Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 279: Butcher Chen's love at first sight

Repelling the Ming army in Fucheng, the benefit to the Tang Dynasty was not how many Ming soldiers were killed, or even how many Ming soldiers were captured, or how many swords and weapons were captured. The most important thing was to win the Tang Dynasty. time.

For the Tang Dynasty, for Li Xuan, the most pressing thing for them is time, especially in the face of the huge threat of the Ming army, nothing is more precious than time.

In this case, the first thing that Li Xuan of the Ming army was repelled was the first thing, and at the same time, the most important thing was naturally to integrate the forces of the entire Zhengtai County to expand the army.

There are 100,000 people in Zhengtai County, and young adults of the right age can at least draw about 10,000 people, which means that if Li Xuan is reckless, he can forcefully recruit 10,000 people to join the army.

But this kind of thing can only be talked about. If you really want to do this, the Tang Dynasty will be finished without the Ming army attacking itself.

Because it is impossible for these young adults to be willing to join the army, even if they are willing to the Tang Dynasty, they cannot do so. Otherwise, who will plant so many fields?

If there are no young adults and only some old and weak women and children farm, it is foreseeable that the output of grain will drop sharply.

In the case of ensuring normal agricultural production, it is also necessary to ensure that the recruited soldiers are qualified soldiers. In this way, in fact, the Datang New Army can recruit at most a few thousand soldiers in Zhengtai County, and this is still It doesn't take into account that the Tang Dynasty can't afford to support such a full-time professional army.

In order to support the army of more than 1,000 people today, the Datang Dynasty relies on grain collection teams and grain harvesting teams, but to be honest, this situation cannot be sustained, because the grain harvesting and harvesting are only a part of the Tang Dynasty. To glorify words, to put it bluntly, is looting.

But if you did this before, you can still eat the enemy, but now the entire Zhengtai County has no military presence of the Ming army in other places except Longhua Town and Zhengtai County. Vast rural areas came under control one after another, and very quickly.

And this also means that we can't continue to do things like 'harvest grain', and raising the army requires the tax that needs to be levied.

However, the current taxation system of the Tang Dynasty is still in a very primitive stage, and even the proper taxation has not yet begun, and it only collects some protection fees by some abnormal means.

And the current tax system of the Tang Dynasty is absolutely unable to raise an army of thousands of people, not to mention the weapons used, just the military rations are not enough.

To bring the entire Zhengtai County under the rule and to expand the army, there is too much work to be done.

This can be seen from the dozen or so memorials that Liu Bagou sends people to send every day. There are too many things in the back that need to be resolved, and then it is Liu Bagou and the others that cannot decide on their own and need to be decided by Li Xuan.

According to normal circumstances, Li Xuan should return to Xikou Village to take charge of the overall situation, but it is impossible for Li Xuan to leave the army and run back to Xikou Village when the army is outside.

The new army of the Tang Dynasty is not only the cornerstone of the Tang Dynasty, but also the foundation of his Li Xuan. He can ignore everything, but the army cannot ignore it.

Now at Lanjiang Ferry, although the fighting has stopped for a while, who knows when the Ming army will organize troops to kill it again.

What's more, if he is not here to personally watch the army, what if Wan Fangdongquan and the other front-line generals are engaged in an independent rebellion?

Today, the officer system in his mind has not been fully established. Only Hao Bainian has been promoted. Fang Dongquan, Wang Danxu, Huang Xueren, Chen Tufu and Cai Erhu are all still in power. These bandit bosses.

In this case, the messengers had to work hard every day between Xikou Village and Lanjiang Ferry.

At Lanjiang Ferry, in the tent of the Central Military Camp at the back of the hillside, Li Xuan had just finished processing the memorials sent by the messenger this morning, and was about to take a nap when the guard outside walked in: "Your Majesty, General Chen, please see me! "

Hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help frowning. This Butcher Chen was running to his side every day for the past few days, and he didn't say anything else when he ran over. He just said one thing and asked to serve in the artillery team.

Li Xuan is a little annoying!

When Butcher Chen came in, he saw the frown on Li Xuan's face at first glance, but he didn't seem to see it, and after salute he said: "Your Majesty, that fellow Xie Ziwei is too outrageous, this minister just wants to Hit a cannon, he always stops the minister from hitting!"

When he said this, Butcher Chen made an extremely aggrieved expression, and Li Xuan was speechless for a while.

You are a dignified and strong man, making such an aggrieved expression, this obviously does not match your appearance and personality. Who doesn't know that your huge eyes can make Wang Wenhua's legs go soft and scare the urine.

Now, the expression of a child being robbed of candy is very uncomfortable to watch.

Li Xuan sighed, and then said: "Chen Aiqing, this artillery is a weapon of the military. It is normal for Xie Ziwei to be cautious, and you don't know how to shoot. If there is an accident, it will be difficult to handle!"

Butcher Chen said: "His Majesty has a clear lesson, I have been studying hard day and night recently, and I dare not say that I am proficient in artillery, but it is not a problem to hit a cannon!"

Looking at Butcher Chen's persistent expression, Li Xuan said, "Are you really determined to go to this artillery team?"

Butcher Chen's look of grievance disappeared instantly, and then he put on a serious look and said, "Go back to Your Majesty, I love artillery at first sight, even if I want to be an ordinary artillery soldier!"

It's still love at first sight, why don't you say that you fell in love with the artillery, without it you will die in love!

Li Xuan pressed his hand signaled Butcher Chen not to be too emotional. He Li Xuan was a normal person and couldn't stand it.

Immediately said: "Since Chen Aiqing insists on doing this, then you will go to the artillery team, but I can agree in advance that you can only be Xie Ziwei's deputy when you go, and Xie Ziwei is in charge of all the artillery combat training. I will give you three months. , if you can't learn it, then go back to your sword and shield team!"

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Butcher Chen immediately looked overjoyed, and immediately knelt down and said: "My minister, thank you my emperor Longen!"

"Let's go out!" Now Li Xuan is too lazy to see Butcher Chen dangling in front of his eyes. Since he is determined to play artillery, he will go. After a few months of learning, he will find out that artillery is not his superpower. The big illiterate can play around.

At that time, he will naturally come back obediently as his charge!

But Li Xuan's doing this is temporarily clean, but he throws all the troubles on Xie Ziwei. Butcher Chen's arrival gave Xie Ziwei a headache!

A super tough guy says he wants to have **** every day, who the **** will suffer!

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