Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 277: staggering number of captives

As the counter-offensive forces of the new Tang army continued to compress the activity space of the Ming army, they soon drove the two thousand Ming army to the river.

Many soldiers of the Ming army even ran into the water. Some people hurriedly climbed on the raft and then rowed towards the opposite bank. Some soldiers who could swim could not find the raft for a while, and even swam directly, thinking about it. To swim across the hundreds of meters of the river.

However, more Ming soldiers were crowded by the river, their faces were full of fear, fearing that death would lead to their heads the next moment.

As for the soldiers of the Ming army who were still on the periphery, only a few meters away from the new army of the Tang Dynasty, they had already begun to surrender in large numbers.

Naturally, the new army of the Tang Dynasty did not have to kill all the Ming army, so after compressing the space for the Ming army, they shouted over and over again: "The descendants will not kill!"

Between life and death, the vast majority of Ming soldiers didn't even have to choose. When there was no way to retreat, they simply dropped their weapons such as knives and guns, and then knelt down or simply fell on the ground. , shouting: "Little wishes come!"

"Forgive me!"

With no hope of escaping, and under the circumstance of resisting and unable to resist, more and more Ming soldiers surrendered, and to what extent?

There were so many soldiers of the Ming army who knelt down and surrendered that almost the entire river beach was crowded, and they even successfully blocked the continued advance of the new army of the Tang Dynasty!

This is not the surrender of dozens or hundreds of people, but the surrender of thousands of people!

This also led to an embarrassing situation for the new army of the Tang Dynasty. There were too many soldiers of the Ming army who surrendered. Since they surrendered, it was naturally impossible for the soldiers of the new army of the Tang Dynasty to knock them down. Move on with their corpses.

They either went around, or simply shouted to let the surrendered Ming soldiers get out of the way, but in doing so, it wasted a lot of time, and at the same time disrupted the original neat and dense formation of the new army of the Tang Dynasty.

In this way, these kneeling and surrendering Ming soldiers became the strongest defense line of the Ming army, thus covering more Ming soldiers to climb on the raft to escape.

This has to be said to be a great irony!

When there were no Ming soldiers standing on the beach, the battle finally came to an end.

From the official landing of the Ming army to the end, the duration was only a short quarter of an hour. In fact, the outcome of this battle was already decided in the first five minutes, and the next ten minutes were all the new army of the Tang Dynasty. Time to counterattack and force most of the Ming army to surrender.

At this time, Li Xuan on the hillside finally showed a faint smile. He did not keep his calm appearance as usual, but Li Xuan's smile was still very light. This was not a ecstatic laugh, but a kind of Confident smile.

Most of the time, in the face of the enemy, in order to give the soldiers confidence and boost their morale, Li Xuan has always been confident and has the chance to win, as if the enemy will die as much as he comes.

When encountering difficulties, he will not show a nervous look, and he will not show any ecstatic expressions when he wins, because he has to tell the soldiers that all this is within his expectations, the difficulties are temporary, and the victory is certain.

As an emperor, as a commander-in-chief of the entire army, you can't make a fuss when you encounter a random incident. Whether it's a defeat or a victory, you must make the Mount Tai collapse in front of your eyes and not change color.

Because Li Xuan with these two identities is no longer an ordinary person, and he can't even be said to be a human being.

He is a sign, the sign of the Tang Dynasty.

He is a belief, the belief of thousands of military and civilians in the Tang Dynasty.

With such an identity, he is destined to be unable to put his emotions on his face like ordinary people.

But today's big victory, Li Xuan must be false to say that he is not happy. This time they defeated the Ming army. What they won is not only a victory in a battle, but more importantly, they have gained enough time.

At least a month, or even more than three months, and with this time, he can build more muskets and artillery, train more soldiers, build a real army, a Support the army that can lay the foundation of the Tang Dynasty.

Compared with the time obtained, the number of Ming troops killed, wounded and captured today is not so important.

Zeng Ziwen said to Li Xuan excitedly: "Your Majesty, this battle is a great victory for our army. There are at least 1,300 puppet soldiers who surrendered before the battle!"

"There are countless other seized swords, armors, bows and arrows!" Zeng Ziwen did not hide the excitement on his face at all. He didn't need to hide his emotions like Li Xuan, he could show his joy to the fullest.

"There will be no more than 500 puppet thieves who escaped to the river on the raft. The others were either killed by us or disappeared in the river!"

Missing, this is actually synonymous with drowning. The Ming army here includes some of the people killed by the new army of the Tang Dynasty when the Ming army crossed the river. In addition, after the final counterattack, some of the Ming army who were panicking chose to jump. Going down the river and trying to swim across the river, but the water is good enough to be able to go over a few hundred meters of the river, and most of them are actually washed away by the river.

How their fate can basically be determined, that is, drowning.

The Lanjiang River is not a docile river. Even if the river surface at the ferry is calm after all, it is relatively speaking, and this gentle river surface is not too long. If it is washed downstream by the river, it will be even more difficult to survive. .

How many Ming troops jumped into the river and how many people swam to the other side, this is already unknown to the new army of the Tang Dynasty, and even the number of the Ming army who escaped by raft, in fact, the new army of the Tang Dynasty cannot judge.

Because the time of the previous counterattack was chaotic and tense, there was still the mood to pay attention to the Ming troops who escaped. They were concerned about the Ming troops who could not escape, trying to make them surrender or kill them.

The detailed results of the battle will not be counted until the afternoon. The prisoners they captured this time exceeded their previous expectations.

The number of Ming army prisoners they captured reached 1,600 people. These people were only those who surrendered in front of the battle, not including those more than 300 Ming soldiers who were unable to escape because of their injuries and were captured in the end.

However, although these wounded Ming soldiers were taken prisoners, many of them were seriously wounded. They were either hit by lead bullets or shot or grenades. Most of their casualties were very serious. There will never be more than one-third of the people who will survive, and it is unlikely that half of those three hundred will survive tonight.

And the new army of the Tang Dynasty could not save them. The Tang Dynasty had a weapon for killing people, but they had no way of saving people, let alone the soldiers of the Ming army. Even the new army of the Tang Dynasty was seriously wounded. I could only watch them die in pain, and there was nothing I could do.

These seriously wounded people who are destined to be rescued lie in place. In the future, they will die in pain and mourning. Some of them will struggle for an hour or two, and some may struggle for three or five hours, but most of them will not survive today. It is too late, and it has to suffer incomparable pain before dying.

As for the lightly wounded, they will get better treatment. Don't expect medicine. The Datang New Army doesn't have much medicine, and their soldiers are not enough. However, these Ming Army's lightly wounded soldiers are allowed to treat themselves. Simple clean up After the wound is bandaged, if there is no infection, the wound can gradually recover. As for the wound infection, then I am embarrassed. The wound on the limbs basically has to be amputated. As for the wound on the torso, there is nothing to do except wait for death.

Whether it is an intact Ming army soldier, or a Ming army soldier who was slightly wounded or seriously injured, these people add up to almost 2,000 people. As for the prisoners who can survive in the end, it is estimated that there will be 1,000 people. About eight hundred people.

In other words, the Datang New Army will receive 1,800 prisoners far exceeding its own in the future!

In addition to these two thousand people, the new army of the Tang Dynasty cleared about two hundred bodies of Ming soldiers who died on the spot on the beach. The dead bodies of Ming soldiers were buried.

As for the remaining 800 people of the three thousand Ming army who came, there should be five or six hundred people who fled back on the raft, and the whereabouts of the remaining three hundred people are unknown, either drowned or crossed. Jiang Chengzhong died and was thrown into the water. It is also possible that he swam directly to the other side alive.

The specific situation is not something that Datang Xinjun can understand.

The Ming army who escaped the other side did not leave, but continued to stay on the other side of the river, and under the urging of the officers, they began to build a defensive camp. Obviously, the Ming army who escaped was afraid of the new Tang army crossing the river to counterattack. Quanfu is 100% unstoppable.

I lost a and lost more than 2,000 people. This is at best a tactical failure, but if the pseudo-Tang thief army crossed the Lanjiang River and finally captured Xingquanfu City, then the representative The only thing is that the situation is completely corrupted. Whether it is these leading generals or Song Zhiwen, all of them have to be beheaded by the court.

However, the Ming army's worries were obviously superfluous. Li Xuan didn't plan to cross the river and continue to attack Xingquan Mansion, let alone Xingquan Mansion. He even kept it in Zhengtai County.

It's just a city, what's the use of him other than causing a shock to the Ming court? Hair is useless!

The biggest purpose of this Lanjiang battle is to stop the Ming army in Lanjiang from Fucheng City and gain more time to control the vast countryside and nearly 100,000 people in Zhengtai County.

With enough time, Li Xuan can expand and train troops with the population base of Zhengtai County, and finally form a larger army.

At that time, it is time to consider continuing to expand externally. As for now, it is still too early.

That night, Li Xuan held a post-war military meeting as usual. The main content of the discussion was naturally the gains and losses of today's battle, but tonight's discussion was a little different from usual.

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