Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 278: Post-war military expansion

In the past post-war discussions, most of them were meetings to find faults, and the discussion was more about the shortcomings of the new Tang army in the process of combat, but today, the focus of many generals' discussions was on grenades, and they all talked about it. How sharp and how important the grenade is, the Tang Dynasty cannot live without grenades, not only can it be without, but must be equipped with more, preferably countless grenades.

Huang Xueren, Wang Danxu, Fang Dongquan, including Hao Bainian and other front-line generals all put forward that the grenade is a big killer, and its importance is even more important than artillery and even muskets. It must be manufactured and equipped in large quantities.

At the same time, it is also proposed to establish a formal grenadier unit!

Huang Xueren even said: "If our army has more than 300 grenades today, if they are thrown together, the Ming army on the opposite side will be killed and injured at least a thousand. Master Tang Wang is also confident that he will successfully retreat from the enemy!"

Wang Danxu also nodded and said: "Grenades are extraordinary and powerful. When used in defensive operations with muskets, the effect is definitely better than any weapon. This minister also believes that a large number of grenades should be equipped!"

Butcher Chen said: "Yeah, as long as we have enough grenades in our hands, even if there are more people from the Ming army, as long as we throw the grenades out, we can't blow up their parents who don't know them!"

Hearing how much they valued or even admired their opponent's grenades, Li Xuan was a little speechless. The grenade was indeed a defensive force, but it wasn't to the extent they said.

In today's battle, the grenade was able to achieve extraordinary success. This is because the grenade appeared on the battlefield for the first time, and the Ming army had no defense against it.

More importantly, today's battlefield is extremely special. It is not a simple defensive operation, nor a simple river crossing interception operation.

Thousands of people on both sides were crowded into a narrow area that was no more than 100 meters wide and no more than 30 meters wide. The density of soldiers on both sides was very high, and the density was not enough, and there was no tactical movement.

And this situation is impossible in normal field battles and even defensive operations.

In a field battle, who would stupidly queue up to get your grenade, but they will maneuver.

A battle with thousands of people or more is definitely not a neat formation of the two sides gradually approaching, and then start to fight head-on. In fact, before the two sides develop a short battle, they will conduct a lot of even frequent maneuvers, through the maneuvers on the battlefield to find the weak point of the enemy's army, and then attack.

Therefore, Li Xuan does not hold much hope for whether the grenade can still have the same miraculous effect as it does today.

Of course, even if grenades will not be as effective as they are today, it is undeniable that large-scale equipment of grenades can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the Datang New Army, especially the ability of defensive operations.

Many front-line generals kept saying that they would equip more grenadier units, and even Wang Danxu called out the plan to add another grenadier unit to each infantry battalion, and Huang Xueren felt that this was not enough, and suggested special Form a grenadier battalion.

But when the discussion was extremely enthusiastic, Bai Yunqi, who was in charge of logistics, poured cold water on them!

"Grenades are indeed powerful, and subsequent manufacturing and equipment should be appropriate, but it is too difficult for our army to equip too many grenades. The previous 100 grenades have exhausted the gunpowder in our inventory. The amount of gunpowder is already very small, it is barely enough for the musket troops to fight a high-intensity battle, not to mention grenades, even the gunpowder on the artillery side is not much left!"

As he said that, he said sternly: "Our army is currently in short supply of gunpowder, and there is a lot of gunpowder required to make grenades. It is difficult for our army to equip a large amount of equipment in a short period of time!"

When Wang Danxu heard this, his face changed slightly: "You mean, our army has run out of gunpowder? As far as I know, the last time the convoy came, it still carried two barrels of gunpowder!"

Bai Yunqi did not refute, but said: "In today's battle, our army has used up 80% of the gunpowder accumulated in the past!"

After all, he just didn't speak!

His words caused the expressions of many generals to change. Wang Danxu and Huang Xueren were silent, but their faces showed sadness.

It didn't take long for Butcher Chen to say: "Didn't you say some time ago that someone was selling gunpowder? If there's not enough gunpowder, let's buy more sulfur and saltpeter!"

Bai Yunqi said: "Even if we increase outsourcing, our army's gunpowder is still not enough. Now our army is mainly firearms, and muskets, artillery, and grenades all rely heavily on gunpowder. No matter how much gunpowder is, it's not enough. !"

Li Xuan listened to their words and sighed in his heart. After all, the Tang Dynasty was too weak, and the gunpowder used in this war was not enough.

If it were replaced by the Ming Dynasty, I am afraid that tens of thousands of shotguns and hundreds of artillery pieces could be made in a year. As for gunpowder, it is natural to be able to supply it.

But this is an impossible task for the Tang Dynasty!

However, the problem of gunpowder shortage is not a day or two, and there are many things that the new army of the Tang Dynasty lacks, not only gunpowder.

Whether it is soldiers or weapons or food, they are all lacking!

Soldiers, excluding the logistics auxiliary force of the baggage battalion, their three infantry battalions, one mixed battalion and each directly affiliated team together, the total strength is about 1,300 people, not even as many as the prisoners they captured. There were 1,800 prisoners captured.

As for these prisoners, according to past experience, most of these prisoners will surrender. After surrendering, some of these Ming army prisoners will be selected into the sword and shield team and the archer team, and the rest will be incorporated into the baggage camp.

But there are more than 1,000 prisoners now, and it is impossible to stuff them into the baggage camp all at once. For this, another arrangement must be made.

The grenade issue could not be resolved for a while, so the generals later brought the topic to the prisoners again.

As the boss of the combat division, Zeng Ziwen has had the self-consciousness of the big butler of the new army in the Tang Dynasty in the past few days, and soon proposed his own solution: "Many of these prisoners are young men who were temporarily recruited by the puppet Ming, and there is no There is a lot of foundation, and the quality in all aspects is also extremely poor, which does not meet the conditions of our army. This part of the people can be sent back to Xikou Village and let them work in various workshops, which can also make more weapons for our army! "

Li Xuan nodded slightly after listening to this, this plan is good, those young men who were recruited temporarily could not fight, even in the Ming army, they were typical cannon fodder. These people obviously did not meet the requirements of the new army of the Tang Dynasty for soldiers, but they let it go. No, the New Army of the Tang Dynasty has never had the habit of releasing captives and made the best use of everything. This is a fine tradition of the New Army of the Tang Dynasty for the prisoners.

Therefore, it is the best and easiest way to let them be coolies. You must know that the workshops in Xikou Village urgently need a lot of labor. Otherwise, it is impossible to create enough new Tang army to expand in just a few months. weapons needed.

"The rest of the prisoners are here, and those who meet the conditions can be directly recruited into the Sword and Shield Troops and Archers!" Zeng Ziwen continued: "It is hard to find the Sword and Shield and the archers. Since they are encountered, they cannot be let go!"

This is a fact. The new army of the Tang Dynasty can spend three months training musketeers and spearmen, and even artillerymen can be trained in a few months, but the two arms of sword shield soldiers and archers cannot be trained in a short time. Trained in just a few months.

Therefore, recruiting archers and sword and shield players from prisoners is also an important means to maintain and even expand the scale of these two arms.

Zeng Ziwen said again at this time: "For the remaining ordinary prisoners, it is still too much to directly add to the baggage camp. How to arrange these people, please ask Your Majesty to judge!"

Even if the coolies, sword and shield soldiers and archers were left aside, there would still be at least four or five hundred ordinary Ming army prisoners left. If so many people were stuffed into the baggage battalion, then the baggage battalion would not be a baggage battalion, but a baggage battalion. The baggage is packed.

Now there are four teams in the baggage battalion, with a total size of more than 400 people, and this does not include the temporarily recruited civilians.

If these 400 people are put in, then the size of the baggage battalion will be expanded to 800 people, which obviously exceeds the demand of the current Datang New Army for the baggage units.

In addition, we have to take into account that most of the remaining 400-odd Ming army are still recruits in the Ming army, not the guards. They have passed the basic military literacy and physical fitness. They are regarded as the guards of the Ming army. It is not appropriate for the soldiers to deal with it.

These 400 people are soldiers who can fight at any rate, so they can't be wasted as coolies transporting baggage.

Li Xuan pondered a little and then said: "These four hundred people are organized into the first garrison infantry battalion. The organization follows the regular infantry battalion and is equipped with various captured weapons to assist in combat!"

Li Xuan also has an expected response plan. He has long thought about what to do if a large number of Ming troops are captured. It is impossible to release them directly, and it is not appropriate to directly incorporate them into the main force, because the regular army of the new army of the Tang Dynasty In terms of training and tactics, they are very different from the Ming army.

And the most crucial point is that, as long as the soldiers of the regular infantry battalion in the Datang New Army, as long as the farmers in the area controlled by the Datang Dynasty, Li Xuan did not even put in the old bandits, let alone these prisoners.

Therefore, it is the best solution to separate some of the Ming army recruits and prisoners who have passed the test.

"The officers at all levels in this battalion are recruited from each battalion. As for this battalion officer!" Li Xuan said here and looked at everyone, and then said to Cai Erhu, "Cai Aiqing, do you want this battalion officer?"

Cai Erhu immediately knelt down and said, "I would like to thank your Majesty for your kindness!"

Originally, Li Xuan planned to make Chen Tufu the battalion officer of this garrison battalion, but Chen Tufu had made it very clear before that he wanted to change his career to be an artilleryman, and he didn't even want to be a team officer of the Sword and Shield Soldier, and he even didn't want to be the battalion officer. Said that he was willing to be Hao Bainian's deputy in the past.

The battalion officer of the second-line troops formed by prisoners in the garrison battalion seems to be a battalion officer, but his actual status is far inferior to that of a battalion officer in a regular infantry battalion. Naturally, he will not go Xuanhard To arrange for him to go, although he can't decide, but there will definitely be a thorn in his heart.

So Li Xuan also dismissed the idea.

After dealing with the issue of prisoners and temporarily shelving the proposal to establish a grenadier unit, Li Xuan and the others discussed other issues of gain and loss in this battle.

But they were all small issues, and Li Xuan didn't have too many sockets, but let them discuss.

This post-war meeting didn't end until the middle of the night.

Early the next morning, Li Xuan dispatched a personal guard to quickly return to Xikou Village, and the personal guard also took Li Xuan's orders.

This order is to ask Qian Mengjiu, the Minister of Military Affairs, who stayed behind in Xikou Village, to increase the speed of recruiting troops and expand the scope to the entire Zhengtai County.

At the same time, Liu Bagou was also ordered to speed up the manufacture of various weapons, especially muskets and artillery!

These two orders both reveal the same message: Li Xuan is going to expand his army again!

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