Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1924: The Tang embassy is here

At present, many trade operations are not pure trade. For example, when doing business with a certain indigenous tribe, it is impossible to conduct trade in a normal way. More often, you need to bring armed merchant ships and have a friendly relationship with them first. Guns and guns exchange before being able to sit down and talk business.

In this case, armed merchant ships and armed caravans still have a huge living space!

According to Datang Law, only overseas trading companies with overseas trade licenses can legally own armed merchant ships and armed caravans.

Ordinary trading companies can't move naval guns to merchant ships!

There are many reasons why the Tang merchants do not like to be subject to too many constraints when they are overseas. The official constraints from the empire are fine, but the constraints of the natives?

It's still free!

Therefore, it is extremely difficult for the Spaniards to reach a series of commercial and trade cooperation agreements with Datang.

It doesn't matter to the Tang government, but business people are generally against it!

But even if it is difficult, the Spaniards still want to fight and are not willing to give up.

It can also be seen from this that the relationship between Spain and the Tang Dynasty is actually unequal. The Spaniards are dependent on the Tang Dynasty in many aspects.

To put it bluntly, you have to hug your thighs!

After seeing this through, then you will understand why Philip II took the initiative to marry the Tang Dynasty, even at the expense of his daughter marrying the Tang Dynasty.

For the Tang Dynasty, the marriage can get the Zhili region of South America without a single soldier, and connect the central and southern regions of South America, even if this region can only be inherited by Elizabeth's children in the future, but it is also It does not belong to the Tang Dynasty.

With the exception of Chile on the South American side, it was possible to continue to tie the Spaniards to chariots against the Tatars.

This is still more important for Datang!

Continuing to allow European countries to resist the Tatars in the European region will be able to contain the development of the Tatars, thus creating favorable conditions for Datang's actions in Eastern Europe.

Even a little less military spending would be worth it.

Speaking of which, it is estimated that the ministers on the cabinet side are complaining about the military again. A group of prodigal sons will spend tens of thousands of Tang Yuan for a casual campaign of the Western Expedition.

Look at the Europeans who are also fighting wars, but how much did they spend?

Even Spaniards spend at most a few million Tang Yuan a year.

In any case, this marriage is beneficial to both parties, and each gets what he needs.

This is also the reason why Elizabeth's marriage has been valued by both Spain and the Tang Dynasty.

Philip II did not talk much to his daughter, but only said that the Tang embassy had arrived in Madrid and asked her to get ready.

Elizabeth's emotions were also a little excited, and she even cried, saying things she didn't want to leave.

However, although most of these words were in Spanish, they were occasionally mixed with a few Tang words, which made Philip II feel strange.

After the marriage was confirmed many years ago, the Tang Dynasty dispatched a number of temporary resident female teachers who were proficient in Tang language and Tang etiquette to serve as Elizabeth's teachers to ensure that the Son of Heaven would not see a barbarian woman, but a woman who had experienced Well-educated woman.

This has been said for a long time. In fact, Elizabeth is used to speaking Tang language when she speaks.

This makes Philip II very helpless!

The next day, Elizabeth, who was dressing, asked a middle-aged woman behind her who was brushing her hair: "Ma, have you been to Jinling?"

The red-haired grandma with a typical Portuguese face behind her smiled and said, "No!"

Elizabeth said: "I don't know what Jinling will look like. I heard that it is very big and prosperous, right?"

Grandma said: "Although I have not been to Jinling, but Jinling is the capital, it must be very big!"

"How old is it?" Elizabeth turned her head and asked, "Is it bigger than your hometown of Malacca?"

Grandma was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Although my home, Malacca, is also a big port city, it shouldn't be as big as Jinling!"

When it comes to her hometown, this middle-aged grandma seems to have something to say: "In fact, Malacca used to be very small, but it gradually became bigger, about half the size of Madrid, but after Master Wang came, the urban area of ​​Malacca changed. The son has grown more than ten times, and the changes are so unrecognizable."

"But fortunately Master Wang is here, otherwise our family will not be able to live a good life, and I will not come here to serve you Princess!"

Elizabeth said: "You must miss your family very much!"

Grandma nodded: "I really want to, but they are doing well. At the end of last year, I received a letter from my family that my son has been admitted to Malacca Middle School. Can you believe it, it is a middle school!"

Speaking of this, she also smiled: "It's also thanks to you, Princess, if I hadn't come to Europe, our family's naturalization application would definitely not have been approved, but after I came to Madrid, our family last year Finally passed the naturalization application so my son can apply for middle school!"

"Is it difficult to be naturalized?" Elizabeth said: "Can the dozen or so maids who went to Jinling with me also be naturalized?"

Grandma said: "It must be difficult. Not many people in our state of Malacca can be naturalized in one year."

"But the maid you took with you, Princess, shouldn't have such difficulties."


"Because if you don't naturalize, they can't go to Jinling with you!"

While chatting and chatting, Elizabeth also dressed up, but today she was not wearing the usual Hanfu, but a special skirt.

However, it is not the clothing worn by the female family members of European nobles. It is more of an improvement of Hanfu and European skirts. It does not have the complexity of traditional Western skirts. It combines the smooth and elegant of Hanfu, which is more concise and not gorgeous.

This is her own tossed skirt, more want to reflect the combination of Chinese and Western feeling.

How should I put Elizabeth does not want to completely abandon the Spanish tradition, but she must accept the costumes of the Tang Dynasty, which is a comprehensive choice.

But the effect is quite good, it seems to make her even more beautiful.

Her grandmother is Catherine, a French demon girl, who is extremely beautiful, and her mother is the most beautiful of Catherine's daughters. Elizabeth, who inherited her grandmother and mother's beauty, is stunning even in the eyes of the Tang Dynasty.

After everything was ready, Elizabeth just heard a sound outside.

"The Tang people are here!"

"The mission is here!"

After taking a deep breath, Elizabeth stood up, then took a step, and was accompanied by the maid to the square outside.

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