strips and reinforced concrete.

Of course, if it is a dam with pure stone bars, it is also possible, but the construction period will be longer, and the cost will almost be raised to the point that even the Tang Dynasty cannot afford it.

The large-scale use of concrete with cement, crushed stone and steel bars as the main raw materials is to speed up the construction period and also to reduce costs.

Even if the cost of cement is high, it is not as high as the cost of a giant pound of stone!

There is no doubt that this project will be a huge project, the manpower and funds that need to be used are a huge number, and more importantly, the construction period will be very long.

According to the plan, all the construction is completed, which will take five years in general!

At the same time, according to the degree of urgency, a certain section of the levee has been built successively. Since last fall, the levee is expected to be completed by this summer. The branches are located in eight different locations, with different lengths. The longest section is four kilometers long. , while the total extent of the Eighth Section embankment reached 14.6 kilometers.

These eight sections are all levees that experienced a dangerous situation last year. They have poor flood resistance and need to be built first. However, the other levees can barely continue to be used now, so they will be delayed until a few years later.

The entire Hongze Lake levee, to a certain extent, is actually a project that directly cuts off the Huai River in the middle. It is believed that the river water will be intercepted, the water output will be controlled, and the downstream area will be protected.

When the Hongze Lake levee was being built, the relocation work in the surrounding areas of Hongze Lake was also continuing. Because the relocation had already been carried out when the flood occurred last year, the relocation work was relatively easy.

Now all that needs to be relocated are some new plans to act as reservoirs, which are included in a part of Hongze Lake, and the people in this area are relocated in advance, so as not to wait for the summer flood season to move in a hurry cause big trouble.

The Tang Empire's government organization ability is still quite good. The migration work during the flood last year was even more extensive, but there was no trouble. Now it is only a small-scale migration, so naturally it is impossible for any new problems to arise.

As for where the newly relocated people will move to?

A considerable part of them migrated to the two provinces of Huguang, and only a small part stayed in Jiangbei and Anhui.

These two places have been flooded for years, with large populations and relatively tight arable land resources. It is impossible to forcibly resettle hundreds of thousands of people.

So I simply moved to Huguang.

Now the empire is vigorously developing the two provinces of Huguang, which have a lot of land waiting to be developed, and have been absorbing immigrants from the surrounding provinces all these years.

According to the empire's plan, in the next ten years, the development of Huguang and Guangxi provinces will have initial results, and their grain output has already risen sharply, and grain has begun to be exported to surrounding areas.

According to the forecast of the Ministry of Agriculture, in ten years, the population and arable land levels in the Huguang area will increase substantially, and finally its grain output will increase substantially, and it will become the new granary of the empire, and its importance will not belong to Gangnam!

The empire's population migration to the provinces in the country, that is, domestic migration, has never stopped. The basic principle is to migrate people from areas with more people and less land to areas with fewer people and more land.

The main areas of emigration are concentrated in Jiangbei, North Anhui, Henan, Shandong, Hebei, and Shanxi. In addition, some areas in Jiangxi, Jiangnan, and Zhejiang are also places of emigration.

The main places of immigration are Hunan, Hubei, Guangxi, Guangdong, western Liaoning, eastern Liaoning, northeast and northwest.

Most of them, some people from Shandong, Hebei, and Shanxi moved to western Liaoning, eastern Liaoning, and northeastern Liaoning. In addition to developing the northeastern region, they also had the consideration of enriching the frontier population.

Some people in Jiangxi, northern Anhui, Jiangbei, and Henan mainly went to Huguang for the purpose of developing Huguang.

In other parts of the country, there are also many small-scale relocations, and the relocation sites are mainly concentrated in some developable areas with good terrain, or for military needs to reclaim the borders.

For example, the Pearl River Delta Plain in Guangdong and several small plains in Guangxi are all aimed at developing local agricultural resources and increasing grain output.

As for the immigrants from Yunnan and Sichuan near Tibetan areas, Gansu in the northwest, northeast China, and the Korean Peninsula, they were more for local **** and military needs.

In addition, there is the migration of rural population to cities, which mainly occurs in new industrial cities represented by Shanghai. Rural laborers go to cities to work and make money, while factories in cities need more labor. Underneath, there is the phenomenon of the transfer of rural population to cities.

But it is worth noting that this transfer is temporary and not fixed. After the rural population goes to the city, a considerable part will still return to the rural area.

This uncertainty is greatly affected by the economy. If the economy is good and there are more employment opportunities, more people will be left. If the economy is bad and there are no employment opportunities, people will leave.

Hongze Lake's population migration did not have many problems. The government has provided generous compensation plans for the resettlers. There is no shortage of land, houses, farming tools and cash subsidies, so most people are still willing to follow in the footsteps of the government. Make a move to a new place to start a new life.

Of course, there are also many people who are reluctant to leave their hometown, but no matter how deep their feelings for their hometown are, they can't be worth a single bullet!

The relocation project in the Hongze Lake area is a policy project. Regardless of whether the local people agree or disagree, they cannot stop the empire's intention to expand the Hongze Lake. , Resist and shoot on the spot!

The Datang Empire, in the final analysis, was still a highly centralized feudal dynasty, and it would not have too many scruples in doing things.

The same thing actually happened in the construction of the Hongze Lake Embankment. The construction of the Hongze Lake Embankment is a huge project. The number of workers needed this year is more than 50,000, and these are directly working workers. There are at least 100,000 people in the rear who provide indirect services for this project.

For example, stone strips, in addition to the installation of stone strips on the embankment, have to collect, polish, and transport the stone strips at the rear, all of which need to be done by people.

In order to reduce costs, it is impossible for the empire to adopt the employment model. In that case, it will cost too much money and the empire's finances will not be able to support it.

Therefore, the source of workers mainly depends on conscription!

The government recruited labor from the surrounding area and then went to work. Of course, in order to avoid large-scale resistance from the public, this recruitment was conditional.

First of all, eat it!

Second, there will be subsidies!

Again, taking turns and limited time

Needless to say, the Datang Empire was a normal dynasty after all. It was impossible for the people to serve corvée and bring their own food rations like some brutal dynasties.

The subsidy is actually the salary, but the amount of the subsidy is relatively small.

Finally, this mandatory recruitment is in turn and time-limited. According to the mode of three-to-one draw, you can go home after three months of corvée service. Of course, if you have money, you can also pay directly to be exempt from corvée service. This money is naturally more expensive, because the government needs to hire other people to top it.

Even in the form of corvée, only a small amount of subsidies and room and board are given, but the cost is still very Tens of thousands of people work on the embankment, and there are more than 100,000 people working indirectly behind them. Personnel expenses are a huge number.

Not to mention, the cost of materials is also very huge!

The cost of stone strips is very high, and the number of stone strips required for a levee is a very large number.

Even if concrete is used to reduce costs, but because the output of cement is limited, more importantly, the quality of cement this year is still relatively average, and it is actually powerless to face the perennial flood erosion, so the concrete at this time, Most of them are used in some non-important parts, and on the side directly facing the lake, large-area concrete is basically not used, but stone strips are used.

If it weren't for such a high cost, the empire would not have spent more than three million yuan just for the first batch of funds.

In order to catch up with the construction period of the Hongze Lake Embankment, the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival are all in a hurry, and the flood control projects in other places are no exception.

Although the scale cannot be compared with the project of the Hongze Lake levee, it is also very important. Emergency reinforcement works have been carried out in some dangerous sections of the Yellow River and Huaihe River Basin.

Cement is also used on a large scale in these projects!

A large number of water conservancy projects in China have adopted cement, which also makes the cement industry of the empire truly usher in the spring of large-scale development!

Not to mention the areas with heavy industrial bases such as Shanghai and Dangtu, even in Xuzhou and Huai'an, which were originally industrial wild areas, there are large cement factories rising from the ground!

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