Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1951: Labor Contract Law

Datang's tax system is definitely the most complete tax system on the planet today.

And it's not that it is now, but that it was already like this when Datang was just established more than 30 years ago.

As early as when the Tang Dynasty was still nestled in the valleys, the great and greater than the sun, Li Xuan, the Son of Heaven, had already made the most wise decision, that is, through the reform of the official system, the central organization of the Tang Dynasty was transformed. From the model of the cabinet plus six ministries in the Ming Dynasty, it was reformed to nine ministries.

Among these nine departments, there is the tax department.

When the Ministry of Taxation was first established, it already showed its strongest side.

The two major policies of levying commercial tax and unifying agricultural tax have completely laid the foundation of Datang's taxation. Well, these two major taxation policies are also the fundamental reason why many gentry continued to resist Datang in the following years.

Because the gentry who lived in the former Ming Dynasty did not want to pay taxes.

It is a pity that Datang has gradually unified China with its incomparable military strength, and the ruthless tax inspection team of the Ministry of Taxation has swept across the entire Huaxia region like locusts, and completely established the Tang Dynasty by looting the family and exterminating the family. tax base.

Since then, the Datang tax system, which established the preliminary commercial tax and unified agricultural tax system, can already be regarded as the most complete tax system on the planet.

Not to mention the subsequent series of tax reforms.

Not only the improvement of tax, but also the improvement of tax collection.

Needless to say, the famous tax inspection team, the tax inspector represented by Chen Lifu in those days had authority similar to that of an imperial commissioner, which greatly ensured the smooth progress of taxation work.

Until now, Datang's taxation work has naturally been promoted without relying on tough military means, and more relying on legal provisions.

Datang has a lot of laws, which is recognized, otherwise Datang would not have such an industry as lawyers.

Among the many laws in Datang, the laws on taxation are not the most, but they are definitely the most stringent.

In Datang, the nature of tax evasion is no less serious than a criminal offense, and it can even be said to be more serious. Over the years, countless families have been raided and exterminated due to tax evasion and tax evasion. It's even more uncountable.

This is because Datang not only has strict tax laws, but also because the tax system has an efficient tax audit team.

Basically, the local tax inspectors in Datang are local celebrities, and their limelight will even surpass that of the local inspectors, especially those wealthy people in the upper class. One of the things they are most worried about is the tax one day. The inspector came to the door with the tax operations force.

And after more than 30 years of continuation, now in the Tang Dynasty, absolutely no one dares to blatantly evade tax and evasion, even if it is a sneaky tax evasion, one has to be wary.

Such a Datang tax system, let alone compared with other contemporary countries, even compared with many modern countries in the original time and space, it has absolute advantages.

This can be seen from Datang's total annual tax revenue. Datang has collected more than 400 million yuan in taxes every year just through traditional taxation.

For comparison, in the history of the British in the middle of the 19th century, the financial income of the British was only tens of millions of pounds, and even in the early 20th century, it was only more than 100 million pounds.

At that time, the British people actually had more types of taxation, such as inheritance tax and personal income tax, and because of the development of world trade, their taxation was better stimulated, and the development of global trade The tax increase for the British at that time had a great effect.

However, Datang is different. Datang's current main source of tax revenue is still the development of its internal economy.

Because the economic system of Datang is different from the economic system of any country in later generations.

Datang's economic system is a very special domestic demand-oriented economic system.

Don't look at Datang's merchant ships running all over the world, but in fact, Datang has not done much business with other countries, and Datang's ships are mostly going back and forth between the mainland and overseas territories.

To put it bluntly, the so-called global trade of Datang people today still belongs to the internal trade of the left hand for the right hand, which is fundamentally different from the international trade that many countries in later generations participate in together.

Under this circumstance, Datang's economic development is mainly to meet its own internal needs, and the local market is the market that imperial merchants attach the most importance to. As for overseas exports, it is incidental and not a cause for concern.

This is also reflected in taxation.

For example, Datang's tariffs are actually not much. Although the total amount seems to be quite large, it is somewhat inconspicuous in the huge total tax revenue of Datang.

To increase tax revenue, to guide and control economic development, and to balance the gap between the rich and the poor, it is not uncommon for people in the tax department to focus on personal income tax.

In fact, Datang has already started to levy personal income tax. As early as the Guangdong and Guangxi period, Datang has already begun to levy personal income tax, but for a long time, the scope of this collection was limited to officials, and later it was expanded to In the enterprises directly controlled by the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises and the Royal Assets Division, it has also extended to high-income groups in other private enterprises.

However, the threshold is very high.

According to the current, that is, the latest personal tax regulations formulated in the 32nd year of Xuanping, only those with an annual salary of more than five hundred Tang Yuan need to pay personal income tax, and the tax rate is not high.

However, the implementation is not perfect, because it is difficult for the tax department to grasp the specific income of these people. Most of the time, it is collected based on the self-declaration of the enterprise. In order to avoid tax, the management of those enterprises often reduce the fixed salary to 500 yuan. Below Tang Yuan, salaries are paid in other ways, such as stocks or even in kind.

Therefore, for a long period of time, Datang's personal income tax was superficial, and the subjects of collection were mainly middle and senior officials, as well as the senior management of the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises and the Royal Assets Division.

As for the private personal income tax, it is basically impossible to collect But now, the Ministry of Taxation has decided to change this situation.

To change this situation, the tax department still has a lot of work to do, for example, to further grasp the capital flow of enterprises and further grasp the specific income of employees.

How to control it?

Promoting labor contracts is a very effective entry point.

In the eyes of others, especially in Chen Lifu's view, labor contracts can be used to protect the interests of employees.

However, in the view of the Ministry of Taxation, this can pave the way for the subsequent collection of personal income tax.

In this environment, Datang has formally implemented the Labor Contract Law in an all-round way, stipulating that employers must sign legal labor contracts with employees.

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