Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 286: Whereabouts leaked

Although old man Sun came here to deal with the Tang Dynasty this time, there were some twists and turns. Not only did he encounter some 'small troubles' on the road as he said, and the goods were interrogated by the Ming army more than once, but these troubles were caused by him. Resolved one by one.

How to resolve it? Li Xuan guessed that it was nothing more than collusion between officials and businessmen, or that old man Sun directly used silver bullets to clear the way, and directly took out the silver and smashed the Ming soldiers who were patrolling and interrogating.

The Ming army's material blockade of the Tang Dynasty, although the high-level officials above them attaches great importance, whether it is Su Jiakang or the current Song Zhiwen, they have spent a lot of thought on the material blockade of the Tang Dynasty to prevent strategic materials from flowing into the Tang Dynasty. Dynasty, used by these bandits and rebels.

However, there were still small and medium-sized businessmen who cooperated with the Tang Dynasty, even if the Tang Dynasty was still huddled in the Yellow Bamboo Mountain, but the temptation of money was enough for these businessmen to use various means to clear the obstacles encountered on the road and succeed. Open up trading channels with the Tang Dynasty.

Although the more powerful old man Sun is facing the blockade order personally issued by Song Zhiwen, the lower-level Ming soldiers will also implement this order, but this is in the absence of conflict of interest.

If Old Man Sun directly used the silver bullet to open the way, the Ming soldiers at the bottom who were specifically responsible for the inspection would probably turn a blind eye and even **** Old Man Sun's caravan directly.

And the price paid by the old man Sun will definitely not be too big. Maybe a few taels of silver are enough to buy a Ming army soldier. Also dozens of taels of silver.

As for those hundreds or even thousands of households in high positions, it is naturally impossible for them to be easily bought by these prices, but these middle and senior generals will not personally take soldiers out for inspection.

As long as the Ming soldiers who were specifically responsible for the inspections only needed to turn a blind eye, for example, not to check the carriages that pulled goods, then Old Man Sun's caravan could easily pass the border.

Li Xuan didn't care about how Old Man Sun explained the many troubles he encountered along the way. He only cared whether Old Man Sun could bring the goods to Zhengtai County through the blockade of the Transparent Army.

As long as the goods can be transported to Zhengtai County, Li Xuan doesn't mind giving Old Man Sun a high price!

After all, people also have to take huge risks. If one fails, they will be raided and wiped out. If there is no high profit, why would Old Man Sun take such a huge risk.

After the two parties have agreed on the price, the specific handover of the follow-up goods naturally does not need Li Xuan to care!

Xie Waqi, who is in charge of the delivery of the goods this time, will personally go to the specific location to deliver the goods, and will also bring the payment of nearly 3,000 taels of silver.

In order to protect the huge sum of 3,000 taels of silver, and also to **** and transport the goods back to Xikou Village smoothly, Li Xuan personally decreed to dispatch a team of baggage soldiers from the baggage battalion to carry out the transportation task, and also dispatched the third A mixed battalion served as an **** mission.

At this time, the number of the first mixed battalion is only more than 200 people, but it is convenient to use small-scale mixed troops with independent combat capabilities.

When he needs to send small-scale troops to go out to perform tasks, he does not need to directly draw troops from the main battalions and teams to form temporary troops as in the past. Instead, he can send a team with a complete organization and training for a long time anytime, anywhere. With the same familiar mixed troops.

However, this first mixed battalion is only responsible for the follow-up **** tasks, and will not directly participate in the handover of goods, because old man Sun is afraid!

Old Man Sun suggested that he would transport the goods across the river first, and then the two sides would send 20 unarmed men to hand over them in batches. The **** had to wait ten miles behind.

The 20 people who perform the handover task are not allowed to carry swords. Well, including the fire gun that Old Man Sun emphasized, the 20 people on both sides must be bare-handed.

Considering that there is no way for the Tang Dynasty to remove all the goods with only 20 people, the handover of the goods will be divided into five batches. After each batch of goods is handed over, both parties will pay on the spot. Both goods are cleared, as the so-called is to pay first hand and deliver the other hand, and do not owe each other.

As soon as the handover is over, they flash people.

At the same time, in order to prevent accidents, both sides can send a number of surveillance personnel to each other's armed escorts. Once an accident occurs, these surveillance personnel will immediately use various means such as wolf smoke or carrier pigeon to notify the personnel who are handing over in front. Once this happens , it is inevitable that a fight broke out between the two sides.

Don't think that old man Sun looks like a harmless old man, and think that he is a serious businessman. Since he dares to do business with the Tang Dynasty, he naturally has his confidence.

According to several Tang Dynasty entourages who were with Old Man Sun along the way, although Old Man Sun was not well-known in Fucheng, but because he was doing business in private, he was shameless, selling private goods. Salt is Sun's main business, and most of the other businesses are also shameful. Basically, it can be said that he will do whatever it is that breaks the law and makes money.

Tax evasion and tax evasion to sell private iron, private salt is his basic business, and like Fengjiazhuang in the past, he has business dealings with a large number of bandit dens. Sell ​​the bandits the weapons, food, salt and other supplies they need.

The business he did with the Tang Dynasty is a typical example.

And there are hundreds of people under him, this time in order to transport these goods and ensure the safety of these goods.

Well, on the one hand, it is to prevent the attack of the Ming army patrols, and more importantly, it is to prevent the Tang Dynasty from playing black and black, and it is also to prevent any accidents on the road, such as being discovered by the Ming army patrols and the silver bullet offensive does not work. At the time, these people are the confidence and support.

They have organized a caravan of more than 100 people, and this caravan of only 100 people is all staffed by the Sun family, and they all carry swords and spears, and even the governments of the past dynasties have banned privately owned ones. Crossbow.

This kind of caravan that travels south and north to do smuggling and prohibited business, you say that he is a businessman, and everyone in the caravan carries swords and bows, and its combat effectiveness is not weak, and it is not much inferior to the ordinary Ming army guards.

But you have to say that they are not businessmen, they really do business to make money.

Armed businessman, this is probably the most suitable word to describe a person like Old Man Sun.

However, Old Man Sun's worry was obviously unnecessary, because Li Xuan never thought about playing black and eating black. At the same time, Li Xuan was not afraid of Old Sun playing black and eating black. The soldiers of the 1st Mixed Battalion were recruited from the 1st Infantry Battalion. The gunmen, as well as the main troops such as the sword and shield soldiers and the archers, were recruited, and their combat effectiveness was not weak.

In the event of an accident, he guaranteed that Old Man Sun would not be able to cross the Lanjiang alone.

Old man Sun himself was only seeking money. When the new army of the Tang Dynasty did not move, he naturally completed the transaction peacefully.

In this transaction, both sides are more cautious. Old Man Sun is afraid that Datang Xinjun will play black and black, while Datang Xinjun is afraid that Old Sun will take the money and run away, and then leave them a bunch of fake goods.

Therefore, the speed of handover was relatively slow. The five batches of transactions lasted for an entire afternoon. As the evening approached, the transactions between the two parties were finally completed.

After the old man Sun asked the last batch of payment for the goods to be escorted away, he turned around and said to Xie Waqi: "The next batch of goods will arrive within half a month, and the transaction method will be the same as now, and the next The preparation of the batch of goods is still too hasty. The large amount of iron you need will be prepared in large quantities after Mr. Sun returns. When the third batch of goods arrives in Zhengtai County, you will be able to see at least 10,000 catties of iron. Even more iron piled up situation scenes!"

Xie Waqian smiled and nodded: "Then this official is looking forward to good news from Sun Yuanwai!"

Now that the transaction has been completed, the two sides naturally go back to their homes!

But at this time, the new army of the Tang Dynasty was very careful and sent scouts to sneak behind the old Sun's caravan, trying to find out where they crossed the river.

But the old man Sun is really cunning. After the transaction was completed, most of their manpower was broken into pieces, from a large caravan of more than 100 people to dozens of teams with only a few people, but more than a dozen people. team.

Since Old Man Sun and the others were retreating at night, the night was dark and windy, and the scouts of the Datang New Army had no choice but to follow a group of people, including Old Man Sun. More than a dozen people rested in a small village.

But when the next day dawned, the scouts waited for hours without seeing Old Man Sun and the others reappearing. When they finally ventured into the village to inquire, the villagers told the scouts of the Datang New Army that there were indeed people in the middle of the night. When they entered the village, those people gave them money and said they wanted to stay overnight.

However, those people didn't stay long after they gave the money, and left after half an hour!

At this time, the Datang New Army discovered that their target had already run away in the second half of the night, and they were still waiting for them outside the village stupidly.

Not to mention these careful thoughts of the new army of the Tang Dynasty, and said that after the Tang Dynasty got these materials from Old Man Sun, they did not stop for a day, and that night they rushed to Xikou Village overnight.

These materials are extremely important to the Tang Dynasty, and they can't tolerate the slightest mistake. If Su Jiakang in the county town knows the news, it may be possible to send troops to attack.

Although the first mixed battalion is there, the safety of these materials is guaranteed. No matter how bad it is, the first mixed battalion can defend and persist to the main source of the new army of the Tang Dynasty.

But it is better to have less than one more thing. If possible, it is better to try not to attract the attention of the Ming army.

For this reason, they not only traveled overnight, but also walked in remote and unpopulated places!

But even so, the news that the Tang Dynasty received a large amount of materials still reached Su Jiakang's ears!

After learning this news, Su Jiakang pondered deeply!

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