Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 287: inconsequential fiasco

Su Jiakang fell into contemplation after learning that the pseudo-Tang thieves did not know where to get a large number of military strategic materials, and that there were also a lot of iron and copper that could be used to make swords, muskets, and cannons.

Political consciousness told him that he must not allow the pseudo-Tang bandit army to obtain these materials and turn these materials into various weapons.

Now, without obtaining a large number of strategic weapons, the pseudo-Tang thieves have used various means to create many muskets, and he also knows that during the battle at Lanjiang Ferry, these pseudo-Tang thieves also used heavy artillery and blooming bullets.

Continue to let the pseudo-Tang bandit army continue to develop like this. In the future, I am afraid that what the government will need to face is really the thousand muskets, ten respect guns, and thousand bullets that the Ming army in Fucheng deliberately boasted about.

That's right, after the fiasco of the Lanjiang Ferry in the First World War, the defeated Fucheng Ming army greatly exaggerated the strength of the pseudo-Tang bandit army.

According to the news from the Ming army in Fucheng after the defeat, it was said that the pseudo-Tang thieves already possessed a thousand guns, more than ten heavy artillery pieces, and also possessed a very terrifying blooming bullet that could fire a thousand bullets at once!

Hearing this news, Su Jiakang couldn't help but want to sneer.

He has been dealing with the pseudo-Tang bandit army for more than a year. He still doesn't know the details of the pseudo-Tang bandit army. At best, there are only 200 cannons. There are indeed artillery pieces on the side, but there is only one of them.

However, he couldn't judge the authenticity of the blooming bullet for a while, because he had never seen these blooming bullets of the pseudo-Tang Thief Army, and he didn't even know what the blooming bullet was, so naturally he couldn't determine the authenticity.

But don't talk about him, even the Ming army in Fucheng, who witnessed the battle one day, didn't understand what the blooming bullets of the new army of the Tang Dynasty were.

But they all remembered the power of this kind of blooming bullets. Hundreds of bullets were fired in an instant, and almost instantly the three thousand Ming army who successfully landed and launched a charge against the pseudo-Tang thieves completely collapsed. For this reason Those soldiers of the Ming Army in Fucheng privately nicknamed the blooming bullets thrown by the soldiers of the pseudo-Tang bandit army: "Palm Thunder"

It is so called because the intensive explosion of the grenade, just like the legendary palm thunder, is also sent from the palm, and the explosion is as powerful as the thunder.

Regarding the failure of the Battle of Lanjiang Ferry, the general of the Ming army said this to Song Zhiwen above: "In the battle of Lanjiang, those who were not soldiers and soldiers were not brave, but the puppet army of Tang thieves had many tricks and sharp firearms, and our army's swords, bows and arrows And all kinds of hand guns and bowl-mouth guns are invincible. So that the whole army has the heart of repaying the king and making meritorious deeds, but there is no weapon to control the enemy."

No matter whether these Ming army generals will fight or not, their means of shirk their responsibilities are not weak, and their best way to reduce or even get rid of the negative impact of the failure of the Battle of Lanjiang on themselves is not to say how much they are Weak, but how strong the enemy is.

They directly doubled the strength of the pseudo-Tang bandit army and the technical weapons they possessed, that is, muskets, artillery, and even grenades. They said that the new Tang army with a mere artillery was in the mouth of the Ming army generals. It has more than ten thousand jin heavy artillery.

Of course, this is just a shirk on the surface. If they want the superiors to ignore or even forgive their defeat, they have to come up with a little bit of dry goods. On the surface, they are still very good, and they can still fight for another battle and make merit.

So they also said to Song Zhiwen: "If you want to counterfeit the benefits of Tang thieves' guns, there is no other way, only my officers and soldiers have more and better guns, regardless of whether it is a hand gun for a single soldier or a gun. It is said that the Wankou guns and so on are needed to support the operation, and it is also directly stated that if there are Folang cannons used by the frontier army and the coastal army, it will definitely be able to suppress the benefits of the fire guns of the pseudo-Tang bandit army, and cause heavy damage through artillery bombardment. Pseudo-Tang Bandit Army!"

It has to be said that although this is only their self-protection strategy, it has to be said that the generals of the Ming army who made this statement are still a little knowledgeable.

Can't beat what to do? Then equip more and better firearms than the Pseudo-Tang Bandit Army.

They are the Ming Dynasty, and the mere muskets and artillery are a piece of shit. The muskets are half-knowledgeable, but the Ming army has a lot of artillery, not to mention the small cannons of the Wankou Cannon, but the Ming army also has them. The "heavy artillery" is the Folang cannon that the Ming army has copied and equipped on a large scale in the past two or three decades.

The Folang machine guns imitated by the Ming army ranged from large to small, ranging from 100 jin to less than 100 jin, but there were also large cannons of the size of 300 jin, and even heavy artillery of 500 jin or even 1000 jin.

However, most of those 500-pound or even 1000-pound heavy artillery are placed on the top of the city, performing defensive tasks, and most of them are in several important cities in the north and several important cities along the coast.

As for the three hundred catties of artillery, most of them are also in the navy.

As for the ordinary army, even the northern frontier army, most of the Folang machines equipped in their army are small cannons, mainly small cannons of one hundred and fifty kilograms or less.

After the defeat, the generals of the Ming army exaggerated the strength of the pseudo-Tang thief army for various reasons, and proposed some restraint methods, which also made Song Zhiwen not hold the responsibility for their defeat for a while.

At the same time, Song Zhiwen would not foolishly report the defeat of the Lanjiang River to the, but adopted the Spring and Autumn Brushwork, saying that recently, hundreds of soldiers from the guards of Xingquan Prefecture and a number of young men and women went to Zhengtai suppressed the bandits, but the bandit army was cunning and attacked the official army when they crossed the river. The officers and soldiers responded calmly and killed as many as a hundred bandit troops. However, during the war, the pseudo-Tang bandit army scare the youth of the army with flower bombs. The young men were so panicked that they disrupted the formation of the officers and soldiers. In order to protect the safety of the young men, and the formation was chaotic, the officers and soldiers took the initiative to cover the young men to retreat, but during the retreat, in order to cover more Many unarmed civilians were evacuated, so that the official army suffered a slight loss.

He didn't say how many people were sent, and he didn't mention the loss of more than 2,000 people in this battle!

Because Song Zhiwen used the Spring and Autumn Brushwork to erase all the 1,500 recruits he had recruited and trained. After all, there were only a few hundred guards in the regular and well-organized army participating in the Lanjiang Ferry.

Those recruits? Sorry, their actual identity is still young and strong!

And since they are young and strong civilians, they naturally cannot be counted among the officers and soldiers. It is also acceptable for the civilians to suffer a slight loss because they are unarmed and attacked by the bandit army.

In the end, a fiasco with 3,000 people, Song Zhiwen just presented it as a small defeat that seemed to be insignificant!

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