Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1958: Local localization along the railway line

Few of the high-level dignitaries in the Tang Empire were idiots, all of them were elites who had gone through countless power struggles.

They just thought about it and knew that for the Tang Empire at this stage, the premature localization of North America, and industrialization is not a good thing.

Because it would make the Empire lose its grip on North America.

Once there is chaos in North America, the Empire cannot even guarantee that it will be able to suppress the local rebellion.

Just imagine, if an overseas native with a population of over 10 million and a well-established industrial system has a conflict with the native country for various reasons, and then declares independence, um, there is a high probability that it will be an independent state led by the local vassal king, called the imperial establishment or something. .

Under such circumstances, if the empire wants to span the entire Pacific Ocean and suppress the rebellion in North America, it will definitely be a hundred times more difficult than the current stage to unify the world.

Because North America has population and resources, what is even more terrifying is that once localized, they will be able to complete complete industrialization in a short time. When the three are combined, it will directly give birth to a regional power, and it is also a region that has completed industrialization. Powerful country.

This is also the fundamental reason why the Datang Empire paid great attention to agricultural immigration and development in the process of overseas immigration and overseas territory development, but it was deliberately ignoring or even prohibiting the development of industries in overseas territories.

This is also the fundamental reason why the high-level dignitaries of the Datang Empire do not support the localization of overseas territories.

What are you doing with localization? It's not good now. Immigrants used to grow fields and have enough to eat. Why do they have to set up factories?

Not only the rich and powerful, but the business community generally does not support it, because although the market in overseas territories is not big, it is also a market. Once the overseas territories are localized, they can build their own factories, and many local industrial products are very good. It is difficult to sell in overseas territories after localization.

This point has been proved in many localization actions, such as Fusang back then, how many dumping grounds for industrial products.

However, after the localization of Fusang and the establishment of Beihai Province, not to mention becoming a dumping ground for commodities from various mainland provinces, now Beihai Province is in some fields, especially in the field of raw silk-based silk fabrics. gained a considerable share of the empire's home market.

Even in high-end industries such as shipbuilding, several shipyards in Beihai Province are doing quite well.

Subsequent regions that have undergone partial localization, such as Luzon Province, Banten Province, Malacca State, Australia and other regions, are mostly like this. Homegrown industrial goods quickly lost their market.

The repeated occurrence of such a situation has made many entrepreneurs in mainland China no longer welcome or even reject the localization of overseas territories.

Conflicts of interest between local companies and companies in overseas territories, and the greatness that the upper echelons of the empire are worried about are the fundamental reasons that lead to the long-term lack of localization in North America.

Of course, this is just what ordinary people think!

The Son of Heaven's views are different!

In the view of the Son of Heaven, the localization of North America is inevitable in the future, and even unstoppable by manpower. From the perspective of the empire itself, there may be risks and encouragement, but for the entire Chinese nation, this must be done. matter.

Well, in the future, even if North America and the mainland of the empire fight, it will be the Chinese people fighting within themselves. Maybe the leaders of both sides are still the vassal kings of the Li royal family.

Even if it is smashed, the meat is still in the pot.

Therefore, Li Xuan is not too worried about this.

Besides, even if there will be a certain great phenomenon after the industrialization of North America, but as long as the communication and military deployment are properly dealt with, then the problem will not be too big.

For example, after the radio is developed, the local side will know when something happens in North America, and it will be easy to deal with it.

When there are military deployments, the method of remote deployment is often adopted, and the soldiers and officers recruited in North America are often stationed in the mainland, and they are not afraid that they will not be able to deal ruthlessly when suppressing the rebellion.

The most crucial point is that even after industrialization, the defense industry cannot be thrown to overseas mainland.

When the follow-up science and technology continue to develop and the production difficulty of ordnance weapons is further increased, it will actually be more difficult for overseas locals to rebel.

The flintlock guns can be mass-produced by simply changing the mechanical equipment.

However, there is no special arsenal for the rear-loading rifled metal rifle of the Li Fu rifle, but there is no way to mass-produce it.

As for warships, not to mention, there are shipyards that are useless, and there must be a complete set of industrial systems. If you are caught casually, you will be finished.

The defense industry has always been the most strictly controlled industry by Datang. The production of various weapons requires licenses. Currently, there are only three major weapons companies that hold defense licenses.

If other companies dare to manufacture weapons, they are breaking the law!

Control some key industries, solve wireless communications, control higher education, and at the same time do not engage in any favoritism in specific economic policies, and increase immigration exchanges between the two places.

After sitting down with many measures, Li Xuan felt that he would not dare to say it for too long, but it should be able to ensure the stability of North America within a few decades.

As for what will happen in a few decades or even a hundred years, Li Xuan is too lazy to care.

If you want to rebel, you will rebel, and if you want to fight, you will fight. Anyway, Li Xuan will be dead by then, so he can manage so much.

Anyway, Li Xuan has already distributed his sons to all parts of the world. No matter how he fights, he is still his own son, and the old Li family is still the royal family.

The Son of Heaven has his own plans for the localization process in North America, and the first thing to do is to solve the radio communication.

Until then, stay the same.

This situation is known to the officials of the yamen for American affairs, and even most of them are supporters of this policy.

Although they are officials serving in the American affairs yamen, they are first and foremost officials of the empire. Their task is not to help North America complete industrialization but independence, but to help the empire control this area.

So they have not talked about the localization of North America in recent However, they still feel that they need to build an east-west railway to connect the east and west coasts of North America. This is not only for better The development of a large amount of land in the hinterland is also to shorten the distance from the mainland to the eastern coast of North America.

Not only was this good for economic development, but it was also good for the Empire to better control North America.

The question is, how to build this railway when North America cannot be localized in a short period of time?

In the end, they came up with a solution. No, it can't be said that they came up with it, but it should be plagiarized.

That is local localization along the railway!


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