Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1316: Chen Lifu's memorial

Valley Emperor

Li Xuan likes industry. When he talks about an industrial powerhouse every day, the people at the bottom naturally value industry and put industrial development as the key point.

For the development of a country, it is actually a kind of investment.

If Li Xuan didn't like the industry, local officials naturally wouldn't bother with factories.

When the number of factories in the jurisdiction and the output value of industry and commerce become the measure of the performance of the local top officials, it is not surprising why the officials of Huating County are not willing to turn the development zone into a living community, but put their hearts into it. They all want to turn the development zone into a real industrial zone, and no matter how bad it is, it will become a commercial zone.

Because the performance of the three is completely different.

Chen Lifu understands their thoughts, and also knows why they think so.

Because he thought so too. When he was serving as the magistrate of Shanghai, why did he want to develop the North Shore Development Zone, not to develop industry and gain political achievements.

Now that he is in charge of the entire Songjiang Prefecture, he also wants to take the industry and commerce of the entire Songjiang Prefecture to a higher level. Unlike his predecessors, who all focused their attention on Shanghai, he plans to find another way.

Today's Shanghai is already too crowded. According to incomplete statistics, in Shanghai's five major urban areas, the number of residents jointly counted by the Household Department and the Patrol Department has exceeded 500,000.

And the reason why we say incomplete statistics is because for such a huge city with a very frequent flow of people, it is impossible to count all of them. They only count the resident population. As for the temporary floating population, Who the **** knows how many!

How many people are there in Shanghai today, even Chen Lifu, the former magistrate of Shanghai's special county and the current prefect of Songjiang Prefecture, doesn't know, let alone other outsiders.

When there are too many people, the urban area will not be enough.

Because a considerable part of the urban area of ​​Shanghai is actually used as an industrial area, and many factories in the industrial area occupy a large area.

In addition, the area that people need to live in today is also very large.

In later generations, dozens of-storey residential buildings can be built at will, but in today's Shanghai, even two-storey buildings are rare, and only some better single-family buildings or office buildings use cement and steel bars. Or simply use wood and other materials to build a two- or three-story building.

But most of the houses that ordinary people live in are bungalows!

At most, it was a cheap wooden two-story building.

The height of this building is low, and the number of occupants that can be accommodated in the unit area will naturally be less.

When the factory occupies a large area of ​​land, and the residential buildings are generally bungalows, the living environment in the urban area of ​​Shanghai is already very bad.

Especially in the places where ordinary workers live, a family of four or five people often live in small cubicles of thirty or forty square meters. These cubicles are often densely packed. In order to earn more rent, the landlords simply I don't care about fire and other dangers, I just want to make use of every inch of the land.

This has also resulted in the fact that the more people live in places, the worse the living environment is.

For example, Song Wanzi, who lives in Congyuan in the northwest of the Second Industrial Zone, is a single woman, but she lives in an apartment of tens of square meters, and the whole community has a beautiful environment, surrounded by high walls with barbed wire. There are armed guards guarding, not to mention petty theft, the number is small, the armed elements with less firepower will not be able to attack for a while.

There are workers in Congyuan regularly tidying up the garden and cleaning up the sanitation. The living environment is quite good. In Shanghai, it can be regarded as a high-class living standard. However, with such a huge area of ​​Congyuan, there are only dozens of small buildings in the period. , with a population of less than 1,000.

However, it is only a few hundred meters away from Congyuan, a residential area with only half of the area dedicated to construction for ordinary workers, but there are more than 5,000 people living there. The residential area is expected to be able to see some lawn and green space.

And such residential areas are everywhere in the gaps between major industrial areas.

This is not to say that there is no other land in Shanghai. In fact, it is far away from the urban area, and there is still a lot of land, but these people need to work in the five major districts, and it takes time to commute to get off work. If you live too far Some, then it is very inconvenient.

This Huating Development Zone is only a few kilometers away from the Second Industrial Zone. Although it is located in Huating, it still attracts many people to live and live here because of this reason.

According to Chen Lifu, if you want to continue to improve the overall industry and commerce of Songjiang Prefecture, then the only way is to continue to expand the urban area of ​​Shanghai, but if you want to expand, you can't stay away from the Huangpu River.

Because the Huangpu River is a major artery, it bears the heavy responsibility of Shanghai's external transportation. If it is far away from the Huangpu River and goes into the inland, the transportation cost will rise significantly, which will be a very heavy burden for many enterprises.

Therefore, Chen Lifu's initial policy goal will still be to develop along the Huangpu River, and at the same time, it is limited by the traffic problems in the east bank of the Huangpu River, so his initial goal is still the Huangpu Jiangxi case.

The idea is the same as the development of the second industrial zone and the North Shore Industrial Zone, but now that the west bank of Shanghai along the Huangpu River has basically been developed, then it will naturally need to expand to Jiading and Huating counties.

However, due to the division of administrative regions, Shanghai Convenience is in great conflict with the above two counties.

From the point of view of ad hoc counties in Shanghai, they are reluctant to invest a lot of resources in Linxian to help Linxian develop, they would rather develop inland areas and solve traffic problems by building high-grade roads, rather than helping Linxian develops the area along the Huangpu River.

Well, that's what Chen Lifu thought at that time, and that's what he did!

However, now that Chen Lifu has become the prefect of Songjiang Prefecture, it is natural to look at the problem from the height of the entire Songjiang Prefecture.

The Jiading side is actually developing gradually, but the area of ​​Jiading County near the Huangpu River, that is, the Baoshan area, has actually been divided, and a large area there is occupied by the navy!

Then there are several large shipyards such as Jiangnan Shipyard and Wusong Shipyard. These shipyards occupy a large area, large and small shipyards and related factories almost occupy a large area from Wusong Naval Base to the North Shore Development Zone. .

Basically, it is difficult to plan out a large and neat area along the river.

The only feasible one is in the southwest of the second industrial zone, that is, the area along the Huangpu River in Huating County, um, that is, Huating Development Zone and nearby areas.

Chen Lifu decided to focus on this area, but after investigating, he found that although this broken place was empty, it was no less troublesome than the Jiading high mountain area.

Because a large area here is privately owned, the only official land is a piece of Huating Development Zone, but this place is called a development zone, but the actual area is very small, while the rest of the land belongs to private land.

It is almost impossible to acquire these private lands unless it costs a lot of money.

Because everyone is not stupid, the government wants to acquire these lands for development, which means that these lands are very important, but anyone who is not stupid will charge a high price.

Or simply not for sale!

Private land is not sold, and the government has nothing to do, so it cannot be forced.

Even if you want to force it, most of the owners of these lands are gentry, but few are simple ordinary people. It is impossible for ordinary people to occupy these geographically important lands in advance.

Behind these gentry, basically every household has an official clan. If the local government wants to forcibly requisition land at a par, even Chen Lifu will have to be impeached and stepped down.

Besides, even if the land is acquired at the market price, the price of the land is too expensive. Unless it is purchased by Shanghai, otherwise, the Huating County Government Office will not be able to make so much money by selling the whole.

In this case, how to solve the land problem?

And how to solve the collaboration with Shanghai? Let Shanghai willingly assist Huating's industrial construction?

This problem is actually bigger, because Chen Lifu has already talked privately with Zhao Xu, the newly appointed magistrate of Shanghai Ad Hoc County. He was Chen Lifu's deputy a few days ago, and the magistrate of Shanghai Ad Hoc County. After taking the throne of the county magistrate, for the sake of the overall development of Shanghai and his own future, he directly declined Chen Lifu's proposal to let the special county in Shanghai assist the development of Huating County.

It is said that Shanghai is also in financial difficulties. Only one tenth of the road surface hardening project in the urban area has been carried out. It requires a huge investment every year. It is also said that three inland main roads are planned to be built, and the traffic in the speech area and inland areas is planned to be shortened. time.

After all this, it is just a sentence, Shanghai has no money!

Chen Lifu still doesn't know if Shanghai has money or not. I don't dare to say But it is easy and easy to spend hundreds of thousands of taels to assist Huating in developing the development zone, but Shanghai is unwilling. The boss is not good at forcing it.

At the beginning, in order to encourage local economic development, Li Xuan formulated a tax-sharing system. Part of the tax collected goes to the central government, part to the provincial finance, part to the prefecture and state finance, part to the county finance, and part to the town/district finance. The specific proportion will not be mentioned, but one thing is very clear, that is, the central government and all superiors must not interfere with the expenditure of local finance.

Shanghai's fiscal revenue belongs to Shanghai, and people are willing to spend it, let alone Chen Lifu, even the central finance department has no control.

In the end, Chen Lifu had no choice but to use the government's finances to support the construction of Huating Development Zone. By the way, he would ask Jiangnan Road to see if he could get some support, but there are no new Taoists in Jiangnan Road yet. After confirming, no one else dared to make any promises to Chen Lifu.

This was going on and on, and Chen Lifu was a little bored.

Being the prefect of Songjiang Prefecture is a lot more embarrassing than being the magistrate of a special county in Shanghai!

In this way, Chen Lifu came up with another idea!

Ad-hoc counties in Shanghai have money but no land, Huating and Jiading have places but no money!

If the above three places can be merged, wouldn't there be money and land?

As soon as such an idea came up, Chen Lifu felt that there was a lot to do, but he just didn't know what the above meant!

So, a tentative essay was written by Chen Lifu and sent to Jinling City!

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