Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1925: canonization

At this time, her father Philip II and many other Spanish dignitaries were already waiting.

As soon as she stood beside her father, she heard someone singing outside: "I'm here!"

This sing-along was in Tang language, but some people sang it in Spanish later!

Immediately afterwards, a group of people could be seen walking in. The first choice to see was a group of Datang Guard soldiers in black military uniforms, and then a number of Datang officials wearing Datang official robes.

Immediately afterwards, I heard words like kneeling and welcoming.

The group of people present had already received etiquette training, and it didn't take long for many dignitaries to kneel in unison, even Philip II knelt down on one knee.

For the etiquette of receiving the decree, officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Tang Dynasty had long talked with the Spaniards, insisting that when the imperial envoy arrived to announce the decree, the Spaniards must kneel and worship.

The Spaniards are naturally unwilling, but there is nothing they can do if they don't want to.

For the Tang Dynasty, the imperial envoy represented the Holy Son of Heaven to a certain extent, and the imperial envoy who read the imperial decree was the spokesman of the Holy Son of Heaven, and the etiquette must be satisfied.

After some negotiation between the two sides, it was finally agreed that King Philip II could kneel on one knee, while others must kneel.

The Spaniards were actually unwilling, but they had no choice but to do so. Otherwise, Tangning would rather cancel the marriage than the kneeling ceremony.

Yan Wenyuan, who was holding the imperial decree, saw that a group of Spaniards were ready, and immediately took out the imperial decree and read:

"Emperor Fengtian Chengyun called and said, I have a lot of slaps, and I have a lot of slaps and slaps, and I have a lot of slaps and slaps. The daughter of Habsburg, the daughter of King Philip II of Spain, is dignified and Shuxian. Immediately after that, he was canonized as Zhaoyi, and I respect this!"

After the decree was read out, even the few people who were proficient in Tang language among the group of Spaniards on the opposite side were actually a little confused. Even Elizabeth, a Tang Yuan for many years, used a standard Jinling accent in daily communication. People can only hear a half-knowing.

What puzzled her the most was that this imperial edict was read to herself, but why didn't she have her name on it?

Well, in the full text of this imperial edict, there is no word Elizabeth, there is only Habsburg, the daughter of King Philip II of Spain.

However, there are several daughters of Philip II. Just relying on this imperial edict, it is actually possible to catch the daughter of Philip II casually.

No way, the Chinese tradition is like this, not to mention Elizabeth, any concubines in the harem will only have one surname when they are canonized, the father's name, as for their own names, they will not be written on it.

Although confused, after the imperial edict was read, Elizabeth still accepted the edict.

Afterwards, Yan Wenyuan conveyed the decree of the Son of Heaven: "The emperor's decree: Elizabeth will enter the palace for an audience immediately!"

After this series of procedures was completed, Yan Wenyuan and other Tang officials had a completely different attitude towards Elizabeth, because from this moment, Elizabeth was not only the princess of Spain, the princess of Chile, but also Zhaoyi of the Tang Dynasty.

Immediately, Yan Wenyuan led the delegation to salute: "I have seen the empress!"

However, after the salute, Yan Wenyuan and others just stepped back, and several old maids and a number of palace ladies from the palace affairs hall stepped forward and led Elizabeth to the carriage marked with the dragon pattern of the Tang Dynasty.

After the canonization is completed, it is time for them to return.

Elizabeth looked back at her father, then turned and got into the carriage.

This time, it is tens of thousands of miles away, and the time to see you is far away!

After getting into the carriage, Elizabeth couldn't help crying.

After all, she is just a sixteen-year-old girl!

But now, she has indeed become a bridge between the two countries of Datang and Spain!

Seeing this, the old lady in the palace affairs hall had a stern face: "Niangniang, there are countless subjects outside, please pay attention to the dignity of the royal family!"

Whether she was willing or not, Elizabeth set off for the Tang Dynasty.

Of course, unlike the shabby scenes where other kingdoms in Europe sent their noble girls, her wedding scene was still very grand. She brought more than one hundred maids and servants, and there were hundreds of guards.

What reassured Yan Wenyuan was that these entourages of Empress Zhaoyi finally took a bath in advance, and there was no smell.

People in the Tang Dynasty like cleanliness, and especially hate the indigenous people who don't take a bath, which is famous all over the world.

Besides, with the rise of Datang in recent years, Datang's hygiene concept has gradually spread all over the world. Nowadays, many Europeans do not believe that the dirt on their bodies can protect the body from the invasion of germs. A few people have already I started taking frequent baths.

This makes Datang's soap that has been unsalable in Europe for many years finally opened up a little market!

Many soap manufacturers in Datang are amazed!

After so many years, the soap has finally been sold in Europe. Although there is only such a small market, it is enough to make them sigh.

There are so many markets in the world, but the European market is the most difficult to conquer. People are reluctant to take a bath, and the businessmen of Datang have nothing to do!

Now, it has finally been pryed open a little bit, but there is still a long way to go to change the hygiene habits of Europeans and make hygiene products such as soap become their indispensable daily necessities.

As for Elizabeth and her personal maids and teachers, they were influenced by the Tang culture all the year round, and they were naturally washed clean.

The number of people on the return journey was larger than when they came. Yan Wenyuan and others only had less than 1,000 people when they came, but when they left, they reached 2,000.

It is naturally a hassle for so many people to go south to Cádiz, especially since the Datang people have always refused to enter the Spanish towns for rest and supplies.

However, Datang's military was also prepared in advance. When they came, they brought a lot of The Spanish side was also fully prepared, and there was no incident along the way.

In terms of speed, because it is not an army march, and there is no need to be too cautious, the speed is still good.

Along the way, Elizabeth was very depressed for the first two days, but regardless of whether Westerners or Tang people are very precocious these days, for 16-year-old Elizabeth, she is actually an adult.

She knows what she should know and what she should not know.

The pressure that should be borne or should not be borne has already been placed on her.

After all, the average life expectancy around the world is very low these days. Precocious puberty is a common phenomenon and an inevitable phenomenon of human continuation.

After all, the average life expectancy is so low, people who do not get married and fall in love early will be finished early.

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