Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1957: Is Industrialized North America Good or Bad?

After years of hard work, Datang's domestic railway operation has entered the stage of popularization and high-speed.

The major trunk railways that the Railway Corporation has spent nearly 20 years building in various places have been completed successively. Even the most difficult Sichuan-Hanzhou Railway and the Southwest Railway have now opened most of their sections, and only some of them have not yet been opened. Construction is complete.

Most of the railway lines in other places have already been laid.

For example, the Northeast Railway was only repaired to Shenyang in the early years, but then it continued to extend eastward to Busan, then northward to Jilin, and then continued northward, all the way to Boli.

The Prairie Railway, from Tianjin to the north, crosses the Houbei branch of Youzhou all the way north to Lake Berga, and the west line goes west to the north bank of the Hetao.

The Central Plains railway network is centered on Zhengzhou, with the north line connecting Tianjin, the east line connecting Jiaozhou Bay, the southeast line connecting Xuzhou, Fengyang and Jinling, and the southwest line connecting Hanyang. As for the west, it is the Northwest Railway, which goes through Chang'an, Lanzhou, Gansu, and then goes out of Jiayuguan and continues through Hami, Yili, and Yining to reach Lake Balkhash.

And the branch will be made on the south bank of Lake Balkhash, and the southern line of the Asian Railway will reach Tashkent all the way to the south. The west line goes west to Curry in the northeast corner of the Caspian Sea.

At the same time, the Jiangnan railway network in the local hinterland connects Ningbo, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Suzhou, Zhenjiang, Jinling and Jiujiang.

The Guangdong-Jiangxi Railway in the Southern Railway Network connects Jiujiang, Ganzhou, Guangzhou and Hong Kong.

There is also the Huguang Railway, which starts from Nanchang in the east and connects Wuchang and Changsha; and continues to the west from Changsha is the Southwest Railway.

There is also the Yuehan Railway which connects Changsha, Zhaoqing and Guangzhou from Wuchang to the south.

There is also the Chuan-Han Railway, which starts from Hanyang and enters Sichuan along the north bank of the Yangtze River.

There is also the Guangxi Railway from Changsha to the southwest, connecting Guilin, Liuzhou, Nanning and Lianzhou.

The railway line from Thanglong to Kunming is still under construction.

At present, the construction of main railway lines in the Tang Empire has reached a peak that can be achieved by current technology and funds. Except for a few areas with too complicated terrain conditions, most places have main line railways.

At the same time, around these main line railways, Datang Railway Company has also built a dense number of branch line railways. These branch line railways are different according to the geographical climate and economic conditions of the place.

However, in economically developed areas and provinces with flat terrain, the feeder railways are exaggeratedly dense.

Take Guangdong, for example. In fact, the terrain of Guangdong is not good, but the economy is not good, and the agricultural conditions are not very good. The economy is more dependent on industry and commerce. Therefore, when Chen Lifu was in charge of Guangdong, he attached great importance to transportation.

After so many years, Guangdong has built railway lines to every county, and many places are even mountainous areas. It is extremely difficult to build railways.

In areas with flat terrain such as the Pearl River Delta, the railway system is directly spread to the town, and in the economically prosperous area, you can even see the platform of the railway station in a village.

However, these dense railway networks that penetrate deep into villages and towns are not strictly railways, but rather light rail systems. The operating trains are generally light-duty passenger and freight trains, mainly responsible for short- and medium-distance public transportation.

But in any case, these are all rail transits. Even the rail standard adopted by the light rail is the same as that of the standard railway, and it is also directly connected to the major railway lines.

This has also resulted in the most dense and complex rail transit network in the world.

Its tracks are dense enough to give anyone in charge of train scheduling a headache.

In order to facilitate management, Datang Railway Corporation directly operates the Guangdong railway network independently, and under the Guangdong railway network, there are more than ten railway branches, which are responsible for operating the dense railway network in their respective regions.

Compared with the high density and complexity of the Guangdong railway network, other areas, such as the construction of the four railways in Zhili, are much more rational, and are generally connected to various counties and counties, but they will not be like the Guangdong railway network. Not only the county town, but also the town and the village.

However, there are not many provinces that can reach the county by railway. In most areas, only large-scale cities have railways. This is also impossible. After all, building railways requires money, not every place is worth investing a lot of resources. To repair the dense railway.

Aside from the mainland, most of the other localized areas have good railway construction. For example, Beihai Province has already built a railway line that runs through the island of Honshu.

There is also a Luzon Railway on Luzon Island in Luzon Province.

Banten Island in Banten Province also has a railway.

The state of Malacca also has a Malacca Railway.

Ceylon Island, a super-large military base, also has railways.

Even South Africa, where the situation is complicated, has been localized for gold mines, and the South African railway has been completed. It is said that in order to quickly complete the South African railway, the African labor service company also paid a heavy price. At least 100,000 free employees died.

However, it is precisely because of their sacrifice and dedication that the South African Railway can be repaired and opened to traffic in such a short period of time, contributing to the mining of South Africa's gold mines by the Datang Empire.

The construction of railways in the empire itself and overseas can also be seen as the most obvious manifestation of the industrialization achievements of the empire in the past two decades.

More importantly, the railway further stimulated the development of the local economy.

There are benefits to building railways. Whether the railway itself makes money is another matter, but cities with railway stations will definitely benefit. This is why officials in various parts of the Tang Dynasty are so keen to build railways.

Even overseas territories are no exception!

For example, the officials of the American Affairs Yamen have been working hard in recent years to build a railway in North America.

But it has never been approved.

Because to build railways, you must first localize, and the topic of American localization has become a taboo topic in recent years!

In the early years, people didn't think much about the localization of North America. They thought it was nothing more than a larger overseas territory. When the local population ratio data is almost the same, then localization can be implemented.

But in recent years, the upper echelons of the empire have invariably stopped talking about the localization of North America.


Because the total number of imperial immigrant populations in North America has exceeded 10 million, and more importantly, all kinds of resources in North America are too rich, not only for agriculture, but also for all kinds of minerals.

With sufficient population and resources, and with local technical support, once North America is localized, countless factories will pop up in an instant.

This means that beyond the mainland, there will be a huge industrial area on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, thousands of miles away.

Is a populous, resource-rich, and thoroughly industrialized North America a good thing for an empire?

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