Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1952: fine orgy

How to implement the new labor contract law is not a problem for Datang's law enforcement agencies.

How tax laws are implemented, patent laws are implemented, and labor laws are implemented.

Datang has a lot of experience in implementing the new law. In order to reduce its workload and increase the enthusiasm of employers and employees to sign legal labor contracts, Datang's legal experts have added a labor law clause.

Any employer who fails to sign a legal labor contract with an employee will be subject to high fines.

At the same time, additional compensation must be paid to employees for at least one year's salary.

This is to encourage employees to self-report!

At the same time, in order to increase the enthusiasm of local law enforcement officers for law enforcement, the official is very considerate to divide this fine, like patent fines and other administrative fines, by the national treasury and local finance.

For example, a fine of one million Tang Yuan is handed over to the state treasury for several hundred thousand, and then the local finance can take several hundred thousand.

Datang's fine-sharing model has always been an artifact that motivates Datang's local yamen law enforcement officers to actively enforce the law and focus on fines.

Back then, the sanitation situation in Datang City was so good. Those patrolmen went to the streets every day and issued fines when they saw people throwing garbage and spitting on them.

Datang's patent system is almost like this. The patrolmen who are in charge of patent cases keep an eye on them all day long.

This fine was turned over to the national treasury. After the local finances were distributed, they naturally had to reward law enforcement agencies and specific case investigators, so bonuses were indispensable.

In the early years, some areas in some areas handled cases well, and luck was not bad. The censors and police officers in charge of patent cases often earned tens of thousands of dollars a year, and there were countless people who made their fortunes.

When you are an official in the Tang Dynasty, as long as you do well, you can make a fortune in addition to your promotion. The most important thing is that this is still legal!

It's a pity that today's merchants are afraid of being punished, and few have the courage to violate the patent, which makes those patent censors and patrolmen who eat oily mouths quite disappointed.

Just like taking bribes and offering bribes back then, I don't know how many officials in the Tang Dynasty complained about their colleagues in the early years for doing things so badly that not many people dare to offer bribes now.

This is because countless officials who took bribes in those days collected money with their front feet, sold people with their back feet, and then happily promoted to office. By the way, they were able to get some bribes directly and aboveboard, so that the entire bribery market was tossed. , the people are not living.

However, it is precisely because there are so many messy, and even incomparably bizarre policies that Datang's administrative rule can be maintained at a relatively efficient level.

Of course, it can only be said to be efficient, not clean. After all, there are many ways for officials to make money, and taking bribes is the lowest means, and officials with a little bit of means and ability will not cut it.

The issuance of the Labor Contract Law, because of the strong implementation and the smooth implementation, did not say that there were too many restrictions in the Labor Contract Law.

Anyway, the employer mainly signs the labor contract with the laborer within the scope of the labor law, so it doesn't matter.

In fact, there are not many restrictions in the labor law. At most, it is the minimum wage and the longest working hours, and there are basically no other restrictions.

Therefore, the promotion of labor contracts has not been greatly hindered. Major enterprises basically accept them immediately and sign labor contracts with employees one after another.

As for small businesses and small workshops in the private sector, this has to be done slowly, and official institutions are not in a hurry.

Anyway, give them a year and a half to adapt, and wait until next year, and those law enforcement officers who are well prepared will have a punishment carnival!

Many people are waiting to make a fortune.

Some law enforcement officers in charge of labor legal affairs, especially the relevant censors and patrolmen in various places, have already used the abacus to count them.

At that time, how many families will be caught, how many will be fined, and how many fines will be harvested in one day, in order to be able to earn more than 10,000 yuan a year!

The patrol police stations and inspectorates in various places are also looking forward to it, waiting for a large amount of fines next year, and then have a fat year.

Even the prefects and prefects of various localities, although they don’t say anything, they are calculating each and every one of them. It is estimated that the local fiscal revenue will be in the penalty area next year, and there should be a larger increase. The extra funds will be Is it better to build roads or bridges?

The promotion and implementation of the labor contract law, with the ability and consciousness of Datang's current law enforcement agencies, will not become a big problem. It can even be said that they may not have the opportunity to play.

Although many people are planning to wait until the end of the transition period next year to make a fortune, just like when the patent law was implemented that year.

But many businesses in Datang are not stupid!

Everyone is also shrewd. After seeing what the labor law says about compensation for one year's salary, plus a high fine, and then looking at the faces of those employees who are under them.

The most important thing is that in fact, this labor contract does not have too many restrictions. Basically, there are only minimum wages and working hours, as well as work-related injuries, unreasonable dismissal, and so on.

In addition, there is no one-shot kill. There is still a concept of an adaptation period of no more than three months in the labor contract. During the adaptation period, both parties can terminate the labor contract at any time.

If the company is a little more ill-hearted, it is completely legal to sign a contract first and fire employees directly after a certain adaptation period.

In fact, this is also a loophole deliberately left by Datang officials. Otherwise, the company's concerns will be too great, and they will not be so happy to accept it.

Datang's official attitude is very clear, first promote, and then improve.

To put it bluntly, first put the rope around the neck of the and then slowly tighten it.

If it's too tight in the first place, it won't fit in!

The implementation of labor contracts, the tax department in other areas does not pay attention, they only pay attention to the capital flow of enterprises and the salary changes of employees, especially middle and senior employees.

They need to collect countless data for subsequent real promotion of personal income tax.

And salary income is just one direction they are trying to personal income tax. In fact, personal income tax is not only salary income, but also includes other types of labor income and non-labor income.

They didn't try much before, and most of them were superficial.

Now, the tax department is going to take it seriously.

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